You were warned, yet you still drove us away.
Dear Democrats
You told us this was "her time" and if we disagreed we could get lost.
You called us misogynists and racists and showed us the door.
You drove us away, wilfully; with joy even, locked away in your little bubble of beltway bullshit.
We told you she was the weakest candidate that you could have put forward.
We warned you that she was intensely disliked.
We warned you that the elite were despised.
You laughed at us and mocked us for political ignorance, you were so sure of victory.
Your little predicto-meters run by fools reaffirmed your blinkered view of what was really going on.
She lost against a buffoon, yet; you still don't get it.
All you did was mock Trump and his supporters without proposing anything believable to seriously assist the majority of Americans. We warned you that this was a bad strategy.
You supported the corporate oligarchs fully.
No doubt from your little bubbles of "common wisdom" you will blame us for your candidates and Party's complete and utter failure.
Will you listen to us, I doubt it because:
You still don't get it.
If you think I am gloating, hell no, but I will keep fighting the right as long as I can breath, you tried to feed me a shit sandwich full of Republican light. Mad at you? Hell yes, as mad as hell. America is once again headed by a showman. Well done Democrats, you gave it away.

Just saw TeacherKen
posted a long, a heartfelt Sua Culpa bemoaning the victory of racism...
They truly still don't get it.
So buried in the sand are their heads that I cannot even
be bothered to cross post this, Markos' little screed may well bury his site, good riddance.
I saw that, too
I haven't made a comment since June 21, and I didn't want to start now.
But if I had posted something, it would have been this:
I would have posted this
Yeah, crow.
When you open bird up be sure to pull out the plastic crowding its guts.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I read a lot of comments over on DK that blamed everyone
But Hillary and the DNC.
Some people actually wondered if they were going to have to learn to speak Russian!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hillary showed who she truly is tonight...
and they still don't get it. When she decided not to make any kind of statement to the thousands of people at her event tonight at the Javis site, It said everything about Hillary that the rest of us already know.
Not only did she not make a statement, she sent out a spokesman to basically tell all those supporters, "We're done with you, now go home!" No speech from her where she thanked her supporters for all their hard work and dedication and all the effort they put into the campaign. No thanks, for all the millions of phone calls made and doors knocked on solely for her benefit. Instead what they received was a giant middle finger in their face and told to go home. Those people meant nothing to her other than a stepping stone on her journey of political aspirations. And yet they still don't seem to get it. You could see the look on their faces as they filed out of the event. Perhaps they were in a state of shock by being dismissed so rudely. Perhaps they were still shell shocked by her loss.
Perhaps, tomorrow they might wake up and realize they've been used. Used by a cold hearted, egotistical person who only cares about herself and her own aspirations. I sure as hell hope they finally come to their senses and begin to understand just a what a ruthless, self-serving person this woman is. Perhaps, they'll not make the same mistake in the future. But I wouldn't count on it. But thanks Hillary, for finally showing the country and the rest of the world just what kind of scumbag you actually are. Frankly, she thinks shes so damned important that I don't expect to ever see her make a true concession speech. If we get two sentences, I'll be surprised.
Good riddence Hillary, go spend what time you have left in this world with your grandchildren.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I was thinking the same thing
It shows such a disregard for her supporters who were waiting to hear from her. I don't know if it was because she wasn't able to, or she just didn't care. Either way, bad optics. Bad manners.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
It was exactly for the optics that Podesta told them to go home.
Had they remained in the hall until she conceded, television camera would have been there, showing their disappointment, etc. Instead, she sent them home, conceded by phone and put off her concession speech until today. Very literally, "nothing to see here." No TV cameras, no photos, nothing to go down in history and be shown again and again every time her story is told.
But it was her time, now is her time to royally sulk.
And order a few hits, presumably.
There's still enough cash in the account to have a few more people bumped off...
Royalty in her own mind
That's the problem with living in a gilded bubble, they're prone pop at inconvenient moment's. Maybe her political demise will kill off identity politics: the GOP seems to be much better at that game.
Classy 'til the end!
May we have a link to this statement telling everyone to go home?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I watched it live on CBS
Here's a link to video by Fox. From my quick search it looks like they're the only ones to post video.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
That speech reminded me of North Korea
with a good part of it praising our glorious leader.
Do you suppose being a Hillbot was a religion?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Reminds me of the night Bill told her the truth about Monica
I forget if & where it was reported in the media but the gossip around DC was in the residence Hillary threw everything that could be thrown at Bill. That everything that could be broken was.
Gossip. Right. And so I always dismissed it as unfounded titillation.
But to treat her supporters like that. One would maybe guess she was not in a state to be seen in public. And if so, what kind of state was it? I'm going to put money on rage rather than sulk. If only for the gossip
dKos user data base shrinks and goes dark?
I would love to have access to Kos's user database and see how users literally fall off the map and go dark. Half of all dKos's users were probably sock puppets or paid bloggers. But enough of that, spilled milk under the bridge now. Let's see if Trump can use this to improve the world geopolitical picture. Especially interested in joint Russian / USA cooperation against the bad guys in Mid East - US will need to throw ISIL under the bus just like the "Cuban freedom fighters" of the 60's...
Peace (now maybe)
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
The sock puppets might try to come here
In preparation for the yet to be named, corporatist candidate for 2020.
Beware the bullshit factories.
JtC and Co. wil kick their asses to the Moon and beyond.
JtC and Co. wil kick their asses to the Moon and beyond. And if he misses one or two, the rest of us will make the life of any such an abject hell around here,
subir is no sockpuppet; yet he can testify to the facts I just elaborated.
While I'm at it: a major, colonel, general serious tip of the hat and thank you to JtC for keeping this place on the air through last night's fiasco of an "election". The country's full of people who would now be utter zombies without c99p to flee to from the maelstrom of madness out there.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Any people who wander in here who are not true believers will be run out on rails. All hail the next iteration of GOS.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
WTF, over?
You obviously had no understanding of what I said, and your response above is its exact polar opposite.
A sock-puppet, which is what we were talking about, is a pseudo-user, an account created so that a single meatspace human appears to be more than one of them.
No blog can function well for very long infested with sock-puppets. They take up home server resources away from real flesh-and-blood users, which results in slow responses and eventual inability to use the blog site at all. In large enough numbers, sock-puppets constitute a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on the site.
And it is such as this that I said that JtC and Co. would smack beyond the Moon, as such well deserve, anywhere -- not just or specifically here.
As for actual honest carbon units whose opinions don't mesh well here, the worst JtC has ever either done or countenanced is to warn such a person that this is what (s)he is facing. Again, just exactly as it should be.
We here at c99p don't have the system resources to tolerate the sock-puppet level that we know GOS does routinely, its alleged "rules" to the contrary notwithstanding. Even if we did, if we were to do so, we would end up exactly as they are now.
My apologies if I was unclear with that last comment.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Wasn't that comment snark? I
Wasn't that comment snark? I assumed it was...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
If misunderstood snark, my apologies.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
A Brave New World?
The importance of the internet is going to be it's downfall without huge changes. Hacking has been a problem for many years but with the involvement of state actors the potential for harm has gone up a hundred fold. Similarly, the dream of having an independent mass communications medium is also in peril from those same state entities and other large interests; when they can suborn known internet organisations and flood the Tubes with paid and computer-assisted shills, the internet will become Orwell's Mini-Truth ("our" military is already neck deep in this story of thing). --
A Brave New World?
The importance of the internet is going to be it's downfall without huge changes. Hacking has been a problem for many years but with the involvement of state actors the potential for harm has gone up a hundred fold. Similarly, the dream of having an independent mass communications medium is also in peril from those same state entities and other large interests; when they can suborn known internet organisations and flood the Tubes with paid and computer-assisted shills, the internet will become Orwell's Mini-Truth ("our" military is already neck deep in this story of thing). --
A Brave New World?
The importance of the internet is going to be it's downfall without huge changes. Hacking has been a problem for many years but with the involvement of state actors the potential for harm has gone up a hundred fold. Similarly, the dream of having an independent mass communications medium is also in peril from those same state entities and other large interests; when they can suborn known internet organisations and flood the Tubes with paid and computer-assisted shills, the internet will become Orwell's Mini-Truth ("our" military is already neck deep in this story of thing). --
F*ck TeacherKen
and fuck all the rest of the Whig Party.
