Open Thread - The Weekly Watch

To me, the great irony of the week is the fight to protect the water, land, and people at Standing Rock contrasted with the ruling on the Bundy militia taking over the Oregon Wildlife Refuge . The cold war warms in Syria (and along Europe's Eastern border) as the planet spirals toward record temperatures. Corporations continue to consolidate power and push for trade deals. We are finally near the end of this damned election, and media tries to ignore it's collusion in the failure of US democracy. However, there are people standing up for justice and honest reporting.
Welcome to the
“Standing Rock” by Trevor Hall. To help visit: (4 min)
Democracy Now goes to North Dakota for an update on the ongoing Standoff at Standing Rock, where thousands of Native Americans representing more than 200 tribes from across the Americas are resisting the construction of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. (10 min)
Last Sunday, hundreds of water protectors erected a new frontline camp of several structures and tipis directly on the proposed path of the Dakota Access pipeline. (7 min)
The Real News Network correspondent Jihan Hafiz, who was arrested on Saturday while covering resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline, discusses the incident (15 min)
See Jihan's footage and read her intercept article:
As water protectors occupy unceded tribal lands, experts detail the treaties violated by the US government that have enabled the Dakota Access Pipeline (7 min)
Thursday the police moved in on the water protectors
Thursday's reaction to the water protectors is America's shame! (8 min)
Big Oil creates ads and sock puppets to speak against the water protectors. Lee Camp (9 min)
Documentary filmmaker Deia Schlosberg was charged earlier this month with three felonies for filming an act of civil disobedience in which climate activists manually turned off the safety valves to stop the flow of tar sands oil through pipelines spanning the U.S. and Canada. (5 min)
Award-winning filmmaker Josh Fox joins us to discuss the arrest of fellow filmmaker Deia Schlosberg, who is charged with three felonies for filming an act of civil disobedience. (4 min)
At least 27 people, including Hollywood actress Shailene Woodley, were arrested during the Standoff at Standing Rock on October 10, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, while attempting to blockade the Dakota Access pipeline construction at two separate worksites. (10 min)
Greenpeace suggests ways to stand with Standing Rock water protectors
Also see:
Other Protests
A speech from last year by Tom Hayden (1939-2016) on the power of protests. RIP Tom. (15 min)
You don't hear much about the pipeline protests in NY, but they are happening.
10 members of a pro-homeless group who chained themselves across the upper level of the George Washington Bridge closed the span for about 15 minutes during Wednesday morning's rush before being arrested, authorities said. (2 min)
Protests around the world
Demonstrators took to the streets of Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia on Monday to protest against Brazilian President Michael Temer's new education reforms. (30 sec)
Dozens of supporters of President Nicholas Maduro entered the Venezuela National Assembly by force during an emergency session on Sunday, leading to scuffles with the opposition. (30 sec)
Anti-government forces also protested in Venezuela. Pope Francis offers to moderate talks (2 min)
A police officer was shot during the protests (45 sec)
The UK is carrying out military exercises in the Malvinas all through next week, and Argentines aren't happy about it. (1 min)
Scientists and students aren't happy with budget cuts in Argentina either. (30 sec)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dealt with angry protesters and tough questions at the Canadian Labour Congress National Young Workers Summit in Ottawa. (4 min)
Russian news outlet interviews Assad on Oct 12 (40 min)
First interview in several years with Assad's wife, Asma al-Assad, Syria's first lady. (30 min)
The invasion of Syria has been a campaign of confusion. (15 min)
Jimmy Dore discusses our oil war in Syria and gives background from RFK jr. (14 min)
RFK's pipeline hypothesis explains why we are in a proxy war. Well worth the read.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson is concerned about Clinton's foreign policy record and the fact that many of her advisors resemble those who served in the first George W. Bush administration (14 min)
Secretary of State John Kerry said Russia's bombing of hospitals in Syria should be investigated for war crimes but he failed to note the countless times America has bombed hospitals and committed other atrocities. From Jimmy Dore. (11 min)
ISIS may soon lose the city of Mosul. They are surrounded on multiple sides by US, Kurdish, and Iranian forces. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down (9 min)
Chris Hedges explores why Saudi Arabia remains one of the U.S.’ closest allies in the Middle East with Madea Benjamin, author of “Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection” (28 min)
Promoting more war
NATO amasses arms and troops on Europe's Russian border. (3 min)
The Election
Democrats party leaders Neera Tanden & Robby Mook lie when asked about the hacked Wikileaks emails regarding Hillary Clinton and blame Russia. Jimmy Dore (15 min)
Find out about the newest and dirtiest Wikileaks revelations and what they mean as Lee Camp interviews investigative journalist Jordan Chariton of The Young Turks (first 15 min)
Cenk Uyger reviews recent leaks and suggests Hillary is more corrupt than her staff. (7 min)
The Global Empire - Tariq Ali talks to the author Thomas Frank about the unfolding mess of the USA’s upcoming election and the failure of its political and electoral system. (30 min)
The Economy
For the intellectuals...Professor Peter Drahos explains trading and ownership of intellectual property rights (14 min) (10 min) (13 min) (12 min) (14 min)
You thought the TPP was bad? How about TiSA? (15 min)
AT&T and Time-Warner want to merge? (10 min)
The Daily Beast reports AT&T is keeping private call records and selling the information to authorities investigating everything from the war on drugs to Medicaid fraud. (10 min)
And big pharma is arming for a PR war
The Oil Companies - A federal judge ruled that Exxon has a right to discover what evidence the MA Attorney General has on them - The Real News (15 min)
Wall Street Firms Make Money From Teachers' Pensions — And Fund Charter Schools Fight (Sirota)
Emphasizing education output, while generally leaving input unaddressed, has been a feature, not a bug, of the Obama administration’s education policy all along.
Wonder why Americans are so ignorant about world affairs? The brainless scripted local media? This is a hoot. Jimmy Dore (12 min)
The Planet
The new normal? (11 min)
Enjoy this 4 min trip around the planet.
This is an open thread. Please chime in with other important stories or anything else that's on your mind.

So much here, and I have yet to have speakers working!
I am not a lawyer. MA/Exxon ruling, does that mean Discovery as a trial is impending? When both sides show their cards?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm no lawyer either
but evidently the state will have to disclose their evidence to Exxon prior to the trial. That's my understanding of the ruling.
I think a big part of the case is that Exxon was well aware of climate change and their role in it decades ago.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Jimmy's vid has pop-ups of what he's reading
and the auto-caption translation is not bad. Good morning riverlover regarding having no "speakers" (love that name), no audio, I still recommend Jimmy Dore's Why Are We In Syria? video.
Thanks Lookout, thanks a lot for Watching.
Death of the Internet, Film at 11 - NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) email list archive
Technical list, informative and often funny. And scary as you begin to understand how it all works. I want a President with some clue. Tough beans for me. And thee, sorry.
That video on why we are in Syria is very educational.
I can't imagine why closed caption wouldn't work for RL.
Great roundup Lookout. Thanks.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks dkm
I found the article by RFK on the pipeline aspect of the Syrian conflict to explain many actions.
Here he is talking about it on Hartmann's show a few months ago (12 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
CANCELED: Congressman Huffman's Public Forum on Car Seat Safety
I hope it cancelled because no one thinks this is a high priority. Just ban the neurotoxins and make industry find something that doesn't burn and cause brain damage and cancer. Then let them sell it. Duh! Otherwise people might start thinking your "healthcare" system is complicit with industry making customers sick, because profit.
That's my "representative" in Congress.
OIC cancelled until after the election, er I mean the holidays. Yeah that's it. I don't know.
Gotta sneak thru the TPP...
and TiSA during the lame duck and see what the corporations say about how safe our seats should be.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Beware this genuinely monstrous type of evil “financial adviser”
Time for BDS
They are aiming for action at the end of Nov. Bet you won't hear about it on the corporate news!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
LA Times commits journalism, follows $$$
A $72-million apartment project. Top politicians. Unlikely donors.
Solidarity with my brothers and sisters in the southland. Homes not bombs. Hm what's the D- stand for now? Debauchery? Devious? Dipshits! :-D. Just change it to C-Corrupt and be done. Thanks.
Before the Flood - movie
Movie tonight
Movie web site
also National Geographic page on the movie
Tune in to the National Geographic Channel or Nat Geo Wild On Demand to watch 'Before the Flood' on Sunday night 9/8c, or watch it through the following platforms:
Direct links to where to view on YouTube, Amazon, iTunes, Facebook, and some more.
Thanks OLinda
That looks interesting. Leo and Thom Hartmann teamed up for a nice series "Green World Rising". I thought is was pretty good and it offers ways we could deal with climate change. Here it is in four 10 min parts:
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
video embed
Can others see the first video under the heading "Leo"?
I can never view Twitter videos after they are embedded here. I can view the same video on Twitter, but when it gets embedded elsewhere, then I can't view it. Is it just my browser, or do others have that problem?
If you can't view it, if you click the gray time and date stamp below the video it will take you to the Twitter page where you can see it.
Thank you.
Works for me
Is it just a problem when you post it or with others as well?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Haven't really noticed other twitter embeds. It always happens when I embed one. The video is there, but when I click to play it, it just goes blank.
Glad to know
it is working for you, and therefore probably most others too. Didn't want to think I was posting broken videos. Thank you.
I think the scariest part of the film was when Obama
talked about bla-bla-bla twenty years from now we'd get some new technology. Gah!
We needed to start 20 years ago. Minimum!
We are so screwed.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
My dog went ballistic at a sliding door, much bark/growl
There was a deer on the inside of my 7' deer fence. What does one do on a Sunday morning (sneezing) about that? I opted for Nothing, and she (deer) may be out. More zip-ties for fix. But I have a new leaning tree that got hit in the latest wind. And it may be a staple-tree for said fencing. All through the trees. The fencing. Bought 9/11/2001. Dog is Not Allowed there now because she escapes under, even though it's tight-to-ground. My headache returns.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Some people use a double fence
If you have the room - an outside electric fence two - three foot from your 7' fence might be effective. Best deer fence in our area is the neighbor with a 4' outer fence and a 8' inner fence.
Here's a study:
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
More $$ and electric cannot be touching anything?
I have "encountered" electric before, a good training device for those of a certain height. Like horses, cows, people. Should work for deer, yes. First deer invasion in over 6 years. And I paid to have the fence put up for a second go. Adjustments as trees died or fell. It's tough to maintain.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Interesting studies. Much to be gleaned.
When we first moved here, 30+ years ago, there was undergrowth of enough to lose a toddler in (BTDT). Now over-browsed and I am trying on a limited budget to fast-adapt this 20A to climate change, but that would be mostly out of the realm that I can control. Nut and fruit trees is the plan.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Excellent weekly repository, Lookout.
Have been bouncing around on the different links you've offered in order to catch up on some stuff I missed, thank you.
I spend most of my time online here and a good bit of my worldview is shaped through the prism of what this dear community deems of value and smartly dissects in the news, filtered through my own principles and philosophies of course. Rearing an infant at home for 10 hours a day during the week doesn't leave me time for much else. I depend on you all (us).
Between this weekly installment and Joe's daily EB we're fortunate to have such really good curators of the news around here, especially for those of us who don't always have the time.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks Mark
I hope you found a few useful and interesting links. Joe amazes me with his daily news round up plus a new artist every day. Makes my collecting of stories during the week seem easy.
Lots going on.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not enough thumbs
to give in agreement with this comment!
Hear, hear!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I am making great progress at Dead State.
The last software update did two things. Made it impossible for me to use my email, which makes me so glad I wiped it out first. The second is diaries are much easier to delete. I am down to maybe 20 diaries that I want to figure out what I want to do with them.
I am not sure if this is a good thing or not. Pro: It takes all of my stuff out of the possession of those trolling thugs. Con: It frees up server space, cuts overhead costs and increases profit to the GOS sellout himself.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Every silver lining
has a dark cloud of dispair.
I think your pros outweigh your cons.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
What a list to go through! That music video to start was Excellent. Lee is almost always spot on. Bookmarked for later perusal.
I think the drought is over. Do they sell rain shovels?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
please send rain
to our little parched corner on NE Alabama!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Parching right along with you just
south of Atlanta. Our area is one in exceptional drought, like you.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
We were
In drought for Years, water restrictions, neighbors narcing on neighbors, phew, I'm just glad it's done for now. Trying like hell to send some your way!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Here's some Wikileaks from today:
This one is from Doug Band to Podesta and Mills, he's complaining about Chelsea (cvc).
Here's one from Podesta about (election) fundraising and speaking engagements for the Clintons in Jan and Feb of 2016.
Huma is apparently the "institutional memory" of the Clinton campaign, but we knew that. Here's one about a Swiss billionaire that Podesta is apparently on the outs with. Here's one wherein they try to predict Gowdy's next move.
Dukakis is still obsessed with tax collection, this time in Greece. Podesta refers to Brent Budowsky as "annoying". Here's one about recruiting someone to help set up a project for Eric Schmidt of Google, probably GroundWork, which did contract work for the Clinton campaign. Here's one about focus-grouping Big Dog's talking points, every word they utter is scripted.
Hemming and hawing on TPP. A supporter asking permission to help retire O'Malley's campaign debt.
Here's another food groups discussion.
Here's one about the primary, and perception management, at least they read us.
Here's some guy at Citigroup offering ideas on Obama's transition team in 2008.
Podesta is asked to help someone get into Columbia Law School.
Podesta calls Bill Richardson a dick.
Podesta gets spam too.
Huma's upset with Axelrod.
Brainstorming how to respond to negative articles.
Feinstein offers to help Hillary on Benghazi, IG mentions thumbdrive and server possibly having classified intel.
Google oligarch meets with WJC.
Talent-shopping, here's a few names. Clintons have the worst judgment, but we know that.
That's what I found in today's release.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Thanks for all the links
The leaks continue to pile up...will it ever catch up with the Clinton's?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”