
Corporate Media Is The Poison/The Baffler: "#RIPMyShillaries: An end to the era of professionally explained candidates"

Last night I went to a dentist appointment and they had the ubiquitous big flat screen tv which was tuned to CNN. If I had just entered a restaurant I probably would have walked out; if obliged to sit in a waiting room more often than not I ask if anyone is watching it, and either ask to switch it off or to change the channel. There was even a flat screen tv in the patient's room where I had my teeth cleaned.

The TPP ( or The Trump Pledge )

We all know that Shillary is gonna cave on the TPP. She wants those oligarchy neoliberal dollars flowing through her foundation and will not risk that. Shillary was for the TPP before she was against it. We all know that she " changed her mind " or " evolved " on the issue only because Bernie forced her to. She will be right back supporting it after the election.

I am sure she is telling foreign powers not to worry b/c she is for it RIGHT NOW!