The TPP ( or The Trump Pledge )
We all know that Shillary is gonna cave on the TPP. She wants those oligarchy neoliberal dollars flowing through her foundation and will not risk that. Shillary was for the TPP before she was against it. We all know that she " changed her mind " or " evolved " on the issue only because Bernie forced her to. She will be right back supporting it after the election.
I am sure she is telling foreign powers not to worry b/c she is for it RIGHT NOW!
I am as sure of that as I am of anything.
Shillary would sell out your jobs and our democracy and constitution to foreign corporations and banksters. You believe that don't you? I sure as hell do. That is what Clintons do. Bill Clinton said lies all lies when he signed the NAFTA :
" In a few moments, I will sign the North American free trade act into law. NAFTA will tear clown trade barriers between our three nations. It will create the world's largest trade zone and create 200,000 jobs in this country by 1995 alone. The environmental and labor side agreements negotiated by our administration will make this agreement a force for social progress as well as economic growth. Already the confidence we've displayed by ratifying NAFTA has begun to bear fruit. We are now making real progress toward a worldwide trade agreement so significant that it could make the material gains of NAFTA for our country look small by comparison. "
You think $hillary is any different?
One of the politicians in the next election has a chance to defeat Clinton and the TPP. That is Donald Trump. No other politician has a chance. You are wrong and fooling youself if you believe other wise. Gary Johnson has no chance. Jill Stein has no chance. This is what Mr. Trump has to say about the TPP :
" She supported (the North American Free Trade Agreement), and she supported China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization — another one of her husband’s colossal mistakes. She supported the job-killing trade deal with South Korea. She supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership. "
There is only one way to stop the TPP and that is with another TTP. That is THE TRUMP PLEDGE. Study shows that people who make a pledge are more likely to vote in the fall. So make a pledge! Vote this fall. I will start :
Now all you got to do is copy that in a comment below and we are set. Then we will beat the TPP with the TTP!

Even *saying* you’re gonna without actually doing it will help.
Remember, 99 percenters: if you can’t put the fear of G~d into rich Clintonites, at least you can put the fear o’ Trump into ’em.
(no subject)/nt
Or the next cycle of humanity destroying itself.
Scientists are regularly finding evidence of civilizations/societies of humans that lived on this planet thousands and thousands of years before we thought possible. Those civilizations all disappeared so thoroughly that there was no thread of recorded history from one to the next.
We can't read their calendars. We don't understand their artifacts. We don't know what caused their problems.
It seems pretty clear to me, looking at those in power in this world that humanity is on the downward slide to self destruction again. Insatiable greed that will destroy every plant, every source of drinking water. Enslave or poison or bomb every person who is not rich. Loss of morals, loss of judgement, Just greed and more greed. I don't think that people like Hillary and Donald and Debbie can get off that train. I don't think it's possible for them to evolve in time to save themselves or the species of life formerly thriving in this time on this planet. Maybe it's just what our species does.
Perhaps humans have a cycle like salmon. We have swum up river, and now all but a few of us are going to die. Maybe we are just programed that way.
I have no need to beat you, I just want to go my way."~ Malcolm Renyolds
That makes even “The Screwfly Solution” look good in comparison
If it’s a choice between our programming destroying the entire web of life, or (as in the fictitious plot of the short story) our programming causing “only” the demise of Homo sapiens as a species . . .
I like that quote you use for your sig line.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Nope, nope. A vote for Trump is a vote for a racist warmonger.
Granted, so is a vote for Hillary. Vote Jill.
Hill is running to the right. Let her get the majority of Repub votes. Jill can win this thing with a coalition of the moderate to the left. I told my somewhat conservative parents about her and they're ready to vote for her. They can't stand the D or the R.
The TPP is a done deal. Lame duck Obama and the lame duck Congress will pass it in December when it doesn't change their election prospects, knowing everyone will have forgotten all about its origins by 2018. Nobody is pledging to repeal that sucker if it gets passed, nor will they. Well Trump might, but he has contradictory statements every other day and twice on Sundays. You can't believe a word he says.
This is the best opportunity we have ever had to vote in a President from a third party (if they don't hack the voting machines) - both candidates have giant unfavorables and there's only a smidgen of difference between them. So vote your hopes, not your fears. If they do hack the voting machines, then it doesn't matter how you vote. But lodge your protest vote in case TPTB look at the actual results before they change them.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
No way no how.
You have chosen to waste your vote. Even if you believe the bullshit about Nader in Florida in 2000 that was a one in a million shot. Jill Stein may be a one in ten million shot. At the very worst Trump is a one in ten shot.
I despise the TPP and Her Royal Pigglyness but I can live with Donald. At worst he will be an absentee slumlord and that's what America deserves for taking our jobs. You can kinda not like Her Royal Bovineness or you can do something about it. Here's my pledge
How is my vote wasted? You're going to vote for the lying
warmonger or the lying warmonger. That seems like more of a waste to me. Instead of trying to find the smidgen of difference between them, vote for the one you like, which isn't either of them.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Lame Duck ratification
I'm afraid Congress will ratify the Tea PeePee during the lame duck session after Election Day, giving the new President plausible deniability so that Trump and Clinton can both pretend to oppose it. Bernie is working in the Senate to prevent this, and I wish him luck, but the odds are against him due to the "fast track" legislation that both Pence and Kaine voted for.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
As a long
time Trade Unionist and Union member/officer I have to say this. The TPP will be the nail in working America's coffin. Having said that I have to say this. There is more at stake here than just the TPP. If we don't address Climate Change all the TPPs in the world aren't going to matter. Not to mention neoliberal driven wars and the ever increasing wealth gap. Now before you say the TPP and wealth gap are tied together, don't forget we've had this ever expanding transfer of wealth for the last 30+ years. clinton, trump or johnson are not the answers. Bernie was my hope to change some of these issues. Now I'm going with Jill. There is no other choice for me.
There's a report today that a person in Siberia died of Anthrax
contracted from a thawed corpse of an animal that is several thousand years old. Apparently diseases are coming back to life after being dormant in the frozen tundra.
Global climate change will have ramifications that aren't predictable and it seems that climate scientists have been too conservative in their estimates of the rapidity of climate change.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The Siberian anthrax story is days old, med staff in now
to the remote village telling folks there to "Cut it out!" No eating frozen foods, or something.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
When the queen has had her coronation, that can be the new presidential meme. "thanks Obama" can pass, and the social media can then say "cut it out" as an answer to everything that is wrong.
We will all be very tired of it, I expect. Right now, it's brilliant.
I have no need to beat you, I just want to go my way."~ Malcolm Renyolds
I've said this several times...
Scientist - by their nature - are (small c) conservative. When encountering an un estable variable, they will pick a value that they feel they can defend. So when dealing with global warming, they do not take into account feedback loops, because there is no model until there is observation. So they don't factor them in - or if they do, they pick a number they feel they can defend. Also, there is EXTREME pressure to be wrong about the affects of global warming. So if they come up with a model, it will almost always be wrong - on the conservative side.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Moving left, center, or right, Hillary does not really care
as long as she gets elected.
There’s little reason to digest it as anything other than what it is ... pandering.
i will burn at the stake
rather than vote for that filthy, disgusting, Hairballian Thanatos pig.
That's my pledge.
"Clown trade barriers" are the worst
The last two Hillary TV ads I saw featured:
Max Boot (CFR/PNAC neocon warmonger)
Charles Krauthammer (contributing editor to the Weekly Standard)
Bill O'Reilly (Faux News Channel bloviator)
George Will (Faux News Channel contributor and climate science denier)
Willard (Mitt) Romney (former Tea-GOP presidential candidate and 1 Percenter)
There are no ads with progressives endorsing Hillary. Hillary does not want progressives and independents to vote for her.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Still lesser of two evil's voting...
for a solid "Maybe".
Problem is that the TPP would be beneficial to Trump personally. Therefore, I trust him to only do the right thing for...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I never put that together.
Can you explain which aspect of the agreement benefits Donald Trump in a very personal way? Is it something specific in the agreement that other trade agreements don't provide?
We wouldn't get tpp, but than
We wouldn't get tpp, but than fracking would continue, so would climate change. He would dispense with the estate tax, and lower taxes on the rich some more, not to mention mainstreaming the kkk. Still pick your poison. I am voting for Jill Stein.
How does "he" do that?
Does the President have the power to kill the Estate tax? Since neither Party will work with him, how could he get such a bill passed? Would he write the bill all by himself?
Now about that KKK, how does a US President go about "mainstreaming" a hate group? Does he call the media and order them to write positive stories about the KKK? Or does he make a series of television commercials endorsing the KKK? How does he force the American people to respect and admire the KKK? Do we all receive a sternly worded letter from President Trump?
We need to run all these scenarios so we can see how this happens. This extreme Presidential power has never occurred in US history, due to the checks and balances in Constitution. Help us out here.
Because these are things the gop wants
One of the things I like about Steins student loan stimulus is that it doesn't require congress. If she won and asked the fed to do it, I think they'd have a hard time saying no. Congress is already making auditing noises, so they need the political cover.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
That Rump is NOT going to overturn
the TPP, that WILL be a done deal by the time that idiot is elected if enough people vote for him. He is NOT the solution, how many times do you have to read who he's listening to and HIRING to see that? He is campaigning right now, that is all this is and all it will ever be. I'd bet he too has an inside track and knows damned good and well he'll NEVER get any shot at overturning it.
I just finished Perlstien's book about the Goldwater campaign, and the parallels there are startling, to say the least. I would not be shocked at all to know our Goldwater Girl looked back at that election and then let Bill get on with getting that Rump to run as the toxic "Goldwater" of her own election. These people are all of the same ilk - you really think Donald "You're Fired" Trump is going to do anything to keep a middle class in this country? I don't. He too will capitulate on Day One, just like they all do.
And that said, I'll go right on ahead and "waste" my vote for Stein too - neither one of these people gets my vote. And really, I think Shillary already has this thing in the bag, so I'm no longer sure my pathetic little vote counts for squat anymore.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur