I Just Couldn't Do It....
I tried... oh, how I tried. I gave myself every rationalization (excuse) that I could think of, and when that didn't work I asked my hubby to "talk me into voting for Hillary."
We sat in the car outside our polling place, him making his best arguments (he really doesn't like her, either, but is much more worried about Trump winning), and me biting my tongue to keep from shooting down each reason he gave. Last time we "discussed" Hill, I felt like I completely demoralized him.
So I sat there in the car, my hand on the door handle, feeling like I was glued in my seat. For the first time in my adult life I -dreaded- walking into that Armory. It felt like a death march.
I'm a Boomer who's been politically and socially active since the late '60's. I marched for women's rights; I fought for civil rights. Every career field I've had since I turned 18 was originally seen as a "man's" career field. I've never missed an election, I've educated myself to the intricacies of both candidates and local issue propositions. Since I turned 50, I've written out notes to take with me when voting, not trusting my memory - too many "senior moments" lately!
But I swear to the Blessed Lady, I could NOT make myself open that car door. The feeling in the pit of my stomach - tight, tense, anxiety-knotted. Hubby finally said he was going in, and why didn't I just sit this one out. Well... THAT won't work. At the VERY least I gotta try to get these Brownback lackies out of office!
Finally, I made him promise to bail me from jail when I go overboard in protest after she two-faces on the first progressive issue. And I all but goose-stepped into the Armory. Let's just say, my attitude sucked... (gryn)
I took issue with the REAL reason behind voter ID's after the kindly (no doubt Repub) clerk asked me for mine, and then asked for my address... even tho she told me she was looking right at it on the screen. I told her if I were trying to sneak into vote illegally, I'd be a pretty stupid criminal to NOT have memorized the address, now, wouldn't I? She asked "electronic or paper ballot?" I looked at her, grinned, and asked, "which do you think I'd want?" She handed me a paper ballot. Hubby, meanwhile, walked on over to the electronic voting machine. (sigh)
I took out my notes, scanned the ballot, and decided then and there that I could NOT vote for Hillary in good conscience. I just couldn't do it! Maybe, if she hadn't been so dismissive and insulting towards us committed Bernie voters... maybe if she hadn't been so blatant in cheating him... maybe if her surrogates hadn't been so hateful and exclusive -- to the point of basically kicking us off the blog where we'd spent years feeling like we were part of the "community."
So, instead... I took exquisite pleasure in slowly and carefully filling in the oval next to Jill's name. She's not going to win, and I know it. And ESPECIALLY not in redneck teaparty Kansas! But at least I can look at myself in the mirror in the morning and not feel guilty.
Besides, as I told Hubby -- Kansas -will- go for Trump. Brownback's got most of these rubes paper-trained well; others are dealing with either survivor's guilt or PTSD from his policies and cuts. They will vote for Trump -- even if they think he's not fit for office. These people hate Hillary and Bill that much.
Heartbreak is... Bernie had caused many of my fellow Kansans to crossover and vote for him! Bernie seemed to infuse them with hope -- and courage to buck the Brownback/Koch administration, no matter the age group or demographic. He even had my die-hard "tea party conservative" former Georgian coworker eating out of the palm of his hand! Today? IF he voted, I figure he voted for Trump.
Some of us are just too hard-headed to have good sense pounded into us, I guess. Luckily, I've found good company to fall in with here at C99%.
Seriously, thank you for the strength of Spirit you all unknowingly gave me today.
And I STILL got to vote for a woman for President! I'm pretty damned proud of that!

Mrs. Bollox and I both voted for Her
My Her just happened to be Dr. Her.
And we're both good.
from a reasonably stable genius.
This was a first for me and dlight
We've always been completely united when it comes to politics. This one was the first where we've differed. During primaries, we were both Bernistas. Maybe one of the reasons it hit me harder is because I waited all my life to vote for a woman for president. To be given the chance with a major party, and for that nominee to be Hillary... argh. What a horrible letdown.
She reminds me of the type of woman who makes her way to the top of her field by doing anything to get there. The type I could never be -- or ever -want- to be... which is probably why I'm still so poor! (LOL)
Conscience is a good thing
Wish more politicians demonstrated evidence of one. The total lack of core principles displayed by both Clintons is one of endless reasons I find them deplorable and could not--in conscience--vote for Hillary no matter how loudly her partisans and the fear-mongered yelled "Trump! Fascist! Racist!"
Nice to hear about crossovers for Bernie in the Heart of America. I grew up in Johnson Co., KS, and I remember a quiet but present cadre of lefties. Long before Brownback's day and the Kochs' virtual takeover of the state, of course.
Hope you sleep well, knowing you voted your conscience. And don't let anyone guilt or shame you about it!
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I grew up in Atchison, KS
Lived in JoCo after moving back here when I was 30. You wouldn't believe how they've built out west of 87th and 95th streets! That was all country manors and empty spaces when I moved back here.
BTW... my great-grandfather and his father both knew the Koch family personally. I shouldn't repeat what I grew up hearing about them. (gryn)
I've seen some of that development. Mind-boggling.
I lived near the recently closed Mission Valley Middle School, which was Meadowbrook Jr High when I attended it (go, Mustangs!), around 86th & Mission. Last visit was a couple of years ago. The sprawl still surprises me; farm fields were in biking distance when I was a kid, and friends down the street kept horses in their backyard sloping down to a manmade lake. Idyllic, actually. I'm not familiar with your childhood's part of the state.
Interesting that your family knew the Kochs... and apparently weren't favorably impressed.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Don't Sweat It!
inactive account
Yeah, right...
I LOVE these states calling for Hillary with NO precincts reporting in yet -- based only on exit polls?! At this point, I don't care who wins -- I just hope that "rush to print" comes back to bite them in the ass!
Don't Let the [redacted] get you down.
We may be small in number but we are united and that makes us mighty.
Can you believe these idiots
are voting Moran and Yoder BACK into office!!! Honestly, how far do they have to grovel on the bottom before they realize they've been suckered?! (sigh)
Every vote for Jill counts
The Electoral College does not matter, because the Green Party just needs 5 percent of the popular results nationwide. A vote for Jill Stein is not a "protest vote" much less a "wasted vote." Every vote for Jill really counts!
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Don't worry
There is no shame in choosing a sincere and honest candidate over a fraud.
never a moment of doubt for me.
the moment she invoked Henry Kissinger, she freed me of any hesitation.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
That was my breaking point as well.
How anyone - anyone - who actually lived through Kissinger's tenure could vote for her is beyond my comprehension.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain