The Evening Blues - 9-22-16
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features blues guitarist Earl Hooker. Enjoy!
Earl Hooker - Reconsider Baby
"The ship of democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those on board."
-- Grover Cleveland
News and Opinion
Rogue Mission: Did the Pentagon Bomb Syrian Army to Kill Ceasefire Deal?
A rift between the Pentagon and the White House turned into open rebellion on Saturday when two US F-16s and two A-10 warplanes bombed Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions at Deir al-Zor killing at least 62 Syrian regulars and wounding 100 others. The US has officially taken responsibility for the incident which it called a “mistake”, but the timing of the massacre has increased speculation that the attack was a desperate, eleventh-hour attempt to derail the fragile ceasefire and avoid parts of the implementation agreement that Pentagon leaders publicly opposed. Many analysts now wonder whether the attacks are an indication that the neocon-strewn DOD is actively engaged in sabotaging President Obama’s Syria policy, a claim that implies that the Pentagon is led by anti-democratic rebels who reject the Constitutional authority of the civilian leadership. Saturday’s bloodletting strongly suggests that a mutiny is brewing at the War Department. ...
A recent article in the New York Times also highlighted the divisions which appear to be widening as the situation in Syria continues to deteriorate. Here’s an excerpt from the New York Times:
Carter was among the administration officials who pushed against the (ceasefire) agreement … Although President Obama ultimately approved the effort. On Tuesday at the Pentagon, officials would not even agree that if a cessation of violence in Syria held for seven days — the initial part of the deal — the Defense Department would put in place its part of the agreement on the eighth day…
“I’m not saying yes or no,” Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian, commander of the United States Air Forces Central Command, told reporters on a video conference call. “It would be premature to say that we’re going to jump right into it.”
Think about that for a minute: Lt. General Harrigian appears to be saying that he may not follow an order from the Commander in Chief if it’s not to his liking. When exactly did military leaders start to believe that orders are optional or that the DOD had a role to play in policymaking? ...
Moscow realizes that there will never be a settlement to the conflict unless the major participants agree to a political solution. That’s why Putin is doing everything in his power to draw the US into an arrangement where Moscow and Washington share security responsibilities. That is the goal of the ceasefire, to create a situation where both superpowers are on the same team, involved in the same process, and working towards the same goal.
Pentagon warhawks and their allies in the US political establishment and the intelligence community, will have none of it. The objectives of the hawks, the liberal interventionists and the neocons are the same as they have been from the very beginning. They want to topple Assad, splinter Syria into multiple parts, install a US-puppet in Damascus, control critical pipelines corridors from Qatar to Turkey, and inflict a humiliating defeat on Russia. For this group, any entanglement or cooperation with Russia only undermines their ultimate objective of escalating the conflict, strengthening their grip on the Middle East, and rolling back Russian influence.
This is what makes the unprecedented attack on Syrian Army positions so suspicious; it’s because it looks like a last-ditch effort by a desperate Pentagon rebels to terminate the ceasefire and prevent Washington from partnering with Moscow in the fight against militant extremism.
From military analyst Pat Lang's blog the other day:
Deir al-Zor: Was it really an accident?
So, we and the Australians admit that we "done it." The body count this morning is up to 83 and presumably will go higher. Could it have been a real targeting error? Yes. People here on SST who have participated in air targeting know how easy it is to make a mistake. But, there are some unusual things about this "error." The SAA has been occupying these positions for six months or so. Presumably US imagery and SIGINT analysts have been looking at them all that time and producing map overlays that show who is where in detail. These documents would be widely available especially to air units and their targeteers. US coalition led air has rarely struck in the Deir al-Zor area. Why now? Were they asked to strike? The US does not talk to the Syrian government. How would they have been asked? Who would have designated the targets? They struck in the presence of SAA troops without any ground liaison? And what of the timing two days before the US-Russian deal was to be expanded into active cooperation?
SECDEF Carter is a thoroughgoing Russophobe. General Votel, the US commander in Iraq and eastern Syria has expressed doubt about the wisdom of cooperating with the Russians.
IMO it is an open question as to whether these air strikes on the SAA were accidental.
US attack on Syrian troops not an accident, definitely intentional – Assad to AP
Was it Mutiny? U.S. Rulers Split Over Syria
The decades-long U.S. policy of deploying Islamic jihadists as foot soldiers in U.S. imperial wars -- the world’s most unholy alliance -- has led to a catastrophic split at the highest civilian and military levels of the U.S. State. Last weekend’s American air attack on Syrian Army positions at Deir al-Zor that killed more than 60 Syrian soldiers and resulted in a temporary victory for ISIS forces was a blatant bid by the Pentagon and the CIA to sabotage any prospect of cooperation between U.S. and Russian forces in Syria. In a very real sense, it is a mutiny against a lame duck president who, certainly since 2013, has attempted to achieve regime change in Syria without allowing the jihadists to take power in Damascus.
The mutineers include civilian and military elements of the Pentagon -- probably including Obama’s own Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter – the CIA and other intelligence services (but not the Defense Intelligence Agency, whose analysts warned of the rise of ISIS in 2012). They are encouraged and emboldened by the prospect that a President Hillary Clinton will declare a “no fly zone” over Syria – a move that would necessitate, under U.S military doctrine, an all-out attack on all of that country’s aircraft and anti-aircraft weapons systems, resulting in a war with Russian forces. ...
The war hawks have never forgiven Obama or ceased denouncing his failure to “finish off” Assad. Hillary Clinton has encouraged them to believe that she will launch the final, crushing strike -- if the jihadists can just hang on until Inauguration Day. The cease-fire agreement, to be followed by a joint Russian-American blitzkrieg against al Nusra and ISIS, could so deplete the jihadist ranks, there would not be enough of them for Hillary to rescue. ...
The contradictions inherent in sponsoring international jihad have caught up with America, splitting its ruling circles and fomenting defiant insubordination within its military. Last weekend, the United States acted as an air force for ISIS, helping them to overrun a Syrian army base. It was not a mistake, not an elaborate ploy orchestrated at the White House; it was the result of a mutiny by the War Party, which refuses to wait for Hillary’s arrival to assert its will. Jihadism has wrecked the Empire’s system of government -- bin Laden’s revenge -- and brought humanity to the very brink of obliteration.
Russia hits back at US accusations
Syria conflict: overnight airstrikes on rebel-held Aleppo kill dozens
Dozens of Syrians were killed overnight in rebel-held districts of Aleppo during airstrikes described by residents as some of the most intense bombardments in months .
The fresh attacks signalled further the collapse on the ground of a ceasefire deal negotiated last week by Washington and Moscow, whose foreign ministers have set a Friday deadline to rescue the agreement while insisting it still hung by a thread. ...
By midnight, doctors and activists had identified 49 people, including children, who were killed in Aleppo province since noon that day in dozens of airstrikes that hit rebel territory. Another four were killed in late-night bombing of the city’s Bustan al-Qasr neighbourhood, with residents sharing images and videos showing buildings engulfed in flames, the results of what they alleged were phosphorus bombs. ...
Aleppo, once Syria’s commercial capital, is divided into a western portion controlled by the government and an eastern area held by rebels. The eastern part has been besieged for two months, except for a brief window when the blockade was broken. A defeat in the city would be a huge blow for the rebellion.
Kerry: Syria, Russia Must Immediately Halt All Flights Over Syria
Speaking today at the UN Security Council, Secretary of State John Kerry demanded that Syria and Russia immediately halt all warplane flights in Syria, insisting that there was no other way to avoid the escalation of the civil war, and that the ceasefire is at stake.
The ceasefire, of course, ended days ago, with the Syrian government withdrawing on Monday, citing an array of violations over the weekend, including a US airstrike which attacked a Syrian army base in Deir Ezzor, killing 83 soldiers.
Despite the ceasefire being clearly over, some US officials have suggested it isn’t over until they say it is. ... Kerry also angrily condemned Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Levrov’s call for an investigation into an attack against a UN aid convoy, insisting that everyone knows it was Russia’s fault already and that Russia is trying to invent facts.
Syria: "atmosphere between Russia and the US cannot be more toxic" as heavy air strikes hit Aleppo
Government has no strategy, no plan and only ‘phantom’ allies in Syria, scathing Commons report reveals
A report by the House of Commons Defence Committee published on Wednesday says that there have been only 65 UK air raids in Syria during this period, compared to 550 in Iraq. Some 31 of these were in the first two months of the air campaign, since when the number has fallen to between three and seven air strikes a month
Drawing attention to the small number of British air attacks in Syria, Dr Julian Lewis, the chairman of the committee, asked in an interview with The Independent why “we had the great debate and vote on beginning military action in Syria when the number of air strikes there are so minute.” He added that, despite the committee’s best efforts, it had been unable to get the Government to identify the 70,000 armed moderates who are meant to be Britain’s local partners on the ground in Syria.
The muddled British political and military strategy in Syria was exemplified last Saturday when British aircraft took part in an air strike that mistakenly killed 62 Syrian army soldiers who were apparently fighting Isis near the besieged provincial capital of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria. The British government has maintained that the Syrian army is not fighting Isis, but was seeking to crush moderate rebels opposed to Isis and the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.
The committee said the failure of the Ministry of Defence to provide it with a full analysis of UK air strikes in Syria may “undermine the Government’s assertion that the bombing campaign in Syria is in support of credible moderate ground forces”. ...
The Government’s explanation on why it cannot reveal the identity of the potent but invisible Syrian armed moderates is that this information would help the Assad government. But Dr Lewis and the report strongly suggest that the very limited nature of the British air campaign is a tacit admission that no such force exists on the ground in Syria which British air strikes might assist. But the existence of such a moderate body is a necessity if both Isis and Assad are to be removed simultaneously.
ISIS Suspected of Chemical Rocket Attack Against US Troops Near Iraq’s Mosul
US officials say they are conducting initial tests tonight after an ISIS rocket attack against the Qayara base, intended to be the main staging area for forces attacking Mosul in the next few weeks, was believed to have contained chemical agents.
The rocket attack came within a few hundred meters of US forces on the ground, but no one was wounded. Troops say an initial sample of a substance left behind at the site tested positive for mustard agents, though they said the second test was negative.
Obama, Netanyahu Meet, Avoid Talking About Palestinians
On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, and following President Obama’s comments warning that Israel could not just keep occupying Palestinian territory forever, the president met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and by all accounts avoided all things Palestine.
Obama made one mention of being concerned about Israel’s massive settlement expansion, and that was basically the end of it, with Israeli officials referring to it as a “light-hearted” meeting at which the two got alone better than they’ve tended to throughout their respective administrations.
27 U.S. Senators Rebel Against Arming Saudi Arabia
A Senate resolution opposing a $1.15 billion arms transfer to Saudi Arabia garnered support from 27 senators on Wednesday, a sign of growing unease about the increasing number of civilians being killed with U.S. weapons in Yemen. A procedural vote to table the resolution passed 71-27.
The Obama administration announced the transfer last month, the same day the Saudi Arabian coalition bombed a potato chip factory in the besieged Yemeni capital. In the following week, the Saudi-led forces would go on to bomb a children’s school, the home of the school’s principal, a Doctors Without Borders hospital, and the bridge used to carry humanitarian aid into the capital. ...
After the White House failed to respond to a letter from 60 members of Congress requesting that the transfer be delayed, Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced a resolution condemning the arms sale. Paul and Murphy said they had planned to pursue binding legislation if their resolution was successful. ...
The measure still may have a chance in the House, where Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., has introduced a companion resolution. In June, the House almost passed a measure banning the transfer of internationally banned cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, but the amendment was defeated 204-216.
Never before have so many Senators gone on record supporting a rethink of the US-Saudi relationship. Didn't win, but a strong message.
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) September 21, 2016
Saudi Warplanes Attack Yemen Port City, Killing 19 Civilians
Residential in the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah have reported that Saudi warplanes have attacked and destroyed a home in a neighborhood near the presidential palace, killing at least 19 civilians and wounding dozens of others.
The strike was in a neighborhood whose residents are mostly employees at the palace, and officials say the toll is not yet final, with rescue workers still combing through the wreckage to recover more people buried under the rubble.
Chelsea Manning readies for disciplinary hearing over suicide attempt
Chelsea Manning goes before a three-member disciplinary board of the US army on Thursday charged with interfering with the “good order” of the military prison in which she is held by attempting suicide, an offence that could lead to indefinite solitary confinement.
Manning, who is serving 35 years at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas for leaking a vast trove of secret documents on the US war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan, required hospital treatment after she attempted to kill herself in July. The military authorities generated outrage by responding to the army private’s act of despair by charging her with a number of serious disciplinary counts.
On Wednesday, the campaigning group Fight for the Future posted a copy of the military charge sheet that had been issued against the soldier. It showed that she has been slapped with two category-four counts – among the most serious available – both of which carry a possible sentence of indefinite solitary confinement.
The FBI spent $1.3M to crack the iPhone — this hacker spent just $100
A security researcher has demonstrated that the passcode of an iPhone can be cracked using off-the-shelf components which cost just $100 — a tiny fraction of the $1.3 million the FBI paid a third party to do the same thing in the case of an iPhone 5C belonging to the San Bernardino shooter earlier this year.
In a video posted on YouTube and an accompanying paper describing the technique, University of Cambridge associate researcher Sergei Skorobogatov showed how a four digit passcode could be revealed in less than two days using a technique known as Nand mirroring.
The technique, dismissed by FBI director James Comey as unworkable at the time of the agency's high-profile battle with Apple, sees the memory which is used as the main storage location on iPhones cloned and the passcode counter reset to zero.
"Because I can create as many clones as I want, I can repeat the process many, many times until the passcode is found," Skorobogatov says in the video. Each set of six guesses takes 90 seconds to complete, meaning the 10,000 possible combinations could be fully tested in just over 41 hours. ...
While the technique demonstrated works for all iPhones up to the iPhone 6, Skorobogatov added that with the use of more sophisticated hardware, the same technique should work for the iPhone 6s and even Apple's brand new iPhone 7.
State of Emergency: Charlotte NAACP & Protesters Demand Police Release Video of Keith Scott Shooting
Charlotte protests: governor of North Carolina declares state of emergency
Violence and confusion has spread across Charlotte after a second night of protests was interrupted by gunfire when one protester shot another.
North Carolina governor Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency on Wednesday, and called for help from the National Guard and the Highway Patrol.
The demonstrations started on Tuesday after police shot and killed a black man.
Late on Wednesday night crowds gathered at the site of the protester’s shooting, and pulled clay planters from city flowerbeds to throw at police. Dirt from the pots mixed with the wounded protester’s blood on the sidewalk, trampled by the opposing ranks of police and protesters.
Initially city officials said the man had died from the gunfire, but later reversed to say he was alive but critically wounded.
Protesters held signs that read “release the tape”, referring to police video of the shooting that started the protests on Tuesday.
[See also: Protests over police shooting in Charlotte – in pictures - js]
Protests Call for Arrest of Tulsa Police Officer Betty Shelby for Fatal Shooting of Terence Crutcher

Obama Plays the Race Card: Vile Politics on Demand
Obama takes personally black millennials’ lukewarm support of Clinton, as though a mark of disrespect, disloyalty, lack of gratitude, unconcern about his own legacy—when he has done so much to advance the cause of black rights (even symbolically, his presence as POTUS). But what is his legacy? And why should blacks celebrate his tenure, much less esteem him as a person?
Obama’s legacy begins with armed drones for targeted assassination, a hands-on President, meeting with likeminded national security advisers off the Situation Room on Terror Tuesdays to identify, authorize, and give the plan to execute political murder, a present-day example of lynching from 8,000 miles away. No president in US history has so involved himself in the details of executing others. And no president has been so flippant in shrugging off the results of “collateral damage” (as witness this past week in Syria).
Washington has become a center of ghoulishness under his watch. Can blacks or anyone else with conscience shrug off the consequences of such immoral acts, particularly, for blacks, the insult of being invited to be complicit in the ways of evil? If Dr. King were alive, would he urge support for Obama, and now, Obama’s effort to elect Clinton? Would Clinton, devoted to war, war preparation, hawkish in every fiber of her immoral being, even be the Democratic nominee, if Obama had not already had two terms in the presidency, despoiling, perhaps permanently, a party that once gave us FDR, Henry Wallace, Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, fair, decent individuals sincere about the cause of peace?
Donald Trump thinks a nationwide stop and frisk program would be 'incredible'
Donald Trump has unveiled a new strategy to fight crime in the United States. On Wednesday, speaking at a Fox News town hall at a predominantly black church in Cleveland, the Republican nominee said he would consider implementing nationwide "stop and frisk" policing if elected.
"I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to," Trump said, in response to a question on how he would stop "violence in the black community," from an audience member.
"We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well and you have to be proactive and, you know, you really help people sort of change their mind automatically," Trump answered. "You understand, you have to have, in my opinion, I see what's going on here, I see what's going on in Chicago, I think stop-and-frisk. In New York City it was so incredible, the way it worked." ...
The practice was popularized in New York City in the 1990s under then-police commissioner, Bill Bratton and under the mayorship of Rudy Giuliani, who is now an outspoken Trump surrogate. Since then, the practice has spread to police departments around the country. Giuliani's successor, Michael Bloomberg, also supported the tactic. Mayor Bill de Blasio, who succeeded Bloomberg in 2014, has vowed to end the stop and frisk program, although the NYPD still occasionally uses it.
Archeologists denounce Dakota Access pipeline for destroying artifacts
Archeologists and museum directors have denounced the “destruction” of Native American artifacts during the construction of a contentious oil pipeline in North Dakota, as the affected tribe condemned the project in an address to the United Nations.
