Have We Forgotten What Bernie Sanders Taught Us?
I have been a supporter of Bernie Sanders for years. He and I are of an age. I was thrilled when he started up a revolution of positive change. Take a close look at the word positive. One of the definitions of positive from Merriam-Webster is " indicating, relating to, or characterized by affirmation, addition, inclusion, or presence rather than negation, withholding, or absence ." It is change we can believe in.
Sanders campaign dealt with actual policies. He told us what needed to be changed. He put forth positives like free tuition, a living wage, getting big money out of politics, etc. Here is a primer of his stances to remind you what we are fighting for.
I came over to Caucus 99 to get away from the hatred and negativity at the Daily Kos Front Page. You click on some of the diaries there and you can read the bile and absolute hatred oozing out of the words with personal attacks towards anyone they disagree with. The absolute refusal to even look at the truth in many cases is glaring. Truth doesn't fit their narrative so truth gets thrown away.
Bernie Sanders taught us to fight the issues not the personalities. He never stooped to personal insults to get his point across. He is the antithesis of Donald Trump. Sanders had us look at the issues and solutions to problems. He knows you can not correct problems with rhetoric. You have to have thought out solutions.
As I have mentioned before I don't do political that often but a diary yesterday really made me furious. As my brother has said don't piss off the red-headed Irishwoman. This diary was a nasty hit piece claiming the President did not care about the Louisiana flood victims and was just playing golf. As we saw today and as the Louisiana Governor has said repeatedly that is not true. The facts that this diary ignored were 1) President Obama has been on the phone with the Louisiana Governor since day one 2) FEMA has been in touch with the Louisiana Governor since day one 3) the Governor has had no complaints about the President or FEMA and that it is in contrast to Katrina and everyone on the Federal side did their job and 4) the Governor asked the President to wait until after the rescue efforts were done before coming because it would take away resources in helping flood victims if the President were there and resources were needed to protect the President of the United States. Contrast the actions of the President with Donald Trump who ignored the request not to come because it hindered rescue efforts. Contrast the Play-Doh from Trump with the instructions from the President of who to contact to help the victims.
I can understand that not everyone is happy with Obama. I can understand that everyone is not happy with Hillary Clinton. However Caucus 99 is supposed to be different from the Daily Kos and their Clinton trolls. When we engage in the same behavior as they do, when we throw out lies, and personal insults we are acting contrary to what brought us together in the first place which is the passion and vision on Bernie Sanders.
I would ask those who are writing hit pieces about Sanders betraying us to look at reality. The reality is that we were robbed of the election and Sanders knows it. The reality is that he was threatened by the next Senate Majority Leader Charles Shummer with having all his leadership roles taken away so he could do nothing in the Senate. There have been a lot of whisperings that Sanders and his family were threatened if he did not come on board. Threaten a person's ideas and he can fight back but threaten his family and he has no choice but to do what he has to to protect his loved ones.
We have plenty to go after Clinton with in her ideas and what she has done. We do not need to descend to schoolyard behavior and name calling. Sanders showed us how to fight ideas. Have we forgotten already? Since when do our diaries mirror the vile hated of the Daily Kos Clintonites?
We have an enemy to fight and his name is Donald Trump. We need to unite in fighting him not each other. We need to take the high road or the people we are trying to convince to vote against Trump will rightly be able to say that there is no difference betweens Trump's hateful rhetoric and our own. You fight for beliefs and ideas you don't sink to denigrating individuals you disagree with. I am more than willing to use facts, examples, and proof to fight Trump. I am not willing to descend to the hateful name calling he engages in. I've made my choice now you need to make yours.

Shiz, off the top of my head,
There was the initial diary of aoue. So many people piled on for little or no reason. One person's justification was aoue hurt their fee-fees long ago at the kos. Go back through the comments of martianexpatriot's first diary. Look at annieli's diary where nearly everyone pulled out the knives with one person even claiming they went through a long timeline of her posts that proved she was an obvious Hillery shill. This was called to question by me and one other person who also went through Ann's comment history saying they saw no sign of Hill shilling.
I maintain there's a segment of this site that have such a nasty taste from kos still in their mouth they find the need to initially spit at anything reminiscent of over there.
Trying to peck this on a kindle and keep my thoughts together while changing keyboards, auto wrong, losing the page because i missed the spacebar, and constant backspacing because my gorilla fingers cover three keys, demonstrates how sincere I am about this. I'm sure I left a lot out to make my thoughts more clear, or jumbled a word or two, but I already have over twenty minutes into this post.
Shiz, I always enjoyed your posts and diaries at kos. Here, not so much. I hope you work through whatever to get you back to your happy place. Being constantly on the attack ages people quick.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Srsly, when you see posts like that, alert the moderators
I find them to be good about sorting out on the one hand letting everyone have their say on issues, and on the other hand telling people to cut out the personal attacks. We need that until everyone gets over their attack tendencies/PTSD from TOP.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
ec, often a day can pass before I recognize what happened.
See ghotiphase's (sp? sorry!) comment above. A little flock of floaters made it here on flotsam and several were kicked out.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I think I missed those attacks at the time too.
But that's what the moderators are for. They're just a Caucmail away. I certainly don't want anyone to wait for me to do it, because I don't read everything fresh either. It's unfortunate that those things happen from time to time, but I agree with those who say that overall, it's way better here. And we want to keep it that way!
So if those who made trouble were kicked out at the time, good! I'm sure the mods used a reasonably correct amount of patience, because I've seen them in action on other issues.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I was completely with you until the last
paragraph and then ya had to go and make it personal. Nice.
I would have said "thank you for the information", honestly, and I would've checked out what you said and looked up those diaries, but now I'm not very interested since, apparently, I have shit to "work through" in order to appease you.
I'm really sorry to inform you, but I don't write for anyone else but myself. I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but if you don't like it, don't read it.
Jesus H. Christ.
I miss Colorado.
FWIW, I think you do rant. But you rant in a very funny way.
I usually like your posts. Ya gotta be you.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Personal attacks on a fellow poster
are, to my mind, very different from attacks on professional politicians.
The idea that no one will call a politician names in real life or on a political message board is fanciful.Attacks on politicians come with the territory. If you really don't want to be attacked on your positions, your wardrobe, your drinking or anything else, you should not run for office but it will happen, as sure as the sun rises in the east. And, according to the Supreme Court, our constitution contemplates it will happen. Further, it's highly unlikely that Hillary or any other politician is reading message boards on the net. I think state politicians do at least read their own facebook pages. I doubt federal politicians even read their own facebook pages, though they may write some of their own posts for them. Same with tweets.
A person who becomes a message board poster on a board whose terms of service prohibit personal insults has not, however, signed up to be insulted personally. A poster is also much likelier to see, and be hurt by, personal insults on a message board than a politician will.
I am for obeying rules and not insulting fellow posters personally. I am not much of a name caller myself, but I am not going to demand that no one do that, which, again, is fanciful. If I disagree and care enough to reply, I will. That is my understanding of how a political message board that prohibits personal insults should work.
Personal attacks are usually the tactic when someone can't
argue the point or policy coherently, which was the modus operandi at TOP - don't like the message, attack the messenger.
But I would like to address the point you make about insulting politicians - I personally find sophomoric name-calling attacks to be self-defeating on the part of the poster and it makes me distrust the rest of their comment or not even be interested in their comment, which would be too bad if some good point got obscured because of the need to make the easy insult
I'm talking about things like calling HRC "Hildebeast" or President Obama "the Kenyan" or other names. It's one of the most repellent things about reading comments in newspapers - they are filled with people calling progressives "libtards", etc. A long time ago I used to post about Rethuglicans, Repugnicans, etc, when I suddenly realized I sounded just as ignorant as the people I was railing against, it devalued my writing, and it alienated any potential reader I might hope to persuade.
