So here's the thing.
I have been really bothered lately by some diaries and comments posted on this website. This diary is an attempt to reconcile my discomfort against the backdrop of what is happening in these diaries and comments that is so upsetting me.
I took a lot of time last night to think about what's going down, and here's the thing: we cannot have a progressive website without progressive ideals. Even though c99p does not adhere to any political ideology, and the FAQ does not use the word "progressive" or "liberal" (but, rather, "far-left" and "left-leaning"), the word progressive is assumed from that.
You simply cannot be far-left or left-leaning without also considering yourself progressive, yes?
From the FAQ:
Like the Occupy movement from which the name of this site derives (many of the early members of the site were active members and supporters of Occupy) we are open to people with all kinds of different ideas about how to make the world a better place. The folks already here represent a broad range of left-leaning to far-left orientations.
We are disinclined to create a lot of rules, not because we thrive on chaos, but because we'd like to foster the sort of community that values and respects the site and each other, such that respectful discussions happen between people with diverse views in an organic manner.We have only one universal, all-weather, one size fits all, batteries not required rule, "don't be an ass." (DBAA)
It's a little blunt, but it seems the sort of thing that just about everyone understands intuitively.
The coin of the realm here is kindness to others and articulate discussion of your point of view in a way that respects other people's ideas. Discussions that are characterized by the coherent exposition of evidence, facts, logic and reason, which honor the bonds of friendship that hold us together, are what this community thrives on.
So if we are a mostly progressive lot, and the goal here is to stimulate discussion that remains respectful, then I think it should go without saying that you probably shouldn't call Hillary Clinton a "bitch" in any diary or thread. And you probably shouldn't make fun of the way Hillary dresses. And you probably shouldn't go on and on and on about how Hillary is such a disgusting person for having a supposed incontinence issue.
I know that identity politics is an iffy thing around here, but I would submit that you cannot be progressive and racist, sexist, and/or homophobic at the same time. Those things are incompatible with each other. You cannot be simultaneously a progressive and also want to halt progress for a specific group of people. It doesn't work like that. Progressivism has many aspects, but chief among them are economic and social populism.
This really kind of kills me, everytime I feel like I have to focus on this, because I hate hate hate! having to defend Hillary Clinton. Because I hate Hillary Clinton for a variety of extremely valid reasons, none of which have to do with her genitalia or her dress or her health.
Please help me to reconcile this. I don't understand how other people simply do not get this.
My heart is heavy. This makes me very sad, for real.
Of course she is.
Or are there 'misogyny' and 'sexist' tags there to make us all feel better about ourselves?
How about this?
I'm sorry, but that's just obnoxious and rude.
Shiz is not making a semantic argument here. She's clearly talking about specific people on this site who she is tagging with quite hurtful and wholly unfounded labels.
How do you not see that?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I guess the following:
1) I haven't read much on here lately as I've been very busy in my 3 dimensional life. So I might be missing pertinent background.
2) As far as sexism, etc.... I'm comfortable with recognizing that I hold some level of racism and homophobia in my heart - the racism is, I think, in the form of the left over effects of growing up in a racist environment and comes in the form of being surprised about certain things that really shouldn't surprise me (rather than thinking that people of color shouldn't have full rights, etc...). And it seems to me that a certain type of homophobia is part of what makes straight people straight, and heterophobia is part of what makes gays gay, and the lack of either phobia is part of what makes some bisexuals bisexual.
The point being: I really doubt any of us are absolutely free of sexism in every single way all of the time.
And so I read Shiz to be saying something along this line, ie, making a general point about the uses of certain words and subject matter to attack Clinton may not be so cool and might reflect some sexism, and that this is a thing that progressives should concern themselves with so we can on day progress beyond sexism, homophobia (I sort of doubt for the reason given), etc....
I specifically did not tag or name anyone
so that we could have a conversation about this instead of a witch-hunting party. (Oh, they hunted witches? You don't say!)
This is my bottom line: identity politics, for me at least, are tied with being a progressive person. That is just how I roll. If you don't like me, that is quite fine -- you're not the first and you won't be the last. But this entire diary is my legitimate attempt at a rational solution to something that bothers me (emotionally and viscerally) very, very much. I was actually asking the community for help with this, which is why I posted in the first place.
I care deeply about this c99p, man. Maybe you don't give a shit, but I do. I love so many people here and I have invested a metric fuckton of time and energy on this website, to a further extent than I ever did with Dkos.
So, ya know. Shut the fuck up, lol.
I miss Colorado.
Your didn't have to.
We all know who you are talking about.
Then stop taking cheap shots at the membership, because all you are doing is stirring shit up for no reason.
Yeah, right back atcha.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
This is my diary, sweet cheeks.
You can leave now.
I miss Colorado.
Sweet Cheeks?
My how sexist of you.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The irony, it is lost.
I miss Colorado.
It certainly is n/t
...but not the hypocrisy.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Is there some rule
…that women have to carry babies around in their bodies?
Pregnancy is a choice, like Motorcross racing.
They both come with risks and they are both self-indulgent.
Pregnancy is self-indulgent?
For whom? The man, woman or both?
This is an interpretation I've never heard before.
It's amazing the comments that were spawned by this diary
Wow. Just wow.
for repetitiveness
I Have Not Commented in Many Diaries Because I Don't Want
my name and visage attached to political argument of that nature.
"Hillaryleaks" was a terrible frame -- a frame that damages the message.
And that message about her health IS important, but it gets ruined with juvenile name calling or dehumanizing language.
That said, it certainly isn't my place to step in and defend someone who I find un-defendable.
I feel you Shiz, but like some others on this thread, that's not really my place to tell them what they can or cannot say. So I just don't comment there.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I agree, k9disc.
I deal with it by dropping out
I dropped in this weekend for the first time since July to read and comment. Why have I avoided the site since July? IMHO, once Bernie lost the nomination it started spiraling downward, just as Daily Kos did when Bernie was successfully challenging Hillary. Many of the comments are no better than Trumps. A few are even worse. Unless the moderators rein people in, it's people's right to get down in the gutter. And my choice is not to read it.
We all have this choice.
It makes me sad also
Because it means there is truly no hope. I'm sure we like to think of ourselves as the good guys. I'm not sure about everyone else here but if I were in any other context and someone could not express their opinion without random, juvenile, insults, I would quickly disregard their opinion. If there was a divisive situation going on I would remove them from it because they are the problem and I want a solution. The fact that this has become the norm in American politics speaks eloquently to why we are facing a Hillary/Trump election.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I'm not sure I want to weigh in here, but....
I believe that with Steven D and Shiz, the use of the B and C words is as demeaning to women as the n word is to Black Americans.
That is the reason the word is for some and in this I include myself, viscerally uncomfortable and un necessary to get a point across. I too also feel and know viscerally something about Hillary is really off, and history informs, that she is a very bad actor. This cannot be said enough times or with enough emphasis.
Not using the B and C words does not mean I respect Clinton in any way. Quite the opposite. When I see or hear the language n, b, or c words, I tend to disregard what the speaker is saying, and quite possibly the speaker. It is basic to my upbringing.
My English teachers were nuns, so it was engrained early to make your points and use language for effectiveness.
My reaction is that use of N, B or C words are demeaning to groups. And if could be argued that if the use of C and B words is ok, then so are N words or words denigrating to LGBT folks.
This is not a freedom of speech or action issue. It is a sensibility issue just as it has been to get over hearing or using words we no longer commonly feel are appropriate or demean other groups.
I will not focus on what Hillary wears; I will not focus on anything gender-based. She is downright scary, and I believe panders to the men in her life. It makes me suspect her ability to act as her own person and do things for the right or true reasons. She appears (to me) to be terribly influenced by the men in her life, and her fights for womens' rights are paper tigers. Even more scary.
This is a bit of a ramble, but this argument has gone on long enough. We have very serious issues, and need to drag ourselves back to them.
I am currently watching cows and steers munch on grass that has so little water content, they must be tanked water, in an area that is usually rich for many races of cattle. These are mostly organic, grass fed beef and milk cows. One more month like this, there isn't enough hay for a second haying, which is needed to get the cattle through the winter.
The climate news Joe pulls out every night, is the real issue.
Enough of this. We need to focus on keeping this site running and to focus on the future of our planet.
The end.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Thanks, LCH, this is well said indeed. Thanks also for pointing
out the primary issue of our time and the paramount need for us to focus on climate change and our personal response to it in our local situation.
Cheers, mate, and best wishes for good rains and a good second cutting. That's what matters and should matter to us all.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Well said, LeChienHarry.
You were right to re-direct our focus to one of our currently-vital issues at the end. But even if you had stopped before adding it, your words would have define what I consider the best, and the only right approach to our use of language in political discourse.
Thank you so much for this comment!
It means a great deal to me, LCH.
Love you!![Smile](
I miss Colorado.
Well said, Shiz. I deplore most of what both Clinton's have
done, are doing, and will do. As you point out, though, disagreement with them and her on issues and personal behaviour never gives one the right to character assassination through foul language, innuendo, or personal insults.
I'm with Robert Fulghum on how to live:
When one tries to live like this, there is less compulsion to villify others.
I don't read any posts on Clinton. First, I'm not interested, and second, I don't like reading nasty language. It always says so much more about the writer than the target. I understand that hate comes from fear, but I'm not interested in reading it. "When you look too long into the Abyss," said Nietzsche, "the Abyss looks into you." (He ought to have known, the poor man.)
Hang in there. Your plea for decency is well placed and well said.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Good to see you, Gerrit! I hope your time away was awesome.
I applaud everything that you wrote, except for the bit about foul language. But that's mostly because I fucking swear a goddamned lot.
(Not at anybody, but just in general.)
Is that OK? LOL, as if you didn't already know.
Thanks for the comment, and have a good night!
Edit: damn typo.
I miss Colorado.
Thanks Shiz! It was a good, busy summer outside and it's
good to start spending time here again.
Yeah, I'm with you, I wasn't clear about foul language. I also swear at things in general, but try not to swear at people. I'm like, "Oh, fuck!" and "A fucking mess." Foul language to me is, "You fucking idiot" and "Clinton is a bitch" and such like.
Have a great day, my friend,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Only speaking for me.
1. I agree with Alex. Diaries with gravitas often get shorted. If you look at the number of people online and how few comments there are sometimes, I can't help but wonder WTF. It takes little effort to make a thoughtful comment in a thoughtful diary to thank and acknowledge the effort. Because the thumbs up are anonymous, something that is both good and bad, they can be too impersonal to serve as a substitute.
2. Bitch and other derogatory name calling. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should. I do not like the frequency and gratuitous nature of the slurs. A female dog is a bitch, but I don't say "here bitch" to my dog. I am also tired of the diaries that are gratuitous armchair medical diagnosis. I wouldn't want to see any person name called or criticized for doing them, but the content is not my cup of tea. Yes, her health is a legitimate issue for legitimate discussion. Gratuitous speculation doesn't work for me.
3. I love you Shiz, but I also don't like defining what is acceptable speech and who and what is progressive. My politics are eclectic, and I have to work not to swear like a sailor. I don't mind the least when others swear, but I feel a need to limit my foul language "for me". I enjoy to no end your freedom to let it rip Shiz, and I wouldn't want you to change a thing. It is what makes you-you, and the Shiz I know and enjoy. If someone were to complain about your language, I would defend you and it to hell and back.
4. I admit that some of the content on this site makes me uncomfortable at times too. Compared to dkos, hardly at all. But the way I see it, I don't get to ask others to look out for my toes when all I have to do is move my foot. I am free to click the hell out of and into any diary I choose. When my feet become affixed to the ground or I'm trapped, then we'll talk.
Since I am only speaking for me personally and not as a mod, JtC and the other mods may feel different about what is acceptable content. I tend to be so open-minded that the wind blows through.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
OK. That's fair.
I am prepared in case my plea doesn't go through on c99p. That's alright. I know that I don't have any power here, but I do think (regardless of the outcome) this is an important discussion to have.
Eventually, c99p was going to have to deal with this. This was always going to become an issue. You do not have unprecedented growth on a website without seeing it growing in a lot of unintended areas. That's just human URL behavior.
What speech is too much? Is hate speech alright on this website? What defines "hate speech" on c99p? These are all philosophical questions that we could literally spend days answering, to no avail. There are open-ended problems and open-ended solutions.
Either way, I'm glad people have been mostly respectful in this thread. I do appreciate that. c99p really shines in certain cirumstances, lol, and this is one of 'em.
I miss Colorado.
I have a pretty low threshold for sexist language
and 40 years ago (my 20's) I burned with a white-hot rage whenever that word was used as a descriptive noun. These days, that word is less offensive to me, since there are so many much viler words and phrases used against women, and that language and ideology is now fostered in an organized way and is intentionally weaponized by organized groups.
I do not see that intentional, weaponized use of sexist language here at c99. Someone recently tried to establish it here, but JtC and the mods quickly and appropriately established that as unwelcome here because inherently uncivil.
Recently we had 2-3 days of quite heated discussion about the issue you raise in response to Steven D's two video diaries on respectful language (which I think of as the 'N,B,C-word threads'). Knowing how short my fuse is on sexist language, I purposely didn't participate but read the threads later. I do not recollect a consensus being reached or a determination being made by the Mods about individuals' use particular words.
You are best known for your rants, many of which (at DK) were of historic proportions. Rants (as a form of prose) are defined by the heightened expression of emotions, especially of anger. Rants are easy to cheer when they are about issues that affect many readers, or about issues that don't affect certain readers who nevertheless like a well-written rant. Rants that demand that readers obey the ranter's demands . . . well, I think the response to that will be variable, but I would expect a lack of enthusiasm, and a refusal to comply with the ranter's demands and/or expectations. Even if the ranter were to change her tone, and implore her reader with tears, and tell her readers that she would have to leave if they did not comply -- even that, I fear, would not be found persuasive.
Of course c99 has some sexism expressed, but to me (with my hyper-sensitivity!) it seems to be at the level of Everyday Sexism which is still found pretty much everywhere. (And yes, that too is deplorable, but I can't be at war every moment of the day.)
Since this issue is so very distressing to you, Shiz, it may be that stepping away for one night might not have given you enough time (and not very much time when you were awake!) to 'consider' the issue. I know that in my own life, When I', still so wrought up so much about something that I find myself falling into uncontrollable tears, it's time for me to step away until I can think about and talk about the issue without sobbing.
You know,
The word "bitch" just doesn't seem to have any sexist connotation in modern language. It's become a word akin to "asshole," with no gender specific meaning. If you want "bitch" to keep a sexist meaning, then you label an entire generation of young men and women who would be allies as sexists, and therefore enemies. Why fight to keep the word's sexist origins alive? Can we not just let its origins remain in the past, and accept its newer, sex neutral meaning? It just seems that in this one area, being a progressive is for some reason not allowed, and instead we have to be conservative, or even regressive, sticking with a tradition of sorts that'd be best left behind. Words only have the meanings we decide to apply to them after all.
I'm not sure there is this new meaning....
of which you speak : )
It does however seem to me that "bitch" might be gaining a new, gender neutral, meaning over time.
But don't think we're there yet, and it doesn't seem to be a forgone conclusion that such a new meaning will prevail over time. It might, it might not.
Agreed. Words become appropriated over time
and assigned meanings by users and dictionaries. People use the word "bitch" regularly these days and it's not "sexist" anymore unless you want to cling to that definition. It's probably been 30 years since it was that offensive. It's evolving.
That happens. So, sorry, I think this is way overwrought and I'm done with it. If Shiz wants to go away, I wish her well, but I'm simply not going to let it affect me or anything else I seek out here or anyone else I interact with.
Comment meant for T-E, not katie
not sure what happened there...
It happens more often than we may even think
Adapting words to new meanings is basically what the english language is all about. It's how it was created, after all.
An interesting example is the words "fag" and "faggot." Both are more commonly known as a slur against gays, but originally had very mundane meanings, like "a bundle of sticks," or "a cigarette." And even now its near century long definition as a homophobic slur is being replaced, being used in place of "idiot" or "asshole (interesting how common that is)." Hell, even "cunt" (which I believe only developed a sexist meaning in the US) is having its meaning change from something sexist, to something more akin to saying "an immeasurable asshole of the Nth degree."
I think it'd be prudent of us not to get hung up on the words people use, and pay more attention to the meaning behind the entirety of what they say. Especially considering that a majority of the population uses vulgar language. We can't play the "thought police" role that helps the establishment keep us divided.
Hmmmm : )
1) I don't think acting the thought police is at all a good idea.
2) Like I said, words like bitch and cunt, while they are now used in a more or less non-gender way sometimes, still are used in a very gendered way other times. Context matters.
Ditto the word nigger. While it's ok for blacks to call each other nigger (maybe), it's still not cool for a southern white guy to call a stranger who happens to be black a nigger.
3) While thought police is a bad idea, it's also a bad idea for those who are offended by either gendered or racialized language to not be able to express their feelings about such matters. Acting as a thought police to silence these feelings is, well, just another form of thought police.
4) How one conducts oneself after weighing the pros and cons of certain words is up to them.
5) Repeat.... ; )
That's actually a word I find to be a perfect example
The word "nigger" is almost always racist when used, with the exception of black people, who can say it or "nigga" as a synonym of "friend" or "pal." But for anyone other than a black person to say either pronunciation in the same context, it is still viewed as that person being a racist, because it's a word that hasn't been allowed to be adapted.
Context is something that matters a great deal, but it seems that the word is being made to be far more important than any context the words are being used in.
I find words like bitch, cunt, etc....
to be ambiguous even in the best of contexts.
What you're saying is something like the claim that the word "he" is not gendered if we use it to refer to both males and females. Yet, the vast majority of people (maybe all people) can not bring up an image of a girl in their minds' eye when they sentences like: "He is sitting in a chair" while imagining a person sitting in a chair.
There have been many, many, studies showing this.
Likewise, I know I can not say the sentence: "The bitch is sitting in a chair" while imagining in my minds' eye a man sitting in a chair. I can come close in some way, but really can't get it to stick without working at it.
And I think this because we haven't actually created a post gender world, nor even a post mysogynist world, and so some words still point to a female body vs a male body, and bitch and cunt, etc.... are some of the words that still do.
Personally, I can think of few instances where a man is called a bitch without the context and intent including the connotation of also calling him a sissy - or telling him don't be a girl, in particular a mean girl.
I'm not sure there is this new meaning....
of which you speak : )
It does however seem to me that "bitch" might be gaining a new, gender neutral, meaning over time.
But don't think we're there yet, and it doesn't seem to be a forgone conclusion that such a new meaning will prevail over time. It might, it might not.
Well, what did comedian Dave Chapelle mean by “Mars, bitches!” ?
That was when I first became aware that what I took to be the prison use of “bitch” (= male prisoner sexually subjugated by force; “punk”) had — via hiphop? — spread to the mainstream.
In prison, you stay away from the PBs.
That's the number one thing to know. If you call anyone a punk or a bitch, it is a death wish and at some point you will leave prison aboard a chopper. Generally, if the guards find out, you will be transferred out of the prison that very day. (So, I have been told.)
Such is the power of words in an isolated culture. We can build them up in our heads so much, and self-psyche our PTSD levels of sensitivity so high — that words really are lethal and they kill with definite frequency.
It works just like shamanism in tribal cultures. People really can be healed by empowering words consensually, and words can also give them the will to lay down and die.
Here's the thing: Everyone has to agree to empower the boogyman words, just like they do in prisons. Everybody has to develop a fearsome sensitivity to the special words at the same time. And there must be consequences. Dire consequences. Otherwise, everyone has to carry around a PTSD EpiPen, because they are bound to become apoplectic in the course of a day.
In a consciously evolved society, of course, word voodoo would be neutralized immediately and people would be free of the black magic of certain words that can bring them to their knees by their mere utterance.
But we don't have that.
So we do the second most enlightened thing a society can do — we protect the most vulnerable in our midst in order to protect our society. It's the rules of communal living in cyberspace and it does take some effort to make it insanely great.
Fascinating insight and great recommendation, Pluto.
You frequently amaze me with your grasp of situations and/or perspectives on them. (I don't let you know that with a comment often enough - apologies.) This time you have out-done yourself. Thank you.
Only wish there were some way to pin this comment for a while - everyone needs a chance to read and at least consider it.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I don't see much evidence for this new non-sexist usage,
and certainly not that it predominates, but whatever.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Really? Show me one time Trump has been called a bitch. eom
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Here Are a Few...
Google: Trump Whiny Bitch
Mickey Rourke Rips Donald Trump: 'He's a Bully and a Bitch'
The boxer/actor/sentient pile of laundry has aired his grievances with Trump before. In July of 2015, Rourke made it clear he wasn't siding with Trump by saying, "I'd rather stick a .38 up my ass and pull the trigger than vote for Donald Trump." A few months later, he called Trump a "big mouthed bitch bully" and expressed his desire to have 30 seconds in a room "with the little bitch" to give him a piece of his mind.
[VIDEO] NeNe Leakes: Donald Trump Is A Bitch!
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Okay, I sit corrected on that point. eom
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
It's a Totally Different Meaning, But It Does Happen. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
comment to JtC
If you think of this blog as a smorgasboard, it helps. Each reader picks and chooses what s/he has a taste for that day. It is impossible to digest everything available and not every offering is to everyone's taste. If an item would make us sick, we politely move on without sampling it. If we are particularly turned off by the presentation of a certain writer, we might select items from other writers. But there is enough variety that we all leave the table satisfied.
Exactly. Take what you want and leave the rest
it's simple, really.
So you'd be fine with whatever
anyone wants to post here? No boundaries or rules at all? Anything goes? KKK and neonazi skinheads, MRA idiots, Westboro baptist church posting essays on how God hates fags ... no problem, you'd just ignore those and go read something else? Really?
Right, because that's what I said
Please clarify
You expressed agreement with this statement from the above comment:
I doubted that you actually think this, and suspect that you in fact do believe in having rules and limits, rather than just "politely ignoring" sickening posts and writers and moving on.
So which is it, please.
Do you stand by your previous agreement with that statement?
Or do you think there are some things that would be too "sickening" to be politely tolerated here?
Nice try at 'reductio ad absurdum', CS in AZ
and you have indeed made yourself look absurd. Nobody here is suggesting anything like that, except you.
Apparently you missed it, but somebody did suggest that, right above here. I'll copy it for you so you see it this time:
I'm just asking if people are seriously agreeing with this - that even the most sickening of subjects and writers should just be politely ignored.
I don't agree with that, and I don't believe most of you do either. Hence my question.
Oh yes, one other thing - if you think I'm absurd, please feel free to politely ignore me and move on to reading someone more worthy, instead of complaining and insulting me because you don't like what I say.
if we're going to worry about the extremes...
what if David Duke came here and we called him "a bastard!" Would that be a slur on him because it demeans people born out of wedlock? What if it were Hitler?
By the way, I agree with what you wrote here:
and that's what I think we should do if we find an essay with language we find objectionable. Or call it out when you see it. I think it makes more sense to confront someone who uses it, if you want that person to stop, rather than discuss it in a separate essay, especially if no names are used in the new essay.
Shahryar, Thank you for your reply.
I appreciate it. I'll try to clarify my comments. I agree with you, and that has been my own approach as well. I vacillate between ignoring and calling out some of the more egregious stuff I've seen posted here recently.
Personally, I don't even care about words like bitch. I saw a t-shirt at a store last weekend that said "Namaste, Bitches!" and I thought it was hilarious. I almost bought it.
I do think the posts about "Hillary's Leaks" and "Hillary's caboose" are juvenile and sexist and offensive, and many of the comments in those posts are really embarrassing to see here. I've called them out a couple of times (and taken flak for doing so), and I've also sighed and moved on without comment more often than not. I'm not a fan of language policing. I've written zero essays complaining about them.
Another thing that annoys me is hypocrisy. Cronewit for example is a huge fan of banning Men's Rights types and totally silencing them because they are stupid and offensive. I think you agreed with that. My point was to question people who demand free speech for stuff they happen to agree with, while simultaneously being in favor of absolute censorship of speech they find offensive. I'm asking them to reconcile these positions.
yes and no re: men's rights groups
yes, they're stupid and offensive and completely miss the point. No, I wouldn't ban them, I'd just mock them.
That's a decision I wouldn't want to make
and I'm glad I'm not a moderator who has to make such choices. Constant arguing and mocking and back-and-forth flame wars with idiots and assholes, racists and homophobic jerks, sexist MRAs, etc. would drag the site down to the point it would lose my interest. I do think some boundaries are appropriate and necessary. I've seen sites without any, and essentially no worthwhile discussion can take place. MRAs are banned from here, and I'm sure that racist and homophobic essays would be too. I think that's good or this site would soon be another internet sewer. Where to draw the lines is a hard question. Like I said above, for me it's not words like bitch, but essays that are obviously sexist like some have been recently raise real questions on where the site wants to draw those lines.
Nice try at 'reductio ad absurdum', CS in AZ
and you have indeed made yourself look absurd. Nobody here is suggesting anything like that, except you.
Well, yeah, but if you go to a smorgasbord that has
big platters of shit, rotted meat, moldy bread, and salads full of cockroaches, you would probably stop going there, even if they also provide some delicious and healthy food in there amongst the cockroach salads, moldy bread, and spoiled meat.
It's already been made clear that this particular smorgasbord of a website does have standards. Men's rights activists are not allowed and get banned. Any openly racist or homophobic posters would no doubt get the same treatment and be shown the door.
I'm sure all of us appreciate these decisions and the moderators' effort to keep the place up to a standard that doesn't turn our stomachs.
Now I guess there's disagreement on whether certain types of attacks on Hillz are tasty and delightful, or if they are unappetizing to some but acceptable to serve up, like having raw squid or octopus arms or boiled okra on the table, or if they are stomach-turning filth that is likely to make good customers leave and never return.
That is a decision for JtC and the moderators. But customers expressing their disgust at some of what's being served up is certainly valid. When the nasty, stomach-turning fair starts being front and center, the clientele will certainly change. Probably something they would want to consider.
Hey! No hating on boiled okra, damnit! ;-)
I get exactly what you're saying; I just happen to love okra in most any form. Boiled with tomatoes is especially delightful. Then again, I can't stomach raw tomatoes but, savor the flavor of chewed up aspirin. Yes, I am truly a freak of nature.
That is all.![Biggrin](
: )
Exactly! Thanks for speaking up, JtC
I spent most of a day reading the two long 'N,B,C-word' threads that followed Steven D's recent video diaries. I spent the first about 20% if that time agreeing or disagreeing violently with each comment. Then they began to blur together, and although I could see 'which side I was on', I could also see how impossible it would be to moderate this issue, especially as it came up on a case-by-case basis in individual comments.
There have been a few comments in this thread (LeChienHarry and dkmich come to mind) that express what I would *love* for this community to approve and adopt as its guidelines regarding this issue. But even so, imposing even these gentle, considerate standards *from above* does not seem like it would go over well here.
It's not just name-calling the Wicked Queen
There have also been outbreaks of name-calling other members of c99, if they dare to disagree with the essayist's presentation.
That is far more divisive and dangerous, and will do far more damage to this site.
Discussing conspiracy theory is one thing. Insisting that the conspiracy theory is The One And Only Real Truth, and that everyone who doesn't buy into it is wrong, misguided, brainwashed, gullible, stupid, or a shill for the government - that's many, many bridges too far.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Who is doing this? Seriously, I want to know
because I haven't seen it. If I had, I'd have called it out, unless it was an obvious troll. Then I would have ignored it.
Responded privately.
May come under the heading of "obvious troll" - at least I have started to think so.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well Shiz, I hope you stay.
I've always considered you a friend if not an ally.
I'll not get into insults. I can be quite insulting indeed without using any except the most pristine and unobjectionable language (actually, it's a tell). I never care what people call me though mischaracterizations of my positions sting (racist, sexist, anti-Semetic). On the other hand I don't consider myself part of an oppressed class so I'm probably less sensitive than some.
No, my disagreement with you is over the term "progressive" which I have never and do not now embrace as representative of my politics or actually very meaningful at all in describing anyone's orientation. Outside of the historical context of a late 19th, early 20th Century political movement which espoused as many bad ideas as good ones (Wilson was a "Progressive"), I consider it a cowardly and transparently evasive way of saying "Liberal" after Conservative Republicans had been sufficiently successful in tarnishing its positive image.
Classic Liberalism is not without pernicious doctrines which is why we have a correctly labeled "NeoLiberal" consensus that fetishises Markets as Rational Actors and the accumulation of wealth as proof of virtue and efficiency. Most people think of it as rose colored free love, anti-War, anti-Discrimination, pot smoking Hippiedom and there's nothing wrong with that but it's not intellectually rigorous.
The "Left" on the other hand promotes policies of worker control, democracy, and egalitarianism. It has it's own negative aspects but most of them arise from a conflation with the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" promoted by "Communist" (not really that Lefty except for egalitarianism) tyrants like Stalin and Mao.
It is certainly possible to be and be labeled "Left" without any nod at all in the "Progressive" direction and I would argue that due to the actions of self proclaimed "progressives" the term has ceased to have any meaning at all except "the same shit sandwich as Authoritarian Conservatives except slower so maybe you dumbasses won't notice so much and shut your freaking yaps while we rob and enslave you."
But feel free to disagree. If I don't like what you have to say I'll ignore it anyway.
Actually, even if I like it probably. I've spent enough years in exile I not that personally invested anymore, but I do like you and wish you a great day.
great comment, and Shiz leaving will not solve the problem you
you are wrestling over in your mind.
ek, I tried to formulate a comment along those lines that the progressive categorization is treacherous for the reasons you so colorful describe, but gave up because I don't have the vocabulary. I was not raised with an ideological category that includes progressives. I guess therefore I don't like it, because to me it's extremely vague, easily to misuse and easy to cheat or betray people with.
I support this site because it was said it would be left-leaning, socialist, socialist-democratic leaning, radical left leaning anc culturally very open minded community, without accepting the authoritarianism of communism or old-style socialists. The egalitarianism of the left includes social, gender and racial equality. There should be little need for left-leaning socialists or social democrats. to fight these as individual issues, accusing each other of sexism and racism for simple word usage and not for policy-based issues. Trump uses clearly racist language. Of course one can pin him down on that. Politicians can promote racist and sexist political ideas with wonderful smooth words.
Racism and sexism, when not directly institutionalized and embedded in laws, are mostly emotions on a personal level. They are rarely controlable and very hard to moderate on a free speech site like this one. If accusations of such are being expressed among users here for wordings other commentators use, on this site, it is destructive.
It would be nice for people to recognize it and when they feel language used is sexist or racist to ignore it unless it is politically based institutionalized and legally embedded sexism and racism of politicians and governments. These are political issues and not word issues.
I have been viewed as racist, sexist and dumb, almost never directly, but indirectly. I could feel hurt about those and tell 'em "bitching" folks what I think about those subtle, indirect accusations, but really, really ... one must ignore it and not allow oneself to get hurt about it.
Words have meaning, words can hurt quite a bit, but they can't kill. No blood is flowing, if push comes to shove, tears in the privacy over your key-board might come up, but then... there are handkerchiefs, some sighing and sniffing and then cooler emotional reactions are on the horizon after having slept over those insulting words.
Heh, Shiz, I like you hope you might stay. When I was young I was mightily impressed with these cool boys dancing out their emotions. So, that's for you. Stay cool, woman.![Smile](
Beautifully said, mimi!
I'm a progressive because the Progressives
were an anti-corruption movement, facing many of the same problems we have today:
Progressivism emerged in many different locations from 1890 to 1917, and had varied emphases. Sometimes it had a social justice emphasis with a focus on economic and social inequality. At other times an economic and political emphasis dominated, with primary interest in moderate regulation to curtail the excesses of Gilded Age capitalists and politicians. It was, in short, a movement that is very difficult to chart. Historians most conventionally trace its movement from local initiatives through to the state and national levels. But it is potentially more useful to think of progressivism as falling under three broad areas of reform: efforts to make government cleaner, less corrupt, and more democratic; attempts to ameliorate the effects of industrialization; and efforts to rein in corporate power.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I Think Wilson Was a Liberal. Not a Progressive.
I look at Progressivism as taking on entrenched interests and egalitarian economics, something that liberals simply do not ascribe to.
I have been calling myself a Progressive since college (mid '90s). Largely because I found liberals to be a bit too friendly to entrenched crony capitalist economics throughout my life. It's gotten worse.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
LOL. You're such a ham, ek. :)
Thanks for this comment. You can be very sweet and charming when you want to be, hee hee.
I have absolutely zero problem with the word "liberal". (Look at the tags in the diary.) I call myself a liberal often, but most people use "progressive", so I just usually revert to that when writing diaries because everybody pretty much knows what I mean. And you are correct -- some folks don't like to be called "liberal" now, thanks to Fox News, which I personally think is stupid, but whatever.
Most conservatives think I'm a commie, anyway. I don't give a fuck.![Smile](
I guess I'll see what the PTB do in this instance and decide from that. I don't think I could ever leave this website completely (I still read Daily Kos a few times per week, after all), but I would like to participate. That's my hope.
Have a good one, man. Thanks for putting on your kind hat for me.![Smile](
I miss Colorado.
'Bitch, bitch, bitch' my soon-to-be stepmother
responded to me back when I was 8 or 9. It stung. Several decades later, I realize our relationship never actually improved much from there. She's apparently always felt I over-complain and that I'm not worth taking seriously (I happen to think my dad died of something treatable, and she refused to have ruled out what I believed was going she and I will continue to live and let live in different corners of the universe).
My stepmother was using the word to describe what she saw as my behavior, but I did misunderstand at that time and hear it as a brand of what I was rather than what I was doing.
I agree with JE above that these days the term is less often used with a connection to gender - I hear it being applied to all genders.
For some reason, I don't feel offended by the world used with respect to women acting in ways which step on and over the boundaries of others. Maybe that's because I've had a number of women who behave this way around me, and I think it's ok to have a word for it.
Would it be more tolerable to call Clinton a dick? I think it captures something of the same meaning. The word used with respect to her is about behavior and how she is toward and with others, imo. I think she's a dangerous, selfish, nasty piece of a human being, and she happens to be a woman.
If the word were used to keep her from being able to assert herself and to keep her in her place, I might feel differently. But she is nasty and cutting and discourteous to others. She's already got her fist around that brass ring and she's gonna OWN it in another couple months by hook or crook, goshdarnit. She has more than one machine carrying her to victory. I really do not think anyone is holding her down - I think she is holding others down. As far as I'm concerned, BITCH away.
I don't think I used the term in writing about her much, but that's not to say I don't think it.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
"Bitching," a verb, & "bitchy," an adjective, are equally
applied to both men and women, as far as I have heard and seen. They are descriptions of behavior, not attacks on one gender.
As long as we're willing to buy into the opposition between
economic injustice and other kinds of injustice--other kinds of injustice like racial bigotry expressing itself some other way than poverty, labor discrimination, housing discrimination; like sexist bigotry expressing itself some other way than poverty, labor discrimination, etc--
as long as we accept the idea that those forms of injustice are somehow opposed to one another, or not part of the same thing, we're going to have fights over which one trumps (heh) the others. And we'll have a lot of people screaming at the economic activists that they're racist and a lot of people screaming at the (somehow non-economic) anti-racists that they are contemptuous of working-class white people.
In a similar way, as long as we're willing to buy into the opposition between the problem of political corruption and the problem of other kinds of injustice--sexism, racism, etc.--then we'll have fights over which one trumps the others.
And, no matter which side of this issue you are on--whether it's Shiz' or CitizenofEarth's--if our main fight is over what we say on this site, rather than fighting the people who are destroying our world, then we have a problem.
I realize you could say I'm buying into the opposition btw this fight over who can say what and the fight to stop the destruction of the world. But that's because the fight over what we can say here tends to consume the attention of the site and make people hate on each other a lot.
One of two things is going to happen: either one side is going to leave in irritation, or the two sides are going to choose to work together, at least on some things.
My opinion is that, if I can stand with a bunch of Republican white guys in crew cuts against the NSA because I believe in the 4th amendment, I can stand with, say, a bunch of sexists if they want to join a fight for clean water against a gas company. That doesn't mean I endorse sexism. Sexism was the first form of oppression I ever encountered. If I don't talk about my abusive ex-stepfather on here, it's because I don't want to, not because I don't know what it's like to be a woman--in this case a girl child--oppressed by a man, and by this culture of male superiority which ensured that he got to hurt me for a long time.
I want us to survive. Both this site, and, more importantly, this planet. That's the bottom line for me.
I'll work with whoever I have to--as long as they are sincere about fighting the fight--so that we can survive.
IMO, if somebody is uncomfortable with something somebody else says, they should say "Hey, I'm uncomfortable with that." And if somebody said that to me, in most cases I'd say. "Oh. OK. I won't say that around you anymore." Now if somebody's "uncomfortable" because I say that I think 9-11 was an inside job, or that Hillary is taking blood money from Saudi Arabia, that's different. But if it's a simple word choice, I'd probably decide in favor of peace and quiet aboard this space station, to quote Jeffrey Sinclair.
On the other side, if I were the one who was uncomfortable, I'd probably understand that I wasn't going to get everybody who was using those words to do what I want. If it were only a few people who were unwilling to accomodate me, I'd probably just not go into those few people's diaries. If it's an endemic problem, then I'd have to decide whether it upset me enough to make me leave.
Bottom line: either one side will go off irritated, or both sides will decide to work together and make some accomodations.
I know what I'd prefer, but I'm the closest to not having a dog in this fight of pretty much anybody on this site.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
My question is this
Why do you give such power to other people's words?
Words have no meaning, nor power, unless we decide they do, right? What is it about that “word”, that bothers you so much?
I know for me, I am raw from this election season. I am burnt, crispy critter fried I tell ya. I “feel” nothing but RAGE, which if I analyze it, is a “function” of helplessness, raised exponentially by a factor of , gee, I dunna know a gazillion! Which translates into, I feel powerless.
But what comes out, is verbal vomit unleashed on a despicable beast of a person, I have zero goodwill towards. I think, and obviously I really can't speak for others, we all are feeling a bit of helplessness right now.
We have seen, in real time this time, an election stolen right from under our noses, and could do nothing about it.
We have seen our media lie straight through their teeth, while building up the worst GOP candidate since, shit I dunna know.
We have seen our president, who should be facing a firing squad, allow Wall Street to destroy our economy and keep their bonuses, and that Expletive (starts B and ends with itch) blamed the financial crisis on home owners!
Liar's loans are designed as instruments of fraud, period! (just saying...I used to be in real estate)
We continue to see our politicians lie, one right after the other, and we can do nothing about it. Our fellow citizens are suffering all across this country, but we feel helpless to do anything about it. (Flint anyone?)
We live in a time, when no matter what you say, it's wrong because, well media, the establishment, say so, and there's nothing we can do about it.
We see small victories here and there, but they are not enough to make a real difference. It's like a band aid on a severed leg, it ain't gunna do it.
Yet, we preserver, we write, we protest, we act up, act out, we bitch, moan groan, but still, we are left with the “reality”, there not much we can do, unless we start discussing crossing “red lines” and planning real action, but that boarders on violent revolution.
Which, it's looking more and more that it will come to that because the power that be, ain't letting things change for the betterment of the people of this planet, and that's what we really need to be discussing. (imho)
These policies by the “people in power' are killing this planet, and all of humanity with it, at what point do we become “justified” in taking it back? By any means necessary?
Mrs. Clinton is one of those people in power that isn't going to help change the world to make it a better place. Her policy prescriptions, well, are shit. Why use more words than necessary to describe what she or her policies amounts to? It's wasted energy, No?
Identity politics is nothing but a distraction from our real mission, change the fucking world for the better. And people like Mrs. Clinton and her ilk, need to go away, one way or another. (Forbes 100 is a nice place to start)
That is of course if we want humanity to survive. Because that's is what is at stake, so what “word(s)” are used to describe someone that needs to be facing a firing squad, don't really bother me.
There are sooo many things that are crashing down, on all of us, we sometimes have a hard time delineating who and what is the cause of our ire, and many will just do what is “easy” and call her a female dog, because taking the time to be politically correct, and articulate some eloquent words about such vileness, is like fucking praising Hitler! (pardon my French)
As someone who considers himself progressive, which to me means in part, I'm moving beyond allowing words to control my actions, feelings etc...not to mention allowing others the space to vent their helplessness (ie rage) with expletive filled diaries / essays, slamming that POS, and realizing, they too feel the same as me, RAGE!
I feel ya Shiz, I do, but, the rest of us (me anyway), are well, we're like fuck that worthless piece of shit (Hillary, not you). She doesn't deserve the time of day, much less any time devoted to “politically correct” language regarding whether she is human or a female dog. She doesn't deserve my time in a thesaurus to find other words to describe her. Period!
PEACE, LOVE, and I was in Colorado once, and I loved it!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Well said!
The collective rage that we feel this election cycle is forced "underground" with the media's and DNC's focus on everyone being "nice" and acting like nothing wrong happened. Thank God C99 is not a site where we have to continue this unhealthy deception!
Blogging here is very helpful to realize that you are not crazy to have this rage, and that yes others have it too, and yes the lies continue in the campaign and the media and the rage could continue even more...except we have a place to compare notes and realize that we ARE being lied to and we're not crazy.
I have no doubt that we will discuss deep future policies and make a difference; but first we cling to our sanity against the incessant hammering from the HRC campaign and media attempts to propagandize and demoralize us!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
This should seriously be a separate post
This is why I've been angered by this, right here:
I learned how to take a very dispassionate view of words on a number of levels, and I have done so for a very long time now. Words can never really hurt you unless you take them in and let yourself hurt. In other words, it's not the words, it's the reaction to them.
The Message Happens in the Receiver.
Great point. I'm susceptible to harm by words, I make my living off them in many ways, and my reputation can be damaged by them easily given the reach of Social Media.
That said, the message of words happens in the receiver. The one who hears it is the only one who knows exactly what it means.
I have learned to not believe that my internal sensors are infallible.
I find that understanding that the message I receive is perhaps not the message that was sent gives me the ability to shape that message to something a bit less damaging, and gives me the ability to successfully respond, whether in kind, or more often, or in a thoughtful productive manner.
I've been able to not have to correct people online any longer. I've learned that it is not necessary to be right all the time. People don't need to believe what I believe.
Anytime I argue on the internet or in public, I'm not just speaking to my opponent, but I'm speaking to the jury of my peers within earshot. This combined with "the Message Happens in the Receiver" have been huge ideas for helping me cope with being a bit out there compared to "normal" people.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Yeah, hate is a killer for everybody
I just took a look at Kos and it's an abusive, ugly, snake pit. Love Trumps hate.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Okay I quit calling the b word
a b word after the last meltdown of PC. One thing you should remember Shiz is that one of the major reason's many of us came here was because of censoring for perceived violations of PC language. I call Killary a 'Psycho killer' a lot, is that a slur on mentally ill people? No it's because she is a war criminal killer who relishes in killing people. We came we saw we killed. It is worth it. I don't want banning's
I would rather deal with people name calling then having to be constantly confronted with my supposed sexism or racism or whatever. In the face of the current real obscenities were witnessing globally it's hard not to refrain from name calling. I got lectured, Hr'd put in time out for 10 freaking years from the language/thought police about being a white privileged, sexist, racist, from the self righteous sisters lead by DO.
If this site starts doing this and language is curtailed to the point where say 'Pearl Clutching' or Drama Queens is sexist and not allowed or we can't talk about Hillary's corporate ugly blinding pants suits then I cannot stay here. She wears these clothes as they are Bad Ass tough manly and corporate and symbolize her breaking freaking corporate glass ceilings. Power suit throw backs.
I have been here for at least a year and I have not once read anyone using language like fag or the n-word or even the c-word. When I denigrate Hillary I'm not denigrating women, although i think she is a disgrace of a woman considering what she the harm, misery and killing she has used her power to implement.
As far as the repulsive obsession with Hillary's medical problems her bladder or head I try to avoid them altogether. Every once in a while I surcome to the urge to comment and tell them I just don't care about her health. It does make me sad when they get ton's of comments and really good essays get hardly any action.
My fear for this site is not the hate or bad language but the fact that many here are so involved in being reactionary to dkos politically yet are using the same style of partisan, candidate orientated, identity, politics. I don't like it when a cc99% member says I cannot condemn Bernie or I need to watch my 'tone' as it might offend the serious people who might read them. I just don't care anymore about these Democratic fuckers who run organize and own the party any of them.
I'm not a 'progressive'. The current definition of progressive is a disgrace to the real progressives who died and struggled for workers and basic human rights. These progressives also had problems of their own dealing with identity, decisiveness regarding race and gender issues. All in all I think this site is not racist, not sexist, not homophobic or xenophobic and is inclusive and respectful of all people's lives and universal human and civil rights. I guess it all depends on how one defines progress..
Once again this is a solution looking for a problem. Someone about a month ago called a kossack female in a comment thread a 'snake'. In my opinion and dealings with this person, she is a snake. Instead of debating the reason she was called a snake the commenter got called sexist then was lectured about his previous transgressions and 'tone' which to me were not sexist but right on the money.
I'm sorry you came upon comments that offended you as you considered them sexist. I do not want you to leave I hope you stay. On the other hand I cannot stay on a site that bans people or is punitive about bad names or non PC language or thought. I freaking dispise the so called 'progressive' Democrat's that I helped elect they are not progressive. I guess I'm a liberal in the old fashioned definition or a 'far lefty' theses days. Thing is there is no direction of left right center anymore as the pump don't work cause the vandals took the handle. Progressive always seemed to me a term that developed because of the dirty L word. If giving up the the b word will help you stay I'll do it voluntarily but i don't like these cry's for 'progressive' rules of language.
thanks, well said and amen. /nt
" I call Killary a 'Psycho killer' a lot,"
"Psycho killer" is a slur on psycho killers, and no other group.
Seeing the difference between that and "cunt" a slur, almost always on women, because something is supposedly terrible about female genitalia is truly not as difficult as some on this thread are making it out to be.
I don't want bannings, either, but some voluntary consideration would sure go a long way.
Have ypu ever read
the c-word here? I'm curious. I never have. How does calling her a bitch equate to endorsing slurs on female genitalia? That's just nuts and over the top PC bs. I'm a woman and my or Hillary's genitalia has nothing to do with why I call her a bitch.
My saying she's a bitch or has absolutely nothing to do with her female genitalia. How absurd. Voluntary consideration might also consider the Clinton's global horrific assaults on women globally instead of focusing on the words of derision you have decided are about female genitalia.
Hey I know a bitch or a dick female or male when I am constantly confronted with their sexist racist policy and agenda. I'm a woman and I'm not offended by bitch or dick or any other non PC words here. They are not aimed at genitalia but at these pols who betray all humans be they male, female, or people of color. Sorry but I don't think the word 'bitch' has a damn thing top do with genitalia, nor does 'dick' have a damn thing to do with male genitalia.
You may disagree but please stop saying these words denigrate 'groups' who they do not refer to. The slurs you are referring to are not targeted to a 'group'. They are slurs on the psycho killers who have absolutely no regard for the genitalia of the people they kill, imprison,dehumanize, and deprive of human and civil rights globally. So excuse me if this woman does not agree with your priggish definitions of PC and genital bs.
Clearly, you don't want a substantive response from me.
by the way, *have* you ever seen the c-word here?
I never have so I'm wondering if this is all a theoretical discussion.
Qualified reply:
1. No, I have not seen, and did not claim to have seen, the c word outside the context of a discussion like this. On the other hand, I have not been reading here very long or very thoroughly.
2. For purposes of the point I am trying to convey, I don't think it matters in principle if the name being called is "bitch" or "cunt." All are perjorative names or insults that are associated with women. We encounter "bitch" more, including on TV, so, strictly from the perspective of the shock value of a cuss word, "bitch" may seem more acceptable than "cunt." But it's not the shock value that troubles me.
"Pussy" is different because, while like "cunt," it is a word for female genitalia, it has long been used to describe men, but, of course, only to insult them by comparing them to women. I'm not sure what accounts for the historical difference in usage.
Whoever the terms are applied to, though, it's to insult someone by associating them with females. Many insults to gay men compare them to females.
ETA: It may be theoretical as to this board. I just cannot say, one way or the other.
this whoooole discussion
isn't about whether or not people have actually used such language here, extremely isolated incidents aside.
this discussion is about thought-policing hypotheticals amongst people, the vast majority of whom don't use the language anyway. it's about people needing the entire group to agree with them, regardless of the scope of the issue.
in short, it's pointless, divisive drama.
While your comment just sings cumbayah?
This kind of discussion takes place in many venues, not only here, and various people always have different points of view. It's no more nor less a pointless, divisive discussion than the discussion of any other topic as to which people have divergent views.
it's been hashed
and re-hashed how many times in the past week?
and it's going nowhere. so sorry, but no. this isn't about divergent views anymore, it's about hey, let's stir some shit.
If you believe something, it must be true for everyone?
Does the number of threads in the past week determine that no poster on one of these threads can possibly be sincere?
Is it possible the only poster whose motives you actually know is you?
I have no idea how many threads have been started here about this. I saw Stephen's and this one. On the other hand, I am not sure that the number of threads about a topic in a week is as meaningful as you seem to think it is.
How many threads have there been on Hillary's health? I am not sure what that means, other than that some people are interested in discussing her health.
ETA: i also saw Can'tStoptheSignal's thread.