Bern hard, Bern long, Bern Hill, Bern for the 99ers and their will
I'm gave up hope on Bernie winning this election back in May of this year.
I'm a first time Democrat because of Bernie. I always knew that republicans were full of shit, and when the check writing scandal of 1992 broke I realized that the Dems were just as full of shit and the whole damn Federal Government was just a get rich slow and steady scheme.
About the same time came the "I did not inhale" comment from Bill Clinton. Stealing from me is one thing but lying to me because you think I'm a dumbass is another. For some reason that lie resonates with me and I have never forgotten it.
I'm thankful that Bill thinks that I'm ignorant enough to believe that bullshit and grateful that Barbra boxer can't balance her check book. The reason I'm grateful is because I turned my back on both parties and registered with another party.
So much to my chagrin I found myself registering as a Democrat for the first time on Sept 16th 2015, because I live in New York and had to registered as a Democrat in order to vote for Bernie. For some reason my registration did not process and a month before the primary I was told that I would be unable to vote. I did everything in my power and ended up getting to see a Judge on the day of the primary who heard my story look at my evidence and provided my with a court order affidavit and I was able to vote for Bernie.
Anyway, the point to the story is that I was NOT going to give up on Bernie because Bernie would NOT give up on me. Bernie will never give up on the 99ers.
Bernie IS a 99er. His family are all 99ers, he fought for the 99ers before the 99ers knew they were 99ers.
We have something to look forward to with this Clinton Presidency. We have leverage from the inside and it is going to be used.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, a loyal soldier for Hillary Clinton since he conceded the Democratic presidential nomination in July, plans to push liberal legislation with like-minded senators with or without Clinton’s support if she is elected — and to aggressively oppose appointments that do not pass muster with the party’s left wing.
Here is your carrot Hillary and I hope you enjoy it because I'm holding a stick in my other hand....
Sanders said he considers it his job “to demand that the Democratic Party implement that platform.”
Bernie aint playing games. He will hold her feet to the Bernieing fire.
In recent weeks, Sanders has stumped for Clinton, traveling the country to rally skeptical progressives and others around her bid to defeat her Republican opponent, Donald Trump. But during the conversation in his office here, it became clear that Sanders is ready to reassert himself within the Democratic Party.
Now some of you have question me before when I have noted that we have leverage. I will let Bernie answer why he thinks WE have leverage:
“The leverage that I think I take into the Senate is taking on the entire Democratic Party establishment, and, you know, taking on a very powerful political organization with the Clinton people,” Sanders said. “We won 22 states and 46 percent of the pledged delegates, 13.4 million votes . . . and a majority of the younger people, the future of the country. . . . That gives me a lot of leverage, leverage that I intend to use.”
I'm excited to see Hillary get her ass handed to her by Warren and Bernie when she tries to means test SS. I'm excited that these 2 will block any attempt to include Larry Summers at Treasury. I'm excited to see Hill and Bill try to pull this party to further to the right and Bernie ripping the cord from their hands.
Let's back Bernie.

I hope you are correct
and IF her heinous is elected, we see this come to fruition. I and many other won't vote for her under any circumstances, so the election outcome should be interesting. Only time will tell at this point what the future holds.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I'm not voting for her either, but lets say Trump wins 2/3rds of
the toss up states. That means she still wins 312-226.
It is over and she is the President. She will still win even if she "You know Bobby Kennedy in California in June".
Remember how much fun it was watching Bernie take her to task during the primary? It will be just the same when she is a sitting Pres.
except that i will no longer care whether i live or die.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Fun was not what that was, even then
Bernie Sanders won't do shit. He's no longer a threat to Her Heinous. Anybody that's been paying attention for the last year gets that. He's been silenced, for all intents and purposes, other than what's needed for the Put On Show. So no, the word FUN is not really applicable here. In fact, it's kind of tone-deaf, but whatever.
I sense a theme today of some well-placed discouragement. How fascinating. Too bad it'll still never make me vote for
that bitchHer Heinous. Can't wait to vote for Jill!luna, your comment is projection and off topic
You are attempting to make it seem as if this essay is an attempt to get folks to vote for Hillary.
I enjoyed watching Bernie run and I'm going to enjoy watching him hold her accountable. What is tone deaf about that?
Watching him *try*, you mean
It'll be like trying to catch a greased snake.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Big Time Bernie Supporter Here...
Actually, we have absolutely nothing to look forward to except endless days of fear, as she gambles with all of our lives in foisting her No Fly Zone on the Russians in Syria.
I am probably one of the few here at 99% who still agree with Bernie that the most promising way forward is through the Dem Party, i.e., through a successful takeover of that party.
(My reasoning: if you want to try to win over people to the Progressive Cause, nationally, you need to first concentrate on those who are most likely to be receptive to your arguments, and that would be the large numbers of Democrats who are currently being manipulated by the Centrist faction.)
But in spite of the fact that I fully embrace Bernie's general strategy in this regard, I absolutely disagree with his belief at this stage that the cause he's been championing would best be served by a Clinton victory next month. Precisely the opposite is true.
Winning over the Dem Party means winning over the many elected Democrats or would-be elected Democrats to his approach/philosophy. If Hillary Clinton wins, her Centrist approach/philosophy will be validated and their power within the party will grow exponentially. They know this and they fully intend to use that power/influence to completely marginalize Sanders' influence and the impact of his followers.
Without a doubt, the only chance that Bernie's progressive faction has to prevail in a civil war vs. the Centrists is if Hillary loses. That spectacular failure will make the Centrist faction vulnerable to the Bernie Approach, in the eyes of the elected/would-be Dems.
They need to see her fail in the way she approached this election, in the way she approached the funding of this election, in the way she chose to run against 'one of our own.' They need to go through a period of navel gazing in order for them to wake up to the Bernie alternative.
So in spite of the fact that I agree with Bernie about 95% of the time, I profoundly disagree with him on his perception that a Hillary Clinton Presidency would be better for either 1) his Cause or 2) America than a Trump Presidency.
We can stop a President Trump from pulling off his craziest ideas through tough legislative battles, but we can't stop a President Clinton from getting us involved in a nuclear conflict with the Russians.
I appreciate you coming by to share your thoughts, but while I will be voting for Democrats down ballot to try to maximize opposition to Trump's insane domestic plans, I will be voting for Trump over Clinton in a desperate hope that we can save both our country from Hillary's warmongering obsession and the dream that Bernie has of defeating the Centrist poison that is now infecting the Democratic Party.
I would suggest that you do the same....
James Kroeger
thanks for the suggestion James, but you seem to be missing the
This is not an essay of persuasion. I'm not trying to sway any votes.
This is an essay about the stick Bernie is going to carry into the Senate and how much I enjoy watching him bash them from within.
Uhh....never mind!
James Kroeger
It's a small silver lining, but it IS there
IF Sanders follows through and/or isn't neutered.
I'm torn - I want a GOP senate to go Obama Squared on obstruction of everything Clinton tries to do from Supreme Court nominees to any and all legislative initiatives. Paralysis for four years.
OTOH a Dem senate should give Sanders chairman of the Budget committee - which could be a good thing.
But I think it's safer with GOP senate & house obstructing.
Clinton loses in 2020 - either by a left primary challenger within the Dem party or by a 3rd party challenger - especially when they pull dirty tricks again in the primary. Or worst of all, she is defeated by the GOP. But she is not getting two terms.
Or she does a Harrison/Taylor/Harding
and doesn't make it to the end of her first term.
William Henry Harrison, infamously, caught pneumonia on inauguration day because he would not abbreviate his inauguration speech - and died a month later.
Zachary Taylor (he's the odd-one out in the "20-Year Jinx") died of acute gastroenteritis partway through the second year of his term.
Warren G. Harding made it into the third year of his term before dying of a cerebral hemorrhage (he had pneumonia and heart problems as well).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"Took her to task"
Bernie "took her to task", and she and the DNC stomped all over him, his campaign, and his supporters.
This is not a game, a form of entertainment, in which we can all sit on the sidelines and have fun watching the players go at each other. The stakes are much too high.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
He took her on and she changed her rhetoric
So he already influenced her. Now he will hold her to it.
There will be pro Bernie essays all over C99 next spring.
And "uhg" with the insinuation that I think this is a game. Just because I enjoy watching one with power take those with power to task doesn't mean I think it is a game.
Palabras, palabras, palabras
Words, just words: Hold her feet to the fire, take her to task, changed her rethoric. Words, just words.
I love Bernie, have been his admirer for ages, way before this election cycle and I am sure he will continue to be the same Bernie. However, I fail to understand how this will translate into any meaningful change in Hillary's agenda.
Yeah, Hillary has changed her rethoric somewhat but that's all it is, words to persuade us to elect her. Not for one second do I believe she has changed her stance on the issues. Remember, public Hillary will say anything to get elected.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I agree with everything you wrote, that is why it is imparitive
that we have Bernie caucusing with the enemy. Without someone on the inside we are even more fucked.
I'm voting Stein, so now please explain how turning my back on Bernie helps me?
Never said to turn your back on Bernie.
But I do believe you are putting too much hope and emphasis on Bernie's ability to influence Hillary or effect any change. Hillary does not care what Bernie thinks or wants. She might have pretended for a second there to get his followers in line voting her in. That's all.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I do not understand the defeatism surrounding the leverage
that was gained.
Yes Hillary serves the 1% and yes the 1% has more power than Bernie does.
But here is the definition of leverage-
Bernie is our rigged bar and he has NOT back off any of his policy proposals. He will apply force to his followers(third point) who will apply force to Hill(second point).
She will never "care" about Bernie's proposal but she will have to deal with them.
What leverage?
Leverage only exists if she needs us.
She doesn't need us. Not as long as liberals buy the "Scary Republicans" meme.
We all wish that there was some real leverage over Clinton.
But Bernie can't compete with the excessive amount of money or the Democratic establishment. Bernie got a lot of votes, but doesn't give him any more power once push comes to shove. The establishment unhinged its jaw and swallowed him whole. The Democrats (both the politicians and the dupes that are #WithHer) are not going to go against Hillary Clinton after either working hard to steal the election or not caring that the primary was stolen. This isn't to say that Bernie isn't genuine, but I just don't see what he'll have the power to do. There are so many instances of him giving great speeches that showed an empty House floor.
Bernie has already wrangled concessions
I know they had no plan to honor them when they made these concessions but Bernie will not back down and we will post some victories.
I'm not saying we will get any new progressive legislation but we will protect what we have and that will show our power and from there maybe we can get something passed for the 99ers.
That cost Hillary NOTHING.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The invoices have not been sent yet, so I agree that it has cost
her nothing.......................yet!
The invoices will go out next spring and continue until we get paid.
You have said about the state of our politics resembles reality. It is much more likely that you, along with many other Bernie supporters, are engaging in a fantasy scenario which makes the reality of this corrupt world less painful. I suggest you might find nursing that hope much more satisfying with similar minds.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Wow, my statements are so off putting that you are suggesting
I find other folks to share them with? Is that what you mean by this-
Are you suggesting I leave the site or that I only post when I believe that you and the other "similar minds" will approve?
If mental masturbation
is your only goal here, have at it.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The system has no answers
pretend Trump doesn't exist
That's what the DNC did to Berniecrats, unless they
were openly insulting us. Actually, I expect Trump voters to get more respect than we have as it will excuse all the right wing policies and legislation sure to come.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
You are correct, Hill and Bill will learn all the wrong lessons
from their victory and try to govern from the right.
And they may succeed but they will not do it with cover, they will be dodging (Bosnian) sniper fire from Bernie the entire time and that I look forward to.
She will be exposed and she will NOT be able to buy Bernie off and that is the only game they know.
This isn't their first election. And they learned PLENTY
the first two times around. They know exactly what they're doing and they don't need Sanders one day past November 8th.
I just wonder if they'll leave a couple of bucks on the dresser on the way out the door. ON SECOND THOUGHT, I doubt that they will.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Headed for a letdown like Tralala’s in _Last Exit to Brooklyn_
Eagerly tearing open the envelope left on the dresser, and there’s no money, just a piece of notepaper with some words.
Hurting and hungry for attention, wandering off to regale some voters in a bar — “Feast yer eyes on this, boys, we got the best platform in the world.”
I'm so jaded
with the whole thing. I love Bernie to death, Warren not. I think clinton will unite with the republicans under the guise of "getting things done" and Bernie will be screaming into the wind. I hope I'm wrong but clinton will make obama look like a flaming liberal. Supreme court? Obama wanted Garland and he sucks. I suspect clinton appointees will be even further to the right. And all the time she is screwing us her minions will be extolling how magnificent she is and she's only making these shitty deals because she wants to break the DC gridlock so she JUST has to work with the
her baserepublicans...Warren is owed. She went all in for Hill and Hillary pays off
So Warren is going to get something, helpfully it isn't defensive. Like "Ok Hillary I don't want Summers at Treasury".
It probably will be but that is still a win.
I'm being realistic, trying to see where we can chip away. I'm not going to throw my hands up and believe all is for not. My efforts for Bernie continue to pay off is my belief.
HRC knows what the issues effecting the 99%, and she
will NOT do anything about them, no matter who or how many try to hold her feet to the fire.
From Clinton Campaign Considered Embracing Sanders’s Anti-Corruption Agenda:
That the research had minimal effect on HRC's campaign is an extremely good indicator that it will have no effect on her reign.
I included this picture from the article in case people do not go to read it as it makes me think of a cat that swallowed the canary.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
oops I replied below :)
Or instead Sanders and Warren could, you know,
The revolution is in need of heroes.
Stein - Baraka 2016
oh boy the leverage Bernie would have by endorsing a
fringe candidate :).
By the way Bernie would be going against his word if he backed Stein and that is not the right thing to do.
I will be voting Stein but make no mistake the Green has zero leverage.
And don't blame Bernie for that.
He may not be solely to blame
He may not be solely to blame, but he is not without blame.
the same can be said for everyone of us
Bitterness towards Bernie won't help anyone.
Bernie will continue to fight for the 99ers and Jill Stein will be a footnote.
So Bernie is above criticism?
Your characterization of my state of mind (bitterness) is telling.
Are you bitter that I'm (supposedly) bitter?
nobody is beyond reproach. Bernie made the wrong vote
on the Crime Bill for instance.
But, Bernie is the best we've got he's nearly all we got actually.
If you have constructive please share it, we can all use improvement.
If you were pulling for Bernie in the Primary I believe you will be pulling for him again after Jan 2017 is the point Im trying to make.
I'll take Bernie on a case by
I'll take Bernie on a case by case basis and I'll do it with more skepticism than I may have previously.
Bernie, FSM love him
has become just another Actor. He's not a Bad Actor, he still means well and he still will be good at his job. But no way is he going to hold Hillary Clinton's feet to any fire. That's ridiculous. NOBODY will tell her what to do, shame her, or put her on the spot. Because they'll pay for doing so. They always do.
IMO, Bernie has been co-opted into helping the biggest con of all if Her wins: try and placate the real Left in this country that has nothing, that they might stop picking on Her and digging up the mounds of existing dirt on her and Big Dog's Crime Syndicate. Yeah, well, good luck with that, Heinous.
Pfffft! How many more $7 donation will it cost? Should have just
lit that money on fire. He wan't the only one disenfranchised during this 'primary'. If he HAD meant what he said about better way and revolution, he wouldn't be rolling in the mud with a woman who never intends to pay one bit of attention to what he wants.
Kaine's already backtracking on 'trade agreements'. Hellery is dragging the worst of the worst to Washington with her. And gee, too bad Sanders doesn't have what it takes to stand up for the cheating and the rigging and the lying. That's where you have to realize, Sanders is nothing to us. Whatever all his screeching cleaning up the way the system is rigged lost any meaning when he saw what they did to his candidacy, how his supporters were cheated, and he decided that he needed to get down in the filth, down to their level. He's never said one word about the way the primary was run. He never said one word about all her lies and deceptions surrounding her email, her actions as SOS that have cost so much blood and suffering, basically he let her waltz right into the nomination.
I've already seen the effects of his spineless behavior. My son's not voting now, my Grandson is voting for Hellery, and the rest of his friends (except for one voting Libertarian) no longer give a damn. Basically Sanders has shown that there really is NO ethics or integrity in politics if when it comes time to put up or shut up time. We're on our own but please, send money.
EDIT: show/shown
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Are you saying that had Bernie endorsed Stein that your son
and his friends would be voting for Stein?
I'm saying that after watching Sanders fold like a cheap suit
they find all his previous BS about a 'better way' and a 'revolution' and last but not least, 'taking it all the way to Philly' punch lines to a tired and trite bad joke.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Sure, super fringe.
Tell that to the largest voting group in the country. Yeah, couple months old, but do you think the antics of Shrillary and Dump since then have warmed anybody to them?
The reality is that Sanders won't have any leverage over the witch. Because in the Senate, he's in the 1%. 1% of the 100 Senate members, that is. And what good does 1% of the vote do? Isn't that what we're constantly being told as a reason to not vote for Stein is?
I disagree
Do McConnell and Crapo have the same power?
Do Schumer and Hirono have the same power?
Equality in the senate is as elusive as it is anywhere.
They get one vote, just like everyone else. It's not like their position changes that.
Into the Light
I am not talking about his endorsement at the convention. he had said he would do that, I could take issue with his campaigning for her . Whatever happened to she "must earn" our votes ?
I mean the situation today. Given what we now know about Her, Bernie (and the rest of the "progressive" Dem. leadership) has more than enough reason to withdraw his endorsement. That is the very least he should do.
Closer to correct would be a repudiation of the Candidacy; complete with list of Her offenses. Could start with the platform "battles" and the mean-spirited treatment of Nina Turner, who was denied her chance to speak to the convention. (Sanders collaborated in the snub of Turner- he gave her the news and went right out to endorse HRC.) What if he had told the crowd what HRC had done, said I can't play that way and then out the door. New ballgame!
It did not happen because he chose to endorse Clinton anyway. Just as he choses to endorse her candidacy today. Bernie had zero leverage with HRC at the convention; he will have less than zero after the election.
Even today he has influence with many progressive voters and could turn this election. thx.
Bernie! Come toward the light, Bernie!
The revolution is in need of heroes.
Stein- Baraka 2016
If he doesn't he's scum like she is. There are other words to
describe her and hers, but I'll stick with scum and for Sanders too if he can keep beating the bushes for votes for a woman who's family 'foundation' made a secret deal to keep the price of AIDS drugs high in rich countries so they could get them cheap for their 'work' in Africa.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
If there is no struggle there is no progress :)
You can expect nothing and get it or you can expect something and fight for it. You still may not have gotten it but, maybe your efforts will empower the next 99er and they will get it.
Frederick Douglass was inches from giving up also. He planned on sailing for a Colony in the Caribbean because change was so slow.
Keep fighting.
Playing by THEIR rules is not going to get the 99%
what they want and/or need. Douglass did not play by the rules. If he had, he would have remained a slave.
The elite does not fight using the Marquess of Queensberry rules. Neither should we.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
That's a charming narrative you got there.
But it doesn't work for an antiwar voter. Neither Hillary nor Bernie are antiwar. They are both captured by the Neocons who run the permanent government.
Domestic issues are the game of throwing scraps to the barking dogs while Rome burns. A cynical distraction with no foundation.
The Democratic Platform would be better titled: "Ways in which you promise not to hurt us."
I agree with this Pluto
excellent comment, but I would further qualify it by adding
But it doesn't work for a
nsingle issue antiwar voter.I consider myself an antiwar voter, but I realize that I live in among war mongers. If the Green party ever want to win they will need to understand that also and come up with a strategy.
86% of Americans approved of the killing of Bin Laden and Jill Stein said this-
Sorry but I put down my rose colored glasses
a long time ago. But it is a nice fairy tale (sorry I do not mean to be so harsh- just bitter about this election).
It is a nice narrative and story, but it just does not hold water for me. Hillary will do as she damn well pleases. She will not worry about Bernie because he has no power. Think about it. If she wins the election then what did Bernie do for her? Therefore, she does not need Bernie and if she does not need him then she does not care about his (our) concerns, thereby Bernie gets nothing and likes it. The only hope is a tied Senate and Bernie can use his vote to break statements, but that is all he got.
My faith is to work on other alternatives (work on improving my families' lot and work with others on creating new parties/term limits) while Rome (Washington) burns. So get out the fiddle and popcorn and enjoy the show.
More to the point.....
Or, more to the point, how her masters at Goldman Sachs and C Street damn well please.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Mon, 10/24/2016 - 7:57pm —
Mon, 10/24/2016 - 7:57pm — thanatokephaloides
And billionaire donors who want other countries attacked, such as long-suffering and defamed Iran, with Bibi in on US policy decision-making, as Hillary has promised Saim Haban and a group at his think-tank at Brookings - the latter to begin within a month of her stealing office, if I recall the Intercept and other articles correctly. (After 3 AM now, here, wish people would stop making so many interesting essays/comments, dammit! Well, maybe not...)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Bernie will put her feet to the fire and everything will be honky dory. His leverage will outweigh that of all of Wall Street's and the rest of the one percent. And Hillary will stop warmongering because, you know, Bernie will denounce her. After helping her win the election. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And that goes double for Lizzie.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Won't be hearing much about Bernie Sanders
If Clinton is elected, we won't be hearing much from or about Bernie Sanders again. Watch.
Mark my words...
when his current Senate term is up (2018, I believe), the DNC will run a strong contender against him, and back them heavily.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
DNC Will Be Wasting their $$
Currently, Bernie Sanders has a 87% approval rating in Vermont--the highest of any Senator in the country. Let the DNC try to primary Bernie. Their approval rating will be in the toilet, if they try.
The DNC is the toilet; the
The DNC is the toilet; the membership floating within needs to be flushed before the plague spreads.
(Odd, my comment didn't show after I'd saved, and now I see something with no subject in the side comments, so I'm guessing it published as a blank?)
Edit: yup, now a blank's there...???
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I won't predict a winner,
But I stand by my prediction that they will run someone against him.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Why would they run someone against him if he is irrelevant?
Why would they waste their $$$ when he doesn't matter and they don't care what he says or does?
We can't have it both ways, either Bernie is a threat or he is a pawn?
for daring to get in Her way.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Bernie wants you to vote for Hillary.
He's dead to me now.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
If Bernie is dead to you then you must have been with him at one
So while you were with Bernie during the primary you might have noticed that he had this to say-
April 2016
But now Bernie is dead to you because he honored his word?
This is ridiculous, this Bernie bashing here at C99.
It reminds me of the time I took my kids Pumpkin picking but warned them that "it is late is the season, there might not be any Pumpkins left and if not then we are going to go to the apple orchard and pick apples" they all agreed. So we went and there were nothing but rotten and smashed Pumpkins on the ground, so I said "OK let's go apple picking and they screamed- No, we want to go to McDonalds!!"
You are not addressing me but
I am going to answer: she did not win the nomination. She stole it. As far as I am concerned the terms ofcthe "contract" were broken.
I remember Bernie also said he was tired of hearing about the damn emails.
My heart does hurt when I readcthe Bernie bashing but I understand does who feel betrayed.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
The entire time Bernie was running he was explaining that he was
running against a rigged system.
He knew it was rigged, we knew it was rigged yet he still did it because he wanted to positively effect the 99ers lives.
He isn't done yet. He will keep fighting for me and I will keep fighting for him.
Good for you and Bernie
I am still not voting for Hillary. In fact from now until January I will stop being an atheist and pray fervently for her to keel over and die. That will be as effective as Bernie putting her feet to the fire.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I don’t see any “Bernie bashing” at c99.
I do see people explaining over and over — in the beginning quite patiently and reasonably, if later testily in the face of often exasperating obtuseness — why Bernie’s behavior since the eve of the California primary has extinguished or sharply diminished their trust in him.
"Support" does not mean active campaigning.
Support means not running against. It does not mean active campaigning for. He LIED to us during the campaign and now is actively trying to deliver us into the hands of Wall Street.
Bernie Sanders - just another lying politician serving the banks!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Nothing is to good for Bernie
And that's what he will get from hrc, Nothing ! Bernie has been neutered and will have no power or influence except for maybe a few issues that don't matter anyway and that's if the dems can get a majority in the house and senate.This dwelling on the white knight to come and save us is just not realistic. The only one that is going to save us is us. If we only knew how!
Record all evidence of
Record all evidence of electoral cheating, with strong independent citizen oversight and video cams everywhere.
Mass-protest and very visibly and vocally continue to reject the cheated-in candidate.
There is a mechanism I've read a reference to whereby a false leader can be unrecognized by the leaders of other countries, (possibly UN is where to go? someone in better health and with a non-scrambled-in-certain-sensitive-areas search engine needs to research this,) and therefore be unable to engage in any pretense of 'legal' (illegal and bad!) 'trade-deal'-making, (not that that seems to stop them now) unable to (il)legally declare war (not that that seems to stop them from attacking other countries with no legitimate excuse now) or exercise a UN veto, among other things.
I strongly feel that this is the last chance for pacific citizen protest and change.
The corporate coup is to be be passed right after the election, at which point law will have been traitorously, illegally and unconstitutionally passed over from the publics of all betrayed countries to an off-shored corporate court.
Do not let them con you that any such traitorous and privately made agreements can be 'legal and binding' upon the sacrificed people - they cannot change actual reality, only blind you with bullshit in order to lead you over the cliff, and use your own corrupted Supreme Court to give the false impression of legality, as they did with the announcement that a document of evasion of personal responsibility is a 'person' with more rights than has any other non-millionaire/billionaire person among the general public and that money drained from the people and country to the relative few is 'speech' and can be used to buy elections, politicians and policy in a government intended to be of, by and for the people, with equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all.
Clean the bananas out of the republic now, while some courts/judges retaining some semblance of a Justice system and the chance of a peaceful victory remain within the country.
While there's life, there's hope, but that life may be extinguished from the planet even before the delusional psychopathic warmonger (or either of the other two TPP-supporters, the Libertarian having stated this support outright, albeit probably through not understanding what's involved) takes office, if there's no other way for any of the rest of the threatened world to try to save themselves via Mutual Assured Destruction, or at least try to retain the possibility of at least some life on Earth surviving those who believe that 'limited' nuclear war-crimes against multiple countries are possible for them to survive.
Why should other countries passively wait to be obliterated when Obama (All Ready For Hillary!) is already setting up for these monstrous nuclear attacks?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You may have heard that from me.
The UN is not part of the international groups that watchdog that.
Too many people are voting for the terrible candidates to indicate a "No Confidence" in the election, and the US does not allow for a "None of the Choices" vote. That's a constitutional issue and only modern constitutions can address the world we live in. Accordingly, there's no such thing as a national vote in the US, so the people cannot have a national referendum. The US has no quorum or minimum number of votes required in US elections.
So, the key indicator will be voting irregularities, chiefly exit polls. Here is a sample analysis from the Netherlands.
It's hard to imagine an election more rigged than the 2004 election, and that resulted in nothing but creating a new threshold of acceptability. An election could lose international credibility. But most qualified candidates are compromised by the NSA and certainly Neocons. Outsiders are easily destroyed if they come close.
I personally don't think the fundamental problem can be addressed through elections.
Elected politicians come and go and the sense of doom never ends. The Wars for US Empire over the entire world is waged by the permanent government (in the State Department, Defense, and Intelligence, and advisory groups like the Council on Foreign Relations), which are run by a hierarchy of embedded Neocons. They generate and control almost all classified documents, without oversight because there is none. They receive more than half of all government revenues. The fund the military and defense industry. They allow the oligarchy that funds the politicians that subdue the people, divide them, and distract them with domestic issues. Trillions go missing.
These are the visible facts. The lack of a modern constitution written by the people (as all constitutions are) allowed this deadly corruption to become the US Federal government.
Nonetheless, it is organic and still evolving.
I'm not sure how elections can address this or undo it. Perhaps there is a short time that an elected outsider can rise and disrupt their plans. But only a short time.
Their goals are not the goals of the people. That much is clear. But the US constitution is too primitive to cover the working structure of a modern government so that was commandeered and usurped by insiders; it was too primitive to give universal human rights to the people, so they have none. It's not a great position to start from.
If only we knew how!
Vote Green.
The revolution is in need of heroes.
Stein - Baraka 2016
Bernie has good intentions
and a consistent record of standing up for the middle class. But his campaign was doomed out of the gate because of him. To stupidly decide, in advance, to support whoever became the Democratic candidate gave him an out but it gave him nowhere to go if he didn't prevail. Also, he didn't use his best arsenal ("those damn emails") against a most formidable enemy, the Clinton machine. I even wonder if he understood their importance, yet I did and so did many other voters. Sometimes I wonder if Bernie even understands how to use power and leverage to get what he wants; lots of people don't. We could see he wouldn't get anything of value from Clinton once he turned his back on running third party; why couldn't he? Which brings up the biggest mystery surrounding Bernie's intentions: did he run as a sheepdogging-pied piper for Hillary, herding Millennials into her fold? I presume we'll never know.
Did we know ahead of time that the Millennials would come out so overwhelmingly for Bernie? I'm not sure it was -- or even could have been --foreseen at the time Bernie declared his candidacy. Up until the past year, the Millennials were an unknown quantity politically.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
It is Party over People for him now.
Was it always like that? No clue. But there is the third way: Green. All welcome.
Bernie could join today!
The revolution is in need of heroes.
Stein - Baraka 2016
All welcome? Is Trump welcome to the Green party?
Is Hill welcome?
How about Darrel Issa or David Duke? How about Kissenger?
If it were my party none of those folks would be welcome.
Bernie can have the most positive effect on people by protecting the gains we have made over the years. To do that he must caucus with the Dem party.
"...he must caucus with the Dem party."
Nonsense.Here's who's running the 'Dem party' and he's colluding with them.
There is no more 'left'.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Anyone still alive can be redeemed, even
Charles M. Manson, or Bernie Sanders. Probably even HRC.
So yes, I think Ms. Stein would take Her vote.
And if Her wanted to volunteer and work for the campaign, that would likely be ok.
I don't know that for sure, you're right.
The revolution is in need of heroes.
Stein - Baraka 2016
She won't, of course,
heed any of Bernie's "platform" whims. Neither did he, nor does he, expect her to.
That was the brilliance of his Philly speech. "We all know Hillary supports x,y,z... (and we willhold her to that)" Well, Bernie knew as well as we did that she Did Not Support any progressive proposals.
But he can point back to that Philly speech as to why he no longer supports the bitch. And why he is back on the road. May hers be a short honeymoon. Bernie is counting on her laughing at Bernie's platform planks.
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