The Evening Blues - 11-25-15
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features New Orleans r&b artist Smiley Lewis. Enjoy!
Smiley Lewis - I Hear You Knockin'
"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding."-- Louis D. Brandeis
News and Opinion
US Internal Probe Into Hospital Bombing Raises More Questions Than Answers
The commander of the Afghanistan war will give an "update" on US inquiry into US bombing of a Kunduz hospital... the day before Thanksgiving
— Ugh (@attackerman) November 24, 2015
The results of the U.S. Pentagon's internal probes into the October 3 bombing of a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan raised "more questions than answers" as reports of the military's alleged "human error" emerged on Wednesday.
The pair of investigations, which trickled out by way of the mainstream media, reduced the attack on the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital to series of human errors and technical glitches. They show that despite the medical charity's documented efforts to alert commanders to the onslaught, those signals did not reportedly reach the trigger team until it was "too late," resulting in the deaths of at least 31 civilians and injuring 28 more.
Among observers—including the head of MSF—the findings have raised some eyebrows as well as questions such as: What about the hour-long attempts to stop the bombing? How does this compare to MSF's own investigation? Why are these damning reports being released the day before Thanksgiving? And what does this say about the competency of the U.S. military?
Responding to the news that gunmen erroneously relied on a physical description of the compound to carry out the attack and had intended to strike a building 450 yards away, Stokes continued: "It appears that 30 people were killed and hundreds of thousands of people are denied life-saving care in Kunduz simply because the MSF hospital was the closest large building to an open field and 'roughly matched' a description of an intended target."
"The frightening catalogue of errors outlined today illustrates gross negligence on the part of U.S. forces and violations of the rules of war," he added, reiterating the organization's call for independent and impartial investigation into the attack.
U.S. Military Suspends Members Over Kunduz Hospital Strike
The top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John F. Campbell, said Wednesday that several service members had been suspended from duty after an internal military investigation of the American airstrike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz last month.
Calling the airstrike a “tragic mistake,” General Campbell read a statement announcing the findings of the investigation, which he said concluded that “avoidable human error” was to blame, compounded by technical, mechanical and procedural failures. He said that another contributing factor was that the Special Forces members in Kunduz had been fighting continuously for days and were fatigued. ...
General Campbell and his staff did not say how many people were being disciplined, or how. But a senior United States military official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that one of those punished was the Army Special Forces commander on the ground in Kunduz during the fighting. The official would not identify the commander by name, but said the officer, a captain, was relieved of his command in Afghanistan on Wednesday morning. ...
The general confirmed that Médecins Sans Frontières, the French name of Doctors Without Borders, had succeeded in reaching the Special Forces commander to inform him of the attack about 12 minutes into the airstrike, at 2:20 a.m. But he said the strike was not called off until 2:37 a.m. — after the aircrew had already stopped firing. But that timeline does not agree with accounts by the aid group and other witnesses, who said the strike went on for more than an hour.
The aid group, which has called for an independent, nonmilitary international inquiry into the airstrike, was sharply critical of General Campbell’s remarks.
Court Rules Assassination Memo Can Stay Secret
A memo about how the George W. Bush administration interpreted a ban on assassination can be kept secret, along with other legal documents about the drone war, a federal appeals court said in a ruling made public Monday. ...
Last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York said that widespread discussion about the drone program by administration officials, as well as the leak of a so-called white paper from the Justice Department, outlining its legal reasoning for killing a U.S. citizen, had mooted the case for so much secrecy. The court ordered the government to release a July 2010 memo that cleared the way for killing Anwar al Awlaki. Two other documents discussing the CIA’s role in such killings were also made public last year, in heavily redacted form.
Today’s decision from the court centered on 10 remaining documents that the Justice Department argued did not have to be released.
One of the documents at issue was a March 2002 memo, which, in the government’s description, “provided legal advice regarding the assassination ban in Executive Order 12333.” (The order, signed by Ronald Reagan in 1981, upholds a ban on assassination first issued by Gerald Ford in 1976.)
The memo might get at the heart of a debate about the United States’ lethal counterterrorism missions, carried out by drone or other means: Why is the killing of select individuals, far from conventional battlefields, without a trial, not assassination?
This article is well worth reading in full.
The Real Tragedy Of Terrorism In Paris: Western Governments Believe They Can Wage War Without Cost
The atrocities committed in the latest Paris attacks rightly horrify us, but they should surprise no one, least of all the French. An outraged President Francois Hollande announced that “France is at war,” but of course that has been the case for more than a year, since France started bombing Islamic State forces in Iraq and later in Syria. Why did he only announce the fact after French citizens had died? He apparently hoped that the war would not inconvenience his own people, perhaps that they wouldn’t even notice the conflict. ...
This kind of terrorism simply is another weapon of war. Imagine if the Islamic State was a normal nation. No one would have been surprised had ISIL fighter planes shot down French aircraft engaged in France’s nearly 300 bombing runs over the “caliphate.” There might have been shocked disbelief at such a defeat of French arms, but no moral outrage. The same would be the case if ISIL planes had retaliated by striking Paris. Again, that would have been a routine act of war. After all, France had attacked Raqqa, the Islamic State’s de facto capital, in October. The U.S. has bombed the capital of every major adversary since World War II: Rome, Berlin, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Hanoi, Belgrade, Baghdad, and Tripoli.
ISIL undoubtedly had the desire but not the capability to retaliate directly. So it turned to terrorism. While President Hollande studiously ignored his role in the tragedy, the 129 people slaughtered on the streets of Paris ultimately paid the price of his government’s decision to go to war. Of course, those killed did not deserve to die. But said one of the killers, “It’s the fault of your president, he should not have intervened in Syria” and Iraq.
Western governments which loose the dogs of war should stop assuming that their own people will not be bitten. Being a liberal democracy does not turn bombing and killing into an act of immaculate conception. Instead of pretending that their nations enjoy immunity from the inevitable horrors of war, Western officials should make the case to their people that the likely costs are worth the benefits. In this case that includes the possibility, perhaps likelihood, of terrorist attacks at home. There are no certainties even for America, which has done surprisingly well since 9/11. ...
The most obvious victims of the Paris attacks are those killed and wounded, and their families and friends. But perhaps the greater outrage is that after turning his nation into a target President Hollande used the new attacks to justify more intervention, telling the French parliament that Syria is “the biggest factory of terrorists the world has ever known,” a manifest untruth. After downplaying the risks of war, failing to even admit that France was at war as it bombed other nations and killed other peoples, the French president emerged surrounded by his security detail to pose as a decisive political leader.
Worse, the Paris attacks encouraged Republican presidential candidates to become even more irresponsible, calling for more war against more people. ... Yet none of the Republicans explained how deeper involvement in the Middle East’s burgeoning sectarian conflict would promote U.S. interests let alone protect U.S. security.
Su-24 crash aftermath: World reactions, further escalation fears
Turkey Planned To Down Our Jet, But We’re Not Going to War, Says Russia
Russia claimed on Wednesday that Turkey's downing of its warplane was a "planned provocation" — as Turkey said it had simply acted to defend its own security.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia had "serious doubts this was an unintended incident," following a meeting with his counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, but stressed "We're not going to war against Turkey."
Earlier, Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan said his nation had acted simply to defend its own security and the "rights of our brothers" in Syria. But in Russia's view those "brothers" are Islamic State militants themselves, according to a statement from Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reported by Russia Today on Wednesday.
"Turkey's actions are de facto protection of Islamic State," he was reported as saying. "This is no surprise, considering the information we have about direct financial interest of some Turkish officials relating to the supply of oil products refined by plants controlled by ISIS."
In a series of tweets on Wednesday morning, Medvevev said Turkey's "criminal" actions had led to a "dangerous aggravation" of relations between Russia and NATO, that Turkey had demonstrated it was protecting IS, and that Turkey could lose important business projects in Russia as a result.
Russia hails rescue operation as downed jet's navigator denies Turkey warning
The second Russian airman from the Su-24 shot down by the Turkish air force is “alive and well”, after a 12-hour special operation to save him succeeded, Russian officials have said.
Both airmen ejected from the plane after it was hit by a Turkish F-16 on Tuesday, but the pilot was shot at and killed by fire from the ground, apparently from Syrian Turkmen fighters. ...
The Russian agency LifeNews said the airman was found by an 18-man Syrian special forces team acting together with six members of an elite Hezbollah unit. It said he had hidden for many hours after landing, and was found by a radio signal.
Captain Konstantin Murakhtin, speaking on Russian television after his rescue, said his plane had not crossed into Turkish airspace and denied that there had been any audio or visual warnings from Turkey. Murakhtin added that he knew the area “like the back of my hand”. He is currently receiving medical treatment but said he wanted to stay in Syria and continue flying missions.
Russia Deploys Air Defenses to Syria-Turkey Border
Russia has announced the deployment of significant new air defense equipment to the Syria-Turkey border, including the Moskva guided-missile cruiser, which will park off the coast of Latakia to destroy any “target that may pose danger.” ... The Russian Defense Ministry says they are going to cut military contact with Turkey as well in protest over the attack.
The biggest move, however, is likely to be Russia’s announcement that future bombing runs in northern Syria are going to include escorts of fighter jets, a move that is likely to dissuade hasty attacks on the bombers in future incidents along the border.
Report: US officials blame Turkey for overreacting to minor violation of airspace
While US President Barack Obama publicly expressed support for Ankara's right to defend its sovereignty after Turkey shot down a Russian plane it says strayed into its airspace on Tuesday, US officials reportedly believe Turkey needlessly escalated tensions.
CBS News on Tuesday quoted anonymous US officials as blaming Turkey for overreacting to a minor violation of its airspace. ...
The United States believes that the Russian jet shot down by Turkey on Tuesday was hit inside Syrian airspace after a brief incursion into Turkish airspace, a US official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.
US-backed forces have right to self-defense, but others do not': State Dept. spox
Turkey Downs Russian Plane, Joins With Islamic State: U.S. Should Drop New Ottoman Empire As Ally
Turkey’s rash decision to shoot down a Russian plane for allegedly violating its airspace isn’t likely to trigger World War III. But Ankara has demonstrated where it stands. With the Islamic State and against the West. The justification for Turkey’s membership in NATO and America’s defense guarantee for Ankara long ago passed. Turkey’s irresponsible action proves that it is no U.S. ally.
The Obama administration’s war against the Islamic State is turning into another interminable conflict that serves the interests of other nations far more than America. U.S. policy has been impossibly incoherent, attempting to do everything: oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, shove aside next door Iran, defeat vicious jihadist insurgents, promote ineffectual “moderate” forces, convince the Gulf States to act against the extremists they’ve been supporting, promote diplomacy without participation by Damascus and Tehran, and convince Turkey to serve U.S. rather than Islamic interests.
While Russia’s September entry into the war outraged Washington, Moscow showed clarity and realism. Russia simply sought to bolster Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad against insurgents dominated by radical Islamists. Ironically, this approach was far more likely than the administration’s confused policy to advance America’s core interest of defeating ISIL and al-Qaeda affiliates such as al-Nusra. The U.S. had little choice but to accommodate Moscow, despite nutty proposals from some Republican presidential candidates to shoot down Russian planes.
However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan played the fool when his military downed a Russian aircraft, involved in striking territory controlled by al-Nusra. The two governments’ accounts conflict, but no one believes the Putin government had the slightest hostile intent against Ankara. Downing the plane was gratuitously provocative and not necessary for Turkey’s defense. The objectives likely were to interfere with Moscow’s operations against Islamic radicals and/or discourage future Russian strikes against Ankara-backed Islamists. The action obviously was contrary to Washington’s interest, which would be caught in any escalation between Russia and Turkey. Yet NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that “we stand in solidarity with Turkey and support the territorial integrity of our NATO ally, Turkey.” ...
Striking nuclear-armed Russia for an alleged overflight lasting just a few seconds appears to be seeking war. The U.S. should shun Ankara for playing chicken with Moscow.
Turkey's Intentions Behind the Downing of a Russian Jet
US Uses Banking Records to Decide What Syrian Oil Infrastructure to Attack
With the US shifting its focus in the Syrian air war away from ISIS targets and toward oil infrastructure, officials say banking records are proving indispensable for military planners looking to decide which refineries are most profitable and, subsequently, will get bombed first. ...
Officials say in theory the airstrikes have cut a third of ISIS’ income from the oil industry, though reports are that areas dependent on ISIS-smuggled oil are seeing rising prices as the supply becomes more scarce, so it’s unclear how much it’s really costing ISIS.
Rather, the big losers here are the communities dependent on this oil revenue to survive, and as they grow more desperate, they will likely have to turn to ISIS for help, since the group still has significant cash reserves. With such attacks, the US may be forcing locals into greater dependence of the ISIS movement.
Report: Israeli Airstrikes Kill 13 Along Syria-Lebanon Border
According to reports out of the Syrian media, Israeli warplanes launched four airstrikes against a Hezbollah base in western Syria, along the Lebanon border, killing at least 13 people and wounding dozens of others.
The report identified the slain as eight Hezbollah fighters and five Syrian soldiers. No reason was given for the attack and, as with several previous Israeli attacks on Syria, there has been no formal statement from the Israeli military confirming the incident, let alone explaining it.
Zionist Organization of America chief: Don’t accept Syrian refugees 'because they hate Israel and Jews’
The United States should not accept any Syrian refugees, Zionist Organization of America president Mort Klein told attendees at a gala banquet here Sunday night, adding that many of them hate Jews and Israel. In addition, he said, parents and siblings of terrorists should be deported unless they publicly condemn, in Hebrew and Arabic, the acts of their family member. Klein was speaking to an audience of more than 1,000 people at the 2015 Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award Dinner, held at Manhattan’s Grand Hyatt hotel.
“Don’t bring these refugees here. Treat as pariahs all those who promote radical Islam. ... We must crush radical Islam as we crushed Nazism,” Klein said.
Attendees greeted both of Klein’s proposals with wild applause. It was one of several moments of right-wing ideology met by popular — though perhaps, given the $700 per person ticket price, not populist — acclaim.
Klein was born in a displaced persons camp in Germany to parents who survived the Holocaust. He was 4 when the family immigrated to Philadelphia, and spoke only Yiddish, he told Haaretz. Asked whether he does not feel, particularly in light of his own background, that there is an ethical imperative for the United States to take in refugees, he said: “As a Jew and as a Zionist, why should I want people who hate me to come to America? Especially when a small chunk might commit terrorist acts against my fellow Americans. It’s perfectly rational. No question most of them are not terrorists, but most hate Jews and Israel.
Bibi the delusional douchebag demands that the international community endorse his massive violations of international law - or the Palestinians get it. Got it?
Netanyahu Demands International Endorsement of Settlement Expansion
Meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not only ruled out a new settlement freeze as a condition of resuming peace talks, but demanded the international community formally endorse all future expansions of the settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Netanyahu reportedly told Kerry that if the international community ever wanted to see the Palestinians permitted to build another building in the West Bank they’d have to unconditionally recognize the “right” of Israel to build as it sees fit in the settlements.
ISIS Recruitment Thrives in Brutal Prisons Run By U.S.-Backed Egypt
For nearly two years Mohamed Soltan, a 26-year-old citizen of both Egypt and America, endured torture, deprivation, and cruelty while locked in the prisons of Egyptian military dictator Abdul Fattah al-Sisi. In 2013, he was among thousands arrested in a country-wide crackdown on civil society activists, journalists, and members of the deposed government following Sisi’s coup and massacre of protestors in Cairo’s Raba’a Adawiya Square.
Soltan was released this year after a 400-day hunger strike in which he lost over 130 pounds and nearly died, saved only by the intervention of the American government on his behalf. Despite bending to pressure in his case, the Egyptian regime continues to imprison as many as 41,000 other political prisoners, recent Human Rights Watch estimates suggest. And Soltan worries that extremism is incubating in those facilities, where he witnessed and experienced torture. Today, he says that, through its oppressive practices, the Sisi government is effectively acting as a “recruiting agent” for extremist groups like the Islamic State.
“The regime is fostering an environment in their prisons that makes them a fertile ground for that kind of ideology to flourish,” Soltan says. “The brutality and the overwhelming loss of hope is creating a situation which fits [the Islamic State’s] narrative, and they’re using it to try and recruit people and spread their message.” ...
The Obama administration ... occasionally criticiz[es] Sisi’s human rights abuses even as it continues to send him roughly $1.5 billion in mostly military aid each year.
The U.S. Is the Most Unequal Developed Economy Outside Southern Europe
The developed world's most unequal economies are in struggling southern Europe, closely followed by the U.S. according to a new report from Morgan Stanley. ...
Persistent inequality hurts economic growth over the long run, according to the bank. ... "Past generations of middle-class families, emerging from the post-WWII period, could aspire to improving living standards, with a reasonably sized house, a good education for their children" and dependable pensions, Morgan Stanley economists said in their report Tuesday. "In contrast, middle-class aspirations are now running up against the wall of job and retirement insecurity."
Minneapolis police 'suggested Jamar Clark protesters wanted shootings'
“This is what you guys wanted,” police told protesters after five demonstrators were shot and injured by masked men at a continuing protest in Minneapolis on Monday night, witnesses told the Guardian.
Protesters trying to tend to the wounded were also maced. ...
Having shot five people, the attackers escaped in what looked like a black Toyota SUV, according to Nimo Omar, who was also at the protest.
After the shots, everything was “very chaotic”, Omar said. Several people, including Sumaya Moallin and Oluchi Omeoga, ran back to the precinct to ask the police for help.
Moallin said they needed a squad car and an ambulance. “He looked at me and he said: ‘Call 911,’” she told the Guardian. “I said: ‘I thought you were 911.’ Then he looked at me directly and said: ‘This is what you guys wanted.’”
“Six [officers] were outside [the precinct building],” she continued. “They all just shuffled back into the door. They were not making eye contact ... I pleaded a good amount of time.” ...
Then the police arrived at the scene in force, in full riot gear. Rachel Bean was still tending to [one of the protesters who was shot] stomach wound when they released mace into people’s faces, she told the Guardian. “I said, ‘I called the EMS, you don’t have to mace everyone’,” she said. “The officer said ‘fuck you’ or ‘shut the fuck up’ or something like that.”
She said that attitude was representative of the behavior of other officers she interacted with after the attack.
Policing on Trial as Freddie Gray Case Set to Begin
Laquan McDonald video reveals police lied
The day after Laquan died, police officials told the Chicago Tribune that he had “lunged at police” before the officer opened fire. The video shows the opposite. When Van Dyke’s patrol car speeds past Laquan to get in front of him, Laquan, who had been running, slows his jog to a shuffle. He also veers right, away from the highway’s centerline where he had been running, gaining a full lane – or roughly 10-15ft of separation – by the time he was shot.
When the squad car stops, Van Dyke’s exit is briefly obscured by another CPD vehicle; by the time it pulls away just five seconds later, Van Dyke is seen advancing on Laquan with his gun drawn.
Within another three seconds, Van Dyke has taken at least five steps toward Laquan and fired the first pair of shots. Though the shots cannot be heard and the muzzle flash isn’t visible, Van Dyke’s arm clearly bends from the recoil of his pistol.
Almost immediately, Laquan spins backward, either from the force of the first two shots, as a self-protective reflex, or perhaps both. He collapses, and the shots continue from Van Dyke’s weapon, hitting McDonald another 14 times as he lay on the ground.
There were no other officers or civilians in the direction of Laquan’s path away from Van Dyke, and there was no offensive or even sudden movement by Laquan until the first bullets had already struck his body. No other officers on the scene fired their weapons. ...
And yet for all we do now know, there are still many things that the video cannot tell us. ... We ... don’t know what the surveillance footage from the nearby Burger King restaurant would have shown had it not disappeared. A Chicago NBC affiliate reported Tuesday that, according to the restaurant’s district manager, four officers spent three hours with the tape of the incident, and when they left 86 minutes, encompassing the entire shooting, had been erased. The camera is located roughly 100ft from where Laquan died.
Chicago poised for new protests after Laquan McDonald video released
Chicago is braced for more protests on Wednesday after anger spilled on to downtown city streets overnight following the release of video footage showing the fatal shooting of a black teenager by a police officer.
Protests are expected outside city hall on Wednesday and demonstrations are being planned to block the city’s main shopping thoroughfare, Michigan Avenue, during the traditional post-Thanksgiving spending bonanza on Friday.
Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson said he hoped to see “massive” but peaceful protests.
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel warned that the city’s residents “will have to make important judgments about our city and ourselves – and go forward”.
The shocking video showing 17-year-old Laquan McDonald being gunned down by police was made public Tuesday on the same day that a white Chicago officer was charged with murder in the case.
The rare decision to bring a murder charge against a member of Chicago law enforcement after the deadly shooting of a resident perhaps contributed to the peaceful and relatively small nature of the demonstration that stretched into the early hours of Wednesday, as agitated crowds gathered in streets, stopped traffic in downtown Chicago and chanted.
![the horse race](
Nothing Funny About a Leading Presidential Candidate Spreading Racist Propaganda on Crime
On Sunday, Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate who has led the primary polls for months, retweeted a graphic of bogus crime statistics regarding American homicide. The source for the numbers is the Crime Statistics Bureau of San Francisco — an entity that doesn’t exist. The tweet, which features an image of a menacing young black man wielding a gun, claims to break down murders in 2015 based on the race of offenders and victims. While the FBI publishes an annual homicide report that includes this type of data, it hasn’t yet been released — 2015 isn’t over. This logic, unsurprisingly, is lost on the Republican frontrunner.
More disturbingly, however, are the numbers. The graphic in Trump’s tweet says that 97 percent of black murder victims are killed by other black people. According to the most recent FBI data, from the bureau’s 2014 report, 90 percent of black victims were murdered by other black people. The graphic also falsely implies that 81 percent of white murder victims are killed by black people. The 2014 report, in contrast, says that only 15 percent of white murder victims were killed by black people, while 82 percent were killed by white people. The reality is that the vast majority of black victims are killed by black people, just as the vast majority of white victims are killed by white people.
"@SeanSean252: @WayneDupreeShow @Rockprincess818 @CheriJacobus"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2015
Trump’s dissemination of white supremacist propaganda on crime reflects a longstanding tradition of politicians and law enforcement painting young black people as violent threats wreaking havoc across the country.
Twenty-five years ago, during the height of gruesome drug war rhetoric, the term “superpredator” was introduced to frighten Americans and provide rationale for harsher sentencing and, ultimately, the construction of the carceral state. In 1996, Hillary Clinton, now the leading Democratic candidate, called children in street organizations superpredators, adding that such youth gangsters have “no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.” ...
Trump’s neo-fascist campaign has been facilitated, presumably for ratings, by many quarters of the American media. He appears so frequently on ABC’s This Week that the network should consider renaming the show This Week with Donald Trump. And the cable networks love him. When he’s on as a guest the questioning hardly ever dives deep into his scurrilous policy proposals; instead, the exchanges are superficial farces.
Hillary Clinton pledges not to use term 'illegal immigrants' again
Hillary Rodham Clinton said on Tuesday that her use of the term “illegal immigrants” was a “poor choice of words” and she pledged not to use it anymore, responding to criticism from immigration activists.
The Democratic presidential frontrunner was asked about her use of the term to describe people who are in the US illegally during a question-and-answer session on Facebook held by Telemundo. The question came from Jose Antonio Vargas, a filmmaker and journalist whose organisation, Define American, has said the terminology is offensive and asked all presidential candidates to stop using it.
“Yes, I will,” Clinton wrote during a stop in Boulder, Colorado. “That was a poor choice of words. As I’ve said throughout this campaign, the people at the heart of this issue are children, parents, families, DREAMers. They have names and hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected.”
DREAMers take their name from the acronym for legislation that lays out a process toward citizenship for immigrants who were brought into the country illegally as children and grew up in the United States.
During a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire earlier this month, Clinton said she voted “numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”
Latest Snub of Progressive Base as Clinton Ditches MoveOn Forum
Betraying her claimed 'committment,' former secretary of state ignores opportunity to 'speak directly to and energize the progressive base'
In what one analyst sees as "a really bad mistake," Hillary Clinton declined to participate in a presidential forum hosted by the 8 million-strong organization
Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley did take part in the virtual event in which they answered questions on issues ranging from campaign finance reform to climate change to the Syrian refugee crisis.
"It’s a shame that Secretary Clinton declined to participate in the MoveOn member forum," Anna Galland, the executive director of Civic Action, said in a statement to The Hill. "She missed an opportunity to speak directly to and energize the progressive base she’ll need in her corner not just to win the nomination but also the general election, if she is the party's nominee."
"Our forum gave grassroots progressives the chance to pose substantive questions directly to presidential candidates—exactly what democracy is about— and we’re grateful to Sen. Sanders and Gov. O’Malley for participating," Galland's statement continued.
Lobbyists, in Strategy Session, Conclude That Refugee Crisis “Helps Us” Defeat Regulations
In an audio recording of a strategy session obtained by The Intercept, major trade association lobbyists discussed how the refugee crisis has changed the political dynamics in Washington to their advantage.
In the conference call held last week, lobbyists representing a number of high-polluting industries agreed that the battle between Congress and President Obama on refugee policy will give them the cover they need to attach a legislative rider to the omnibus budget bill that rolls back newly expanded clean water regulation. ...
The White House has issued veto threats against previous attempts by Congress to block the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, a regulation finalized this year that extends Clean Water Act protections to millions of acres of wetlands and streams. So attaching a rider blocking WOTUS to the omnibus was potentially going to attract a lot of attention. Until now. ...
The remarks were made during a political strategy call hosted last week by energy utility industry lobbyists. A recording was sent to The Intercept by someone on the call. [Audio of the lobbyists conspiring embedded in the original. - js]
Living Without Water: Contamination Nation
US predicts Paris climate talks will benefit from lessons of past mistakes
White House officials say Obama is determined to take lead on climate change during talks set to begin on Monday with bilateral meeting with China
Lessons from past failures will help push nations towards a robust climate change agreement that will push down greenhouse gas emissions, the White House has predicted.
The US has promised to take a leadership role during next week’s talks in Paris, with Barack Obama arriving on Sunday night for a number of high-level meetings designed to spur early momentum. ...
White House officials said that the president was determined to show leadership on the issue of climate change as it posed a “clear and present threat” to US national security and an “existential challenge” to developing nations that will bear the brunt of extreme weather events and food insecurity caused by warming temperatures.
Rhodes said the Paris talks will be approached differently to Copenhagen, which is widely viewed as a hastily patched-together failure.
“By the time [Obama arrived in Copenhagen] things had already unravelled and then had to be put back together,” he said. “The goal here is to give a push with heads of state at the beginning of the process and then allow [secretary of state John] Kerry and others to finalise the details.”
[Clearly, the Obama administration seems to have forgotten its role in "unravelling" the Copenhagen summit. See: 'Insane, Disgusting' and 'Epic Treachery': NSA Spied on Climate Talks - js]
Scientists unable to explain starling mass drownings
Starlings have been consistently drowning in large groups in a phenomenon yet to be fully explained by scientists, according to new research led by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).
In 12 separate incidents recorded between 1993 and 2013 in England and Wales, starlings were found drowned in groups of two to 80. In 10 cases, at least 10 starlings were found drowned at a time, the research published in the journal Scientific Reports on Wednesday shows.
One expert said that the mass mortalities were “really unusual”, with drowning considered a rare cause of death among wild bird populations and normally only recorded as affecting individual birds.
Records since 1909 of 800,000 ringed birds from 79 species reveal that drowning was more commonly recorded as a probable cause of death in starlings than in any other species.
Post mortems revealed no evidence that underlying disease had been a factor in the incidents which all occurred during the summer and spring months and concerned juvenile birds in most cases.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
The men who shot at the Minneapolis protesters want to scare all black people
One Year Later: Still No Justice For Tamir Rice
Once Again, Media Terrorize the Public for the Terrorists
Kyiv is now officially hostage to right wing and neo-Nazi extremists
A Little Night Music
Smiley Lewis - Lillie Mae
Smiley Lewis - Bumpity Bump
Smiley Lewis - One Night Of Sin
Smiley Lewis - Blue Monday
Smiley Lewis - Shame Shame Shame
Smiley Lewis - Tee Nah Nah
Smiley Lewis - Farewell
Smiley Lewis - Come on
Smiley Lewis - Big Mamou
Smiley Lewis - Ooh la La
Smiley Lewis - Real Gone Lover
Smiley Lewis - Tore Up
Smiley Lewis - The Bells Are Ringing
Smiley Lewis - She's Got Me Hook, Line & Sinker
Smiley Lewis - Play Girl
Smiley Lewis - Bee's Boogie
Smiley Lewis - Down The Road
Smiley Lewis - Ain't Gonna Do It
another article on Turkey deliberately downing Russian plane
this is from a turkish paper
the author noted that the Turkmen in Syria were being covered extensively in the news. Four days before the plane was shot down, he sent a tweet saying that he expected something to happen because over the years this has been a way to get the Turkish public ready to support Turkmen somewhere in the world and typically then leads to military action
and the author points out how the tape of warnings was so clear, like it had been made in a studio
he expects that Turkey & US planned the event against Russia
Erdoğan picks up a new contract from the West...
The subtitle of the article is:
evening don...
i can make cases for and against secret us encouragement of erdogan's actions against russia. it's a pretty stupid thing to bait a nuclear bear, but it's not the sort of thing that i could rule out obama and his neocon minions doing. on the other hand, erdogan seems to like to take stupid risks of his own volition, so i can't rule out that he might have done it without consulting obama.
thanks for reply
Erdogan is moving toward being a Sultan
has he not learned about guerrilla wars from what has happened in recent years? He will not be able to get rid of the Kurds in Turkey by military means.
Turkey got rid of others in their brutal past, so they are capable of forcing mass migration
As you know, the Kurdish region was chopped up by UK and France and split Kurds into different countries. The ongoing war with PKK had settled down and the Kurdish minority had gained a spot in the parliament, and then Erdogan attacked. The people killed in the terrorist attack in Ankara were marching in support of the Kurds and may have been ISIL. Doesn't look like the government wants to find out who did it.
They have more journalists in jail than ISIL people. They have been aiding them.
In any case, what was once a bright spot, Turkey is now known throughout the world as a Islamic state and is becoming more authoritarian day by day.
Erdogan might have planned the downing of the plane, or he might not have, or he might have let it be known that if there was an attack it was OK. or he might have been shocked and worried about what happened. No way to tell the answer to these options.
My main news source will probably be shut down along with the other media outlets that are run by the government. And the writers may well end up in jail. When it takes a long time for the page to load I imagine that they have been shut down
Shouldn't that be...
…the Neocons and their Obama puppet….?
i accept your friendly amendment.![Smile](
Update on Kim Dotcom
I just did a search on the web and there is an article that the 6 week extradition hearing has just wrapped up. No word on when the judge will make a judgement.
a press article on this
I made a post on dailykos about this. What if you made a copy machine and people made copyright copies. Can you sue me? Can you extradite me? Can you seeze all my assets? Can you steal all the information from the millions of customers who have their stuff stored on my machines?
Kim invented megaupload, a file sharing company. The US government as an advocate of the Motion Picture Association of America has gone after Kim in the biggest copyright case in history.
Many violations, no basis in law from my view, and threatened all of us from the overreach of the US government to anyone, anywhere in the world.
Here is the very long legal article filed by Kim's team. My hunch is that it will be read by attys for years to come. Very well done
megaupload & copyright lobby & the furure of digital rights
and a legal statement by one of his attorneys, Lawrence Lessing, recently of presidential run fame
the kim dotcom case is quite interesting...
and has pretty broad implications for the internet as we know it. given that the people duking it out in court all have vast resources at their disposal, it ought to be a pretty impressive fight.
so far, the greed of the hollywood/record industry interests has been quite breathtaking in its scale in this and the other legal wranglings around this issue.
read the 2 articles from Forbes on Turkey Joe posted
Hi anyone, but probably joe
By the time I finished the second article I tended to agree that Russia is a better ally in the middle east than Turkey. I know that Putin is terrible, but in a cold foreign policy sense, he is right to oppose ISIL.
Here are some points from the second article which is this one the one on Turkey downing the Russian plane. By the end the author is saying that the US should get our of NATO
then he says
Joe - do you agree with this? I have not spent enough time to know if this is true
WTF - hasn't the US military on your soil lead to no good? Again, This is reasonable, but no first hand reading of stories on this
this passing comment on Ukrane is more or less true?
and - but the US wants allies and wars. Look at Nick Turse's work on the gearing up of US presence in Africa. And there is the "pivot to Asia" so this next point doesn't seem to be the case
and the author says
Turkey supports ISIL and other militant Muslim movements and is now an autocratic society
i thought that those were pretty good articles...
yes, putin is probably not a saint, he's suppressed (possibly with extreme prejudice) journalists and opposition activists among some other not-so-nice things.
but when you think about it, what we are looking for is an ally. the us standard for allies is pretty low. putin looks pretty good compared to a large number of the blood-stained head-chopping butchers that we have allied with both currently (i'm looking at you, saudi arabia, bahrain, kuwait and qatar) and in the past - remember when joe stalin was our friend?
putin is not unacceptable based upon any moral or political standard that america has ever lived up to.
that said, he has already demonstrated that he has the will and the ability to make a serious dent in, not only isis, but a whole array of nasty jihadist groups that are festering in the vacuum that the united states has created by its decades of imperial dithering in the middle east.
yes, i believe that he is correct in this. i remember reading that france in particular was quite eager to rid the world of gaddafi, because its ginormous water corporations coveted libya's water resources (and everybody wanted libya's oil).
according to the wikipedia chronology of the 2011 intervention that ended in gaddafi's demise, sarkozy was the first western imperialist to wave the green flag by uttering the demand that gaddafi had to go.
yes, that also comports with what i've read. georgia has virtually nothing to offer the us that would be considered an interest other than proximity to russia and bragging rights for peeling it away from russia's orbit. ukraine has some assets (farmland and gas) but it is constantly at risk of various armed factions bursting into armed revolt, its economy is in the toilet, what decrepit infrastructure that it had is in tatters and it is so deeply corrupt that putting the state on a firm enough footing to support a business culture for the west to exploit would cost more money than it's worth risking.
Gawd, you are so diplomatic.
Compared to the inhumane, savage, nation-destroying golem that the United States has become — Putin is Jesus Christ and all the Saints, combined.
USA: A once prosperous nation, born on July 4, 1776. It died and went to hell on September 11, 2001.
And that is why I am not running a political, reality-based blog.
There once was a fellow named Putin,
Who got sane Americans rootin'.
When faced with a crisis,
He didn't fund ISIS,
But stopped the Saudi monster by shootin'.
i am diplomatic by nature, but i do have some suppressed talent for ranting.![Smile](
Another view of the targeting of the MSF hospital in Afghanistan
This is a repeat of the "mistakes were made" explanations from the US Military. What can you expect when the perpetrator investigates itself?
‘Human error’ led to Afghan hospital attack, U.S. general says
from the comments:
"More than 30 people dead and the terrorist gets a suspension!"
The hospital was clearly marked,coordinates were given and what's the explanation for ignoring the immediate phone calls from MSF demanding a halt to the attack and the attack continued?
To thine own self be true.
evening marilyn...
gosh, you know what this reminds me of? sherman set the time machine for 1999...
remember when the cia bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade?
you'd think these morons could at least come up with an original excuse.
by october, a more complicated story emerged thanks to that long-gone tradition of investigative journalism:
i wonder how long it will take for the full story to come out about the msf bombing.
I think the crux of the ful story was hidden in an aside
already published. The US thought that they were treating a bad guy intel asset.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The US Army blames a Captain for the atrocity
doesn't that remind you of Mai Lai? But they don't publish the suspended captain's name. I guess it would not be difficult for a journalist to find it.
And they don't say if said Captain was suspended with pay or not. Suspended with pay is simply a holiday.
To thine own self be true.
"Outdated map" haha! The hospital was marked HOSPITAL
on the roof, it was painted white, they had the coordinates, MSF phoned the military constantly for 1 hour.
This 1999 excuse is not acceptable and there will be continued demands for an independent investigation. Since the US Army had the hospital site bulldozed with tanks there won't be much evidence left on the site. But the MSF have records and witnesses.
To thine own self be true.
Hey everyone, dropping by to say hi
but not much more. Working tomorrow so writing tonight. It's gonna be a short one tomorrow. Meant to cover Joe Hill's Chicago funeral but that will be a long one so will have to wait until Friday when I'm off work.
Also prefer a more upbeat theme for Thanksgiving so covering Debs' 50th BD in 1905, and some uplifting quotes from Debs.
Don't feel bad for me to be working, because I love my job. I'm really lucky to have a job I like. And don't worry about the boys, they'll be getting plenty of turkey left overs when I get home. I've been cooking for us because we like having lots of leftovers in the freezer.
Hope everyone has a great Turkey day, and gets good and stuffed followed by a nice long nap.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
evening jr...
you and the boys have a wonderful thanksgiving!
my diaries for the next couple of days will be similarly foreshortened, probably music only. i've got birds to bake and potatoes to pound.![Smile](
Evening Joe & hippies.Thanks for the superb roundup as usual
with a healthy serving of Blues music.
Been a while since I popped in at the Blues Bar. It almost seems I am missing the EB bar at Koslandia - I was able to stop there frequently. Lolz! Just kidding !
evening funkygal...
great to see you. happy thanksgiving!
heh, i'm not missing koslandia right now. it feels a lot better when i put together a diary here not having to worry about whether something in it will piss off the powers-that-be. not having to think inside the constrictive bounds of partisan activism is particularly refreshing.
Isn't that something? I always lurk after Blues Bar closing
if I don't pop in. The other day I saw your lede "Obama is an asshole" for yet another superb story and chuckled. You said it like it is. And then thought about the possible outrage if it had been Koslandia. Once somebody used the word "lazy" for Eric Holder (think it is for his non-prosecution of financial terrorists) and shortly there was a diary crying "racism! ZOMG!".
People at GOS lash out at Cornel West, Black Agenda Report, etc.
They find Obama administration critics who are themselves Black particularly frustrating and infuriating, because then calling racism doesn't work.
A couple of stories from Real News :
Eddie Conway Talks Indigenous People's Day and Political Prisoners
Indigenous Peoples' History is More Complicated Than a Holiday Myth
Same here
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Hi there, all I can think of is
that Turkey should be forced to go "cold turkey", no more drugs, oil, tourism and weapons. To me the Russians sound reasonably soft, like mashed potatoes, and the US can't quite decide what kind of gravy to serve. NATO seems to be fond of stuffing and all of it seems really to end up as a lot of bad tasting turkey left-overs by Friday. For that stuff nobody should die.
Wishing the Evening Blues People a Happy Thanksgiving. I will have sweet potatoes with some soft butter. May all the Turkeys do belong to you. Bon Appétit !
evening mimi...
have a nice thanksgiving and tasty sweet potatoes!
Reg the Jamar Clark shooting : I get pissed off
when (White) people here say "ZOMG! That's awful. This happens in places like Mississippi, not in Minnesota !" As if MN is an egalitarian island in the racist USA. There is a sense of "MN exceptionalism" thanks to being #1 in this & that. While it is true there are good things about MN relatively speaking, if we drill into the details, there appears a huge difference between Whites & PoC - educational achievement, wealth etc. And MN is pretty white, and same goes for the twin cities. IMHO, I think it is difficult being a PoC/person in marginalised communities in such a state because the contrast is stark - it makes them feel out-of-place than in say Mississippi.
The hellraising by the #4thprecinctshitdown sounds even more impressive given all the above. They have really garnered national attention.
I was listening to a Black radio station and heard that AIM (American Indian Movement) people with military training are actively involved in patrol and keeping the protesters safe. Those people sure know a thing or 2 about resistance don't they? Solidarity in action.
i suspect that there is no place in america...
that is free of racist jerks, some of whom are prone to violence.
where i grew up, the klan used to march through my town on the way to their gatherings. i spent my summers up north in maine. there were no klan activities there that i ever saw. as a kid, i figured that new england was pretty free of racist assholes. then, when i was in high school, integration (and bussing) were court-ordered and i was shocked (at the time) to see that boston erupted into racial violence as ugly as you might find down south.
i had to rethink my notions about things.
not many places in the world for that matter
and being prone to violence just increases with the weapons those masked jerks carry under their belts.
very true.
Except for maybe small pockets of indigenous cultures who
managed to escape being fucked by "civilisation". Hate takes different forms in different places. If not racism based on skin color, there is caste, like in India, for example.
This is so true :
Even more so as I am into middle years. And as I tell often, it is like the general theme of what I come across over the last few years could fit under the general tag "Everything you know about --------- is worng" - fill in with history, society, culture blah blah blah ...
Me Too
"but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."
Same here. For a while, it seemed to me as if Life's theme music
had become the Weird Al Yankovic song "Everything You Know Is Wrong."
Glad AIM is on the scene.
I always felt safer at any demonstration when AIM was there.
The Minneapolis police department is completely different than the rest of the city government. The city government has always seemed powerless to rein them in for some strange reason. They are a real live thug department. The worst I've seen anywhere that ever lived. I was part of the effort to establish civilian review many years ago, for all the good it did.
I have the utmost respect for the protesters in Mpls and the activist who are saying that the police were in cahoots with the white supremacist seem completely credible to me, knowing what I know about that police department.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
If only....
Does California still do border controls that confiscate citrus?
In the 1970s, one time friends and I were returning to California from Arizona. At the state line there was a border control post where they would stop each car and ask about agricultural products.
This was when society was still becoming more liberal / libertarian. Perhaps because my male friends had the kind of long hair that marked you as a "freak" in those days, the officer specifically made a point of saying that this was the agriculture department, not the police, and that while authorized to search for and seize certain plant products, they weren't interested in marijuana or anything like that, just possible pests and plant diseases.
"Oh, from Hawaii, eh? Transporting any oranges or haole males today, ma'am?"
good news -
from Friends of the Earth:
Well, hopefully it's true.
Regarding the Turkey - Nato - Russia debacle!
Check out this article by Paul Craig Roberts:
This is the first article of a series of updates on the SU 24 shoot down. All the articles are :
Update on the Situation Around Turkey
Global Research, November 25, 2015
Url of all the articles:
Global Research.
Laugh a little or cry a lot, the insanity continues. Sorry I haven't been around, been in and out of hospital, still need surgery. Compared to the state of the world, my course is easy peasy! Don't worry or fret about me. I'm exhausted, but fine!
Strange shootings - Wishing you strength, Dharmasyd,
for the upcoming surgery and recovery for all that was behind you. Happy Thanksgiving, Dharmasyd. I join in crying a little and laughing a little more, just to keep the heads up.
Thanks for your link. I read now what "Der Spiegel" wrote about the timeline of the Russian S-24 flights. When I understand it correctly the Russians were warned every 30 seconds (10 times in 5 minutes). Why were they warned, when they were still outside the Turkish airspace?
That also means that Turkey had five minutes time to decide, if they should shoot down the S-24. So they must have waited for the "legally" correct moment to shoot, which then only lasted for 17 seconds according to Turkey's report. Considering that the people had to ask for permission to shoot, that looks like a some cowboy-style last minute "Gotcha" moment, as if they had waited for it and just could "make" the "kill" in the very last moment. They also said that the rocket hit the S-24 so late that the Su-24 was already in Syrian space and landed there. The Su-24 landed 4 km inside Syrian territory. The pilots ejected and landed on the ground in Syria. So, when do pilots eject themselves? Before they get shot? Could they see they are going to get shot down? Was the S-24 already hit? By what? A ground to air rocket or a rocket from a Turkish fighter jet?
I don't understand the whole thing. They said the S-24 flew at a speed of 20 km/minute, which would be 0.33 km per second. The path length of the airspace violation was 1.7 miles, which means 2.735 km. (The maps of exactly where the airspace violation happened were published and the path measured in km). That would mean that the S-24 was just for ca. 0.902 seconds over Turkish airspace. But Turkey said it was for 17 seconds over Turkish airspace.
Something seems wrong, if the S-24 really flew 20 km/h it couldn't stay for 17 seconds over Turkish airspace, as the geographical length of the path of the S-24 over Turkish air space is fixed and not disputable. So, looks to me as if Turkey lied.
Oh well, now German Tornado's jets for reconnaissance purposes also get involved over Syria. What a horrible mess and imo a very weak reaction or caving in to stupidly constructed justification based on obligations Germany has to the EU and UN (helping your allies or some such - lost the link) to the situation. That's when you want to cry.
strangely I can't find the article anymore
that showed a map with the length of the path that was crossed by the Su-24 and said it was 1.7 miles long, nor can I find where it was said that the Su-24 flew at a speed of 20 km/minute.
So, it's beyond my paygrade. I don't believe any source anymore.
Have you tried searching for it
via StartPage, Google with the details
you remember? Sometimes news sites
will "bury" older stories as new ones
are published.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
no, but WTF, let's watch this instead, at least that's not
in doubt.
Living without Water: Contamination Nation
but I am so skeptical about everything, motivations, intentions etc.
the length of path of the cross-over into Turkey's air space
was given in Turkey's report to the Security Council of the UN. But I can't find the speed of the Su-24 anymore. It seems nobody wants to get into the data crunch anymore, just into the political impact.
I am tired of it. Sorry.
this article speaks about it too
it's not the article I had seen, which was a German one, but this one is also going into question, of how long the incursion of the Su-24 could have been.
Let's talk, Turkey: Downing of Russian SU-24 bomber just doesn't add up - Published time: 26 Nov, 2015 13:14
found my error - jeez can't even do simple
arithmitic anymore. I should go and bury myself. Time to go. In any case, I come up now with being 9.02 seconds over Turkish territory with the speed and length of path given.
Professionals got their say about the issue
Belgian Physicists Calculate that Everyone Is Lying About the Downed Russian Jet
Physics 3, Turkey 0, Russia 0.5
I love me my stubborn science diggers.
evening dharmasyd...
thanks for the link, that's very interesting.
That's a good article about the blowback on France
I like the way the author said that if ISIS had an Air Force they would be in the right to bomb France since France started the war on them.
I feel the same way about 9/11. After decades of the U.S. overthrowing other country's elected governments and then installing brutal dictators and then watching them torture and murder their citizens, any of those countries have the right for self defense.
I wish people would wake the hell up and understand why we were attacked that day.
But Americans only think it's terrorism when 'innocent US civilians' are killed.
Many people don't give a second thought about the millions of innocent civilians that the U.S. has killed since 1945 when it became a super power.
I've seen estimates of between 20-30 million people have been killed during the U.S.'s illegal invasions.
Over 3 million in Vietnam.
I don't remember what article I read today but a veteran was bragging about how they would take people from Vietnam up in a helicopter and ask them questions. If they didn't answer, they would throw them out. Even if they did answer they would throw them out anyway.
Why people think that our military can invade any country it wants and kill people who haven't threatened us without any consequences baffles me.
And people say that Russia is in the wrong, yet it's the only country that was asked to come to Syria and fight ISIS. All the other countries have gone against the Nuremberg principle.
The U.S. hasn't fought a war to defend our country or our freedoms for over a century.
They've been so that the corporations could steal those countries resources.
Smedley Butler told us that back in the 30's.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
US says Assad buying oil from ISIS
The U.S. Treasury Department also penalized Russian and Cypriot businessmen and companies suspected of helping the Syrian central bank evade international sanctions through a web of companies based in Russia, Cyprus and Belize.
Among those blacklisted is Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, a former president of the autonomous Russian Republic of Kalmykia. Mr. Ilyumzhinov is a long-serving president of the World Chess Federation, according to the Treasury Department.
The Treasury’s actions bar U.S. nationals from doing business with the designated entities and freeze any assets they hold in the U.S. financial system.
U.S. officials have long voiced concerns that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was strengthening Islamic State’s finances by purchasing oil produced by the militant group on territory that used to be controlled by Damascus. However, Wednesday’s charges are the most explicit and direct accusations by the U.S., and the first time sanctions have been imposed over the regime’s oil trade.
Paris attack: Made in Libya
a long article
Son of Turkey's president funding ISIS through oil smuggling?
Meet the man who funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, the son of Turkey's president