Maybe they really are that stupid

The rumour mill is claiming that if Hillary drops out they will replace her with Uncle Joe:

DNC delegate: If @HillaryClinton withdraws, every indication now committee will vote to replace with Biden. @BernieSanders team scrambling

Look, the Dems have essentially three choices:

  1. Keep running Hillary. As Scott Adams so eloquently points out, she will lose because she showed unacceptable weakness at an American "holy place". I had come to about the same conclusion because of the mythical weakness of illness, but the argument is similar. People need to get over the idea that elections are rational - they are not. Mythical and irrational elements are just as important.
  2. Uncle Joe or some other DNC bigwig (including Kaine). The sound of millions of Bernie backers screaming out in anger at being screwed again will doom the sacrificial lamb. They will stay home.
  3. Bernie. All of a sudden, you have someone with positive approval ratings who can actually win.

The choice seems pretty obvious, but that hasn't stopped them before.

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Wink's picture

way the DNC can substitute for Bernie after they fucked him every which way for 14 months.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

WaveyDavey's picture

Has a presidential candidate had to pull out of the race within the last two months before the election for any reason?

If so:

Was a replacement made?
If yes, how was it decided?
Did the people's votes during the primaries have any reflection on the decision?
How were the ballots (all of which would have been finalized) modified?
Would ballot modifications be made in a consistent manner state by state?
Would ballot modification increase confusion among voters thus causing errors during the casting of the vote?

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The people, united, will never be defeated.

Even if I were willing to vote Democratic this fall, I would have to not do so if Joe Biden is the substitute nominee. I can't forgive or forget his participation in the confirmation of Uncle Clarence Thomas nor his support for the bankruptcy "reform" which was only for the little people.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