I used to post at Firedoglake (under a different nom de plume) which had some of the best commenters and topics and knowlege on the planet. Then one day, it seemed like overnight, it was invaded by posters who weren't content with discussing Obama's disastrous policies, they had to salt their comments with all kinds of racist allusions. It was truly disgusting. The moderation was non-existent even though I emailed the moderators numerous times. I finally just gave up and left. I actually think that was some kind of concerted attempt to kill the site; I know it was successful in driving me off. I think people should be aware of tactics like this and recognize it when they see it. There are such things as community standards and mores which should be upheld in the interest of protecting your own self-respect and the respect others give to a site.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Hear, hear!
I try to make it a policy to use names that those I am talking about seem to prefer, for all of the fine reasons that you mention. Politicians are famous for using terms of respect when they talk to each other, and even for saying "my friend xxx, with whom I sometimes disagree" as a way of not slamming the door in someone's face before you've even had a chance for a bit of dialog.
My one exception is to use the phrase "forced birthers" because that is in fact what they are, and I am just tired of their entire self-righteous, holier-than-thou schtick. If you truly care about the infant, you need to also care about the child; and if you truly care about the child, you need to care about the adult. If you don't, you are not "pro-life" and such a label is simply either deception or self-deception and I am not willing to be a part of it any longer.
A tangent, but the so called pro life movement
does tend to be pro-military, jingoistic, rah rah war, and anti-poor kids and adults. I have never considered them pro-life, only anti-choice. The Pope is against war and for economic justice, so he is truly pro life--for hetero males or totally celibate gay males.
Originally, they called themselves "anti-abortion" and the pro-choice movement originally called itself "pro-abortion.: Then the pro-choice movement, correctly realizing that no one is really pro-abortion per se, changed its name to pro-choice. Not long after that, the anti-abortion movement decided that it did not want to be known only as being against something. They wanted to be known as being for something. Hence, "pro life." However, "pro choice" is accurate; "pro life" is not.
As my post said, I am not much of a name caller, even
of public figures. However, the first time or two I see someone else posting something like Her Royal Heinous, I do smile.
I also posted at Firedoglake under a different name, too, which I have since forgotten. Of the boards I've posted on, which total 7, I think, I enjoyed that one the least. I was there during the Chelsea Manning trial.
Interesting you say there was no moderation because I could not get anyone to tell me why one of my posts had been hidden. As you may have picked up, I post on issues without going personal unless someone attacks me personally (no one had) and I have never made a bigoted post in my life. So the hide was befuddling, but not the reason I left. I did get called a troll a lot by some of the posters because I criticized some Democrats and otherwise did not hold back. I did not see the kinds of posts you described, though.
I need to amend my prior response.
You of course, may and should post as you wish. I've never used names like Rethuglican or Repuke. I didn't find them funny or clever even the very first time I saw them and, at this point, they've been used to death to boot. I've certainly never called Obama a Kenyan because I'm not a birther or certain other names because I am not a bigot.
It has been occurring to me, however, that I have never been able to bring myself to refer to Bush the Lesser simply by his name. In addition, some people are so vile that I have gone so far as to use "POS," the Sultan of Brunei being only one such person. So, perhaps I am more of a name caller than I realized initially.
If people think that I'm stupid or that everything I've said or posted is stupid because of that, so be it. Perhaps I would not go so far as "What other people think of me is really none of my business" (Originator Unknown), but I can't take responsibility for every wrong impression of me anyone forms, either.
As a general response,
I don't think posts that start threads should be attempts to control what other posters say. If you disagree with what they say, dispute/refute it on substance, or move on to another post. I don't know how much that will accomplish, but it will probably accomplish more than lecturing adults about posting things you don't agree with.
I responded to your economic assumptions about Democrats upthread. http://caucus99percent.com/comment/161105#comment-161105
I also want to respond to this comment of yours:
Although you call those things reality, I don't see a thing that supports them, anymore than I saw a thing that supports your assumption that Hillary will be good for OASDI. The existence of H2O is a reality. Drone killings are a reality. The belief that Sanders was threatened, professionally or personally is an unsupported theory. You are certainly entitled to your unsupported opinions, assumptions and theories. But, be aware of the difference between them and facts or reality.
Also, even if Schumer did threaten Sanders with loss of certain Senate positions, so what? Titles don't prevent Sanders from getting things done in the Senate. He can still write bills and amendments and negotiate for their passage. He can still make speeches. Sanders collected many, many millions of dollars from his supporters. None of it was based on supporting Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party or keeping his Senate honors if he didn't win. I am not faulting him for doing any of that, but I did not make financial sacrifices for him to hang on to titles, even if Schumer did threaten him--and we have zero proof of that. If Sanders was threatened, I think he owes it to his donors to say so. I am not going to concoct a cover story for him.
There are many message boards that censor what can be written about politicians. Those of us who oppose that kind of censorship have far fewer choices and many of us are here because of that.
BTW, one thing this campaign has driven home to me is how very little ANYone gets done in the very expensive Senate or the even more expensive House. In eight years in the Senate, Hillary seems to have written zero bills or amendments that became law, apart from things like observing July 4 or re-naming post offices. In 25 years in Congress, Sanders did the Veteran's bill with McCain and maybe one or two other good bills. He did do at least one great amendment in the House that added billions to health care. Apparently, a Senator averages passing something like 2.5 bills a year that he or she wrote--and those 2.5 may be purely ceremonial. We should all be screaming about how blessed little our very expensive government gets done that really benefits us. I could not possibly care less what they name post offices.
Off-topic $$ saving, time savings: let's make all renamings
public, by committee, whatever, no more national days of hot dogs or Ice Cream Sundaes. Remove ceremony from Congress, it befuddles them.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
There goes the 2.5 bills a Senator gets passed every year.
What are you trying to do? Ruin their reputations?
If Dems and Repubs have time to “crown” Sun Myung Moon “messiah”
and then claim they didn’t know who he was and what to expect from him . . .
I bet even Donald Trump knows who Sun Myung Moon is. Good grief, no wonder Congress has single-digit ratings.
I wonder if campaign donations were involved?
I mean, their staffers know how to use The Google, even if they don't, right?
i will now write something positive...
elections are not the only way for the people to exert control over the government and its officials (elected and otherwise).
elections are a rather quite limited tool for expressing the will of the people. there are much more effective tools in the people's toolbox.
if an election goes badly there is recourse for the people.
this site is not about elections. it is not about parties.
it is about the 99% and their interests.
Joe, I just want to know I understand you correctly
You talk about much more effective tools in the people's toolbox to exert control over the government and its officials. And what is the recourse for the people?
Do you believe or meant to say with this comment, that this site, C99p, is an effective tool and the recourse?
I understand that the 99% can voice their opinions on this site. I need a lot of hope and faith to believe that this is an effective tool, but I start to believe it's the only tool we have.
That's the only reason, why I support the site in spirit, even if I can't offer much. And I decided for myself to be stubborn and not give up on trying to do SOMETHING about the utter loss of control over government and loss of democracy (imo),
Just wanted to know if there are other SOMETHINGS we could do than writing and talking here and if you know of other tools and other recourses.
I think if everything fails and people lose hope, the only solution is to stay stubborn to your guns and not give up.
So, to all, don't give up.
You can change things at a state level
Perhaps the most modern change has been Marijuana laws in the western states. Medical is already legal in 24 states. Right now it still against federal law but if it gets to critical mass where more states have those laws than don't they will change the law.
The newest thing on the horizon is Colorado care. If they can pass it and make it work we will see other probably western states take it up. That is how things change while having a sympathetic figure head helps but is not necessary. The president is just a figure head.
I will tell you from the perspective of a Washingtonian and some one who has studied history big changes on a federal level only come after several states change them often spitting in the eye of federal law.
thx, pswaterspirit, that at least gives me some direction
to look on my state, which is MD. I often give up some thoughts or plans that tortures my mind, so I am grateful for any sort of "limited and local" approach.
hi mimi...
i was speaking of the power of mass social movements to force the powers that be to accept change. c99 is only a small (but quite enchanting) part of a mass social movement that is forming.
"Our" Goal is to defeat Trump?
That may be YOUR goal but that's not mine. After the #DNCLeaks, the Convention, and Bernie's demoralizing capitulation (for whatever reason), I #DemExited and will be voting for a platform and a party that reflects MY values.
My vote is mine. Your vote is yours.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Yeah, who's "we," Keemosabe?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
My goal is to defeat Clinton
as a way to promote and protect the best interests of the 99%.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I too would like to see more issues posts and fewer personality
posts, but I'm not going to get upset with people who write the opposite. We're not the boss of each other. I think your best bet is to address the issues you want to see addressed, as you have time and energy to address them.
I do think that if you are counting on Clinton to protect SS and Medicare, you are likely to be severely disappointed. I don't think either Trump or Clinton give a rat's rump about us "little people". Please consider voting Jill, she's the only progressive left in the race.
If Jill doesn't get high enough numbers to win, then I think the winner will be Hillary. She is running to the right and picking up Repug votes. So she'll take away most of Trump's votes. I don't think progressives have to worry. If Hill was worried that she needed us, she'd be courting us instead of letting CTR slap us around.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Voting Green
and the mere IDEA there is an alternative to the masquerade of the duo-play is helping me keep my perspective. Otherwise, the thought of election fraud, Hilliary's "progressive" advocacy as the only thing protecting us from the greed and antipathy of TPTB, and the absence of the Fourth Estate, would depress me beyond the point of fighting back. And fighting back is what we must never stop doing. So whatever gets us there. Do.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Well. After this airing of grievances do you guys feel better.
Michelle, I understand your feelings. I've thrown a few temper tantrums here, railing at the grumpypants that seem to do nothing but complain and say that all is lost. It probably didn't do any good.
Are you a member at r/jillstein and r/wayofthebern? I find them encouraging.
Now I will turn the site back over to the grumpypants. Enjoy.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Can you be more specific?
Step away and long look, lc
We are all grumpy now, it's August and dog days and back-to-school and yet another tax month for me in September. Lemon sun today here.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
We do have an enemy to beat
But that enemy is not Trump. You stressed the importance of the issues, and if you believed that the issues are more important than personalities, you wouldn't be labelling Trump as the one that needs to be defeated. Yeah, he's a xenophobic racist knucklehead. But that's his personality. When it comes to the issues, he is disturbingly better than Clinton is. Clinton has a track record of supporting issues that go directly against the interests of the people of not just the US, but of every other country around the globe. Yeah, Trump doesn't really have a political career to compare, but based on the things he's said in the past, well before any inkling of running a campaign for presidency in 2016 had entered his mind, all the way to now, he is verbally better on most of the issues. And politically, he is a safe vote, because it guarantees a continuation of the gridlock we are facing now, as opposed to the colluded fucking over of the people that congress would enact with Her Heinous in charge. Plus, Trump has no interest in a war with Russia, while Hillary has basically promised that we would get one with her in charge.
They are both our enemy, and we have to defeat both of them. We can't sit around and accept lesser evilism. That's what got us our first consecutive two term president to have been at war every single day they've been in office. That's what got us pay or die medical coverage. That's what got us rising income inequality. Lesser evilism has done nothing but deliver to us evils we wanted to avoid. Stop voting for evil altogether, and fight for the greater good. Join the green party, at least for now, and vote against evil. Then grow that party, or make a new one and fight to make it relevant. Either way, strive to fight against evil rather than vote for it and be evil yourself.
Bernie, Billary, Obomber or 'The Hairball'
are politicians. The lesson I learned from Bernie's campaign was very positive. I learned that there are 43+ million people who said enough is enough. Bernie gave voice to the 99% but he is not their 'leader' or the answer. No pol is. This movement is not going anywhere. It's global and it will grow. I respect people not pols. The movement Bernie engendered in the primary already knew what was going on.
It's not like Bernie taught them what they see with their own eyes and have lived through. Us not them. Us does not mean the thoroughly corrupt neoliberal/neocon Democratic Party. Even the so called 'progressives' including Bernie that we elect fold like a cheap tent and take part in the fake DC kabuki show. We get betrayed/screwed and told it's a 'victory for compromise. Both parties are complicit and their agenda has nothing to do with democracy, justice or equality. 'Don't follow leaders and watch the parking meters.'
No one has forgotten what Bernie taught us. It's up to 'we the people'.
As for Obama forget about it. He was a immoral talented marketeer that sold the people a pocket full of empty hope. It really gave me hope when after being bait and switched in 2008 people were able to rally themselves to respond and support Bernie's 99% message. I think that the first thing people need to do is let go of the concept that a strong political leader is needed. I don't think any political revolution is going to happen within the broken beyond repair lawless oligarchical duopoly that is entrenched on our government and globally on every level local, state and national. It is up to people to pry this blood sucking vampire off humanities face.
My advise to you is to buck up. Your and all of our SS and Medicare and any social net is gone daddy gone regardless of which evil puppet gets crowned. As for negativity lol. Do you read the news? What's to be positive about politically speaking. Me I find it positive that despite the grip of transnational tyranny globally people still have the courage to take these fuckers on. It's always been an ongoing battle but remember that humans developed the democratic concepts that keep the wolves from their doors.
I applaud people for supporting Corbyn, Bernie, or any movement political or in the streets that empowers humans to take it back. Fear only keeps you bound to your oppressors. This fucked up world as it is is not inevitable. The power mad people always say it is but they inevitably get reined in. People have power when they decide not to give their consent to be governed. They find away to pry them off.
As for cc99% it is not a partisan blog it's not a pol worshiping blog or a fan club. So take heart and stop pumping fear at the people here who came here because they do buy into the authoritarian bs. that says this is all you can get. I don't care about Bernie, Hillary,Obama or any freaking pol of mass deception. I will vote just cause they want us not to participate and I'm stubborn. Who I vote for is nobody's beeswax and if someone doesn't vote that's fine it's their vote not to vote.
As much as you don't like the complaining, negativity or name calling of pols or bogus political parties I don't like having this site become a place that's all about the pols persona's or the ridiculous propaganda of fear and loathing pumped out both online and via the media. Maybe if you lost some of your fear your misplaced anger at the rest of us could be used to figure out how to take these assholes who rule the world on.
I agree with you.
I think that the first thing people need to do is let go of the concept that a strong political leader is needed. I don't think any political revolution is going to happen within the broken beyond repair lawless oligarchical duopoly that is entrenched on our government and globally on every level local, state and national. It is up to people to pry this blood sucking vampire off humanities face.
"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us."--Jerry Garcia
The movement Bernie engendered in the primary already knew what was going on. This is also an incredibly important point, one that's often forgotten on the left: our primary job right now shouldn't be educating the ignorant, hypnotized masses. There's a hell of a lot of them that already see what we see (if maybe not in as much detail). What needs to be done is to build an actual infrastructure they can use to change their world. But it's a heavy, heavy lift, because we're surrounded by really horrible entrenched power.
Still, what else are we doing?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
One last bit of positive news.
One person on r/jillstein talked personally with a person connected with the effort in VA and was assured that we would probably make it there, too. Here's hoping.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
And another one.
Article by student editor at Florida International University. Wiki says they have a circulation of about 7500.
Rejoice and go forth and have a good day.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
While Trump & $hillary are both terrible candidates...
I'll go with $hillary being the "Greater Evil."
Doesn't matter I'll be voting for Jill Stein...
Unless a bolt of lightning flashes down from above and vaporizes $hillary in a flash of plasma and the democratic party decides to run Bernie Sanders...
Wishful Thinking...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
"We have an enemy to fight and his name is Donald Trump."
See, what's really important in life is we be totally opposed to the buffoon and decoy who's currently busy taking down the Republican Party by himself while his major-party opponent courts Republicans.
What we should really be worried about, y'know, is that his opponent, with obvious advantages in organization and funding, can't win by herself, so we need to support her with all our might, so that... what was the goal again?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
The goal
The goal of the powers that be (oligarchy) and their servants (the Rs and the Ds):
"Be afraid. Be very afraid."
Because a terrified and terrorized populace is very easy to control and manipulate.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone