Email Shows Meetings @ DNC For Not-Hillary Were Just For Show

From The Daily Caller

Hillary Campaign Told DNC To Hold Sham Meetings, Make Primary Look Less Rigged

Here's the email (bolding mine):

Date: 2015-01-02 21:57
Subject: Simas update

Madame Secretary, I will make sure all relevant information is in your briefing for the DWS meeting, but I wanted to provide an update in case it comes in handy earlier.

--He asked what he should communicate to POTUS regarding the convention and I reiterated our point of view. I flagged that you will not state a preference if asked by DWS.

--He said that DWS will probably bring up at your meeting that they're thinking of hiring a general election planner and he said it would be helpful for you to reinforce that this is very important. He recommended demurring to on who the person should be, so you don't get caught up in those politics.

--I asked that he make sure she has meetings scheduled with other potential candidates, so they can credibly say they're meeting with everyone.

From The Daily Caller:

Mook’s comment indicates the Clinton campaign was very aware of the DNC’s bias from the beginning of 2015, and was directly advising Wasserman Schultz on how she could make this bias less obvious.

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Hillaries think faking is the path to credibility. Saints preserve us!

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I wonder if Markos will turn up in these emails?

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I can imagine him scanning the released hoping he shows up.

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Raggedy Ann's picture


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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

k9disc's picture

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Dumbass Chris Cillizza finally wakes up to how the Clintonites are making the 4th Estate look like fools. Neera Tanden, one of the stars of Podesta's emails, tries to push him back into line. She gets help from a name that should be familiar to long-time TOP members:

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k9disc's picture

I saw a few other names that were familiar on that thread.

I really don't understand Twitter, though. It's just a link farm to me. I can't follow the conversations, mentally and UI-wise...

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

And I can't imagine using Twitter either. No worries. My kids tell me it's pretty much obsolete. They use Snapchat.

One thing that did come through is how the elite In Crowd tries to shame anyone who has doubts about HRC. Cillizza is an idiot and a sleeze, but when even he had some problems serving as HRC's press agent, they were all over him with vicious insults.

And there was DHinMI right at the TOP of it. Kos's first hatchet man. Somewhere in there, Armando showed up too. I guess "Hatchet Man" is a job title that pays decently since these two seem to have made a living out of it.

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Azazello's picture

You may have seen that I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it. I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves.

August 2015, quoted by Doug Henwood in My Turn.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Alphalop's picture

For those of us that can't seem to navigate "Teh Twitter". Smile

Thanks in advance if you do and if not, no worries.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Cillizza getting creamed by his pals

That thread is a good example of one reason why nearly all reporters are ridin' on Hillary's war train. Deviate from party line one little bit, and you'll be swarmed by rabid dogs.

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sojourns's picture

But maybe?? As what? Lower tier cheerleader and dedicated fAn BoY. Dog walker?

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

ggersh's picture

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

sojourns's picture

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Bollox Ref's picture

is for that Moulitsas guy who keeps calling me; something about a blog?"..........

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from a reasonably stable genius.

OzoneTom's picture

It would be interesting to have on record the names of those whose "strongly-held beliefs" are literally worth less than a nickel.

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

Pluto's Republic's picture

Who are the stakeholders in the matter above?

1. Let's say one of the larger Political Parties has a slam-dunk candidate favored by party leaders. This could include an incumbent President going for a second term. It could be a superstar in a Party that is challenging the incumbent ruling Party. The Party Bosses are free to choose the candidate they prefer, regardless of member polls (aka Primaries). There is ample legal precedence for this throughout history.

2. Other citizens, who are members of that party, may want to run for the highest office, too. This can include a party member who believes they would make a good President. It could be an unknown newcomer (outsider) who believes that they have what it takes to lead the nation. The Party is free to support them or not.

3. Political Parties act as civilian voter's unions. They field candidates for many but not all elected positions in Federal and State governments — but they are not a part of government. They are not obligated to the government. They are obligated to members of their Party the way that the Nurses Union is obligated to member nurses. The union or party bosses appoint each other, they write the platform or business plan, they represent the interests of their membership and those who make significant donations to them. Members of Unions or Parties can rally or vote for favorite candidates, but the bosses can and do endorse policies and politicians on behalf of the Party or Union — independently of Union or Party members. These organizations are not government agencies, are not subject to government rules, and are not legal democracies. They are special interest groups and the bosses can run the organizations any way they see fit. Primary votes are not legally binding. (Prove this wrong, please.)

4. If members don't like it, they can defeat the bosses by destroying their credibility and ousting them from leadership. This is done, for example, by defeating Hillary by voting for her opponent. At that point, the Party can be taken over by the members and new Bosses and platforms are put into place.

If the members do not defeat and topple the Party elite when they have a rare opportunity to do so on November 8th — then they have publicly sworn allegiance to the Party, the Party Bosses, the Party's political decisions, and the Party's negligence toward member's wishes — by default. It's an up or down vote. The only one you are going to get.

So, I ask, what is the meaning of the discovery, above? Who does it affect? What is it useful for?

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Carry a burning candle and share the light.


If they are soliciting donations while claiming impartiality, that is simple fraud.
It also goes tho ethics and morality, and who you want in power. After reading the emails of abadin, podesta, mills, clinton, band et al, I am convinced they should be banned from govt service and lobbying for life.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

If they are soliciting donations while claiming impartiality, that is simple fraud.

This is universally ignored as an issue because it is not illegal.

You are buying in to a world that does not exist. By doing so, you elevate your oppressors. Which is why they brainwashed you in the first place. Shake it off.

You have an up or down vote coming up. Use it with consciousness.

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And I would extend it to all Democrats. After all, they almost all lied to help Hillary and prevent Sanders from becoming the nominee.

I would quibble with this:

This is done, for example, by defeating Hillary by voting for her opponent. At that point, the Party can be taken over by the members and new Bosses and platforms are put into place.

My guess is that the Democratic Party brand will be so toxic after this election that no one will want to take over that party apparatus. It will be worthless.

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the legal status of political parties in the US is murky, strange, and varies from state to state. between the right to freedom of association and the right to equal protection, there are some things that a state fundamentally cannot do, with respect to suppressing/constraining/sustaining a political party, but beyond those limits, there's broad leeway for state intervention and control.

And in particular, primaries, unlike caucuses, are typically operations of the state government, paid for by the state's taxpayers, and thus subject to far more control by the state's laws. For example, regardless of a party's bylaws, a primary state can dictate the forms and the resolution of the balloting. The bylaws may say "closed primary, first past the post," but if the state is paying for the primary, the state can dictate that the primary is open, and that there will be instant run-off.

Thus, although the DNC is a national organization, and presents itself as monolithic, there is nothing that compels a state to attach the label "Democrat" to one and only one candidate. AFAIK (and IANAL), there's nothing in our established jurisprudence that would prevent a state from placing that label upon the ballot line next to the person who won the state's own primary. I imagine that under the equal protection clause, the state would need some pretty crafty legislative legerdemain to keep the national nominee entirely off of the ballot, but would have full discretion over whether or not to attach the party label to that candidate.

And indeed, there is no constitutional compulsion that requires states to even recognize the existence of political parties. A state could ignore the party nomination system altogether, and simply place all candidates who qualify for the ballot (e.g., by obtaining nomination signatures) in any arbitrary order -- Hell, they could randomize every ballot, which is what you would do if you were trying to create a statistically valid "test instrument" of the voters' will. It would be more than a little fascinating to see how our presidential elections would turn out, if every state did just that.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

I wonder if the DNC will use this in their defense in the lawsuit.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…in matters such as this.

They don't make or change laws. At best, it's abuse mitigation. It only modifies how hard they lash you; it doesn't change whether or not you get lashed.

If the Plaintiff wins, he gets money.

The only thing the Defendant learns is that it costs extra to lash you as hard as they want to.

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k9disc's picture

You are buying into the corporate media idea that politics is all about numbers. It's not. It's about sentiment and a sense of place as well -- public spectacle and sentiment that moves the electorate changes the numbers.

A winning civil suit is more than vanity and delivers more than a payday.

A winning civil suit is a knock on trust, a paper trail, and political anvil to throw around in the public theatre that is politics.

We really need an effective alternative to corporate media. Social media ain't it.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Pluto's Republic's picture

Time. Time always distorts space, doesn't it?

The fierce urgency of Bernie — or Trump for that matter — each opened the door of blast-furnace intensity onto the body politic. "Incrementalism" became a fighting word, a horrible stalling tactic designed to douse the passions of the People, who demanded "not one more minute of more of the same!"

