No matter the outcome tomorrow: What are you going to do about it?
This was the question that my wife asked me this morning after my nearly daily rant about the establishment and the American people being sheep and not understanding how the same group of wealthy people are running our government and lives. She said people do not care or take the time to understand and research the issues (like me). Therefore, besides complaining and griping about it, she asked me this pointed question, because if I am not taking action about it then what good does it do to complain about it. A freaking great question.
This question and insight really shook me to my core, it was an eye opening moment for me because she hit the nail on the head- what am I going to do about it? The American public is blind and deaf to the how the system works and drinks the Kool aid or refuses to participate. Therefore, the few of us truly understand the root cause of all our issues- the establishment are pulling and controlling the strings of power for their own good.
Therefore, my plan is to continue to write and read essays on this site (educate myself), start a new business to harness my energies and meet my professional goals (provide for my family), and run for political office as an independent (to help others). Why? because I am tired of complaining and worrying about my family’s well-being because of the foolishness of our poor political parties. I am going to do something about it. Will this course of action be successful? Who knows, but darn it I am going to do something about this terrible system and our current state instead of just complaining about it all the time.
If this community morphs or leads to a political group then great if not then that is okay. However, I challenge you with the same question- what are you going to do about it?
Remember, no matter the outcome tomorrow, the next four years and beyond, nothing will change unless you do something about it. I know many of you are tired and think that you are unable to change things, but darn it if just a few of us worked to make a difference then the system will change. How do you think the American Revolutionary came about? It started by a few people meeting and talking about changes then taking actions to make positive changes for their community and country.
Remember, they (establishment) wants us to be silent, compliant and obey- well not for me and I hope that you will take action- because no matter what at least you are trying to change things for the better.
Therefore, my challenge to you and myself is- What are you going to do about it? Sit around and moan and complain or take tangible actions to make positive differences for you and your community. Well I am tired of complaining, it is time to take action to change the system.

I'm going to do a Tom Paine thing
Unless I find a better way. Can think of no way of changing media right now and think that a key. So will use a home printer to print the bits of truth and distribute. I want peace and I am not willing to write off Social Security, Medicare, and veterans benefits.
Bravo for you Borkrom.
Good for you Granma
I thought about the Thomas Paine method- writing letters or articles to convince people of new way or approach. However, I am not a very good writer (slow to produce quality communication and not concise enough). I look forward to reading your letters/articles.
Will print things from Internet. I'm not a writer either.
I won't violate copyrights. May re-phrase some things for printing.
I'm gonna go prepper...
Get the bunker built, a bunch of non perishable food supplies, heirloom seeds, and reloading supplies for the zombie apocalypse...
It's been real folks...
But I think Hillary is going to win and it's gonna get real...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
If a nuke war, don't rely on electronic devices
Well, just brainstorming some people may live, but due EMFs, pretty much any unhardened electronic device will burn out. Anybody with a Hiroshima sized atomic bomb and could lift it above the atmosphere and denote it can create EMFs they could basically burn out anything like car electrical systems, power grids, portable generators, etc. We would basically go back civilization-ally to a period when there was no electricity and all transportation was by animals or foot. Want to communicate with Europe, get the sail boats ready. Oh, and this from an article in the Scientific American.
I will continue on my merry way, quietly despairing that there will be any outcome that does not involve absolute penniless poverty and early death due to the lack of resources and I am Canadian. I have been underemployed (by circumstance, prejudice or lack of "connections") for the majority of my adult life- having started my adult life in the early 80's as a gay man. Thank god I have no dependents.
I landed (through luck of the draw) at the cusp of all this deregulation/neo-con/neo-lib crap and if you think the gay community is any less stupid than the heterosexual community, let me disabuse you of that notion. As a whole, they are as blinded and partisan as any latte liberal/neoconservative/tea partier, as long as it does not affect them. Pour another cocktail boys, it's only those people who are not as fabulous as us.
I am 50 this year coming, and I have no savings left, no house that I own (rental markets are a nightmare) and no real job prospects. The only thing I have to look forward to is the quiet of the grave and that is just depressing as hell.
As much as I try not to be bitter, I really hope these horrible people get what they have earned.
Basically, I'll be getting on getting on.
That is precisely the one-word response I intended.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
That is precisely the one-word response I intended.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
The right may actually do something
They're ready to fight if her hackers succeed. This comes from supporters of the second Amendment, and I don't think they're kidding, either. In many third world dictatorships, the rich have eliminated all peaceful means of protest quite successfully. But they can't leave their gated communities or go to a restaurant without an armed guard. We may be looking at a similar scenario.
The left will handwring, point fingers, whine, and write lots of blog posts about using the latest nomenclature for various tribal identities.
You are onto something.
I believe the right wingers will be the spear of the resistance to the Clinton administration. There will be BLM, but they will be violently put down. The left has already been violently put down through OWS and the theft of the nomination from Bernie. Just brainstorming here, but how would a left/right alliance work in opposing Clinton? Maybe the left should give support to Trump supporters not to accept the results of the election, as you know, given the theft of the nomination, would it be appropriate to ask if the Clinton administration is legit? Hillary may be more amendable to the right than to the left--which is the norm for the democrat party to marginalize the left.
Somebody should go on The Donald
And ask about common ground. There's a lot.
To do that, it's necessary to drop all identity politics. All of it. No bullshit jargon ("problematic")' no "white privilege," no virtue signaling, none of it. But they aren't racist. A large portion are pro-LGBT. Their economic theories are, um, interesting, and a lot are climate deniers (not all).
But there's a serious chance to build a common front. Just make a list.
- Take down the Clintons
- Take down Soros and the Kochs alike
- No TPP, no NAFTA, screw Saudi Arabia
- Break up big media
- Paper ballots
There's more potential for this than there's been for many years. Everybody knows they've been played by both parties.
they don't want social security benefits or Medicare cut; they don't buy into the new cold war against Putin, the anti-Christ; and a respectable number support Medicare for all.
Putting aside identity politics requires a great leap of faith. It's premise is that as people work together they find things in common and differences become less pronounced. I don't minimize it. It's a leap of faith Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were willing to make.
As some of you know, I've started a nonprofit. I'm hoping
also to have time to write more. I was thinking hold her feet to the fire - stay tuned in to the big issues as they come up with Her and in Congress, launch petitions if there aren't any already, write an article about the facts, publish here, Over There (they promised they would be ready to hold her feet to the fire, right?), and hopefully with progressive Christian organizations to spread the word. You want fired feet, Hill? I'm coming for you.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
My short list
Work on state level initiatives and action. More progress is being made here than at the national level.
Subscribe to a political party. Politics is a full time job and its practitioners need to eat. There is also value in institutional knowledge, so enabling continuity is valuable in its own right.
Educate myself.
Keep calling them on their shit.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Hold her feet to the fire? LOL
The Washington Post--Her mouthpiece--has already announced that the Left means nothing to her.
Read it and weep.
I read that and my wayward brain expanded the imagery
from holding her feet to the fire to a roaring trial by fire, a pyromaniac's delight--an auto de fe. Think that spectacle would draw the crowds that her campaign events couldn't?
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
...if only it were a real thing.
This shit is bananas.
I am sure that Clinton and other DINOs count progressives as part of her deporables.
Someone Mentioned She Has Asbestos Covered Feet...
Awhile back...
Is a Plasma Cutter hot enough to do anything to asbestos?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Yeah, I don't have huge hopes for it. I'll be voting for Jill
shortly. It's certainly not my first choice, which is to elect Jill instead. But I don't see myself running for office. So I'll support whatever third party shows promise, but feel like purrsuasion is my stronger suit. YMMV, of course.
I'd like to do a Jon-Stewart-at-his-best sort of lampoon of the anticipated neolib/neocon anti-American policies that are likely to begin in January if not before, combined with huge petition/emailing/letter writing pushes. Try to crosspost at more locations and get more people on board. I have some contacts in the progressive religious field. Maybe a coalition of Bernie-style progressives and Repugs who hate her in Congress can stop her. Time for strange bedfellows, purrhaps. Post on right-wing sites, why not? We have cited them here from time to time.
I have signed petitions for many a year, and ironically, the best responses have usually come from corporations, not our "representatives". Combine all this with boycotts, voting with our dollars? Still, usually a million-signature petition gets results. Maybe we can get MoveOn back in our corner once the person they sold out to is in the WH and they have buyers' remorse. Same with Planned Parenthood when she starts agreeing to late-term restrictions. Etc.
Make it an extremely uncomfortable 4 years, at least.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Hold her feet to the fire?
In what way would we do that? Protests? The police look like the military for a reason. The media? Have you got a few billion $$$ to influence them to cover anything? The Internet? FB and Twittter already has algorithms programmed in them to Trend, or not to Trend, the stories TPTB want them to. The Daily Kos? I'm pretty sure discussion there will be limited to what they deem does not seriously undercut her reign. So I'm not sure which tools for protest you feel would be effective?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Some folks have plans.....
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
I'll do what I did today
I went about my daily routine without even thinking about the criminal and the fraudster.. And on Wednesday, I begin my search for candidates I can support in subsequent elections. There won't be many.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Still pondering that question for myself, and on a national
scale, the answer may be a big fat nada, beyond supporting a specific few candidates here and there. I've just about decided that a local focus is the best use of my time and resources, here in my own community, doing my very small bit to try to make things a little better for others. Housing insecurity and food insecurity keep calling my name--two of life's basic needs, and very real daily challenges for growing numbers of people.
Here's something admirable that was posted elsewhere today, something that might inspire others younger and more energetic (and less cynical) than I am:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I will vote for Jill Stein
tomorrow. Since resistance to the Shill, Bill, and their minions is futile (Comey, Lynch, Obama are lawless), I think the only way to beat them, short of blood (ours) in the streets, is to steal their money. Yes, the more I think about it, there should be a massive hack on the accounts of Podesta, his brother, his cronies, Hill and Bill, Chelsea and Marc, Tony Rodham, the entire gang from WikiLeaks, whose names, businesses, locations, email addresses, phone numbers, interconnectedness are there for the knowing. Plus, the leaked DNC emails have donor lists. There must be some among us who can hack into bank accounts of the ill-deserving rich and transfer the funds to the deserving poor, or know of others who have the necessary skills and willingness. What are the one% without their money? Powerless.
Crazy? Yes, but accounts are hacked all the time. The only difference is we will go a step further by targeting the Shill power structure instead of random marks. Robin Hood in reverse.
I will take some time off from the political
and take time to grieve. There's been so much loss and I've been so anxious I haven't really unwound it all. I'll need time to do that. Afterwards, I'll regroup and decide on a plan. I suspect it will be local. I suspect it will be organizing. I hope it will be working with young people. I need a burst of hope again in exchange for whatever perspective I can offer.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Get Liquored Up and Post on the Internet
It's something I enjoy. Pisses off a lot of people, but it adds variety since I sometimes don't remember what I posted. Funny, but I've kinda gotten over feeling bad about it.
After that, learn and share basic life sustaining knowledge and skills at the local level. I haven't checked out survival skills or know enough about edible weeds (dandelions are low hanging fruit). I believe if people know what and how they can secure basic life sustaining resources, they would be more inclined to question the way of things.
After that, look for patterns. The same as the NSA and FBI are doing. There are certain people, and their second in command, who can change the course of history. It's why they are targeted. Hopefully, one of them wants to see a new party emerge that is humanistic and believes we don't inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow the Earth from our children.
Great tweet I found
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
We Need Leaders, a Means to Protect Them, and Organization
Along with the whole secure communications stuff because at some point, the full arsenal of the NSA will be used. Funny thing is, SneakerNet might be the most viable option, that is, assume the infrastructure has already been brought down or compromised.
My plan on the short term? On the way home from my polling place
I will be stopping and picking up a case of beer and a pack of papers.
Then I am gonna go home and attempt to murder all the brain cells that can recall this entire shit show.
The next morning when I wake up, I will drink a bloody mary to get rid of the hangover, grab some bait and take my lil boat out into the gulf and soak bait while I mull over the prospect of running for one of the many unopposed positions in 2018 or wrapping my anchor line around my neck and tossing it over the edge of the boat.
Fortunately, I am leaning towards the former, but I would be a liar if I didn't say that the latter may start having more and more of an appeal to it in the very near future.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me