Are you all listening? This is as much for me as it is for anyone else, I'm not accusing or being angry with anyone here, it's a general sentiment. But I want to echo Amanda Matthews from another post--we must have another party on the Left. The United States must have a functioning, viable Green Party. It is an embarrassment that we don't have that yet, anyway, climate change or no climate change. We should be leading the world on this, too. So we can't all sit around and point fingers and go "ah, well, they have no message, they have no this, they have no that, they have Nothing, blah, blah, blah". Yeah. You're right. They don't. The Green Party doesn't have that stuff because too many people are too goddamn blinkered by propaganda to vote for them.
So if you are going to help us get rid of the rot of the formerly great party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, then kindly shut the fuck up and get to work. MAKE IT SOMETHING. We don't have "later" or "by the midterms in '18" or "we'll get around to it". This starts NOW. TODAY.
Friend, beware of parties.
Germany has a Green Party. Its green is now a dull brownish-gray, a party for the rich, like nearly all of the other parties.
These parties are tools that fall into the control of those with money to buy them. They are soccer clubs or baseball teams, which oligarchs trade among themselves. Nothing more.
Destroy the oligarchs, and the parties mean nothing.
I will work with you.
Tell me what I can do for you.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
These parties are tools that fall into the control of those with
These parties are tools that fall into the control of those with money to buy them".
What do you think we have now?
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'm not sure the actual Green Party
is the Green Party you want, much as the "Communist Party" in the United States today is the CPUSA -- more or less a front for the Democratic Party.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I want Jill Stein's message
I'm not sure how you can push a message like that, in our system, without being part of a political party. I'm pretty sure it's possible with the help of the internet and maybe some good algorithms. Somehow people have to get around the herding of us into diametrically opposed camps that fight each other and can therefore be exploited for political gain. Everybody needs to get the same, true, accurate information and we need to all see how we all share a common humanity. We should be really concerned about net neutrality.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Then we'll make it what it should be. If not, we'll make another
Look, no offense, but I am over no, or maybe not, or but...but....we don't know. We don't know a thing if we don't actually try and DO something.
If you have some kind of proof that the current Green Party in this country is a demonstrable Front for the Democratic Party, I'd be happy to entertain some actual proof of that, so I can adjust my own expectations accordingly.
Uh --
I tried to actually fkn DO SOMETHING since 1992, when I joined the Green Party.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
How is the current "Green Party" captured by the Dems?
Have they "taken it over"? Have they poisoned it so that nothing ever comes of it?
How? We have to start somewhere. If you have some inside baseball (so to speak) on this, I'm all ears--eh, eyes....
That was my opinion in 2004.
The other option is to argue that the Green Party is merely a bunch of sectarians who keep the party small for purposes of ideological purity & so the effect one way or another is to not disturb the nice people in power. Either one is good for me.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
The only thing I can't figure out is do we start from
scratch and build a new party or do we try to make something out of the Green Party? I was so disappointed when I saw how poorly the Greens did last night. I know they haven't gotten the attention they need and deserve, but for some damn reason that I CANNOT understand when you mention Stein's name, people start rolling their eyes or smirking and the word 'crazy' often enters the very short conversation. Admittedly I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Stein, I only started paying real attention after it became clear that Sanders was going to ditch us. (I wonder how HE feels today??) But everything I've read or the little I've seen doesn't explain why she gets such a reaction. Or is it just because this country is still so damn backwards and stupid it doesn't see the absolute NEED that we have for a Green Party to push the most serious of the problems we're facing: climate change and fracking? Maybe that's the problem, people still don't understand how much trouble we're really in environmentally. Beats the shit outta me.
Anyway, what are people thinking? We can't go back (nor do I want to) to the 'Democratic' Party. They hate us and they made that plain for all to see. So what's next? And how do we organize?