It was felt that not a moment could be wasted in compromise going forward, or the flame in the hearts and minds of the people would go out forever. One more cycle of the status quo would neutralize the citizen/activists, as if they never existed.

That's how I interpreted their uprising against the Establishment. (I can only observe. I did not personally have an egg in Bernie's basket, being a single-issue loyalist whose issue was not addressed.) The sense of Do or Die was unmistakable, I thought.

Thus, winning a civil suit is a long-term post-defeat consolation of momentary "feel good." Losing would have just as little impact. It's a detail in the backgrond of a tableau, and not the sort of thing you would find in a history book.

Anyway, it may soon be academic. We can sit back and watch whether the citizen/activists were right about their urgency. Will their fire be snuffed as they passively circle the drain with Empire, or will they miraculously rise as a spiritual force that towers over government? In 18 months of so, we shall have the definitive answer to that.

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Alphalop's picture

being a single-issue loyalist whose issue was not addressed

Not being snarky or anything, I am just legitimately curious. (I hate the need to add such disclaimers, but sometimes it is hard to tell intent with such a short question about such a majorly personally important thing.)

FSM knows there were a LOT of major issues that never got discussed during this shit show of an "Election" season.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Pluto's Republic's picture

… throughout the world.

One could use the term "anti-war," but "war" is such an innocent euphemism for what is actually going on.

No representation for me by any candidate, even the Outsiders.

Yr friend,


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Alphalop's picture

War, money in politics and universal healthcare are probably my big 3 (not that there isn't a ton of others nipping at their heels) issues.

Of which virtually no time was spent in interviews, debates or town halls discussing these issues that most of us are incredibly concerned about, and what little time that was spent mostly consisted of either word salad or obviously empty platitudes...

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Pluto's Republic's picture

That was clear enough fairly early on. Anyone who touched on an issue was destroyed by the government controlled media. Sacrificial spokesmodel proxies were sent to the networks to perform word-salad poetry about any issue du jour. Some did a poor job of it. I presume they were beheaded in the green room, afterword.

Only the Outsiders — Bernie and Trump — talked about the way people felt and what was bugging them. Together, they garnered more than two-thirds of the votes. The Neocon candidate kept her head down and scooped up the leftovers.

America is seething.

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Discovery is a bitch, the truth is a disinfectant, and problems as systemic as this should be fought on many many fronts.

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Polls with Trump tied while he has an 8-point edge on Hillary in honesty in the Washington Post-ABC poll, which has hardly been favorable to him before, and leading in some other polls at least in the popular vote. The Democratic grass roots had made it abundantly clear that Bernie was a better candidate, not just a better progressive but a stronger candidate to take on Trump. The idiot elites in the DNC ignored us and pressed forward with their flawed disaster in Hillary, who is now basically facing a threat of indictment in the coming months regardless of what happens on Election Day.

All this corruption and insider cronyism was apparent to the Dem base but we were shouted down, sandbagged, insulted, demeaned and belittled at every turn by the DNC who, we later found out, was crookedly rigging the primary system itself. Now we're facing the real danger of a Trump Presidency or, at the very least, such a miserably weak Democratic win next week that the government will be even more gridlocked than before. The DNC has only itself to blame.

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Alphalop's picture

You really should stretch it out a little bit and make this an Essay.

I would read, rec and take part in the discussion on this on for sure!

Kudos Elkhorn. You are now on my list. (Of people to be sure to read.) Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

dervish's picture

and now Donna Brazile, I'm sure she'll step down too, but cynically, after the election. The whole DNC structure is a thoroughly corrupt machine, every last bit of it.

The Wikileaks e-mails will be around for years as a case-study in corruption. All of these players will remain permanently famous for their malfeasance, even if perhaps not indicted.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

... The Wikileaks e-mails will be around for years as a case-study in corruption. All of these players will remain permanently famous for their malfeasance, even if perhaps not indicted.

Not if she kills off all life witnesses, as seems likely.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

MsGrin's picture

because it will make them look like they are exactly on to something.

And please, let's be careful with our language to avoid encouraging any executions. Wink

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Sorry, was attempting to engage in what they call black humour; was thinking more of Mutual Agreed Destruction/global dimming or the unlimited pollution/poisoning necessary to maximized corporate profiteering under those 'trade bills' and mistakenly thought that the crossed-off 'life' with 'witnesses' substituted would be enough indication, even though not everyone will have read the same studies.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.