Things I'm not sick of hearing about.
Been thinking, and there's been a lot of talk from certain quarters about things that are "Settled". They've been discussed, they've been kicked around enough and we need to move on.
And I was thinking, I'm not sick about hearing about these things. In fact, they aren't nearly discussed enough. I'd like a bit more discussion on these settled topics, and I'd like the candidates to talk about them.
So, here's a brief list, of things that I am NOT sick about hearing about, and want some actual effing reporting on. Because if the media doesn't do it, indie folks online will HAVE to do it.
I'm not sick of hearing about Hillary's emails, her servers, her breaking of confidentiality, her false statements to the FBI, her blatant lying to the American Public, OR her Republican Neo-con backers. We could use a heck of a lot more light on these things, and I do not trust the government to investigate their own owners.
I'm not sick of explanations about why we're STILL in Iraq, Afghanistan, and several other countries without a declarations of war. I'd actually like TO HEAR some. In fact, I think that AUMF is just about expired as far as a legitimate justification. Either get Congress to declare a fucking war, or bring the troops home. Only options, and I don't want to hear any more shit about it. You already killed the head bad guy enough times to fill an entire Stallone film Franchise and then some, so quit declaring victory that never seems to end the fucking war.
I'm not sick of hearing about Climate Change. I am sick however, of hearing about measured business friendly responses. Two different things. One is saying you acknowledge the problem, the other is basically saying fuck off. I'm a little sick of being told to fuck off by congress and the White House, thanks. If you're going to insult me, do it to my face, and don't try to insult my damn intelligence.
I'm absolutely NOT sick about hearing about 3rd parties. As in, THIS election. I quite frankly could give a rat's ass about rehashing the same arguments you've been making for 24 years about why you exclude them. That we've heard. I'd like to understand some rational reason that doesn't involve invoking names and people that you have been spouting since time immemorial. If you can't provide that, or anything that doesn't immediately leap to the "Appeal to Authority" argument, I know it's full of shit, because it stinks.
I'm not sick of hearing about the health care crisis in America. See, here's the thing. Obama passed a bullshit, half-ass medical bill, then sat back and prayed nobody would notice he cribbed it from Romney, and that it was gonna fall apart precisely AFTER he left office. Unfortunately, it was even more poorly designed than he thought, and it's falling apart 4 months early. Tough Break there Barry, but guess what, your mess, YOU clean it up.
I'm not sick about hearing about the employment crisis in America. No, not the jimmied and fixed Unemployment numbers. I'm talking about the fact that everybody my age lives with their parents. Ok, not EVERYBODY, but everybody I know. I understand, media and politicians, that everybody YOU know does not. Guess what? Those people that you don't see resent you every single freaking day for making their lives harder and harder. You don't see it, but it's there, and it's UGLY.
There's a LOT I'm not sick about hearing about. Because we don't talk about it.
I AM sick of hearing about Trump, either vilified or lionized, makes no difference. I honestly do not give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut about the man, and would no sooner vote for him than I would vote for a chocolate Eclair. In fact right now, I could stand to hear a little about the Eclair's stance on healthy eating.
I AM sick of hearing how great we're doing as a nation. Because you're lying. And we know it.
I AM sick of hearing about your damn evasions. I'm too old to be jerked around in any relationships anymore. I'm tired of games, and things are so much better for everybody if you just say it straight out what's going on and let us make a damn decision. Hemming, hawing and changing positions constantly just pisses me off, both in politics AND in bed. You're just going through the motions at that point, and I don't need to waste my time on a pathetic performance that degrades everybody involved.

Amen, bro
I hope you are not sick of essays about Hillary's "alleged" brain damage (Don't want to get JtC in trouble for radical statements).
Honestly, as far as that goes...
It's a possible explanation, but one that doesn't interest me very much.
A. If she is, it means the PTB are fine with sticking a complete incompetent in power, just to make a buck. Which is extremely disturbing, but par for the course. The cheating and lies are symptomatic of systemic problem in that case.
B. If she isn't, it means that the PTB are fine with sticking a completely immoral sociopath in power, just to make a buck. Which is just as disturbing.
It's kind of a Heads they win, tails we lose situation. Except the ONLY upside I can see if she does have mental trauma is the potential for the relaxation of the government stigma against TBI victims. But as we all know, there's always been 2 sets of rules as far as medical conditions go.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I'll add my "Amen" to Ed's....
This is when a rant becomes art.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Glad it was at least entertaining.
I do my best rants at midnight, after the kids are asleep.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I'm not
sick of hearing about the super secret, highly classified?, POS known as THE TPP. For congress to even consider voting on a bill that they know only about 10 to 20% of and the American public less, makes my head ache. It's like buying a house for 500K that you don't know where it is or what it looks like. Who would do that? President Transparency my ass. Obama's about as transparent as a brick wall.
I fear it's the start of the Shadowrun future...
Which would be awesome if we got elves, dwarves, trolls, orcs and Magic...
But unfortunately, it's looking like we just get the corporate mega-corp takeover... which is the part that wasn't fun.
Here's hoping Oregon at least does the independence thing that happens in that future though.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks dmw. I, too, am tired of hearing about Drumph. But
I'm also tired of having health care/medical care equated with health care insurance. One is both an art and a science. The other is just a numbers game. And I'm tired of profits before people. I'm tired of hearing about "the bottom line" like somehow all life on Earth pales in comparison to making a buck by hook or by crook.
Because of a monopoly in manufacture, epi-pens have risen in cost to over $600 and they have to be replaced every year to be effective when needed. This is nuts! There was a report this morning on the morning tv programs, but things will likely end there. Can't hurt a company making a profit, especially after the TPP is rammed down our throats.
Sorry. I got a bit carried away there.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Ack! Had no idea those were that much.
Which is scary because I just went on a date 2 nights ago with a woman who carries an epi-pen, because of allergies.
You're right of course.
As I've said, the politicians pushing insurance as the solution are like Film Agents who claim they are the BEST actors in the world,
Because if they weren't around, NOBODY would get to perform...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
did you ever look into ? It's Canadian, so I think that means that insurance won't cover it, but EpiPens are
between $115 and $133 there, depending on the dosage. I buy my cat's meds from that site and I save $$$$. Have found them to be very reliable.
We don't need epi-pens although there was a time when my
husband was supposed to carry one. Thank you for the suggestion, though.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
All the news is about Trump
I'm seriously thinking about taking a break from cable news. It's almost all about Trump.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Only people with even SLIGHLTY interesting Trump commentary...
Are Billy West and Maurice LaMarche.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Great post and Great idea! I'm on board!
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Oh I am tweeting the HELL out of that image.
Well hell with it, it's a POSITIVE message.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Young Turks first hour
is pretty much all Donald Trump, all the time. They had about 5 minutes on the Clinton email from a donation bundler, but that was after an hour of Dumb Donald stories. CNN/MSNBC and the rest of the claque do that 24 x 7. So, reluctantly, I'm not watching TYT main show anymore and have cancelled my subscription. Think I know where that could be reapplied!
Unger has gotten... smug.
I loathe it among conservatives, and among liberals it's equally infuriating.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Great writing
I'm not sick of it either. When you consider how little the media has discussed any of these topics much less taken them seriously on the few occasions it has, we need more discussion, much more, not less.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thank you very much!
Always really thrilled to get a compliment on my writing. (It's a passion so I REALLY appreciate that.)
And agreed, the media spends far too much time on corporate click bait, and not enough time on real issues.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Nice rant, man ...
Keep it up!