Donald Trump's Closing Argument:


Two Campaign videos form Donald Trump's closing argument to the American public on this Election Eve.


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It is both rather funny and disgusting (simultaneously) that Senator Al Franken (MN) went on TV on Sunday to fabricate that these issue-oriented Ads are somehow "anti-semetic" to him. What a crock! I guess that's the best (phony) defense that they have.

When the mere criticism, and completely deserved criticism of our destructive and disastrous Trade Policies, the endless, legally-protected, and horrific Wall Street and Bank corruption, and the all pervasive Washington political hackery -- is deemed to be off limits for criticism, and a taboo subject area -- we're in big, big trouble folks.

We need more truth-telling to big power ... not less.
It is time for The Establishment to be finally called out, and forced to surrender their Oligarchical control.

It is time to finally reject The Status-Quo, and let the chance for a new dialog to happen, corruption to finally be punished, and the opportunity to for our Country to rebuild itself.

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about the second vid, but if that first one got play, her better be cheating 'cause he's gonna hand her her ass with that! Almost made Me want to vote for him(not).


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Alligator Ed's picture

I don't watch TV but I read the above comment by FS. That statement, if true, is yet one of the most ludicrous and insulting perversions of reality than I can remember--but there's been so much to remember:
Right wing conspiracies

This goes beyond spin, it is agitprop of the worst kind (with acknowledgement of Herr Goebbels). Medusa has already proven that there is no boundary too low for her to cross. In fact, her practiced proficiency at lying (60+ years) makes her extremely fluent in the language of deception.

But maybe Sen. Franken isn't quite as good at this--yet. Instead of "anti-semitic", maybe he meant "anti-semantic". Let's give Mr. Smalley a break--he just hasn't mastered the vocabulary yet.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Especially with people trying to use words like fascist, socialist, democrat, or liberal to make a point.

The anti-semanticism would have kept Inigo Montoya hopping.

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Carry a burning candle and share the light.


lotlizard's picture

Also a closing argument — for Stein, but when it comes to Syria? Even Trump will do.

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mhagle's picture

. . . videos. The second was a bit goofy, but did the job too. No social issues discussed, just economics.

Hoping that Jill will do really well today. ")

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

In the transcript of his convention speech, "I AM YOUR VOICE" was in all caps. Of course Trump doesn't represent Bernie’s voters at all, but he was the only major party candidate promising change in the general election.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."