WTF? Trump Speech. Oct 24.
Anyone who has read my essays knows I am an old time Latino anarcho-communist who supports revolutions such as those in Bolivia, Venezuela and most lately in Rosava. I have consistently denounced USA war crimes, crimes against humanity, corruption and subversion of our governments in Latin America and the Caribbean. I am no racist xenophobe, and couldn't be even if I had a psychological disability. I am a proud member of Evo Morales'party (MAS) in Bolivia and have been protesting since I was a teenager in the late fifties and early sixties.
The truth is to this day I have never listened to one of Trump's speeches, just snippets here and there... clips brought to us by MSM. Also the steady loud drum beat from the Clinton Gang. This morning, I saw this video of a trump speech two days ago posted by a New Zealand radical leftist friend and decided to give it a listen.
WTF? No wonder he gets huge crowds. No wonder the corporate power structure hates his guts.
PS: Maybe its time to tear down all the corporate welfare and race structures and start over... and as far as Trump turning the USA into a fascist police state, I have tens of reasons which prove that the USA already is a deeply totalitarian police state whose goal is world domination for the corporate class. This Trump speech sounds more as if its coming from anarchist ideology than fascist. I wonder if I have become a victim of propaganda???
See this recent article from Counterpunch to begin with and then add to the brief list:

Alex, I love your posts.
Trump and Hillary can both kiss my entire ass, though.
ETA: If I lived in a swing state, I would probably vote for Trump, though, because I do believe that she is the greater evil for this country at this time--and just as bigoted as he is. Inasmuch as I do not live in a swing state, I'm voting in hopes of helping the Greens get ballot access in 2020. Not because I love them or Stein, but any wedge that I can help drive into the duopoly, even a small one, is a good thing.
Well to this point of time
I would (have??) agreed that both these people and their parties can kiss my ass. Now, I am wondering if I have been the victim of propaganda... something I am loath to admit. The whole election has been and still is a nightmare and we all know from research that Clinton is a dangerous corporate police state war monger from the slavocracy class. The entire corporate class hates Trump, which makes me wonder.
Tearing down the corporate police state structure through non-violent elections sounds like an attractive alternative to the response we are getting to the Dakota Pipeline and BLM protests. And where the F is the anti-war movement?
There are a lot of things I wonder about from the anarcho-communist side. Take Haiti and Syria as examples: the best thing that could happen to each country is for the USA and other countries who have not been invited to pack their bags and leave. I am wondering if, similarly, the best thing that can happen to say African-American cities is that the government, its occupying military police, its corporate police state funding pack their bags and leave everyone to forming communes, neighborhood committees, school boards etc.
That being said, I still give full support World Workers... but if one of the two major party wins, I think I would prefer Trump. Even if all he does is stop TPP and makes buddies of Russia.
From the Light House.
While you were replying to me, I was editing my post because
my initial reaction was too flippant by half.
I agree and thanks for clarfying.
Glad you added the edit
I can agree with you about supporting (voting for) Stein, although she is a bit right wing for my taste, LOL. The 5% would be a start to get a liberal capitalist on the ballot next time. But, even if they only get 20 votes, I am going to support the ideology of my choice (I haven't decided yet out of the socialist parties).
BTW in Bolivia MAS (Evo Morales) started with about 1% of the vote.
From the Light House.
You're on to something, Alex.
The only quibble I have is the assumption that there is much police presence in these neighborhoods. I live in such a neighborhood in Cleveland, and a police car is a pretty rare sight even though we have a fair amount of crime. I also think that a lot of south Chicago is pretty much a "no-man's land" as far as the Chicago cops are concerned.
We have plenty of Nixon's old "benign neglect" around here.
As far as neighborhood committees go, I'm thinking we have a nice opening in our community. We have a little park across the street where there was a fire years ago that burned down two houses. The city took the lots and made them into a little park. Up until mid-summer, the city came by once a week with a crew and picked up the trash, emptied the trash barrel, cut the grass, etc. Now they've quit coming, and a private trash service comes by once a week. The guy stops and sits in his truck for 5-10 minutes as determined by his schedule. He then drives on, leaving the trash behind.
My spouse and I have been picking up the trash, but we could form a little committee of the families right around the park and petition the city to quit paying the contractor who doesn't do the work and let us do it as a group instead. We could form a little fund that could be used for, for example, a community garden on one of the vacant lots around here.
A question
A sincere question: The 80,000 SWAT raids every year, are they in the suburbs?
From the Light House.
Presence means that police routinely patrol neighborhoods, have stations located in communities, and regularly engage peacefully with residents. On the other hand, 80,000 SWAT raids are best defined as invasions rather than presence.
You are on to something here. This is the local action our planet needs alot of right now. People communing, benefits being made, all so local that you feel it the moment you step out your door.
It seems to me that if you fancy it, this could be a start of an eventual wonderful career for you -or engaging hobby. This could be a blessing from the universe for you. Things like this could be our blessing to the universe.
Thank you for that beautiful encouragement.
That is a vision of a neighborhood is so contrary to what neighborhoods are like now, both rich and poor, each in its own way. It's also so attractive, or better, so inspiring.
I'm more at the hobby end of life than the career side of things, but it would be wonderful to work toward with others toward such a goal and have the wonderful benefit of living there.
"... the future's here, we are it, we are ON OUR OWN !!"
... courtesy of Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, & The Dead (grateful, of course) --
If anything is to happen, we have to MAKE IT happen --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Don't be so hard on yourself
I think you are mistaking the compassion that drives you and turning it into somewhat negatively stereotyped terms. If you are what you label yourself, we should all turn toward the ideology that you embrace.
I'm afraid that Trump is a
I'm afraid that Trump is a billionaire who has been buying politicians/political favours and that, as President, he'd be cutting out the middleman to increase his own personal profit.
(All bolding mine.)
Trump has no idea of what life is like for people in America nowadays. - he thinks he's had it rough in having to pay back a loan from his father.
As President, of course, how much 'no' would he have to tolerate - unless profiting richly from the results himself?
And Trump thinks a democratic government ought to be run like a corporation - can citizens be fired from a corporation?
He's also a pathological liar whose word means nothing, even when under contract; he publicly bragged about breaking a contractual agreement with a company he knew was desperate in order to put the squeeze on them to further enrich himself, seeing this type of behaviour in himself as clever deal-making.
There is a strong possibility that he's running as the Official Greater Evil to help Hillary get cheated in, this supported by the fact that he received billions in free publicity from the corporate media so industriously propagandizing for Hillary and against other candidates, such as Bernie and Jill, dismissed as fringe candidates and with outright lies promoted about them when they're mentioned at all. Trump spent almost nothing to become widely known without an actual campaign, at least until repulsion for Hillary made him into a serious candidate. He may have decided to aim for the Presidency himself, but his Republican running mate would likely act/substitute as President, should he win.
Whether as Trump's VP, or as alternative President, Pence would bring the billionaire Koch brother influence directly into the White House, not to mention the Tea Party, evangelicals, anti-gay-rights, anti-abortion and other reminders of the Bush Administration - including his support of the Iraq attack-for-oil 'war' and the fact that he's '... trusted by pro-Israel conservatives. ...' Among everything else, some of which is mentioned below. (Very much a Mini-Me-Me-Me to Bush/Hillary, it would seem.)
(Bolding mine)
So, why did Trump pick Pence, if they honestly disagreed on such relatively few but essential issues as were mentioned above? Were they not important to Trump, merely something he said because it sounded good at the moment?
Does Trump either agree with or not care about the appalling policies Pence supports and is this also why Pence agreed to be running mate to him? Was this VP choice perhaps a condition of TPTB in any consideration of allowing him to win if Hillary could not be plausibly cheated in, despite all Clinton/corporate efforts?
In any event, either corporate party candidate supplies what the corporate interests/billionaires want - all for their love of absolute power and profit - and the world of life and all hope of democracy well lost.
Never vote for evil.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Maybe you are
a victim of propaganda, maybe not.
But if dRumph keeps saying shit like that AND moves to her left, her is So gonna lose. They(clinton machine) just don't get it and it's AMAZING to watch them crumble. Will dRumph win? Probably not, but, he and Bernie have pulled the curtain back and once seen, we Cannot un-see it.
$hillboughts, on the other hand, stick their heads in the (somewhere) and sing la la la la la la. . .
And they call Me a dreamer.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
The emerging discussion
isn't Left vs. Right, it's both sides against the Center. We find common ground with the most unlikely people.
If Trump loses will he quietly leave the stage and throw his support behind the Will of the People? Nope. He's a nasty, vindictive narcissist and will take a defeat as a personal insult. Expect him to ramp up the rhetoric at every microphone he can find.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
But you know, after thinking Gore should have fought in 2000,
Kerry should have fought in 2004, and Bernie should have fought the fraud in the primaries this year — why should I be upset if Trump does fight? Hey, more power to him! Somebody’s finally got to stand up and fight a rigged and crooked system, or? It’s about time someone fought — the fight might just result in a serious worthwhile national discussion and a more trustworthy process.
Sure, my generation was told in junior-high civics that official election results represent the “Will of the People,” but that was half a century ago. The intervening half-century of experience ought to have showed any spirit who lived through it and was paying attention that reality is quite different.
The nuclear clock is ticking, the climate clock is ticking — there’s no time left for comfortable lies. If, in this age, it takes a nasty, vindictive narcissist to confront reality and finally call situations by their proper names — you know what? So be it.
I wasn't implying that you should be upset
In the clip we see Trump has improved dramatically as a public speaker. If he had given this as his first speech a year and a half ago this might have been a different election.
All narcissists are facile liars, so I may be reading too much into this. It seems that regardless of his intentions in the beginning, now he's found his voice and he believes what he's saying. He's not going to quit saying it after the election to "keep his powder dry" for a political future or a cushy lobbying job.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
It so happens that I watched or read the transcripts
…of every one of Trumps rally speeches. I covered his campaign until just before the convention.
I don't really think Trump has improved much at all. I'd say his message has remained largely the same. There have been stylistic changes. His tone has evolved, if that's what you mean.
I have written reams of essays parsing his words, finding patterns and themes, and discovering meaning. Even though my view is to the left of the left, I would never dare to post anything I have written about Donald Trump here. The few remarks I made early on about what Trump was actually saying made some folks angry. I got mail.
What I saw — starting with his rally speech in Atlanta before the Republican Debates began — was that his audience had no idea what Trump was actually pitching. They heard what they needed to hear.
Trump's views on vital issues have orbited a consistent core. He has always been far to the left of Hillary. More importantly, he doesn't have an ideology driving his agenda.
I'll let you decide whether or not you were bamboozled by the industry-strength propaganda coming out of the US. Most people were.
Trump's supporters still haven't figured it out. For example, they haven't registered that Trump may be the most solid supporter of single-payer health care who has gotten this close to the Presidency. (Of course he supports single payer health care. It's good business 101.)
Toward the end of the Primaries, however, I realized that it didn't matter what his supporters heard. They are not very political, and 2016 is America's first issue-free presidential campaign. All that matters to them is that Donald Trump can overthrow the current Establishment.
That is what his people are voting for in vast numbers. They're voting for Trump to kick out the corrupt established government. Only an Outsider can pull that off.
Besides, Donald Trump not a Republican. Neither are his kids.
Trump doesn't support single payer healthcare
I just read his own issues page on healthcare. It says he wants "free market solutions" and to allow big insurance companies to expand and sell across state lines, also block grant Medicaid to the states to administer as they like, keep the federal government out of it. And we need to deport all those undocumented immigrants and reduce legal immigration as well, to save all that money being spent providing healthcare to immigrants.
Not a word that sounds like he would support any kind of single payer universal healthcare.
...which makes him just as bad as Clinton on this issue. We will get no help from either of them on the vitally important issues of health care.
On most economic issues, it is a wash between the two of them. Both champions of the corporate elite.
James Kroeger
But isn't that the basis of
But isn't that the basis of most US presidential elections? The outsider is going to change the establishment party that is currently in office. Obama ran as an outsider and change, Bush ran as an outsider and as a non Washington DC politician ( Tex Governor), Clinton ran as an outsider non DC politician. Bush was a third Reagan term though mainly because Dems sucked that election. Regan was an outsider Governor. The outside anti establishment candidate of the opposing party wins far more often against the party that holds the executive office when it is not a reelection for a sitting president. So I really don't see your point because this antiestablishment outsider politician is the normal presented brand for a presidential candidate of the opposition party.
Then all of a sudden that outsider antiestablishment candidate when elected becomes a grand establishment president, every time.
That article is very
troubling, yet not surprising. It answers a lot of questions about what's going on - why Obama folded - why Bernie folded. I want to move out of the country. But, to where? No where is safe anymore.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
the trump video in this essay
has made me unsure about the guy; iirc everything he says in it i agree with
and his presentation was without bombast, most effective, imho
at the very least it's made me understand his tremendous popularity with the "little People", many of whom don't usually vote, because they're aware that the usual candidates are handpicked by the Owners
this time we're all getting the opportunity to vote outside the insider takeover
I could be wrong,
but, unlike the Dem Party Base, I doubt that DT's movement can, or will be co-opted.
And, if they manage to delegitimize her win, as I see it, they're doing Everybody a favor. IOW, from where I sit, our 'friend' is gridlock.
Otherwise, all we have to look forward to is perpetual war, and the total destruction of what's left of the US Social Safety Net.
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer . . .
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The Propaganda Media
Something like 97% of Trump coverage in the past 12 weeks has been negative and twisted. His remarks are taken out of context, his meaning is lied about or misconstrued, and anything that can be done to make him look bad is being done.
The fix is in to get Hillary Clinton elected. What has me LOLing is that despite the best efforts of the Propaganda Media and TPTB, she is still essentially tied with Trump. If he was a better candidate all of the time instead of just some of the time, he'd be stomping her into the ground.
There are serious problems with Trump
He is a proponent of militarized police and stop and frisk...
On the other hand he just called for a new Glass-Steagall Act.
Damn. I really don't want to be spending my time listening to his speeches, although they are a lot more pleasent than listening to Eecchh Clinton, even we he is talking shit.
From the Light House.
I have listened to no less than 20 Trump speeches
since, and including, his RNC Acceptance Speech, and I have tell you I FUCKING LOVE virtually everything he is saying. DNC/MSM/CTR and HillBots have smeared him with lies and misquotes, since the day they realized he was going to win the Republican Nomination, prior to that, they were following the DNC's marching orders, which was to prop him up, to soften up the other candidates for Hillary to beat THEM. Hillary foolishly naively stupidly thought that Trump was a chump and would blindly be her stalking horse / fall guy.
She. Was. Mistaken.
Trump has been planning to run for President his entire life, ever since he went to Military Academy as a teenager. He is not the spoiled brat he has been portrayed as. Just listen to Oprah's interview of him from 30 years ago. His campaign was not unplanned or random. And he despises what the corporatists have done to his country. Yes, he is a businessman who, of course, takes advantage of whatever policies they pass, but that doesn't mean he likes what they've done to his country. And, he was never called a racist prior to running against Hillary. What does THAT tell you?
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Nice eye opener Alex. It is
Nice eye opener Alex. It is difficult to care enough to listen, but even though I know this clip is probably edited to the max for continuity, tone, etc., he does lay it on the line appropriately. BUT!!! As an older white man, living in a non-diverse community of relative privilege (not the financial kind), My voice is easily shoved aside as irrelevant in this age of divisiveness.
He is spot on regarding the media which is the most powerful tool, wholly at the beck, and call of the Clinton Family. So much critical information on the corruption of the Clinton legacy is buried, denied, and dismissed by the entire media complex, and those with opposing voices are ridiculed by the "Bully on the Block"...the MSM as the Clinton attack dog, and gang of support they offer in the 24/7 propaganda cycle. Until we all turn off our TV, our addictive media devices and platforms, we will no longer engage as a civilized society. They will maintain control over all of us with their very successful "divide and conquer" strategy.
If there is a god, or gods, or any other unifying deity...we desperately need his/her/ their help in this one.
"always be thoughtful of those less fortunate" ( my mom)
Trump is no better than the Clintons. He is their whipping boy.
If nothing else, he's just an opportunistic shitty demagogue who doesn't really have anything to offer besides more of the same when it's all said and done. That's why I refuse outright to support either one of them. Besides, you don't build up a puppet candidate like Trump only to have him become a real boy after all the work being done to tear his ass apart.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I agree...
...with all of this:
And in spite of the fact that he is such a bad choice, the unfortunate reality is that Hillary Clinton is much more to be feared as President than he is.
At least this egomaniacal embarrassment of a human being is a lot more reluctant to get us into a war with Russia/China/Iran than she is and that incredibly important fact is what annihilates the argument that they are both "equally bad."
James Kroeger
Trump says nothing about the biggest crisis of our time
Which to me, means, as with Hillary, Trump has no foresight and no real concern in solving our problems. He's also an abusive narcissist with no real empathy.
Beware the bullshit factories.