Jake Tapper interviews Hyena
Submitted by Alligator Ed on Sat, 09/03/2016 - 9:05pm
Didn't think it could be done but--well, watch for yourselves.
Never mind the picture of Trey Gowdy, the Fun starts at minute One.

That is very disturbing to watch.
So surreal. Generations to come are going to wonder what we were sniffing to be so high as to let this be the way the country is run.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I can't watch, sorry
I'm afraid I'll smash my tablet.
Watching this piece of human garbage is very upsetting to me. She makes me very angry.
Hyena is right
Sound like a good lying to congress trial/suit is coming soon. Can't come soon enough.
I found this when I was putting together the weekly watch. I hope CNN is right!
CNN Made a Jill Stein Campaign Promo Just in Case Hillary Clinton Drops Out 29th August 2016
2,951 views 4 days ago
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The DoJ has received a referral
Requesting that she be investigated for perjury before Congress.
Watch Trey Gowdy's questions, please
Trey Gowdy is right. The questions he was asking Comey are the right questions. They are the very same questions that many of us here (myself inclulded) have been asking for months.
Clinton's nervous laugh is grating, but I think it is also a big tell that she knows she is lying.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hyena's crackling chortle = A Tell
Aay-yup. gulfgal98 nails it again!
"Benghazi" became a "joke" at GOS, their version of the cackle - trying to deflect from the fact that it was Gowdy ( and his staff) disclosing the truth, about the private email server - we kinda have to even thank Sidney Blumenthal for this one too.
She's hiding - front page ( hard copy) of today's New York Times has great article: "Clinton Uses Access to Woo The Ultrarich" - so looks like even Amy Chozick & Jonathan Martin are getting tired of the Hyena!
Think we have to reverse the ole adage "you can run but you can't hide."
I've noticed that there's been an uptick
in the number of letters in the local rag, claiming the world will end if the CF is shut down.....
Despite the fact that the CF is notably inefficient in charitable giving, and that there are a lot of charities out there, doing good work in various fields, and making better use of donations.
But......... AIDS!!
from a reasonably stable genius.
The Gates foundation
Also has hiv/AIDS efforts. So there are other options.
You failed to mention that the Potholder Suit shows again ;-)
True, we only glimpse it from behind, but there are those here who follow her fashion trends...
(Ok, I can't keep from saying it: she went OUT in that?!)
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
News sources
Finally given up on NYT, WashPost, never HuffPo, MSNBC. Know most of the "good ones" we all read, but seriously - time to learn to find new "sources" which I used to frown upon...
Well, well, well.
So Cheryl Mills is up to her eyeballs in the search for work emails on the server.
I'm sure if they haven't already, JW will be asking for the info from Ms. Mill's FBI interview to be added to the exhibits in their lawsuit.
Maybe you enjoyed this tidbit from the Post article--I did
I'll have to review the JW deposition of Mills because it seems that the answers don't conform with each other.
Question for attorneys: If a client and their attorney jointly commit a crime, does that negate the lawyer-client confidentiality privilege?
Trey Gowdy
Before I was aware of how evil, greedy, and destructive the Clintons are (before Bernie and C99%), I thought that Trey Gowdy was just another tea party goon, out for Democratic blood. Now that the truth is out and after seeing this brilliant video snippet, I have come to admire Gowdy, one of the few politicians in power who is asking the right questions and coming to the right conclusions. Obama administration flunkies like Comey and Lynch sure aren't.