Open Thread - Friday, October 30, 2015

Greetings, what a great week! Yesterday was our 32nd wedding anniversary, last night my Pittsburgh Panthers played the UNC Tarheels, tomorrow is Halloween and Sunday is Sweeties birthday.

This one is one of those songs that sounds good LOUD. Turn it up @ 0:45 and let it rip.

Did you know that Halloween is the second most decorated holiday?

A little something for Sweetie.

Rosie Ledet is almost as sexy as my Sweetie.

When Halloween is on the weekend and prior to the current situation, Sweetie and I would go to New Orleans. Halloween, in New Orleans, is something to behold. A cherished memory was seeing the Iguanas @ Chickie Wah Wah. The Iguanas helped me out and played one of our favorite mood songs

That one feels good, huh?

Man, that was the life.

You only live once.

Go forth and live.

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gulfgal98's picture

Big weekend for you and Sweetie. Enjoy it! Biggrin

Tonight we are going to a Halloween party that our neighbor is having. It is the first time in thirty years that I have gone to a Halloween party. I bought this long black wig which makes me look really witchy. I do not need any makeup to look the part though. Blum 3 My husband is an old fuddy duddy and refuses to dress up. Boo! Sad I may be the only one in costume although the hostess said that she and her husband would be wearing something in the spirit. It should be funny since we all are over sixty! Shok

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Shahryar's picture

I can "go" as a beatnik for the 54th year in a row. By "go" I mean dress up and hand out candy. Or...I can go as a nut, I mean as a dandy. I like that idea!

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joe shikspack's picture

instead of being a hippie for the 40 somethingth year in a row, i'm just going to be a scary old person when i hand out the candy. same costume though. Smile

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cybrestrike's picture

Bill de Blasio endorses Hillary Clinton.

Bill De Blasio Endorses Hillary Clinton For President

"She has said what she believes in. This is a very sharp progressive platform. I believe she will follow through on it," de Blasio said during an interview with MSNBC's "Morning Joe," adding that Clinton "has the ability to follow through on it."

If he actually believes that, he's a sodding idiot. Because I as sure as sin don't believe him.

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gulfgal98's picture

the corporate wing of the Democratic party is certainly pushing prominent Democrats to support Hillary's coronation. There is a significant number of us (myself included) who will not vote for her under any circumstances. Markos posted a very disingenuous diary yesterday that in essence said that Hillary will disavow the Third Way wing. First it was that Sanders will push her to the left and now she is going to disavow a group that she was and still is deeply immersed in? Talk about laughable. Bob Johnson countered with this diary telling kos to snap out of it! Markos has been twisting himself into major pretzel contortions lately.

After Obama, I will not be fooled again.

Good Morning, cybrestrike! Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Shahryar's picture

We wonder what happened to Kucinich on that plane ride, where he boarded against the so-called ACA and got off as a "yes" vote.

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Last week’s “first of the ISIS war” combat death for a US soldier in Iraq gave way to admissions, over the past two days, that the Pentagon is engaged in ground combat as a fairly regular matter during what officials have presented as an exclusively “advisory” deployment. It’s also apparently not new.
Apparently determined to protest the charge of “mission creep” in the war, officials are now conceding that they’ve been engaged in secret ground combat for months now, and therefore this isn’t mission creep, but rather a transition to public admission of what they’ve been doing all along.
Sen. Bob Corker (R – TN), head of the Foreign Relations Committee, downplayed the seriousness of the White House carrying out a secret ground war even as they were publicly telling the American people that no ground combat would ever happen in Iraq, saying “it’s the way our government is set up.”
That apparently even leaves open the question of whether last week’s death was the first “combat casualty” of the war, as officials are now suggesting that there are at least five American ground soldiers who were wounded in Iraq over the course of the war, and the details of all of those incidents are being kept secret.
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NCTim's picture

Orwell called it.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -


First, Iceland jailed its crooked bankers for their direct involvement in the financial crisis of 2008. Now, every Icelander will receive a payout for the sale of one of its three largest banks, Íslandsbanki.

If Finance Minister Bjarni Benediktsson has his way — and he likely will — Icelanders will be paid kr 30,000 after the government takes over ownership of the bank. Íslandsbanki would be second of the three largest banks under State proprietorship.

“I am saying that the government take [sic] some decided portion, 5%, and simply hand it over to the people of this country,” he stated.

Because Icelanders took control of their government, they effectively own the banks. Benediktsson believes this will bring foreign capital into the country and ultimately fuel the economy — which, incidentally, remains the only European nation to recover fully from the 2008 crisis. Iceland even managed to pay its outstanding debt to the IMF in full — in advance of the due date.

They better watch out or the U.S. will invade them in order to stop making us look bad.

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NCTim's picture

Ours are.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

mimi's picture

the orange and got the best high he ever had. I can't get my eyes off that baby.

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shaharazade's picture

Obama threatened the UK with 'sanctions' if they left EU. I take heart of other countries and regions where the people say enough and don't fall in line with these evil fucks both the global endless warriors on terra and the pillaging free market bankster warriors. The neo-nasties as they call them in the comment threads at the Guardian. Even the conservatives on this so called moderate paper are not buying the Cameron/ Osborne latest austerity scam. Corbyn unlike Bernie is willing to get up in the House of Commons and take them on on the tax credit issue as well as this insane endless war. What is wrong with ordinary people here in the US? Fer god sake get out your pots and pans and say no way, like Iceland did.

Today we went to the credit union we bank with to draw some money out ot the ATM and we parked next to a mud spattered jacked up military looking truck with two filthy American flags in the truck bed and a huge confederate flag sticker on the back window. I found it ironic as the crazy with 'We the people' tattooed all over himself and his perky girl friend hoped in their mad max vehicle, as right across the street was a toxic slapped up monstrosity of a 80 unit condo /apt. building we are being subjected to under the guise of hip, green and Democratic.. What a scary juxtaposition. What an example of our polarized populace which all seem to be clueless and in denial.

Don't look at him said my husband when we pulled in and I started ranting. You just knew the asshole had a gun in his glove box. This coutry is totally dysfunctional and mad as a hatter. What are people of good spirit and a brain in there head supposed to do? Vote? yeah right. Were stuck with no where to turn other then the horrifying prospect of these evil rat bastards turning their guns on us if we dare to step out of line. they play the culture war for all it's worth. The worth seems to seems to be to scare the shit out of anybody that demands we reinstate the rule of law and stop this shit. Whose the biggest bad ass? The Hair Ball or Hillary? Who cares?

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Shahryar's picture

big huge Confederate flag out one window. I asked shaharazade "doesn't he know that's the symbol of a racist state?" I would not have asked him, though.

But here's what's weird. He had gone to the credit union. Not a bank. Is he a socially conscious bank-hatin' gun totin' redneck? Dunno. Anyway there was so much mud on that vehicle that we couldn't tell what make and model it is. Perhaps an older Jeep or one of those Toyota Land Cruisers.

We've talked about moving to the beach or somewhere close to the beach but would we be comfortable with the rednecks there? It was shocking to see real life rednecks close up like that here in lefty-ville.

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gulfgal98's picture

You have a musical selection for every comment. Amazing and I am impressed. Biggrin

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Please send birthday wishes Sweetie's way.

We are shutting off all the lights and holing up in a back bedroom. Given the way our pathway to the door and the new garden go hand and hand, we decided the little goblins would tromp all over the new plants. This garden is starting to own me. Don't know how well we're going to get along.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

OT diary. Have fun.

Yesterday I took (finally) a walk without my dog around a near-by neighborhood lake. There is one garden bordering the shoreline that is always highly decorated with all kind of stuff. Yesterday, I wondered why there was in one part of the lake a lot of fog (looked like vaporizing surface water) and when I passed by that house, I saw that the owner had a little machine that produced vapor/fog to make everything else he had in his garden, look more spooky, and even the lake was "scary". Every step you take passing his lot, there is another monster/witch/devil bird etc making a lot of noise. The owner came out and clapped his hands and for sure there was the next monster trying to reach out to the bypasser and make threatening noises and fiery glowing eyes showing of a huge mouth of evil teeth. I just wondered what my dog would have said to those "scary people". Smile

Ok, I got it now. It's Halloween. Have fun. Thanks for your always great "musical answers".

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mimi's picture

"The Third Way". I am trying to understand the brou-ha-ha over at the gos about HRC being for or against it, being bought by them or not being dependent on them. Can you educate me about who represent the "Third Way"?
Thank you.

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mimi's picture

to get what some ranting super-duper leader writes. Anyhow, I get the "basics" of what the "Third Way" wants. But that's not enough to understand what they "do" and who is "with them" and who is "against them". Scratch one-s head

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shaharazade's picture

The Third Way tight from the horses mouth. Of course you must consider the fact that this think tank is a horse of a different color which they seem hell bent on coloring good and inevitable. They have since they last time I visited their website revised and modernized it to fit with the hip and cool agenda they pump. Relentless isright. It's Axelrods inevitable world as we find it. A world controlled by our military might and driven by the world pillagers who say this inevitable as we rule the world. Read the copy it's just a exercise in bs. Not to hard to tell what they advocate and it isn't anything that will help humans or the planet. They suck.
Start with this

In 2008, Barack Obama ran on two words: hope and change. It is evident everywhere one looks that “change” is the best word to describe our economy. Yet much of the Democratic Party establishment is resistant to that change and hopes that by railing against it, they can somehow stop it or slow it down. But this economic change is relentless. There is no stopping an iPhone or Snapchat from putting a slumbering Kodak and its 130,000 employees out to pasture. Americans know this intuitively and know that navigating these changes is the central economic challenge of their lives. The question is whether they will be forced to do this on their own or whether they will have help.

Ready for the New Economy

If Democrats are to be successful—winning elections and successfully building an economy that supports the overwhelming majority of Americans with secure, well-paying jobs—our entire economic agenda must endeavor to create growth that benefits the middle class by making the global forces of change work for people, not against them. The party that does this—that creates an agenda to fulfill the promise of the new economy, harnesses the forces of change, and speaks honestly of the changes Americans face—will be the party that rides majorities into the White House and Congress. And the way to do that is through more skills, more jobs, and more wealth. This is how to get ready for the new economy.

More wealth that's the ticket..
Ready for the New Economy

We are moderates, and if you are too, you are not alone. You weigh arguments from both sides. You see complexity where others find certainty. You don’t shout down discussion. You see the folly of absolutes. Compromise is a virtue. You are willing to give a little to get a little

So check them out in their own write but keep in mind that they are not moderate they advocate the immoderate way forward that Hillary and the New Democratic party intends to foist on us all as the inevitable way forward. yeah Hillary! Lets all support these rat bastards they are the real world these monsters have created and call inevitable and the only way forward or else? Check out their current president Johnathon Cowen who has 'consistently led an internal insurrection against the obsolete notions of his own Democratic Party'.

'Obsolete notion of equality, the rule of law and democratic governance'. So mimi please do not consider this nasty anti-democratic so called think tank to anything you should consider. They are not moderate they are extremist neonasties who try to pass themselves off as the rational center.

Read it and weep or not depending on your pov. Can't get over their revamping of their website, So where is the list that used to be there of the make their board of directors. You know the money dudes that fund these assholes. Seems to be gone daddy gone from their creepy website.


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mimi's picture

wanted some confirmation to what I somehow envisioned. I knew already some marabous have thrown a bunch of spells on them Third Way-ers. And that means they will lose all their wealth, cuz the marabous know how to make money from the money lovers.

I am in a Halloween mood right now. See, now I read a little bit. All these women there, voodoo queens throwing spells on us little poor people,

We have a new economy and I don’t think we’ll ever recover to the same place we were before. Things are different and changed and so should the mindsets of individuals, companies, and the government. We need to find solutions that adapt to this new economy and not live in the past looking for the way things were.

— Millennial female focus group participant, July 201529

That's a spell, voodoo women try to change your mindset. Oh, btw, Fiorina is THE voodoo queen, right after it's Ann Coulter. They both better stay out of Africa with their greedy profit making "investments". Don't underestimate a true marabou....

Diablo Boo... Smile

Thanks, shaharazade, you are so kind, you always respond to me. You don't know how much I appreciate that. Enjoy your Halloween.

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lotlizard's picture

Moderate zombie offers to negotiate a Grand Bargain:
(American sign-language version of the song "Re: Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton)

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mimi's picture

Just imagine you had this thingy in your nose...

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shaharazade's picture

favorite and still is holidays. As a kid I got to run free through our LA suburban neighborhood at night, getting candy and being a little banshee. As an adult I like it best as it is low stress unlike Christmas and isn't expensive. You get to dress up maybe go to a party, and see the young kids and even hoodlum teenagers decked out. Instead of cooking a turkey and don't have to deal with your quarrelsome family weirdness. You hand out candy and admire the goblins who come to your door. Today when I walked to the store I was impressed with the creative decorations on the side street houses and yards. Boo!

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mimi's picture

he just told me he and his girlfriend are going to make a costume and go to party on the streets or beach of ... Hawaii...(undisclosed location). I can't quite see Halloween in Hawaii, but heh ... may be I should make myself a Voodoo Queen and throw spells around, that's my whitesplained image of a black voodoo queen
I could compete with some of my neighborly Voodoo Queens.

I forgot to ask him what costume, may be he goes as a Hawaiian-styled marabou ...

Who put a spell on you?

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lotlizard's picture

If you're a real living person, you enjoy many benefits that you may not be aware of.

Especially around Halloween, some of those you meet will be fictional, mythical, imagined, or dead. Insensitivity on your part can easily offend them.

You can avoid awkward moments and arguments by educating yourself about concepts like live privilege, real privilege, livesplaining, and real-ism (real-life supremacy).

Register today for a seminar on ontological diversity. For businesses, on-site employee seminars are also available.

P.S. Are you, like me, a fan of manga, anime, and cosplay? Learn how you can help support ontological diversity not just on Halloween but every day!

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mimi's picture

sure if I survive for much longer, as I missed all those seminars. I will google ontological diversity - later. I am feeling so totally insensitive right now. So, best, I go as an angel, right? I can't be nicer than those:


Heh, I can't be touched. I was cursed my whole life. I attract spells like honey the bees. If you don't believe in Voodoo and Juju, you are in deep denial. It's everywhere around you. Just admit it. Here is the "proof":


Or are you too insensitive for that? Like this author?

The 2012 elections: The Juju-Marabou games begin

Here is a kiss from the granny hell's angel for you Smile
Air kiss

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mimi's picture

that this frigging conference you see in the last video has been held at Harvard. Really, if that doesn't make you crazy, then something is definitely wrong. I try to use snarky language but am in some way or form borderline serious. Gosh, I am happy when Halloween is over. It's so scary to my mind. Wacko

'nuff said.

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lotlizard's picture

U.S. Presidential Candidates' Forum · November 3-4, 2015, Inbal Jerusalem Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel

Family Research Council, International Leaders Summit and National Religious Broadcasters are co-hosting the first U.S. Presidential Candidate Forum to be held in the state of Israel and focused on issues of mutual interest and concerns as well as economic, foreign, defense and cultural policy.

Each US presidential candidate will have a one hour segment at the forum, presenting their own ideas and solutions to questions put to them by a select group of media leaders.

Through this highly focused and personalized opportunity to address key issues, US presidential candidates will be able to articulate their vision to a live audience in Jerusalem comprised of supporters and partners of the host organizations, concerned residents in the state of Israel and audiences in the US and around the world through US and international televised broadcasting groups, online and print media. …

(via Huffington Post)

Can't resist saying it: Netanyahu's vettin' yahoos . . .

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Apparently Bernie was a good basketball player in his youth as was Obama. I wonder who would have won a 1 on 1.

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Beware the bullshit factories.