Another little bit of petty satisfactionI get from this whole mess: Bill Clinton has to know he did his share to make sure she lost. Smug old bastid showing up at polling places, opening his big mouth and putting his foot in it, just being an arrogant all-around dick. And Chelsea's lies and her greed make her look like an entitled little princess. I truly think the country is just plain flat tire of the whole damn family to be honest.
Anyway, smarter people than myself are probably working on our new party. Hopefully. Because we need to hit the ground running!
EDIT: Added a 'the'
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
The Greens have the same problem every
not-republicrat party has in America, and is shared by every non-establishment party around the world, political parties allow the powerful to exclude the powerless from the process.
A Parliamentarian system is more diverse than ours, but in the end, any party needs a power to back them in order to be effective after the election. As long as political parties, or any organization subject to outside influence, are allowed to control the election process, the powerless will get the short end of every stick.
Propaganda concocted by
Propaganda concocted by experts and promoted by corporate media would be the cause of the reaction you describe to the Green Party. Also, I'll bet that a lot of Jill's votes were stolen and recycled for corporate party candidate use. You know, to serve the all-important self-interests and gain some of the typically ill-gotten wealth of Those Who Matter And Who Are Above All Rules And Law for... 'lesser-wealthed' others among Those Who Matter (just some billions of dollars less) And Who Are Above All Rules And Law.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It's "FUCK" teacherken, luna!
It's "FUCK" teacherken, luna!
And thank you for not abbreviating his userid as "tk", saith thanatokephaloides!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Well, yeah...
don't know what possessed me to be so polite there
Dunno about you, but I used
Dunno about you, but I used to have a lot of respect for TeacherKen... and a lot for Obama. The latter will never get any back, but perhaps some of the others can be de-programmed one day...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Checked in this morning
And the odious Denise Oliver Velez is still preaching her distinctive brand of arrogant, divisive, hateful identity politics with the same oblivious cluelessness she always does. And her ass-kissers are hosanna'ing right along. Will she ever realize that when you announce you don't need the votes of 70% of the country, and call them racists if they disagree with you in any particular, you're not helping?
Please help support caucus99percent!
Sexism and racism exits, we all know it, but
to use them as a dismissive weapon against all those that disagree [and many of Hillary's voters didn't like her much either] is self defeating.
Ding ding ding!
We have a winner! They put Denise at the top of the rec list. She's just expressing her opinion!
Yup, her opinion that anyone who doesn't support Clinton was racist and sexist. Like the rest of the useful fools over there at DKos.
It took the primary for my eyes to finally be opened to what an echo chamber DKos has become.
Love ya, mean it
To put it simply there was a power struggle there
for years. We watched it begin and saw it being sustained and she won. It won't matter to her if the site is diminished from the days she first started her take-over.
To thine own self be true.
well, this senior female voted yesterday for a ticket w
a woman and a Black guy. so i am buying what dov is selling
Don't believe everything you think.
Signed in to rec this:
"And the odious Denise Oliver Velez is still preaching her distinctive brand of arrogant, divisive, hateful identity politics with the same oblivious cluelessness she always does. And her ass-kissers are hosanna'ing right along. Will she ever realize that when you ,,,,call them racists if they disagree with you in any particular, you're not helping?"
And Markos calling for Bernie to head the DNC. Ha! Yeah use Bernie to organize so you can slip in your odious NeoLiberals? No evidence of insight over there with management.
Oliver can f*ck off, along with TeacherKen.
She is one sick twist
she was bitching about 'white-thinking latinos'. I was tempted to earn my ban by pointing out her racism, but why shout at a brick wall.
She and others created delusional identity electoral mathematics
Indeed. She and others starting pushing the point that Hillary could win by ignoring the voter base represented by Sanders. Hey, wait a minute, didn't Obama win through a coalition of various groups, and ignoring or more the case kicking out certain coalition groups was like ignorant and self-defeating.
The notion came current with this odious poster (and she was odious) and others, was that in particular white male voters were not needed because they were racist and only 30% supported Obama anyway. One person pointed out to me with some simple good numbers that at least in the 2008 election, 30% of all white male voters was in absolute numbers larger than all African Americans votes cast that election.
I read similar sentiments about not needing younger ignorant Bernie voters. Young female supporters?--Naw too horny. I guess I would say they seemed to be developing this fantasy that they could take Alabama because like 97% of all African Americans would vote democratic. You see, 97% is a big number--much bigger than 30%. And some figures are coming in now. Obama got 33% of the white male non-college vote last election. Hillary got 20%. Without looking it up, I would speculate that the white male non-college vote may be easily thee 2nd largest if not thee largest voting block in the country. A 13% drop is huge in absolute numbers regardless. And absolute numbers win elections, not percentages. Hell, Hillary should have sent Obama not to African American areas but to small town white areas.
As a Progressive I really felt like Clinton was including me in her deplorable rant.
Greenwald destroys this ignorant casual analysis
Greenwald what should be required reading on the subject of racism that went into the vote. One interesting quote/twit from the article:
Interesting fact coming out of the The Hill. Obama got more white non-college males than Hillary did in previous election. Went form 33% to 20%. But this drop given given the size of that voter base represents hundreds of thousand if not several million voters--the margin of victory for Trump.
Greenwald destroys this ignorant casual analysis
Greenwald what should be required reading on the subject of racism that went into the vote. One interesting quote/twit from the article:
Interesting fact coming out of the The Hill. Obama got more white non-college males than Hillary did in previous election. Went form 33% to 20%. But this drop given given the size of that voter base represents hundreds of thousand if not several million voters--the margin of victory for Trump.
Greenwald destroys this ignorant casual analysis
Greenwald what should be required reading on the subject of racism that went into the vote. One interesting quote/twit from the article:
Interesting fact coming out of the The Hill. Obama got more white non-college males than Hillary did in previous election. Went form 33% to 20%. But this drop given given the size of that voter base represents hundreds of thousand if not several million voters--the margin of victory for Trump.
I Have voted for a Dem President
Since I first voted for Carter in 1980, until today when I voted Stein and I am so glad I don't have to feel responsible for Trumps win or HRC's loss.
I feel a twinge of misplaced guilt because I didn't do
enough to convince them during the primaries that Bernie was the one that could win, but then again the establishment Dems did their best to silence us.
Accept no blame and feel no guilt
We did everything we could possibly do to make them see the light. They wouldn't take their blinders off. They fully own this. They brought it on themselves. Let them wallow in it!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I don't, because we were silenced and informed that they
would shun us if we refused to be silent.
Exactly. And when they come crawling back
needing us, they can all--every one of them--fuck right off.
Demexit starts today, if it hasn't already come to pass for millions. It is time to go Green and get left again.
Funny you would bring that up. There is a diary posted over there, not on the rec list, asking that Markos reinstate all of the progressives he banned. Fuck them!!! I'll go back temporarily to mock and humiliate them, but I'll never be a participant on that site again. Fuck Markos and his shitty website! And I Demexited months ago, but feel free to join the party! Any party, no party, no one cares. Just get the hell out!!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Yes, D party needs serious reform
Won't give them a nickel nor second of my time unless they figure out who they are and who they represent. If they continue on their trajectory, they will become the 1% Party, and best of luck winning elections then
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
I donated to Bernie via
I donated to Bernie via ActBlue. I was falsely charged for three recurring donations.
Two of the three went to the DCCC. I am pissed. I have been trying again and again
To get the DCCC to stop sending me e-mails asking for money, I sure as heck would not
donate to them. Since the election is over can we hope that we have heard the last from
them for awhile?
Nice to see a friendly face/name over here. Tried the jackpineradicals site for a brief period but found them a little too radical. And now their site doesn't seem to be operating. DKos I gave up on back in May, right after Kos's brilliant move to accuse Sanders of wanting to disenfranchise minorities. Because really, why not make it about racism even though it's not?
Love ya, mean it
We are all pretty friendly over here, you can say anything you
like, I don't think we are capable of forming cliques.
I made the jump in early March,
when it became clear the Injustice Collectors had taken over DKos and were in firm control. The last straw, for me, was the obvious collusion that kept PhoenixWoman's hate screed on the Rec List and herself not banned for so very long -with the blatant assistance and support of DEO (after which I lost the last vestiges of respect I had for DEO).
