Open Tummler 09/27/16

Yesterday afternoon I cycled by the google news, to learn what it had determined was then most Real, and Important. And there I encountered this headline:
Texas Lawyer In Nazi Uniform Opens Fire At Strip Mall, 9 Injured
Yep, I thought, that about sums it up: the Americans, these days. Wanna-be Nazis. Dishinged law-jockeys. Uniforms. Shootings. Strip malls. Hurt people.
Certainly explains what would be occurring, among the Americans, in several hours hence: the debate between The Mad Bomber, and The Hairball. For no decent, civilized nation, would it throw up those two, as the finalists, to be the president. But a nation where Lone Star barristers bedecked in Adolf-wear shoot up people at strip malls—that nation, surely, could.
Extraterrestrials, surveying all the Americans, never would they select such creatures—The Hairball, and The Mad Bomber—as the best the denizens of the land-mass could produce. But, the Americans did.
The Hairball, he did not receive the majority of the votes, in the Republican primaries, but he certainly hauled in by far the most. While over in the Democratic version, The Mad Bomber—so sorry, but it's true—outpolled The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, by some three million votes.
These two—The Hairball, The Mad Bomber—they are what that decided minority of the Americans, who participated in the primaries, presented to all the Americans, as the two, who might best be the president.
Thing 1. Thing 2.
Yee. Haw.
Both campaigns were no doubt pleased that, at the debate, each candidate successfully crossed the minimum threshold: The Mad Bomber, she did not experience an "episode," while The Hairball, he refrained from biting the heads off any Muslim or Mexican children.
It is true that The Hairball felt it necessary to punctuate his tripe and twaddle with many peculiar snifflings and snortings: I thought perhaps he might be transforming into a wildebeest, before our very eyes.
Afterwards, during the spin cycle, The Hairball, he stomped around, raving that his snufflings had been produced by "a defective mike," thunderingly wondering "was that on purpose?" This lent credence to the theory of those who attributed his nasal-noising not to wildebeesting, but instead to snuffling up Panzer powder—as a well-known effect of such poison, is galloping paranoia. (Those who thought he might instead have been horking up his schnoz cocaine, they would be Wrong: any coke snorted into those noseholes, would immediately blow itself right out: for cocaine, it has much better taste, than to consort with such a honky honker, as The Hairball's.)
Other than The Hairball's possible Panzer-powder jones, nobody really learned anything new, about these people, Monday night.
The first question, it set the template. It was something-or-other about jobs. And, three words into The Mad Bomber's answer, I had tuned her right out. Because she is so. fucking. boring.
Remember in grammar school, that teacher who was like entropy personified, and you thought that, during the class, all the eons of the ages, they would pass, until the universe itself, had quietly collapsed, and degraded into infinitesimal dust, before you could ever get loose of the place? She, The Mad Bomber, is that teacher.
The Hairball, meantime, went straight for the racism and the xenophobia, raving about the Mexicans and the Chinese, then commenced hurling the standard GOP upchuck of the past 40 years (so funny, these people, who somehow delude themselves, that The Hairball is an "outsider," not part of "the establishment"): massive tax cuts, Reagan uber alles, yada-yada, bling-bang-bong.
And so it went. There was some sort of moderator there, a person I don't believe I have ever seen before; I didn't catch his name, and soon thought of him as but The Nebbish. This person spent the entire affair hunched forward, leaning into his little table, because he had no spine. It had been fully extracted from his body; or, perhaps, he was born without one. The inimitable Les Nessman, of the true-life documentary series WKRP In Cincinnati, he would have been more a forceful presence, than The Nebbish. It looked like The Nebbish, he was a brown person, but I couldn't really tell, if that was skin, or some sort of paint-job. Maybe the Fristian Phrenologists, they can get on that one.
The Hairball drove the debate, like he has driven the entire campaign season, and neither the Nebbish, nor the Bomber, proved either willing, or able, to stop him. The Hairball, he is a new dawn—in Greece, he is a Golden Dawn—and people like The Nebbish and The Mad Bomber, they are still asleep, in that dawn, eyes wide closed.
The Hairball, he rolled over The Nebbish, like a tank rumbling over a huddling mass of baby bunnies. Even more than Meth Mouth, during her 2008 debate, The Hairball "answered" whatever "question" he felt like, and talked whenever he liked, regardless of whether anyone else might have the floor. He was all night into his pathological shtick, where every word to leave his lips was a lie, but The Mad Bomber, she mostly just smugly smirked, and said "the fact checkers" would be on it.
But she doesn't understand: the Americans, they don't want any "facts." Unless they are the "facts," they already Know, and Agree with. The Americans, they are all siloed; and, mostly, their "facts," they come from their Faceborg, and their Twitblurt, there from their friends, and from Kardashians.
The Bomber, she is so out of touch, it is just embarrassing. At one point, in responding to some unreality The Hairball was St. Vitus tap-dancing all over the stage, she offered that people could go read her book, which they could pick up at at "any bookstore, or airport." Newsflash: Bomber: most all the Americans, they don't go, to any airports. Because airports, they require the Americans, to have some monies. And mostly, the Americans, they do not have, the monies. They're "dead broke." You know, Bomber, like you were. "Dead broke." When you could only afford nine maids. And your husband, The Clenis, could parcel but the pennies out, for six hookers.
At one point, when the Bomber was slagging The Hairball about the endless number of people who've worked for him that he's stiffed, and he was meanwhile beating her about the head and body, with a bladder, over all the emails she's stuffed up her keister, they both stood there clear: a couple of sneaky, nasty, little thieves. Rats. Come out of the wall at night, to scrabble through the kitchen trash, to make off with an orange rind, maybe, a crust of pizza. Then, so proud and full of themselves, skittering back into the wall.
The Hairball, he didn't help himself, against those who'd cloak him in the fascist shroud, with his Monday night Tourette's goosestuttering about "law and order," and his shameless fellating of any thug, serial killer, or random dingleberry, so long as s/he's in a uniform—cops, border paterollers, admirals, generals, the whole lot. But then, a lot of the Americans, especially the bedwetting white people, they like "law and order"—that phrase, a major winner, among the bedwetters, back in Nixontime—and they like cops, and border paterollers, and serial killers, on the desert storm.
When my phone started ringing, serially, that was when The Hairball, deeply mad, in his utter balderdash, soberly intoned that "the blacks," they were coming unto him, like all the little children unto Jesus, because he, The Hairball, had done them, "the blacks"—including the head black, The Kenyan—a real service, in "forcing" The Kenyan, to produce his birth certificate. In this, he had, The Hairball said, performed a "healing."
On my phone: brown people. Convulsed in laughter. Brown people, and particularly black brown people, they have always known The Hairball, for what he is. Which is why he is currently polling at roughly 0%, among "the blacks." One of my favorite, as most apt, characterizations: "He's Klan. David Duke. Except his sheets, they're silk, rather than cotton. That's all."
An hour or two before the debate, I had one of those moments, sublime, where it all, fits together.
First, I read that Disney, it is considering buying Twitblurt. And I was thinking, well, that could work. Because they could put Jiminy Cricket, in charge of the thing. And he could then transform it into a platform where people who do not suffer from several serious and intractable mental illnesses, might like to go.
Then, next, I stumbled upon the shocking photo, over there to the right, depicting the hideous Bad Queen, from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs, whispering incantations, into the earhole, of The Hairball.
It was then, that I realized, that all the Disney characters, at long last, they have come out of the movies, and are now here among us.
Everyone who has seen the true-life documentary film The Purple Rose Of Cairo, they know that it is perfectly possible, for movie characters, to step out of the screen, and commence stepping out, here, in the "real," world.
And, that is now. What is happening. With all the Disney, celluloid, people.
Long, have I waited, for this moment. I always knew, it would come: this moment. From way back, when I was a little child.
I especially look forward, to the emergence of Louie, and Baloo, accompanied by all the other Disney wonderments, to encourage all the humans to scat, and to swing. Because, for one thing, when you scat, and you swing, you certainly don't never need anything, so stupid, so silly, as a "president."

can't swing it, but thanks for Louie, Baloo, Disney folks/nt
of course
you can swing it.
Ahhh, at last, a voice
To make reason of our seriously bizarre world. An explanation. Yes. I now begin to understand. All these years I have struggled to make sense and now, with your help and insight, am able to see - what we saw -all those years ago in the wonderful world of disney has now come to pass.
Donald and his nephews, Minnie and her cute hair bows, the evil queens, the dancing hippos. Now they walk amongst us.
So, does this mean we can let go of the burden of making sense of the world? Can we just go sit and watch a garden grow or something useful? I am so ready. Because otherwise? It maka no sense -at all.
a garden,
it is totally Real. While the politics. It is not.
And wouldn't you really rather have. Dancing hippos. In your world. Than The Mad Bomber. Or The Hairball?
We were warned!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Without a doubt, the best debate commentary by anyone anywhere!
Hecate, this is an unadulterated joy and pleasure to read. If only this could be the swapped out by skilled hackers into the op-ed pages of , say the NYT or the Washington Post under the bylines of George Will and/or Paul Krugman (i.e. the "serious" pundits)! I can just imagine the faces of the "informed" voter/readers as they try to digest your insights and then Tweet about it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
thank you!
But George Krugman, he lives in the B.F. Skinner rat's-nest of a city, and has a prune-face, and wears a tie. I don't think I can "pass." ; )
And kudos to you for actually watching that train wreck.
I had no Medicine! Except Oscillococcinum, and Zicam. Because, Friday, I went into a Costco, with my friend, who is a-feared to go in there, alone—and, understandably, as the vast majority of people who go in there, alone, never come out—and we both were soon thereafter stricken with some sort of dread Captain Trips, from the multitudinous human disease vectors in there: the place more of a plague center, than even a school, or a hospital. I almost never get sick, but realized the last two times I have been, it was after entering that hellhole. From now on, when I enter that Evil, I am wearing a gas mask.

Did you get the gas mask (bird confuser) at Costco?
Having never crossed the threshold of a Costco, I have only heard that the food samples are delicious and 'you can find the oddest things there...'.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
i don't shop
at Costco. I just accompany people there. Sorta like those who protect people going into abortion clinics.
You have taken The Stand.
(Spc. Campion: he could have used some Zicam. Do they have Costco in the desert?).
The Hairball, he is such a pathetic micropenis.
Ahh so
The elections are a Disney production?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
not yet
But, if and when they are, the Americans, they may have a choice, between a drugged-up pachyderm:
A delinquent wood-thing:
A jailed burlesque lady:
And what it is:
Merci beaucoups. Mercy, mercy, also, too. I knew I didn't
need to watch or listen to the debate and here it is analyzed and summarized far, far better than anybody has a right to expect. Thanks again for that, but most especially for the revelations about the reality of the Disnification of reality.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Shorter precis: according to MSM, Hillary wiped up the stage
It makes it easy to eliminate news sources. I thought the 30 min of the debate I self-subjected to before bed. An apple debated an orange.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
my review of the debate
The theater was only about 1/3 filled and there were a lot of older folks there. Plenty of white hair. I saw one youngster, probably the daughter or maybe the granddaughter of one of the old-timers.
I thought Paul answered one question well. He was asked where the Beatles would fit in cultural history and he said "You've got to be joking with that question. It's not culture, it's a laugh." I know some feel Paul is too facile, too glib but I did like that response.
John was faced with a tough situation, responding to his "more popular than Jesus" remark. I felt the best part of his answer was "I just used the word 'Beatles' as a thing. If I'd said "television" I might have gotten away with it".
The Shea Stadium film was also good, maybe better.
All in all, $9 well spent and definitely 2+ hours better spent than listening to two crooks.
there were
many older folks at the politics debate too. At the beginning, as the camera panned over the heads, on its way to the stage, the light reflecting off all the baldness nearly crisped my eyeballs.
Your coverage of the debate
is all I'm going to bother reading. Yesterday when I was walking home I saw a woman I really like across the street. She had dayglow socks on so I shouted 'I like your socks'. She shouted back 'Don't you love my shirt!' and exposed her T-shirted chest which had a Hillary logo so big I could see all the details from a considerable distance. She did a little victory dance on the sidewalk. My arm automatically raised and my thumb pointed down. She said 'Oh no, not The Hairball?'
I said I'm voting for a woman called Jill. That stopped her dance and confused her and she told me well alright then. This is the first encounter I have had with any neighbor about this election. No yard signs, no bumper stickers, no political discussion. I have seen Black Lives Matter signs but both candidate or party signs are absent. Makes me think for despite the gentrification going on here people are not buying this farce.
We went to Cosco once. Shah got the willies so bad that he abandoned the huge half full shopping cart he was pushing in the middle of an aisle and sprinted through store and out the door. We don't do big boxes or malls if at all possible. However I've heard Costco is a good place to work as they treat their employee's well. They also sell cheap 12 packs of cheater glasses which is what I was looking for when Shah bolted.
In high school I won scholarship to Chouinard on Saturday's It was a Disney art school . It did not Disneyfy me or the hoodlum potter dude who drove us winners downtown every Saturday morning. Chouinard actually had great artists who knew how to teach drawing. I'm going to cover a couple of LA based, Disney trained artist's who got Disney scholarship's and then went all anti-Disney in my next art OT. My Saturday class was taught by an Asian artist who drew pictures of the model on giant paper laid on the floor using a broom for a brush. He once drew a portrait with a mouth so big that a truck could drive though it.
Gary Panter for one
the costco
is completely scary. It is larger than many towns, and if you want any food, you must purchase it in portions that not even a Hagrid could consume: 18 pounds of chicken legs, a 9-pound slab of cheese, 400 rutabagas, a pizza bigger than a jet tire, etc.
The "discussions" on FB
This morning were predictable. Mostly about The Cheeto. Its like watching people yammering on about the Kim Kardashian of politics in that wink and nod way that's suppose to tell us how clever they are. If they are really that clever, what the hell are they doing voting for Hillary?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier