
It's not the Messenger--It's the Message: two Bernie rallies compared

This campaign has more twists than, well, a python (maybe Monty Python). As depressed and despairing as I have been about Bernie's being cheated out of the nomination and his lukewarm campaigning for her, I still love the man. Thus while getting some REAL news, I was YouTubing. It's always fun if you're in the mood for Morphing Reptilian Clones set to destroy the world type things.

Bernie rally in Santa Maria, CA just ended.

Santa Maria is in the "central Coast" of California and it's my home. Amongst other things it is a red blob flowing in a sea of blue. However, Bernie enthusiasts filled the high school football stadium (capacity 5,000). It was a great crowd. Met many interesting, and always friendly, people from teenage to my age (and I'm not telling') Enthusiasm--man, I wish I could bottle it for later use. All kinds of Bernie gear being hawked outside the stadium, just like at a football game.