(This is ancient history, but it was the lying claim that Bernie supporters - and Bernie - had "silenced" Dolores Huerta because she was a nonwhite woman, when the truth was that Huerta had tried to break the rules and openly shill for Hill from the platform. Nobody "silenced" her, she was simply not accepted as a spokesperson. They wouldn't have accepted anyone of any color in full Bernie rig either.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
My disgust was complete during MBs and my diaries
about the MSF Kunduz war crime were at best ignored or polluted by warmongering exceptionalists. It was the final straw all because a D was in the WH.
Same for me:
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
They wouldn't have listened. It was Her Turn.
I talked with a bunch of Trump supporters tonight. They think they are too taxed by a big government who gives too much away to those who don't deserve it.
They wouldn't have voted for the socialist either.
But had we offered the Dems the perfect candidate, young, energetic, well coifed, charismatic and adored, they still wouldn't have listened. It was Her Turn.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I know, they were like toddlers with fingers in their ears
running around shouting "lalala" and sticking their tongues out. The joy of "we won, suck it up" in their defective primaries said it all.
Kinda like this?
And that applies to Hillary and the DNC, too.
Exactly like that
Bernie actually did pull some of them
(not a majority, obviously), because this election is more about morality than politics.
The Trump people don't agree with Bernie, but they think he's honest and actually cares about the people/country. The way they feel about him is light-years from how they feel about Hillary.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The Trumpsters are the end product --
of thirty years of Democratic Party Establishment politics meant to legitimize them.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
The fix was in from the beginning
Bernie never had a chance. I'm glad they cheated enough with the voting that they didn't have to kill him.
What was the final result in CA?
The final result in CA?
We may never know.
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
Just like the Iowa primary
That's all
Love ya, mean it
After WJC met with Jerry Brown, CA did not count all the votes
I don't live in CA but it's my understanding that millions of votes were never even counted. She had declared victory before the CA primary. Many are forgetting the Bill Clinton met for several hours that morning, a la his tarmac visit with Lynch, with Jerry Brown. He extracted perhaps not only an endorsement but an agreement about not counting the votes? And of course some were lost.
I did all I humanly could. It did not matter.
Your comment is so true
I've been voting Dem since 1972 (McGovern) until today when I voted for Jill Stein. I also don't own any of this mess, either. None of this would have happened if Bernie Sanders had been the candidate. A Dem losing Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania is unbelieveable and it wouldn't have happened with Bernie. Trump just picked up a lot of Bernie's stuff and ran with it in the Rust Belt and it worked.
It was her turn. . .
It could be messy
Yes we did
And as you wrote they to us to STFU!
All previous polls showed that Bernie had the better chance to win against all republicans but the DNC decided to run the most corrupt and disliked candidate instead.
Bernie ran on the values that the DP used to stand for before the Clintons destroyed the DP and all of the things it used to work for.
The little people instead of the big ones.
They became the protectors of the big banks, corporations and the MICC.
This isn't just that Hillary lost, IMO it to is also a reflection of the betrayals of president Obama and the things that he didn't do to help the people on Main Street.
We elected him with the biggest mandate to do the things he campaigned on, and he turned his back on us the minute he became president.
Almost every program that Bush had running when he left office was continued by Obama starting with his betrayal of not filibustering the FISA vote. Or ending the Iraq war.
I don't need to remind anyone what he did or didn't do. We all know those things.
He wanted Hillary elected to continue his legacy, but if that meant more illegal wars which have killed hundreds of thousands innocent civilians, destroyed their countries, kept bailing out the banks and especially not doing anything that actually helped the people in this country then I'm fine with that.
I don't know if Trump will stop the insane goddamn wars or if the military is in charge of this country, but I hope he tries.
I have no idea what this country is going to be like under him, but I do know what it would have been under Hillary's presidency.
And maybe with the Clintons out of power then the DP will get back to work and start working for us again.
Hopefully they will stand up to everything the republicans try to pass just like the republicans did to Obama.
