It's not the Messenger--It's the Message: two Bernie rallies compared
This campaign has more twists than, well, a python (maybe Monty Python). As depressed and despairing as I have been about Bernie's being cheated out of the nomination and his lukewarm campaigning for her, I still love the man. Thus while getting some REAL news, I was YouTubing. It's always fun if you're in the mood for Morphing Reptilian Clones set to destroy the world type things. But I saw one post that, despite the source (well judge the source for yourself), was just too juicy to pass up.
Bernie stumps for Hyena Hillary [video:]
Wow, how the mighty have fallen! Not quite. Because then I saw another video:
Bernie speaking at a Zephyr Teachout rally 3 days ago.
Notice any difference? Yeah. So why the difference? The answer is simple: it isn't the messenger, it's the message. The first "message" was delivered to a wildly unenthusiastic conglomeration of voters, some of whom were actually Stein supports. Now that just shows to go you how wonderful Medusa's message is (yawn). At first after seeing this video, I said to myself (I often talk to myself but don't like the answers) why so few folks watching Bernie? Has he completely lost his touch? Aha! (or perhaps Eureka!) there is another video from just 3 days ago in which Bernie addressed a NY audience about Zephyr Teachout for Congress. The speech was typical Bernie, delivered with passion and not a yawn. He was enthusiastically received. Why? Because he was delivering HIS message and not Medusa's. He really didn't break any new ground here but if you've not had the good fortune to be at a Bernie rally you can get a feeling for it.
The dramatic differences in crowd reaction as well as crowd size made want to know what a Bernie-for-$hillary speech would sound like since there wasn't much audio from him in the first video. So, I tuned into the Billiary rally held the next day at Kent State at which Bernie spoke with much less vigor--but he was still a good soldier, even if carrying an empty musket. The oration (glorifying the speech with that nomination) was bit over 25 minutes long. Bernie mentioned HRC 22 times, which is less than once per minute. Tim Kaine and other's probably mention with at least twice the frequency.
The content of the Kent State speech was also interesting for what it said:
Half the time he talked about his own platform, much of which was allegedly upheld by the DNC platform committee (we'll see how long that lasts--probably it will take no longer to discard than you can say "TPP"). At least on half of his Clintonian references were like this: "Secretary Clinton understands [this, that or the other thing]". He obviously couldn't bring himself to say what Secretary Clinton will actually do.
This is like saying: "She knows how you feel about my drunken driving killing your pet dog". This does not admit either guilt, remorse or attempt to remediate the situation.
Passion about Progressives. Sock-puppet about Clinton. I like the former. There's still a righteous fire berning in that man. Selling out in response to coercion is not selling out.

He may have had a agreement
He may have had a agreement before he started, he may not, but he has definitely learned that trying to fix it from within is harder than he may have said he thought it was as the corruption runs so deeply, that if this was a building, they would have to burn it and start over from the ground up.
This years' election cycle has likely sounded the death knell for both the RNC and DNC. time they passed quietly and allowed new players to take over from them. We need saner parties and people to replace these thugs and crooks.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
he's on a razor right now...
and I just hope he doesn't get "cut".
Poor guy, the S sandwiches he's having to eat. I can only imagine anytime he mentions her name, he pukes a little in his mouth...(I know I do...)
But to the nothing burgers out there, and you know who you are....
I have no clue as to what, if anything, has happened behind the scenes. Was Bernie threatened in any way? Is he taking bribes? (WTF?) I don't really know for sure, but at this point, speculating about it, to me, is a waste of time.
And since we do not know the exact reasons (no concrete evidence), can we at least pretend to have the veneer of "innocent until proven guilty", of some evil plot, before we BERN him at the stake? MK?
end rant...
It's gut wrenching watching him, knowing he's hating every dang second of it. He told us up front at the beginning of his campaign, he would support and stump for Hillary of she won the nomination. That's integrity yes? Something we all came to love about the man, right?
Of course nobody knew just how bad our election rigging / fraud has become, but it seems to have taken his campaign to help expose it, once and for all, for everyone to see. I reckon we're a lot more "in tune" with it now days, like a hawk seeking their prey I would imagine. I know I certainly am.
You know, as disappointed as I am with the way things turn out, I am grateful for a lot things Bernie has done.
For example, he's proved one can run a serious, national campaign for president, with out big business funding it. He's also provided a nice "template" for how to run a modern day, digital grass roost campaign. One can now take that template and apply it locally and help get progressives into offices and positions or responsibility and authority.
He also help change, not just the "narrative", but more importantly I think, is the grand Zestiest within the US, because as a result of the YUGE disappoint we all "feel", that’s is "emotional fuel" that is good, dried, highly flammable kindling.
Just the kind of thing for what every revolution in human history has in common, the disenchantment by the "masses", with the "status quo". This is playing out not only here, but all across the planet, in various forms from right wing, alt to far left wing, but they are all based on the common theme, mass disenchantment with the prevailing status quo (Zeitgeist / Neoliberalism).
The way the DNC and the Hillary surrogates acted and sabotaged his campaign, has shown everyone on this planet the veneer of American exceptionalism! You, Me and Bernie help expose that! There is just too much "visual" evidence to PROVE it is nothing but, and to borrow a couple of words from Chris Hedges, it's Kabuki Theater! (we just have to stay on top of it)
Seeing Bernie stump for Hillary is awful, most especially after all the crap during the primaries and sh!t sandwiches at the Convention Bernie supporters (protestors and others) we served with. It's like staring into a bowl of my own vomit and being told, “Hey Mikey, try it!".
But, I have to consider, can you even begin to imagine what Bernie and his family have to put up with, being out there in public?
Of course I would have to say I'm biased I guess, I've been following his career since 1992 and I've already known about the shitty deals his had to make. Kind of like this one, as Tim Kaine, Bernie and Liz Warren did back in Feb. of 2015 to approve Ashton Cater as S.o.D., I mean WTF? Ashton Cater????
While many were looking at Senator Sanders as some kind of new political messiah, speaking truth to power, Senator Sanders is, and has been, a career politician.
Let that sink in.
Think about it... You don't serve in congress as long as he has, and not call it a career, right? I do not mean that as a slam towards Bernie, but only an honest acknowledgment of, as some might say, reality. While his views are not mainstream, his “issues" are, he has a very long, distinguished career in congress, where shitty deals for "the people" happen no matter what or who is in the WH. We have official studies that confirm / prove this, Right?
It's the American congress, one the most corrupt places on earth and he's been running a presidential campaign for THE most corrupt offices on this planet, not Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
Me too!
Thanks for posting this Aligator Ed
(PS: I guess I should have wrote my own essay...apologies for the verbose nature of this post...)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Was totally deflated by late night network tv tonight.
Colbert shilled for Hillary by throwing Trump onto the coals and managed to "balance" the numerous Trump bashes with one little thing about about Clinton coughing.
Fallon had her on and seemed to be following a script as she told us all how much she cares about all of us and wants to fight for us and how awful Trump is.
The system seems to have really turned up the steam since the 9/11 event and I fear people will fall for it, because few know the detailed history.
I guess my biggest sadness comes from the fact that Colbert, now that he is mainstream, has been compromised. I doubt Jimmy Fallon is very political by nature (unless he can get a laugh out of it) but he's so obviously a sycophant of the powers that be, it breaks my heart.
Can we blame Jon Stewart for abandoning us at such a crucial point in history? Or do put on tin foil and realize he was too strong a force and had to be shut down?
It's the day that marks when our comedians can no longer brace us with actual truth and make us laugh at the madness of it all. Colbert, Fallon have sold out, as far as I'm concerned. Kimmel has yet to show his colors, but I'll admit here and now that I rarely stay up long enough to listen to any of them.
So please - correct me if I'm wrong.
They are all Hellery Whores now - Faux-Progressives.
They all looked progressive when the common enemy was Bush. But even Stewart became an Obama apologist. I'm glad Stewart left before smooching Hellery ass. That would have been too depressing. Colbert big sell-out. Samantha Bee, sell-out plus she guzzled the Sexist Koolaid.
Lee Camp is the new progressive voice. Too bad you can't see him unless you have the highest cost cable package, or look for him on youtube.

The New Progressives.
To see larger size, right click and pick View Image.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Love Lee Camp
Here's a giggle - George H. W. Bush is supporting Her Heinious. What a joke!
Live from the belly of the Beast,
This is Redacted Tonight!
Now let's take the news from behind!
So glad there is YouTube.
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
I recall reading somewhere ...
... that after the 2014 cycle, both Colbert and Stewart became disillusioned - originally, their shows were intended to engage younger people in public policy and drive voter turnout. I remember Stewart, near the end, talking about how nothing has really changed during his entire tenure. Wish I could find that clip ...
But here's Al Franken joking about it ...
“You have taken this platform, and with the dint of your hard work, your judgment, your intellect, you have engaged a generation of young people in public policy, in politics – not enough to get them to vote, but enough to get some of them to a Rock the Vote party,” Franken said. “And those are fun parties.”
Franken , another huge sellout disappointment n/t
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
although i did enjoy the hot dish recipes he used to email.
I did recently remove Sam Bee from my tivo season pass list. nothing worth seeing.
Allow me to invite Stuart Smalley ...
... to STFU. At least he's a better senator than he is comedian, writer, or actor.
Did you see Trump on Fallon? Not sure when it originally aired, but we watched it last night.
It caused The Atlantic to go apeshit. "Fallon has no business making Trump seem human," etc. etc. Well, commenters on THAT article took extreme umbrage -- and they weren't even Trump supporters.
So, all is not lost -- imho. If the MSM is reduced to scolding late-night comedians for actually doing their job, then the Mad Bomber's internals must be REALLY bad. Also, there are a lot of people who understand that it is not the MSM's job to pick sides. All of the BS has become so transparent to people that it's starting to backfire.
Right Late night comedians are not reporters.
Let them muss the Donalds hair if it gets a laugh. It's the nightly news aholes I do not forgive. And isn't The Atlantic in the Basket of Hellery Whores?
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
not for nuthin' ....
... but I really want a tshirt with your avatar, eagles92.
Me too!
I wouldn't even know who to credit; I did a search of "Bernie Sanders avatars" and this came up. Definitely a favorite of mine.
Stewart saw it coming
is something I've been thinking this last several weeks. And I think his analysis of the situation and decision not to 'endorse' in any form has saved his career, if he decides to step back into the whirlwind.
but...Lee Camp
My imagination or is he getting stronger? Go Jill (if not "our" guy)!
Lee Camp is the successor for Jon Stewart
Check this out, if you have not seen Redacted Tonight (I follow)
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Lee Camp.
He's good and getting better every day.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
lee camp, etc.
we watch RT regularly, and find reception is often stalled, at least at our house, never happens on any other site...
perhaps because they report on the american scene from a much more informative perspective than the msm
even though lee is good, he's not jon stewart
I get the vids by gmail.
I think if you "follow" that works. I have a TV only Roku-connected. I rarely use it, not at all for over 2 months. Times flies...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I think it takes both ...
... a message and a messenger. Just look for HRC trying to sound authentic while delivering Bernie's message. Doesn't work at all.
The difference, of course,
is Bernie has been forced to campaign for Her Highness (as the penalty for having the audacity to run against her in the primaries), while his Teachout (and other down ballot) appearances are a pleasure, what he has worked for.
I suspect and expect we'll see more of the Real Bernie once his penance is served and after HRC's honeymoon is over in May or June.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
i wouldn't be surprised if it starts 11/9 ...
... and depending on whether or not the D's get the Senate. If Schumer is not ML, he's got nothing on Bernie, and would need his vote to counter any R-led initiatives.
I agree, Fred
I just said that in a comment here yesterday. I believe he'll be left to his own devices as soon as they can claim that the coronation is official.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Wait! Can she celebrate her honeymoon in prison?
i will be amazed ...
... if the impeachment hearings don't start within 24 hours of inauguration. Straight to divorce court.
Excellent job, AE!
How many times this election season have I heard folks talk about showing a contrast ('showing' is not the verb they use, it slips my mind just now)? You've aced that technique here.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
What's wrong with you peasants?
Why aren't you listening to your masters?
not enough beatings yet, sire ...
morale has yet to recover ...
Bernie has retired from the campaign
He really isn't campaigning for Hillary, and is for the most part out of the spotlight.
But his comment like wasted protests votes for Jill or Johnson indicate that he is looking to fade into the sunset of political obscurity after such a bright campaign.
Progressive, Independent, Gnostic, Vermonter.
I don't think so
I think he is biding his time until the election so that he can get back to work in the Senate after he's served his time as they demanded.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
"Wasted protest votes?"
My vote is mine and it has never been wasted in sixty years of voting. Do you think voting for Clinton or Trump is a good use of my vote? That's your problem not mine. Nuts to the lesser of two evils.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I find it somewhat insulting
that Sanders thinks my vote for Stein is a "protest vote". Does he think my vote for him was a "protest vote" as well? During the primary I voted (at least I think I did) for the candidate I thought would best represent the majority of the people (myself included). I intend to do the same thing during the general election.
The people, united, will never be defeated.