The $3.8bn Dakota Access pipeline, which will funnel oil from the Bakken oil fields in the Great Plains to Illinois, will run next to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. The tribe has mounted a legal challenge to stop the project and claimed that several sacred sites were bulldozed by Energy Transfer, the company behind the pipeline, on 3 September.
A coalition of more than 1,200 archeologists, museum directors and historians from institutions including the Smithsonian and the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries has written to the Obama administration to criticize the bulldozing, which Energy Transfer claims did not disturb any artifacts.
The letter states that the construction work destroyed “ancient burial sites, places of prayer and other significant cultural artifacts sacred to the Lakota and Dakota people”.
It adds: “The destruction of these sacred sites adds yet another injury to the Lakota, Dakota and other Indigenous Peoples who bear the impacts of fossil fuel extraction and transportation. If constructed, this pipeline will continue to encourage oil consumption that causes climate change, all the while harming those populations who contributed little to this crisis.”
The New, New Climate Math: 17 Years to Get Off Fossil Fuels, Or Else
Though it may not have seemed possible, climate catastrophe is even closer than previously thought, with new figures released Thursday finding that—when the wells already drilled, pits dug, and pipelines built, are taken under consideration—we are well on our way to going beyond 2°C of warming.
"If you're in a hole, stop digging," begins the study, put forth by the fossil fuel watchdog Oil Change International (OCI), in partnership with 14 other environmental organizations.
The report, The Sky's Limit: Why the Paris Climate Goals Require a Managed Decline of Fossil Fuel Production (pdf), calculates the potential carbon emissions for already developed reserves and transportation projects, such as oil wells, tar pits, pipelines, processing facilities, railways, and exports terminals. ...
Bill McKibben wrote at the The New Republic on Thursday, "if our goal is to keep the Earth's temperature from rising more than two degrees Celsius—the upper limit identified by the nations of the world—how much more new digging and drilling can we do? Here's the answer: zero."
Similarly, the researchers state unequivocally, "No new fossil fuel extraction or transportation infrastructure should be built, and governments should grant no new permits for them." ...
Given OCI's assessment that, "If you let current fields begin their natural decline, you'll be using 50 percent less oil by 2033," McKibben estimates that the world has 17 years to replace current fossil fuel infrastructure with renewable energy.
"That's enough time—maybe—to replace gas guzzlers with electric cars. To retrain pipeline workers and coal miners to build solar panels and wind turbines."
Global coral bleaching event might become new normal, expert warns
The worst global bleaching event on record could simply be the new normal, according to one of the foremost experts on coral reefs and their response to warming oceans.
Mark Eakin, head of the Coral Reef Watch program at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has told the Guardian he was hopeful the current global bleaching event would end in 2017, but said it was possible it would just roll on, alternating between the northern and southern hemispheres as the seasons changed.
Some of the most recent reefs to be hit by the unprecedented event are those around the Japanese islands of Okinawa.
Coral begins to bleach when comes into contact with water that is unusually warm. Unless that water returns to normal temperatures quickly, it begins to die.
Sometimes when coral is moderately stressed, it over-expresses some of its colour pigments, glowing in unusually rich colours, in what’s known as “fluorescing”. Each state – bleached, fluorescent and dead coral – was seen in striking detail around Okinawa.
Pesticide manufacturers' own tests reveal serious harm to honeybees
Bayer and Syngenta criticised for secrecy after unpublished research obtained under freedom of information law linked high doses of their products to damage to the health of bee colonies
Unpublished field trials by pesticide manufacturers show their products cause serious harm to honeybees at high levels, leading to calls from senior scientists for the companies to end the secrecy which cloaks much of their research.
The research, conducted by Syngenta and Bayer on their neonicotinoid insecticides, were submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency and obtained by Greenpeace after a freedom of information request.
Neonicotinoids are the world’s most widely used insecticides and there is clear scientific evidence that they harm bees at the levels found in fields, though only a little to date showing the pesticides harm the overall performance of colonies. Neonicotinoids were banned from use on flowering crops in the EU in 2013, despite UK opposition.
Bees and other insects are vital for pollinating three-quarters of the world’s food crops but have been in significant decline, due to the loss of flower-rich habitats, disease and the use of pesticides.
Antibiotic-resistant superbugs are the biggest global health threat, UN says
The biggest threat to global health isn't another Ebola outbreak or the spread of the Zika virus; rather, it's the spread of antibiotic resistant "superbugs," according to the United Nations, which announced an agreement Tuesday with 193 member countries to fight the overuse of antibiotics.
Details about the highly anticipated agreement came together early Tuesday and member states reaffirmed their support during a summit on antimicrobial resistance later in the morning at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This was just the fourth time in history that the UN has hosted a high-level meeting focused on health concerns. Previous issues discussed at the highest level include Ebola, HIV, and noncommunicable diseases.
"Antimicrobial resistance threatens the achievement of the sustainable development goals and requires a global response," said Peter Thomson, the president of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly. ...
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Eugene V. Debs and the Urgent Need for a New Anti-War Movement
Anti-Putin Hysteria in Service to Hillary
The Assassination of Orlando Letelier and the Politics of Silence
The Assassination of Orlando Letelier and the Politics of Silence
Chelsea Manning could get indefinite solitary confinement after attempting suicide
Don’t Believe the Fed; the U.S. Consumer Is Far from Strong
Indigenous Australians know we're the oldest living culture – it's in our Dreamtime
Bolivia ended its drug war by kicking out the DEA and legalizing coca
A Little Night Music
Earl Hooker - You Dont Want Me
Earl Hooker - Sky Is Crying
Earl Hooker - Move on Down the Line
Lillian Offitt w/ Earl Hooker - Will My Man Be Home Tonight
Earl Hooker - I'm Your Main Man & Do You Swear To Tell The Truth
Earl Hooker - Alley Corn
Earl Hooker - Chicken
Earl Hooker - Wah Wah Blues
Earl Hooker - Frog Hop
Earl Hooker - Blue Guitar
Earl Hooker w/John Lee Hooker - Messin' Around With The Blues
Earl Hooker - Hold On, I'm Coming

Hey Joe
Earl Hooker, the ultimate sideman. Everybody loves them some Hooker.
When will the police stop killing citizens? Are authoritarian measures the answer? Welcome to the revolution.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Hey there young man, nice to "see" you again, & with the music I always appreciate.
Hope you are well.
A composite of 10 shots...My music offering.
I`m already against the next war
Nice to see you again, Knuck ...
How ya' been ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Hanging tough. Bad deal going down.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Nice pic, Knucklehead, good to see ya again.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening tim...
the cops will stop killing people when we take away all of their weapons and immediately dump them if they even look at some civilian side-eyed. so, like never.
I am concerned ...
that it will break in the authoritarian direction with investment in police and prisons, rather than society. I don't trust the powers that be, they are too concerned with paying the master, and whoring for themselves. They are going to unleash the 1% enforcement corps onto us.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
a reasonable concern...
it's one of those predictable outcomes that's pretty hard for individuals and small groups to prepare to resist successfully.
A very nice synopsis of what HRC needs to do (but won't)
to get people to vote for her which also provides a good list of the issues that face the US that HRC is not or will not address.
Although, I am not too sure if anyone would believe her if she were to switch horses now.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
evening winddancer...
deep down, everybody knows that clinton would say anything to get elected. she would lie, cheat and steal.
there is nothing that she can say now that people in their right minds would believe.
Sore arms here, more "digging" to go and sawing, too.
And on top of that slight fail (one tree planted, still one to excavate a hole for) I discover that FB has an editing function. So I can correct misspleddings. What a day!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
evening riverlover...
in my house only the dogs like to dig.
i especially hate the post hole digger.
i hope that your arms sort themselves out soon and you feel better. have a great evening!
Oh gosh, a post hole digger? I have one, bounces off the rocks.
Cruder tools, my theme of the day. I must take pix of some of my tools to be identified by consensus. I inherited the majority but find uses for many, my definition of tool.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Is this really Hillary, or a comedian standing in?
Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis: Hillary Clinton
I wondered that, too. Hillary v 3.0?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Oh, I didn't think she was that good. I've seen her before on
SNL and some late night talk shows. This is pretty typical. The situation is funny and she seems a pretty good sport, but she is kind of wooden. I thought here especially at the beginning, there were lines that she could have smiled over, but she didn't.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
My thoughts too.
She wasn't the least bit funny. He tried and managed to pull off a couple of funny lines, but I thought the whole thing was flat.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
evening don...
hillary should have hired that gal from saturday night live to reprise her hillary act. she's a much better hillary than hillary.
That Syrian Fuckery is really something.
Ain't it?
Treason at the Pentagon and nothing will be done. The Deep State wins again.
And just wait until a full-bore NeoCon replaces our (marginally) reluctant NeoCon-in-Chief.
Fuckitty, fuck, fuck fuck.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
evening gls...
i have to say, your summation and commentary are concise and spot on.
Sounds like "Seven Days in May."
But without the Kirk Douglas character to blow the whistle.
I'm not a big fan of remakes, but it may be time for a remake of that movie.
An insult to Obama's Legacy
I had never listened to Dr. Boyce Watkins before, so I am not familiar with his views on other issues. However he has a really good take on Obama's statement about if people did not vote for HRC that it would be an insult to his legacy. A bit long (52 minutes) for some, but well worth it. There is an interesting "gaffe" toward the beginning when Dr. Watkins says that Obama is "better than most other white presidents. [italics added]"
From the comments section: "The only thing Obama gave blacks is Symbolism." I think this reflects what we will see for women if HRC is elected. There won't even be a dent in the glass ceiling as the issues that most affect women will not improve just as the issues that affect most blacks did not improve under Obama.
Edited for a clarification of Dr. Watkins quote and to add the following:
Starting around 39:30, Dr. Watkins talks about the Black Economic Cooperative. This is something (cooperatives) that most if not all communities need to start taking a look at. He does a nice job of explaining how they work.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
He is half-right. I have no black blood so no comment further.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hey, Joe & Bluesters! Well, now we know what Mister B's
problem was. (That is, the difficulty in rising--which I thought might be due to the spinal bone spur in his hind quarters, known as spondylosis deformans.)
Yesterday, he began pacing and panting heavily, and his expression looked strange (blank and/or pained). His vet got him stabilized, and an ultrasound was performed. Operated first this morning--removing his gallblader [which was about to rupture], and cleaning a bile duct that was filled with bile/mucous. He gets to come home, tomorrow, if he's still doing well. So, I hope folks will keep him in their thoughts--he's a 'good boy.' And, he's the last one we've got, now.
Had planned to post a blurb and some photos about a home building phenomena (1904-1940) that I heard about on a political show, recently. (It came up when they were discussing the Nixon Presidential Library.) Anyhoo, if we're very busy situating/caring for 'the B' tomorrow, I'll post it next week--just for a little distraction from politics. I know that I can use one, from time to time.
Hey, Everyone have a nice evening, and--HAPPY FIRST DAY OF FALL!
(Sorry, for the 'yelling,' but summer couldn't end soon enough for us.)
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Update: Misty May has been adopted. Yeah!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hey there, Miss Mollie! It sure sounds like, once Mr. B is home,
he'll feel LOTS better! A gallbladder about to rupture surely caused all kinds of odd sensations, poor boy. Good goggie! Good, good goggie!
Be sure to give him extra scritchies and hugs tomorrow from our furbutts.
So glad to see Misty May has been adopted, too!
We'll keep him in our prayers tonight.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Hey, thanks, Miss EC! Been preparing
for his homecoming, much of the day. Luckily, already got him a ramp this past Spring, hoping to spare his spine. Imagine that it will come in handy over the next few weeks. And, of course, he'll have a few special treats--he loves peanut butter and cranberries.
I'm glad Misty May was adopted, too. It's on my 'to do' list to replace her photo with a 'current' NMDR furbaby [up for adoption].
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
evening mollie...
i'm glad that the b got diagnosed and treated before anything more horrible and painful could happen. i've had gall stones and a blocked bile duct - the b has my complete sympathies.
please give him some extra scritches for me.
Hi, Joe--we're relieved, too. The attending
vet didn't perform the surgery, since he was unavailable (for surgery) the next morning. Instead, an associate vet with whom he conferred, filled in. And, that vet had 'board designations' in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. How lucky is that?
From the looks of 'the B,' I'm glad that your gallbladder condition resolved itself, positively. Since we were 'worked in,' the exam time ran over two hours--during which time he began to whimper in pain. Eventually, he was sedated--he probably didn't even know when I left.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Love and hugs to you and Mr. B!
Our oldest, Rocky, got very sick last year from what turned out to be a bowel obstruction. He snagged his daughter Shadow's bone after finishing his own, and that was one bone too many. I woke up the next morning to find him sick and panting and looking for a quiet corner in the yard to curl up and die in. Still gives me sweaty palms to think about. I'm so glad your boy is getting better.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Hi, DD! Very much appreciate
the kind words. I know exactly the feeling you had--heavy panting also gets our attention, real quick.
Our English Cocker Spaniel (who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, at the time) acted a lot like 'the B, with the panting and pacing--when she developed the condition they call 'bloat.' Thankfully, we got her there in time to treat it, and got to spend several more months with her.
I'm glad that everything turned out well for your Rocky. We had a terrier mix that ate part of a rawhide glove, which threw us into a panic--thinking that she might suffer from bowel obstruction, or something similar. Of course, she was seen immediately--once we realized what had happened. Apparently, it was digested okay. She was probably one lucky dog!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Mollie, sorry to hear about Mister B's health problem
I hope he has a quick and full recovery and the dogs and I will keep you in our thoughts.
Last weekend Abby seemed like she had a stroke. I noticed she had some difficulty getting out of the car, but thought her leg was hurting her.
During dinner I throw food to the dogs and Abby always catches hers, but it was like she didn't see it. I looked at her eyes and one was pointing in and she held her head to the side. I got her up to walk and she wobbled.
I looked up the symptoms of a stroke in dogs and she had most of them.
She was still a little wobbly the next morning, but then she was okay.
So I'm thinking she had a TIA (transient ischemic attack) which is like a stroke but the effects don't linger.
It's so hurtful to us when our furry friends are hurting, isn't it?
And then Tuesday I left the gate open for the first time in 7 years and both dogs went for a walk. Abby came back within 5 minutes of calling her, but Charlie didn't come home until 7 am. I imagined all kinds of things that could have happened to her, but I'm just so thankful that she is okay and home.
Keep us updated on his recovery.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Canine idiopathic vestibular syndrome
Snoopy, this happened to our Amanda of beloved memory. Check out
Apparently it is not uncommon for an old dog's inner ear to suddenly malfunction for no obvious reason (that's the idiopathic part) resulting in vertigo. The head tilt is a major clue to what is going on, along with staggering and nausea. The good news in that it usually goes away on its own... You just have to comfort the poor seasick patient and make sure she doesn't get dehydrated.
Interesting article, thanks
She had those symptoms as well as stroke symptoms too.
I'm not sure what actually happened to her, but she's fine now and that's what matters.
We all know that one day.... but we get another one because of the love and joy they bring us.
Dogs leave footprints on our hearts is my favorite.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
You're most welcome
Glad if I could reassure you, and maybe save the two of you an unnecessary trip to the vet. There really isn't anything they can do except give fluids if the nausea is too severe, and it usually resolves on its own before dehydration sets in. And now you know to keep an eye out for that.
Amanda had an episode when she was fourteen or fifteen and, like you, I thought it was a stroke. After all, she was a big dog and that was a ripe old age.... but she recovered fully from it. She had a couple of more episodes before we finally had to let her go at eighteen, but they passed and I think she was able to have a good time before total decrepitude finally caught up with her. She was a great-souled dog, with an overflowing measure of the dog's gift of giving and receiving love. May we all be so blessed.
Excellent comment, TBA! Further comments
on this topic, later.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hey, thank you SD, for the best
wishes, and kind words. You know me--I'm sure that I'll post another comment about 'the B's' recovery, at some point.
I sure hope Abby fares well, and that maybe it wasn't as bad as a stroke, or that the effects won't linger. Just saw the reply to you about vestibular syndrome in canines, which we've had some experience with. For sure, the symptoms can be quite similar. And, in many cases, they go away--or lessen, greatly. Since I've gotta get up 'at the crack of dawn,' I'll share what little I know, tomorrow or Monday (FWIW).
I'm glad that Charlie made it home. Our Beagle 'nephew' was a wanderer, too.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Mollie, thanks back
Abby's symptoms of whatever happened to her are gone now. They lasted from Saturday afternoon to Sunday mid morning and she is fine now.
Besides the symptoms I wrote of in my first comment, she was also sick. I didn't see the first time because I had taken Charlie for a quick walk and Abby cleaned up most of the mess. (Yuck!) but when I took her outside to do her business before bed, she threw up something awful. It's hard to describe, but I'm not going to anyway, TMI
So she is fine now.
Beagles are famous for finding ways to get out of the yard. Charlie is my 3rd one and she will climb the fence, trees and anything else if there's a way to climb it.
I think she slipped trying to climb over the chain link fence because she tore open the insides of her legs and her stomach and needed to have over 90 stitches.
When she came home from her 'walk' at 7am, she climbed on the bed with her eyes shut. That's her look when she knows that she's been naughty and expects to have a time out in the bathroom, but I was so happy that she was home, I only hugged her because I was thinking that she was hurt somewhere since she was gone for so long.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Ya, making it illegal works, right?
Now Chelsea might be put in solitary confinement as punishment. Way to go, torture her.
Are there any sane people who think that treatment for one prone to suicide, due to the fact that she was in solitary confinement for a long time, is more solitary confinement, a situation deemed to be torture by other sane people.
In further news, "they" conclude that "Black is White".
I`m already against the next war
evening knuck...
the way that chelsea is being treated really makes plain the fact that the military is run by a bunch of sick, sadistic bastards.
Death Penalty for Attempted Suicide
I think we could get a broad coalition for that.
Wow, today many are feeling it. I have about 20 likes in 5 min
for asking a FB person to back off on All Lives Matter. And then someone in another thread comes up with this (check the garments):
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
So good to hear! We need to have solidarity with each other to
get these cops off all our backs.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
W00t now up to 50 likes!
I am hesitant to look at negative comments.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good afternoon, joe and bluesters.
So Slick Willie has been presiding over the big CGI shindig. I read somewhere that he claimed to have saved the lives of 700 million or so people. (I like to see some documentation on that.) So here he is, the doddering old pervert, giving the NeoDem position on TPP and corporate tax rates.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Tulsa police officer who killed Terence Crutcher charged
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
evening dk...
i'm glad that they charged her, finally. it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
evening azazello...
somebody ought to dig up the big dog's addresses at pete peterson's annual "let's save america by destroying social security" shindigs.
I have no doubt that the Grand Bargain will come up again.
That will be Her mission, should She choose to accept it. Will She get it done ? I don't know, making "hard choices" is what Fucking Lloyd is paying Her for.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
LOL! CGI to me means computer-generated imagery!
The Clintons are going to have to change their acronym to make it more unique.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Nah, they're gonna' have to shut her down.
Too many questions, too much "bad optics." Now, if Hillary is elected, when she leaves office, they'll have to start a new foundation to fund the second Clinton Presidential Library. Then they can start the whole thing up again with Princess Chelsea as CEO.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I betcha they don't. They seem to think they are above the law
and will never be called to account for anything, and so far circumstances have proven them right. I betcha they give the whole business over to Chelsea, who will continue to accept huge donations from foreign nationals. But hey, nothing says they can't give their assets to their children, right?
If bad optics were a problem, Bernie would be the nominee.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
My pup has found her full voice tonight. Loud barking into dark.
I saw nothing outside. Now she's down to loud muttering. 7 months until full voice.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
one of the granddogs is pretty good at signalling what sort of animal is in our backyard. if it's a squirrel, she runs back and forth jumping up and down. if it's a possum, she growls and charges at the fence which the possum will have scooted back under. raccoons and cats get hearty barking and growls, but she largely steers clear of them. for deer, she runs around the yard in circles.
Good signalling. Mine scratches at the windows and growls
I have just taught her to alert to 'chippie' and 'squirrel'. She is adorable, and may not be the brightest terrierist in the crowd. I will never tell her that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It feels like Friday. I may go karaokeing.
This is what I sing.
Over a beer I'll tell you about the month I spent with them smoking you know what when they had all their nasty stuff confiscated by the Canadian RCMP in Toronto. Long story.
The political revolution continues
I had to give a speech to a national meeting last month
My company is big on "walk-up music" selected by each participant. That was the song I chose. It got a big hand and not a few laughs.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Good choice if you want them to fear you a bit deep inside.
The lyrics are definitely not average or it's conception in 1968, a bad year.
The political revolution continues
The lyrics are phenomenal
Next to Tangled Up in Blue, they may be my favorite rock lyrics ever.
And no, I didn't want them to fear me. Just my sardonic take on the rah-rah custom of the walk-up song.
Please help support caucus99percent!
We play "Sympathy" regularly, and every time, that line
really gets me.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
evening mark...
good to see you!
evening shockwave...
i have beer. let me know when you can stop by.
Next time you're in NYC, Shockwave, let me know.
That's what I do. Though I must confess, ironically, I'm not a karaoke fan per se. But my gig is such a blast that I've come around to some of its virtues, though for me only in a live setting, when there's a living, breathing collaboration open to any and all twists and turns.
For the past almost 12 years I've been in the house band for the Live R&R Karaoke night at Arlene's Grocery on the Lower East Side.
Sometimes it gets crazy, in various ways. Here's Jim Carrey stopping by:
Hey Joe and the EB. Sorry for the quick drive-by. Had the kid all day for ten hours and read various pieces in between when I could.
Too many coincidental overlappings right here not to join in, after contemplating and writing about such serious stuff on other threads!
, Yours For the Revolution.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
So, check this out.
The original song had not much guitar really, just drums and piano, a few chords, a lead guitar at the end. So they want to play it live, what to do ? Keef comes up with a lick.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
That is a Hell of a lick, my friends.
It's a sublime lick, almost Satanic. It's the one Keef was playing when the shit went down at Altamont.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Hooker is great. Your assembly of news items is great, as always
However, the news itself is a hot mess.
evening hw...
thanks! sorry i can't seem to do much about the world being a hot mess.
Can any of us? And those who can don't seem to want to.
It's a bear.
(Sorry. The Shah's thread today has made my thoughts gloomier than usual.)
my son drove on a straight road which had a curve towards
the left, there was no way to make left or right turns into other streets, no streets were crossing, just one straight street with curves in it. The police officer stopped him and said he didn't turn on his left turn signal. My son said there is no other way other then to follow the street straight and follow it into its curves, so there isn't a need to turn on his left turn signal, because no left turn could have been made.
At the end my son asked for the officers badge number and name. The officer said he better doesn't get smart with him if he understands what is good for his life.
That's the spirit of the good civilian protecting armed police officers. It helps too to not be too brown.
So, my son, having been fired, gets to the temp offices to look for a day's job and worked on a construction site, digging stuff, heavy work, in the heat. This morning another worker (around fifty-ish) collapsed and had a heart attack on the work site. It took the "boss" on the site 45 minutes to call the ambulance and it took more than 30 minutes for the ambulance to arrive (this is a very smallish town). My son did CPR on him. When the man was rushed off to the hospital the "boss" came to him 30 minutes later and said, if the guy dies in the hospital, they will make him responsible for it, because he gave CPR to him. He was supposed to sign a paper acknowledging he have given CPR. He refused to sign the paper, because the "boss" said he is reliable for the guy's deaith, if he dies, though my son tried to help and give him CPR, as the ambulance arrived so late.
You be the judge. I wouldn't even know how to find legal help for my son, if it came to the point.
You know, I think you can crash and break a man's spirit only so often. Once it's broken for good, you can't fix it anymore. There is not much left to break anymore in my son's life.
Well, if you break it, you own it. So, how do they pay up for what they broke?
I am out of ideas.
Your son should be fine as far as rendering aid.
He is probably covered by good Samaritan laws,
But his boss could be in trouble, other than the fact that the rich and powerful usually evade all consequences. From the same source:
I hope he fights the "no left turn signal" ticket. Takes photos of the curving road. And lets the judge know that the cop threatened his life. Someone has to rein in out-of-control cops.
Could your son move in with you so that he doesn't have to take jobs with a$$hole$?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
elena, he didn't get a ticket, but the example shows, how
a police officer threatens people. They have the guns, it was so clear not a traffic violation that the police officer would have to check himself into ward for the mentally challenged, had he insisted to give him a ticket. It's the threat at the end "don't get smart with me, "boy", if you know what is good for your life" ... well I don't know if that is not a ass-holish way of threatening a "black" person these days. My son just had to vent it off to me over the phone.
I don't know what will happen with the CPR story, it just happened this morning.
Oh and moving in to mama's house, right. he could, he doesn't want to. Somehow he has some stubborn head and dignity to not chose that route. I wished he would have accepted it earlier on, but you know somehow, my neighbor from the South, told me, you never know "how the kids turn out". Her son lives with her in a tiny townhouse and will never build his independent home and life.
Good, I'm glad there ended up being no consequences for your
son with the cop. Yes, he was threatened, but since he was let go it may be best not to poke that hornet's nest any further.
As for mentally challenged, many of them seem to be. Look at the poor black man shot while lying on the road with his hands in the air, "We weren't trying to shoot you, we were trying to shoot the mentally ill man but missed, we were trying to save you from him." Meanwhile, why were they trying to shoot anyone? One of the cops yelled the mentally ill man had a gun. What he had was a white toy truck.
Well, I'm glad your son has the option of moving in. At least he knows he has a last-resort option if it's ever needed.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
redacted - from Russia with love /nt
I sympathize. Life certainly does take twists and turns, and
they are always at least a little bizarre.
That's too bad about your townhouse.
There's certainly nothing wrong with having a series of low-paying jobs, I'm in that boat myself with a college degree, it's the gig economy.
You don't "have to be grateful" that the cop your son ran into wasn't as bad as some. But I'm sure you are to an extent anyway. It's a national tragedy and horror that cop mentality and actions have sunk to this point.
Anyway, I'll be hoping you receive all needed miracles. Persist. Keep us posted.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
evening mimi...
sorry to hear that your son is still having a hard time of it. i hope that things straighten out soon.
I hope things straighten out soon?
It`s a curvy road with no side streets. Until they put in a signal between "right turn", or "left turn", signifying "curvy" into our vehicle options regarding "direction" we should be free from police harassment, but let`s not forget the signals for "Up", or "Down" in hill country. Jesus H Christ on a Straight Road, enough with the rules already.
In my book, "rules are made for those who obey them".
I now conclude my sarcastic yet truthful, "let me tell you how I see it", crap.!
And for "Shockwave", the cops are still after you.
I`m already against the next war
lol, I recognized the person in your image, but forgot his name
ok, don't let the cops chase you down the road. It could end up tragically.
Obama plays the race card.
Wow, hard hitting article, thanks for finding it, joe.
I'm pretty sure that if MLK were still alive that no, he wouldn't urge support for Obama or Obama's efforts to elect Hillary.
I have been wondering how much power a president actually has over the military and it seems like it isn't a lot if the pentagon ignored the ceasefire and attacked the Syrian military. Giving ISIL the area they got will be sure to prolong the war in Syria long enough for Hillary to become president and give the neocon warmongers their war with Russia.
Millions of people dying be damned.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
evening snoopy...
how much power the commander-in-chief actually wields is an interesting question. it has appeared to me that military figures in the last few decades have been gaining plenary powers that were not contemplated (except in horror) by the nation's founders.
Evening, Joe and the Bluesters! Heh. "Cracking" the iPhone
puts me in mind of Lindsey Graham:
[video: width:500]
TOP takes one more step closer to the edge of the cliff: A new (I assume) blogger posts the exact same diary (how to GOTV for Hillary) every day twice a day under different titles, which he apparently plans to do until Election Day. He also posts a link to an "OUTSTANDING!" diary by Vetwife that is, basically, a link to one of his repetitive diaries with a recommendation for everyone to read it. I object and get flagged - of course! Other commenters say hey, if he reaches one more person and gets them moving, it's worth it.
Argh. Now not only are they an echo chamber, they're an infinitely repeating chamber. Does Kos want the site to die from boredom? It's not even hardly any work for the blogger determined to destroy the site - everything but the title is the exact same verbiage as the diary before.
I know, I shouldn't worry about TOP by now, but it's one more step to its own suicide. It once was such a nice site.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
evening ec...
i'm holding out for paul simon's video - "there must be 50 ways to kill your cellphone."
heh, dkos. pffftttt!!!
Like "take off the back, jack"? lol, we could come up with 50!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Through down on the street Pete
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Crack up the screen, Gene.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Oh crap you got me going..
Smash the Glass, Cass
Crush the case, Ace
Use a knife, Wife
Or maybe a gun, hun (for those cowgirls that open carry....)
shit, I can't get that song out of my head you turds!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Don't sign up for a new plan, Stan n/t
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Drop it in the sea, Lee
and BTW, read this powerful series on abuses of TPP/TTIP's killer feature, the ISDS here:
Global Super Court
Heh, you really started something there! Maybe 100 ways!
I'm betting y'all would not allow some nut to post the exact same diary twice a day for 60 days, even if we had come up with a great plan for activism.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
How about rhyming plans for activism?
Chuck the buck, shmuck.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Cooperate, not hate!
This could work, (jerk)
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Vivaldi will come out his grave and haunt Lindsey Graham
into eternity for bastardizing his music to his telephone torture routines. Wow.