TPTB might crawl under their rocks and finally understand that the people in this country said no to their agenda, but then they might still crawl under that rock and come back stronger in 4 years.
But the people in this country sent them a message that said that we are tired of watching them steal our country from under us.
Time will tell if they got the message.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
They rejected Democratic Party history and went for
triangulated Republican Lite. I doubt that they will learn and will lurch even further right,
And we were called Putin's useful idiots, bots, trolls, etc.
Politically naive because dontcha know Hillary was vetted and Bernie was not. As it turns out, Hillary was not fully vetted. Yes, she did have reasons to hide her Wall Street speeches.
I am convinced Bernie would have beaten Trump. See he was also vetted over decades long serving as mayor and in Congress. And nada about him that was a scandal. The Clinton campaign tried to find some dirt, couldn't, and so resorted to attacking him and smearing his supporters.
But I am gloating particularly because I lost my job to outsourcing (I do not blame Indian workers as they also want the best for their families) due to Bubba and her, and I can still see Hillary telling an Indian audience you know, Americans need more technical qualifications. That Indian outsourcers gave the Foundation money for favors, and then openly insulted American workers as fuck ups. Or when early on when Bubba implied economic losers who thought the system was rigged were the only people supporting Sanders.
Good bye Hillary. Good bye Bill. You aren't needed anymore. Chelsea, go to Oregon or Washington and buy some pot. Enjoy yourself.
I was with you until
You threatened Washington or Oregon with Chelsea! What do you have against the beautiful and wet ( yea!!) pacific northwest to wish a clinton on us? We don't want them and we never will. Thankfully, they can go somewhere where we will never hear from them again, at the very least they will not be in the White House where we see them every day. That is the best result of last night. No more Clintons!!
There will be places much closer to Wall Street to buy pot now
A twinge of guilt? Spit that out!
They didn't just defraud us during the primary. That was electoral-fraud-in-depth! Vis:
We'll make sure that the Socialist doesn't get any airtime, but if that doesn't work-
We'll start various smear campaigns, even though he's not doing any of that to our candidate, and if that doesn't work-
We'll start smearing his supporters; do a little echo-chamber propaganda with our MSM friends, until one chair held aloft for three seconds becomes "chairs thrown" and "violent supporters", and be sure to zoom in on Babs Boxer saying how threatened she felt by Sanders supporters, behind her solid line of police, when they booed her FOR DISENFRANCHISING THEM. But if that doesn't do it-
We'll get Independents purged from voter rolls with wanton abandon, but if that doesn't work-
We'll get a former PRESIDENT to break electioneering laws and boost our numbers, but just in case that doesn't work-
We'll make new rules, so that likely Sanders voters have to know to ask for some other ballot, that poll workers are not told to tell them that they should ask for. But if that doesn't work-
We'll hand them a "provisional ballot" that won't be counted, but if it looks like they might be counted-
We'll send around shredder trucks to cart the provisional ballots off in broad daylight, but if that doesn't seem to be enough-
We'll pay off the same slimeballs that hacked the tabulation computers to deny Kerry Ohio and the victory in 2004, or deny Obama his first term landslide, to flip votes, and then when the tallies don't match the exit polls-
We'll tell our pet "journalists" in the MSM to "adjust" the exit polls until they match, sort of, and call anybody asking questions about the results CONSPIRACY THEORISTS! But just in case that doesn't stop Sanders-
We'll start saying that he should concede with several states not even having voted yet! We'll start blaming him early for TRUMP!!! And just in case he should still manage to drag his campaign as far as the Convention-
We'll pull childish pranks to make sure his supporters aren't seen or heard, including turning the lights out over their sections, installing white noise projectors to drown out their chants, and even holding cardboard barriers up in front of them to hide them from the cameras! And just on the wild, off-chance that we lose the general-
We'll blame them for everything!
Holy crap, LaFeminista! There are video games where you have to wade through less crap to reach the goal! And you're still even nibbling on that "sharing-size" DNC guilt bar? They put us through the electoral equivalent of storming the Normandy beaches! No guilt! Stahp! STAAAHP!
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
That there, is one classic rant!!!
Well done!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush