Do you have BAD? Are you an Internet Addict?

Ok, this is short and simple. I bet you are annoyed and wont' answer. I don't blame you for it. I am using you as my therapist again.

I self-diagnosed myself as a blog addict, so I have the Blog Addiction Disorder (BAD). And I want to get rid of the addiction. So, as you are all full-time bloggers, I wonder when you consider yourself an addict and when you consider yourself a "writer with a mission" that demands you to do research and writing non-stop for some blogs and keep a blog discussion or conversation alive.

I consider myself a blog addict, because I am just lurking, reading and talking, without doing research or having a political mission and without writing meaningful and valuable diaries or essays or analysis etc. I admit that I need to convince myself to believe that the little bit one can do online to organize some political movement is really effective. I guess I am more a hands-on real space person.

I distinguish between people, who write for a living and would write not only online, but also in print, if they had the opportunity. I happen to believe that those, who do write like this, are less addicted to the communicative aspects of blogs. I am amazed to see how many write daily diaries, which all require knowledge, research and writing talent. As I never understood how to know if those, who do write like that, do it for a living or as a labor of love and political compassion uncompensated, I am at a loss.

Then there are the ones, for whom the online communication on blogs or social media is the only life-line to friendships, , compaasionate cameraderie and conversations, because they are completely alone and probably can't do anything about that situation. So, no addiction, but a healing method for them I wholeheartedly support and understand.

Persons in both of these categories, I made up in my mind, I would NEVER consider as addicted. Do you see it that way too?

But what of the rest? People with a job, a family, a real-space social life? When would you say those are blog addicted?
What about the technical support and developer persons, who admin and maintain the technical side of a blog 24h/7d? Could they live with another job and drop the internet environment for something else?

Here is a simple description of what are the signs of a potential internet or blog addiciton:

What are the warning signs of Internet addiction?

  • Preoccupation with the Internet. (Thoughts about previous on-line activity or anticipation of the next on-line session.)
  • Use of the Internet in increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction.
  • Repeated, unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop Internet use.
  • Feelings of restlessness, moodiness, depression, or irritability when attempting to cut down use of the Internet.
  • On-line longer than originally intended.
  • Jeopardized or risked loss of significant relationships, job, educational or career opportunities because of Internet use.
  • Lies to family members, therapists, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet.
  • Use of the Internet is a way to escape from problems or to relieve a dysphoric mood. (e.g. Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, anxiety, depression.)

For myself I would say that as long as I was working in the real space world, I showed positive symptoms in only one of the categories above.. When I retired and when my son was not living with me in the same household, I can count myself testing positive in five of the categories. When I went through some unexpected personal experiences since last year, the last category showed his ugly face and hit me hard.

I am oscillating right now between total cut off and being sucked into believing I should do my part to help a little bit to entertain you with my blah, blah and prevent this site from going down with my few dollars I have. I don't see myself writing diaries other than more or less some photo diaries or personal activities I might like to talk about.

I also can't stand the fact that (of course) I always get upset about those "opinions" of others I don't agree with, which for sure suck me in and don't help me to "ignore" them. On the other hand I am constantly enchanted, seduced and really happy to read and learn so much stuff from some writers, that I actually shouldn't feel that guilty about reading all of it, because it's simply that good.

Geez, what a frigging dependency I got myself into

So, how about you, you consider yourself addicted? Or just a busy, activist writer helping to make the world a better place?

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mimi's picture

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boriscleto's picture

But I do have LBA (Lens Buying Addiction)

LBA was once defined as owning more than 5 50mm lenses. (I own more than 20 in 4 different mounts)

The only cure is not having any money. So I've been on the wagon since February...even thinking about selling some lenses...

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

mimi's picture

comes out through the lenses to our eyes. Smile You produce something. That's a pleasure to look at. Thanks for making me smile.

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Pricknick's picture

to solve this particular addiction is to walk away from it, the tv, the phone and running water for 1 week.
It does wonders for the soul.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

mimi's picture

in the mountains ... that will help.

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Zenza's picture

I often see people around here busy on their devices out in the wilderness -- THAT, I will confess, I do not understand,but to each her/his own. My husband and I just got back from a casual dinner out and we were the only ones not on phones or tablets, but rather taking to each other. Just an old fuddie I guess.

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Pricknick's picture

and take nothing electronic with you.
So many people now believe in "Don't leave home without it".
If you don't leave it, you haven't left.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

detroitmechworks's picture

Because when I have to, I will step away with no regrets. (Just did for a month because of pain and other more important activities.)

Do I enjoy it? Hell yes. I think that there's a tendency, particularly among certain folks (NOT saying you, just an observation) who read way too many books like "Codependent No More" who are obsessed with the idea that everything done that isn't immediately making money or taking care of immediate needs to be an "Addiction". I've seen painting, gaming, writing, and gardening pathologized in this manner.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

mimi's picture

and don't see myself engaging in worthless activities, if they don't make money. Has not come to mind yet. May be I just was too often confused with situations...
Thx. for giving your input.

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I am addicted to change and multi-tasking. If I am not multi-tasking, I feel bored. I blog and watch TV. I shop online, and I spend time on FB and Twitter. I spend as much if not more time playing games than I do on blogs. I like mindless activities like puzzles and rereading Agatha Christie mysteries because for me they drain stress. As one of the moderators, the only blog I really spend time on anymore is this one. Arrogant and aggressive people addicted to drama and hyperbole pretty much cured me of my blog addictions.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mimi's picture

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Alphalop's picture

While I am sure some people that have a compulsive personality could indeed become "addicted" to the internet, if it wasn't that it would be something else, possibly something less benign even.

Personally, I write for a couple reasons, it's an outlet for me in many ways.

Writing/Blogging allows me to communicate with people from differing backgrounds and experiences which can change their perceptions, and the different angle their perceptions bring to a discussion is crucial for personal growth imo.

Also it is an escape, I have a physical condition that frequently results in my being unable to leave the house for up to a week or so at a time, and for someone as easily bored as I am that would be near unbearable without all of you guys to converse with and share my thoughts to, it helped a lot with overcoming the feelings of isolation I was experiencing for sure.

Also I freely admit that some of it is ego self-stroking. It makes me happy when a comment I make or a piece that I write entertains, amuses or causes someone to consider a position or decision in a different light.

I wouldn't feel down on yourself Mimi, because if it wasn't for people willing to read and comment on the blogs that are written they wouldn't be near as fun and entertaining to write, or read.

I frequently find the comments in a piece to be equally, if not more, thought provoking than the original essay that lead to them in the first place.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

michelewln's picture

The blogs are a bit of a break for me. As I've said before I'm an Administrator for Street Prophets and do the Thursday and Sunday Coffee Hour diaries and have for years. It gets to be challenging to come up with topics sometimes. This Thursday will most likely be on jewelry as I'm working on some new necklaces at the moment. I may try and write about the creative process I use to come up with my designs. It is sometimes difficult to explain how the creative process works but it may be interesting to try and show how I take various elements and combine them into a new whole.

Being a full time caregiver I have to have something to give me a bit of mental down time and blogs do that for me. I really don't see spending time here or elsewhere as being addicting. Sometimes it is this window to other places that is necessary to keep a person sane.

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A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde

mimi's picture

a little bit better now, why I feel like addicted and you don't. You write and have a real task in your online activities, most of you also in real life. I have not anymore, so everything was filled up with replacing that with online reading and talking, I feel I used the blog like sponge that had dried out and needed water to survive.

Well, thanks so much. Have to come up with a task and just do that one and stop self-navel gazing. I will make it. Thanks all to give your feedback.

In case someone was bothered about this diary, I apologize.

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mimi's picture

as I got my answers and don't like it to hang around any longer. I hope you understand. Thanks.

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elenacarlena's picture

FWIW, I do spend too much time online, but when it gets to the point that I feel like I'm addicted, then I step away. It's all about balance in life. I agree if I didn't do this, I'd probably do other "addicting" things. I think this is better than sitting around watching TV. This is my biggest social outlet, my neighbors are mostly conservatives, so there are issues we don't discuss in order to remain harmonious.

There have been times when the Internet has gone down that I've wondered, "Now what?" and rediscovered my TV, my phone, and even to a limited extent my neighbors until the Net comes back up.

But for the most part, I schedule different times of day for different activities. I work online, so work say 2 hours then take a break and peek in to see what's going on. It makes the work (editing textbooks!) more enjoyable and I think keeps me sharper.

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mimi's picture

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CS in AZ's picture

I've noticed on other posts that get unpublished, it seems to take awhile in the pink phase, then vanishes, along with all the comments. Personally I really don't like it when authors do that. If people take the time to write something in response to a post, it seems kind of rude to just delete their comments. I write this knowing it will disappear soon, if it even gets posted. Unless the pink phase is a cooling off period so you can change your mind and not delete it. I was going to try to add something to the discussion when I got home today but now it seems there's no need or reason to. Hope you feel better.

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mimi's picture

it will be all white and is active now. I am sorry, I am not very stable these days.

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CS in AZ's picture

I want to read over the other comments too, it seems there's some good ones. My first thought when I read this earlier today was to say that communication is a very basic, fundamentally important human need. We are all addicted to it! Literally. That's why solitary confinement is so unimaginably cruel. And why sites like this that allow us to communicate are so important. And it's great to make friends and get to know folks in a group like this. Lots of people here care about you! That's a good thing, right?

I also think as others have mentioned that addiction is a very overused concept these days. Now about getting upset when people say dumb things or wrong things, etc. I did used to do that sometimes on daily kos and had to learn to walk away. It was hard. I'm not really sure how I overcame it but I very rarely get emotional about it now. And I have a policy of not pressing post when I'm angry or upset. I try to wait until I feel calm enough to make my point or say my piece without the emotional aspect. It takes discipline. I like that kxcd comic about "someone is wrong on the internet!" It always makes me laugh and take things less seriously. I get annoyed, sure, but not to the point of losing sleep over it. Well I did get pretty wound up on Friday when I thought this site was going to go away!

Thanks for republishing this, it's nice to feel listened to. Smile

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mimi's picture

still try to figure out what it is that makes me feel as if "something is not right" with all of the online communication. I agree that the word "addicition" does not fit. so what is it that makes me feel like I am dependent and not free when talking online?

I guess it's because you lose control over your thoughts that you post. I think I should try to write this out as an essay. My mind is so tired right now. But I seriously feel people have lost their freedom of thought through the onlne communication technology. It seems very weird to say tha, as in general people think the opposite is true when they think about their capabilities to communicate on social media. May be the whole thingy is just a mental fallacy? But I seriously do believe we have lost freedoms and are more enslaved potentially and exploited than before.

Ok, have to rest my brain and get myself a coffee and sleep a little bit more.

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elenacarlena's picture

I think a lot of people might feel that this diary and discussion helps them. You are not alone in feeling drawn in almost against your will.

Suggestion: If you have people IRL you can talk with who are as sympathetic as we are here, make an appointment every day to get offline and talk with them, and see how you feel? If not, at least make an appointment with yourself to get offline and go for a walk every day? Or maybe both?

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Wink's picture

on yellow pads until the internet came along. I totally suck at it but I totally feel the need to write.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

elenacarlena's picture

Do you feel free or no big deal?

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Wink's picture

myself from there. I still visit and have made a comment or two since the end of the T.O., but I mostly use TOP to pimp our radio shows.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

elenacarlena's picture

in the morning to listen to radio (but see, pimping works!).

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mimi's picture

which means an "online ambulance for internet addiction", according to Online Ambulance for Internet Addicts opens at the Gamescom fair

Well, first they sell the games, knowing they can get you addicted, and then they sell their webcam based "counseling services" for the addicted.

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elenacarlena's picture

I think my idea of going for a walk once a day will probably work better.

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