Open Sesame 09/24/16

To best understand what is currently occurring in the presidential campaign of The Mad Bomber, it helps to be conversant with the life and times of the medieval Spanish serial killer Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar—most commonly known as El Cid—and also the "Spock's Brain" episode of the true-life documentary series Star Trek.
Rodrigo, he wandered to and fro, there on the Iberian Peninsula, in the latter half of the 11th Century, killing people. Sometimes he killed Moors, sometimes he killed for Moors (those would be Mooslems, in the American language), and sometimes he killed, or killed for, various Spanish Sanchos and Alfonsos. In his final years, he mostly concentrated on killing Berbers. For himself.
Nobody hears much about Berbers these days. This is because when the white people, they drew all the borders, all over the globe, they decided there didn't need to be any Berberland. Just as peoples like, say, the Karen, and the Kurds, the white people, they decided they didn't need any nations, either.
Anyway. Rodrigo eventually decreed that he needed to be the king of Valencia. Since there were Berbers in Valencia at the time, Rodrigo rounded up some Moor and some Christian serial killers, to help him kill the Berbers, so he could, of Valencia, be The Ruler. This happened. And so, of Valencia, Rodrigo, he was The Ruler. For some five years. Until the Berbers returned, and laid siege to the city.
Rodrigo died in the city, during the siege, probably of some sort of dread siege-type disease. It was after he became dead, that he transformed into the legendary El Cid. Because, though dead, he was armored up, strapped aboard his horse Babieca, and then he "led," a thundering charge, from out of the city. Which freaked the living shit, from out of the Berbers. Who scattered.
Meanwhile, out there in the final frontier, the Enterprise people, they were one day peaceably going where no man had gone before, when some rude woman, she suddenly winked in, there on the bridge, and stole Spock's brain, right out of his head.
Then, she disappeared.
McCoy, he managed to magic a special control box, that could cause the brainless Spock to walk and talk and whatnot, until his brain could be retrieved, and re-inserted, back in his head. Which, eventually, it was.
What does any of this have to do with The Mad Bomber?
Well, everyone knows there are various forms of extraterrestrials, here on this planet. Among these, are the grays. These creatures, they are prone to picking up humans, usually along lonely interstates, then taking them aboard ship, to poke and prod them with various alien instruments, before setting them loose again, with only vague memories, of their graying.
Some time back, a gray decided, in the interests of Gray Science, to poke and prod at the brain, of a human trying to be the American president. The Mad Bomber, she was selected, to be the human examined.
Unfortunately, the gray in charge of this experiment, was kind of a rookie. And so, inadvertently, this rookie gray, sucked The Mad Bomber's entire brain, right out of her head.
The other grays, they all felt very badly about this. And so, until, hopefully, they could figure out, how to put the brain back into The Mad Bomber's head, they provided the Bomber's wife, Huma Abedin, with a control box, with which she could guide the brainless corpse of The Mad Bomber, through her campaign appearances. These grays, they do not quite have the magic of a McCoy, and so, sometimes, their box, it goes on the blink. And that, is when the Bomber, she experiences, her "episodes."
Alas: both the grays, and the Huma-humans, they are now pretty sure, that they are not going to be able to get The Mad Bomber's brain, back into her skull. So the idea, now, is to just ride her, like the expired El Cid, across the finish line, there on November 8, and into the presidency. At some point thereafter, it can be announced that she is dead, and then her vice-presidential running mate, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, he will become the president.
This, of course, will enable the Vatican to, at long last, seize control of the nation. Stay Puft, like Linden Arden, well, "whiskey/runs like water in his veins." And, so, he shall just hole up, in the White House living quarters, there with the Tullamore Dew, and a few fellow red-nosed mates. While the Jesuits, they shall actually run the government. These Jesuits, they will commence to implement the Socialism, of their overlord, Big Frank. Which shall involve beating all the Americans' swords into ploughshares. Distributing all the Americans' monies to the brown people. And confining all the Americans to their beds. There to breed more Catholics. But, otherwise, not get, into any Trouble.
And that's the truth. Ruth.
For the debate Monday night, the campaigns of both The Mad Bomber, and The Hairball, they are each hoping, to just avoid, complete disaster.
The Bomber people, they are praying, on all of their knees, that she will somehow make it through the thing, without having an "episode." While the Hairball people, they are calling on all the gods, to ensure the man, he pulls back from his carnival geek act, just enough so as not to actually bite the heads off any brown people, while standing there on stage.
Thanks to my friend Shep Pressman, of naval intelligence, who has provided me with key NSA intercepts, I can report that both campaigns, they are going into the debate, each prepared, with a "nuclear option."
The Bomber crew, it is going to fit the brainless corpse of the Bomber, before she goes on stage, with a suicide vest. Then, if, while on the television, and before all the people, she starts to slide into an "episode," and said episode, it appears to be terminal, then wife Huma, she will detonate the vest, and thereby blow both the Bomber, and The Hairball, right off the stage. The Bomber people, they will meantimes have it all set up, so that the dimwit Hairballian ass, Milo Yiannopoulos, he shall be fingered, as The Evildoer.
The Hairball folks, meanwhile, have instructed the Keeper of the Hair, while preparing the deadfish orange mop for the debate, to apply very small, but very powerful, explosive charges, a la those in Neal Stephenson's true-life non-fiction tome The Diamond Age, to The Hairball's cranium. Then, if, while on stage, The Hairball, he is, say, suddenly seized by an irresistible impulse, to share with the nation, intimate photographs, of he and his daughter, Lolita Hairball, engaged in steamy threesomes, and moresomes, with "the blacks," Bannon, well, then, he can set off the charges, and thereby take off the top of The Hairball's head. A patsy, outfitted with a high-powered rifle, and festooned with buttons and stickers proclaiming him a partisan of The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man, he will then be tackled, and seized, and paraded, before the nation, as The Perpetrator.
Just goes to show. That in the politics. Today. One must be prepared. For every. Contingency.
In some of the universes, the debate gets pretty wild, Monday night. Like the ones where the Bomber, while answering some question about trade or something, suddenly proceeds to "episode"—to flip, flop, fly. As wife Huma flaps on stage, weeping and rending her garments, attempting to render assistance, Lolita Hairball, she also rushes the stage, and, in a frenzy, goes down on her knees, and proceeds to do what she does best, fellate her father, who, in his excitement, rapidly bites the heads off three Mexican children, and then those of three Muslim children.
In these universes, all this, is universally hailed, as "good television."
I recently checked in on the universes where, in 2008, Old Man Shouts At Cloud, he became the president, rather than The Kenyan.
In most of these, life is pretty grim. Where it exists. At all.
For, in many of them, just as soon as Old Man Shouts At Cloud, he is informed by the American generals, that, no, they are not going to go fight Russians, in Georgia, he enters one of his legendary temper tantrums, and promptly strokes out.
Which makes Meth Mouth, the president. Until that night when, deep in methamphetamine psychosis, and wanting to see, up close and personal, Jesus, and right now, she seduces/subdues the boy with the briefcase, cracks it open, and commences chanting the nuclear codes.
And that. Is then. That.
I am very glad that Sixpence, the running mate of The Hairball, he is rarely, in any tube. Because, looking at him, he freaks me right out; like a Berber, losing all his shit, as El Cid, from out the gate, he comes, corpsely, a-thunderin'.
Because Sixpence, he is such a scarifying human, that he has terrified his own hair. Frightened it into turning, corpse-white. And I don't think that anyone, who has horrified his own hair, into going, all white, needs to be anywhere, near, any politics.
That shit, it is like albino hair. Of course, Sixpence, he denies he's an albino; but who can believe, anything, that these people, say?
Just as an aside, and, as proof, that anybody, can do anything, s/he might happen to want, if s/he just . . . goes for it . . . Back in the PI days, there was this guy I knew, who was a surveillance specialist. This was back when surveillance did not involve but staring into tubes, but instead required observing people, out in the real world, with one's own eyeballs. Obviously, a good surveillance person, in such a world, would want, to be someone, not much noticed. And this guy, he was. Not, often, noticed. Though, he was an albino. And albinos, they, generally, are pretty dern, noticeable.
Anyway. The Sixpence hair, it is not so much albinian, I think, as it is like the hair that would be on some dirty, disheveled man, standing at the edge of some woods, mumbling and scratching himself, croakingly trying to convince some child, to come back into the trees, there, to get some "candy."
Maybe Sixpence, he is connected to these clowns, who seem to favor woods, and who are, increasingly, menacing, the Americans.
The dawn of the current clown outbreak, it was previously Tummlered, here. That was when, in Greenville, South Carolina, "a woman said her son had seen 'clowns in the woods' around 8:30 p.m. An investigating deputy then spoke with another person who said a clown was also seen near a garbage dumpster. There were also claims from some children that several clowns had been seen in the woods trying to persuade them to follow them with large amounts of money."
That was less than a month ago; yet, already, the clowns, they have gone pretty much totally wild, and spread their menace, all across, the nation.
To wit, this story, from yesterday:
There have been multiple creepy clown sightings reported across the nation.
Roaming clowns have been spotted in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Wisconsin.
Now, in Tchula, Mississippi, Police Chief Kenneth Hampton said he saw someone wearing a mask, a multi-colored wig and overalls around 11 p.m. on Wednesday. The person ran away after seeing the patrol vehicle.
He was alarmed that the person was carrying what looked like a machete or some type of sword. He said that it is probably a teenager, but anyone confronting someone with a sword or machete would feel threatened.
That would not be healthy for the person dressed as a clown, added Hampton.
"There was a blackout in Tchula last night, and everybody blamed the clown," Hampton said.
A Science Man, who specializes, in the Science, of clowns, he has determined, that the creepy clown infestation, it has most probably been generated, by The Hairball. And, presumably, The Hairball's sidekick. Sixpence.
As everyone who cares about America is probably aware, clown hysteria has taken over the Carolinas. The big-shoed menaces are allegedly lurking in the woods near residences, offering candy and money to children. People are chasing the clowns into the woods with
machetes and leaning hard on their 911 autodials. At least one apartment complex has issued an official anti-clown warning. It's gotten so bad that police are discouraging people in those areas from dressing as clowns at all.
Why clowns? Why now? What's going to happen next? Atlas Obscura spoke with cryptozoologist Loren Coleman—perhaps the world's foremost authority on mysterious clowns—about this latest outbreak. Spoiler: he blames old wounds, sad journalists, and "the real clown," The Hairball.
This makes sense. Because, as evidenced by the true-life, unretouched photograph, reproduced above, The Hairball, he is Known to be appearing in storm drains, there trying to lure little children, into such anathemas, as building walls.
Not a stretch. Then. From that. Unto Sixpence. Masturbating like a monkey. In that corpse-white hair. At the edge of some woods. Inviting all the little children in. To party. With the clowns.
The Chinese and the Indians, they can stop their bickering now, about which has the oldest continuous civilization.
Like most of the human bickering, this particular spat, it has always been amusing; because, like most of the human bickerers, all of them, were, always, wrong.
For, the Findings, from the Science Men, they are now in. And the oldest continuous civilization on this planet, it is that of the Aborigines. Some 50,000 years. So the Chinese. And the Indians. With their little quibbles. About 3500 years here, and 5000 years there. They can both go sit in the corner. And pretend they never argued. This argument. At all.
That the Aborigines, they have always been uber alles, this was always obvious, to anyone non-Aborigine, non-Chinese, non-Indian, who endeavored, to understand, these three civilizations. The Indian and Chinese civilizations, they are fairly easy, for an outsider, to apprehend; given sufficient will, and desire. But Aboriginal civilization, it remains, and absolutely, impenetrable. Not even the extraterrestrial anthropologist Werner Herzog, who gets almost everything, about almost all of the humans, could he, Get There. "Even if we spent fifty years living with the Aborigines and spoke their language, we would still only comprehend them marginally," he concluded. While working on his film Where The Green Ants Dream. Which concerns Aborigines. And which is the only film of his, of which he is ashamed. Because. He knew. He didn't get it. He confessed as much, to the Aborigines working on, and in, his film. Who told him: "We don't understand you, either. But we see you have your own dreaming."
Aboriginal civilization, it is anchored in dreamtime. Which is not apprehended, or even approached, by either the "Western," or "Eastern," mind. It only fleetingly intersects, with what the rest of the humans, regard as Reality.
The dreamtime. It is more Real. Than "reality."
It is, as the white-person film director Peter Weir, once fumblingly tried to describe it, "a way of perceiving, another perception; the dreamtime isn't something in the past, but is a continuing thing. It is, in fact, another time, and people of great power, can step into it, and step back into our time."
When the Aborigine elder Nanji Gulpilil, he was cast in Weir's The Last Wave, Gulpilil explained to Weir that "the Sydney [Aboriginal] people are dead—white contact destroyed them. And Nanji just said 'Poor fellows.' The only thing was, Nanji insisted that there are still the Sydney people there, but they're spirits, and their spirits exist at sacred sites, and protect sacred sites, and so, if [as in the film,] there's a sacred site under Sydney, he said, 'The spirits will be there; therefore, I cannot be human.' In my story, Charlie [Gulpill's character], was human, initially. He pointed out that that was impossible. But he could be a spirit that took on human form; this is quite possible."
All of the all of the all of the all of it. In dreamtime. Is quite. Possible.
Aborigines. They have never. Had. A president. Nor. Shall they. Ever.
We are still in touch with these realities—the prophecies, the traditions of our ancestors. We learn from the elders, from nature, from the powers. And when the catastrophe is over, we will still be here. I don’t care if it's only a handful. We will survive: harmony will be reestablished. That's, revolution.

Aboriginal elementary classrooms, if such exist,
must be surreal. I have found my spirit life, Medicine may suppress or release that. As a singular not-spirit, when here, I can envision that going either way. But it's not binary. You understand that, hecate.
Headache last night, woke up talking in my "sleep". Might be bad, my ride.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
haven't seen a kid in a storm drain
since JFK got shot
are you connecting dots or what?
A pic of Trump-in-a-storm-drain, I could not grab it from FB.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
necessary. There's one in the piece, up top. See?

Connecting dots ... People in storm drains under Sydney
Sydney Cave Clan. An entire culture that explores storm drains and sometimes live in them. Too many coincidences this morning! Loving it.
stuff. Thanks!
And. There are no coincidences. ; )
Hairball pretty much has the storm-drain vote locked up. His natural constituency. Rats.
When JFK was shot, The Hairball's daddy, Fred, the Klansman, he was so happy, he kicked a Negro. Then he bought a new inflatable sex doll. For himself. And his son.
Only hecate knows for sure
My immediate reference was to one Pennywise the Clown, also known as Bob Gray. In fairness, it's late on the east coast and I'm a little high and a bit drunk. But Pennywise is a badass clown. Known for:
The way this mofo tries to end his feuds is pretty gruesome, called the ritual of Chud but I need to shut up because this may be something else altogether.
Live Stream of "World Beyond War" is on now
The Real News Network's stream is here: Wolrd Beyond War.
Thanks mimi.
Ya hecate,
why do we need a president anyway? A question very few think to ask. Course the answer is, "that's the way we've always done it". I can't tell you how many times I heard that in my 30 years working for the fed govt. I'd ask someone, "why do we do it that way". And instead of a technical explanation giving a reasonable rationale, I'd usually get the statement, "that's the way we've always done it".
It's funny because we try to teach our kids to "question everything". We even remind ourselves of that on our blogs now and then and everybody goes, "right on man, question everything, question authority!!". Then it's like, who you voting for? No questions about why we're voting for people to make our decisions for us, no questions about why we need to do it that way when it's not fucking working.
Getting time for a break here, the waves have become too large again.
they are for those, who need a Daddy. Or Mommy. I, myself, don't need such people. I'm not nine years old. Not any more.
Maybe that's the solution,
only under 9s can vote.
"so simple even a child could do it"
"Hillary" (as they call the malfunctioning robot) will, if they listen to my advice, use her classic hits randomly. As I said somewhere last night or yesterday afternoon or maybe the day before, she should answer the debate questions with golden oldies like "I suppose I could stay home and bake cookies".
My advice to the Hairball would be to sigh and say "I wish Bernie had won the nomination because then we could have a real debate. Instead they sent the JV". That would bring on a cackling episode. The more Hills cackles the worse she'll look. Of course she could counter that by reprising her wonderful BLM encounter, the one where the young lady paid $500 to get into someone's house. Hills could say "I'm glad you asked that question and I'll get around to talking about it later". Then she could go into her robot thing about caring for children.
It's going to be grand. A robot versus a lunatic. I think I'll miss it though. That Beatle movie, the one put together by Opie, has been a big success and instead of being pulled after one week, as was the plan, is now playing in additional theaters. So, faced with a choice of watching the debate or seeing The Beatles!!!! (aaaaaaa!!!! aaaaa!!!!) I'll go see J, P, G and R. I hear there's no PB mentioned. I wonder how they'll talk about Hamburg without mentioning PB. Well I'll find out!
Since I'll be at the movies watching those Beatles I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to summarize the debate so I can read about it when I get home.
debate summary:
OK that was weird
Maybe the weirdest thing I have read on c99. So far.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
r us. I'll be here all week. Bring the kids!
Mike Pence
Did you know he ate chicken on an airplane? True story. He took KFC and his mama on an airplane, and he quite literally ate meat on a bone while seated on an airplane. A mortal sin of etiquette, which has held for years that utensils are used to eat anything on an airplane.
Watching him with a chicken leg in his mouth, tearing the flesh off the bone with his teeth, shaking his head from side to side like a dog with a bone, foaming at the mouth, hot Pence saliva flying every which way is rilly sick-making.
What would be illuminating, in my view, is to see him try to explain his Witchpricker crimes against Purvi Patel as governor.
The time has come, the Walrus said, to speak of many things
I'll confine myself to a couple.
In keeping with the theme of the subject line, our perpetual November choices:
And speaking of choices, what choices do we offer to the great mass of work-a-day average blokes? Take the following to heart:
There is a greater need out there, to put forward a dream, a vision, of cancelling the Apocalypse, as another movie put it. WE can't just talk about the collapse of the climate, the collapse of the economy (i.e. of the lives and communities of those ordinary blokes out there), the threat of nuclear annihilation, or the prospect of an endless succession of bloody wars for conquest and resources, spurred, in large part, by those first two. We can't just say "STOP!!!" without also offering on what road to next travel. I'd like to see more posts on that, as we're pretty much resigned here (or should be) that this November the two candidates offer us only change for the worse, both slouching toward Bethlehem*. So, let's add some solutions to our mix of laments, eh? It's only right to think of ourselves as dreamers, and not the only ones.
Oh, and happy 55th birthday to my sister, who doesn't even know this site exists
*Not only at the national, but at the city, county and state level, too. Corporate real estate finance crap is the rule of the day as "development" which means pursuing an ever-receding pot of fools' gold.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
there will not be
any apocalypse, not in this universe. Because we will not be having. Any negative waves.
And happy birthday! For your sister:
Very funny!
"have a little faith, baby". "Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here".
Listening to an afternnon DJ on WVBR (see left<<<)
He was ranting about essentially the no power we have as Americans. A nice tune set after.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
My head injury rearind its head, again, dinner and bed.
Pork and crucifers! Cabbage and radishes plus spinach! Too sad/bad I am gaining ca 1lb/week. No explanation.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
After watching Nix's speech,
I began to think that maybe a majority of the american public are simply masochists, beaten down by parents, teachers, government, never quite reaching a kind of true independence, while mindlessly sabotaging themselves.
Thank you, hecate, for this analysis and debate preview. You'll
be interested (or not) to know that they captured an evil clown in good ol' Kaintuck. Per the BBC:,
In other words, he was charged with doing absolutely nothing. The article contains some pig-babble by which they attempt to justify what is a blatant violation of the first amendment, and, since they busted a kid who probably doesn't have a ton of change, they might even get away with it, A sample of said inanity is:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
now wait a minute:
if "creating an unnecessary sense of alarm is illegal," why then are not all the people in the politics, in the prison?
KY is now Open Carry, a more serious concern.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Corbyn Wins!
happy with the sad
Hecate, you really crack me up. I love a little madness mixed with the pain. You do a fantastic service to the dribbled insanity. Keep it up! I laugh as I cry.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Laughter, they say, most often arises, in a recognition of pain.
so who should moderate the debate, John Yaya,
John Bigbootie, or John Smallberries?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
i'm leaning
towards Yaya Bigbootie Smallberries.
Thanks hecate,
for another totally irreverent piece of writing which makes a much more sublime point.
I appreciate the link you provided to Russell Mean’s words. I’m reading it in pieces. There’s a lot there. It’s good that his words were written down. “we will still be here” is undeniable, whether in sacred ground or dreamtime.
More good dreaming
... another young NZ
singer/songwriter on an award list currently...
that is
probably my favorite "political" speech.
That makes sense hecate,
and I soft-heartedly agree with your choice.
Thank you again very much, for adding it here for us to see. It could be linked to everything you write here, as a gentle reminder of what it is to be genuinely human.