I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

          Harlan's newest story provided a lens for my angst, as I saw it as another allegory for all things social. The next year, fresh out of high school on my way to a junior college and too young (20) to vote: Humphrey, Nixon, or Wallace was not even on my radar. I was not apolitical, I was just not yet part of the process. Also, by that time, I had developed a solid reputation as A Rebel Without a Cause.

          When watching films of the revolution most people would ask "Why?" I would ask "When?", "How much more will it take?", "How many have to be destitute before 'enough is enough'?". et cetera. I grew up in 1950s Hermiston after McNary Dam closed and President Eisenhower gave a very fine speech on the tarmac of Pendleton's airfield. The savvy moved away and some of the remainder became trapped in a potential well of poverty, and despair. In other words, for me, the "Great Depression" was not some historical artifact, it was a daily experience. Becoming radicalized was not an option, it was an obligation.

          Later, when George, like Bernie, was "speaking truth to power" I was politically active. In fact, I spent an inordinate amount of time attempting to explain political realities to a bunch of recalcitrant college faculty and students.

<College Election Fraud Story>
          I noticed a flaw in the campus elections process. There was no procedure to prevent vote manipulation at the various balloting locations.
          I brought this concern to the attention of the Advisor, The Student Council members, and various others. No one cared. The uniform response was that the elections were of no real import, and who would care to perpetrate fraud in the first place.
          So . . . I started to tell all and sundry that, in fact, I (and a few others) would "stuff the ballot boxes" on election day. Still no proper response.
          I and my co-conspirators followed through with the plan and not only did anyone care, no one believed we had actually committed election fraud.
</College Election Fraud Story>

          Take from this story what you will. I have learned, over the years, Cynicism runs deep in the American Psyche. We all live in an Ellison (or, if you prefer . . . Kafkaesque) Novel.

          It has been too many decades. It has been too many elections. I am saddened by the fact that this election is shaping up to be just like past elections. I despair to think I will go to my grave with this pattern unaffected by my existence.

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream!
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Damnit Janet's picture

I read this so long ago... but my take ( at a young age ) was why was the only female in the story an abused nymphomaniac. And her abuse was done by those who also felt they were her protectors...

And to wind up finding the canned food only to find they had no means to open the food.

The tragedy was not in what was DONE to them but what they became and did to each other. The elite can always count on the peasants to fight each other and divide till they have no voice.

I always thought voting was a sacred right.

Now that my vote was stolen from me due to registration fraud.... I know it's all rigged.

I have no mouth. None of us do.

My daughter years ago read a dystopian, Handmaid's Tale, she thought it was new....

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

PriceRip's picture

          and while I liked his take on the story, it is a very old story . . .

          The tragedy was not in what was DONE to them but what they became and did to each other. The elite can always count on the peasants to fight each other and divide till they have no voice.

          I always thought voting was a sacred right.

          My sense of rage is not because I, personally, have lived the story for so long, my rage is because we never seem to get it right . . . ever . . . Even now, I do not detect a coherent response . . .

          One simple suggestion for action, like: We all will vote for Jill Stein!, for example, is met with the ever maddening "vote for whom you please" retort. How bad does it need to get to get people to all go in the same direction and stop . . . [redacted in an attempt to maintain civility] . . .

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Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

It needs to get even worse than it is now. Or it needs to be as bad as it is now, but so completely apparent that it is entirely undeniable that something must be done.

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riverlover's picture

I forgot to buy more rice for the pantry. My pantry.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

PriceRip's picture

          Heinlein's Farnham's Freehold nightmare immediately came to mind.

          I wonder if I could sustain a conversation solely by referencing various titles, section and chapter headings from my personal library.

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sojourns's picture

I haven't thought of the Great Ellison for quite some time. I should re-read this title.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

enhydra lutris's picture

out and knew the guy who did the "cover art" for it.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --