Just how bad is Obamacare's problems? Listen to Obama
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sun, 10/23/2016 - 2:52pm
You've probably heard about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, which has a tendency to catch fire and explode.
Well, check out what the president had to say about his legacy the other day.
The point is, now is not the time to move backwards on health care reform. Now is the time to move forward. The problems that may have arisen from the Affordable Care Act is [sic] not because government is too involved in the process. The problem is, is that we have not reached everybody and pulled them in. And think about it. When one of these companies comes out with a new smartphone and it had a few bugs, what do they do? They fix it. They upgrade—unless it catches fire, and they just—then they pull it off the market. But you don’t go back to using a rotary phone. You don’t say, well, we’re repealing smartphones—we’re just going to do the dial-up thing. That’s not what you do.
Wow! Talk about damning with faint praise.
1.4 million people are about to lose their Obamacare coverage in a few months, and those that will keep their coverage are looking at enormous premium hikes.
Dubya-speak must be catching.
Insure me once, shame on you. Insure me twice—shame on—you can't get insured again.
Equal parts Dubya Speak and Doublespeak
For Obama to describe ACA as health care 'reform' is incredibly insulting. Thanks to his misguided efforts, we went from a health care industry dominated by private insurance companies to one that is absolutely owned by them.
While putting on a show of opposition to Obamacare for tactical reasons (to apply maximum pressure on members of Congress for concessions), the industry lobbyists knew they had an opportunity to dramatically expand their profits from the whole Obama/Romney approach and it worked out beautifully...for them.
What better way to increase 'sales' than to have the government force people to buy? And if the destitute cannot afford it at all, the government will simply hand over huge amounts of taxpayer funds over to the industry to pay for their overpriced coverage.
And there was nothing in the legislation that would stop them from continually raising their prices at the taxpayers' expense cuz there is not actually any price competition in the industry, never was, never will be.
(Insurance companies compete with each other on only one level: they see who is best at the game of obfuscation. They juggle at least four key variables---premiums, deductibles, copays, % coverage---in ways that make it impossible for consumers to compare total cost. It has never been one of those industries that can be 'fixed' with initiatives designed to stimulate more 'competition' between the players.)
Contrary to Obama's words defending his record of health care 'reform', there has actually been no reform within the industry that has not been anti-consumer.
Obamacare has been in practice exactly what Romney had in mind when he proposed it as the Republicans' insurance-industry-saving counterproposal to calls for government-provided health care.
The insurance industry wins again.
I must say that I really do hate those bastards. They do not have any special knowledge of the health care industry that makes them indispensable to society. They simply hire people who are knowledgeable. Just as the government could. Their role in the health care market is like The Mob. They get their cut from an industry that provides a service that is vital to people's welfare. They could be excised from the equation entirely and all of society would benefit.
Thanks Obama...
James Kroeger
Top Comment, James Kroeger, but makes me sick & sad
I remember thinking that in theory it was a good idea, but without price caps (meds included), and heavy regulation, it was just a Yuge give to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
And, hell, I'm not even a math whiz, and don't fully understand what the heck out of pocket means or when it was added to what I call "real" insurance, but come on! Even Texas has a state insurance board that regulates the auto and homeowners insurance industry to a certain degree.
Side note: after ACA was implemented, my rural clinic office visit went from $75 to $160.
Illinois was up 25% in 2016 & now it's going up 30+%?
Although the policies are not catching fire, they are pretty good are draining money from the pockets of those needing health care into the palaces of the Chosen-By-The Economic-Gods who are our betters.
Everything I needed to know I learned in elementary school: Here's one: Eff-youse-all!
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
"Reform" means the opposite of what it should, right?
1984 all over again. Ministry of Truth.
Healthcare "reform", immigration "reform". What are some others? "Affordable" Care Act is a YUUUGE one. "Free trade" is one. Hell, does "open borders" even mean open borders?
It's all so disgusting.
Well then, Fix it Obama
oh my. It's much to late. That's okay. Now your successor can butcher it further.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
It's working just like they designed it to
The next paragraph is a doozy but I would go over fair use to include it.
Or does that matter here?
We know that he had already worked out the details of the plan with the insurance and pharmaceutical companies while the democrats were playing games with the republicans and letting them water it down so they would vote for knowing damn well that they weren't going to.
Then they gave it to Liz Fowler from WellPoint to write up.
Biggest scam ever and now Hillary is going to do hers with mandatory savings accounts.
The link goes to the wsj, so here's another one
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It is the model for SS/pension reform
Give your $$ to GS or the IRS shoots
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Again, Being Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal....
... are totally incompatible. Sharing social costs are what governments are supposed to do. Deciding what those social costs are to be born by us all, is also what government is about. Unfortunately, this government believes that the only social costs to be shared are those that support their donors. America is becoming an imperial kleptocracy, it is time for a real revolution, the status quo is so corrupt it is no longer capable of being reformed.
He's just having a sad because his boondoggle is falling apart
before he got a chance to 'get out of Dodge', so to speak. Plus, this really casts a bad light on his other 'legacy' bit of bullshit, his trade agreements.
I have truly come to hate that guy and I don't care how many videos I've seen of the wife dancing and singing along to Stevie Wonder that they put out, it will never change the fact that that guy is a liar and flunky for the 1%.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
But ObamaCare created a
But ObamaCare created a precedent that people can be forced to buy a product/service whether they can afford it or not, just in time for the TPP to be pushed through (right after Her Royal Coronation) to illegally, unconstitutionally and traitorously offshore domestic law into corporate courts where everything will be determined on the basis of maximizing the future, self-anticipated profits of involved corporations and billionaires, going by previous decisions, evidently even where it is known that many human lives will be hazarded/directly lost as a result.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.