C99p Matching Monthly Pledge Drive: Final Update!

UPDATE: 5:30PM MDT Well, folks, I've been away today, but I'd like to announce that a total of $855 in new monthly donation pledges have been recorded in the comments of this diary! And that doesn't include the very generous $100 monthly pledge Hawkfish set up a couple of weeks ago. You are all awesome and I love you!

There are problems setting up monthly donations on the "Donate" link in the top right corner of the page if you are using iOS or Android devices which we haven't yet fixed, as far as I can tell. Windows or Mac devices show the monthly option however. If you would like to donate monthly, and either can't figure out how to do so or don't want to use PayPal, please hit "Messages" in the top left corner, and send a request to JtC. He can send you the site's mailing address for snail mail or for setting up automatic payments through your credit union or bank. Or you can set up a calendar reminder to send in one-time donations on a monthly basis.

I know JtC is deeply moved and touched by the strong show of support this community (and our friends in Reddit world) has shown in this fundraiser. The work is just beginning, but we've made an outstanding start! Please set up your donations if you've pledged, and consider a monthly donation if you haven't pledged but can afford to support the community. And please visit to give your thoughts on how to make this blog self-sustaining. We can all learn from this weekend's shock that it takes all our efforts to keep our home and our community together. Once more to all of you, please accept my very heartfelt thanks for all your contributions, monetary and otherwise. This is the best place around because of you.


JtC's announcement yesterday that he wants to sell this website has hit me like a ton of bricks, and I'm sure I'm not alone. He has always -- since I've been here anyway -- been reluctant to ask for our financial support, as he knows so many of us can't afford to pitch in monetarily. There are many wonderful contributors of community, of smart content, of wonderful conversation. But JtC and Joe have been shouldering far too much of the burden of making the site function, and of managing the big expansion in traffic since last March. I was a part of the expansion, and while I make a small monthly donation it's clear now it isn't nearly enough.

All of us who value this community need to pitch in to keep it alive. Smart writers bring us great content. Commenters bring the site alive, and give most of us another reason to hang out here. Moderators keep the playground orderly to minimize the hair-pulling and biting. But those of us who can afford to help financially, or who can help with the back end technical work, need to step up to the best of our ability.

Today I'm offering to match any new monthly donation of $3 or more, up to $100 a month. This is on top of my current donation. If anyone else would like to contribute to this match, please let me know in the comments and I'll update this essay with credit.

Let's see what we can do together to support our host, and keep our home! Please give this essay a thumbs up, at least, so it stays visible for occasional passers-by.

Thank you for all you do, JtC. You too, Joe, and all the mods. And thank you to this wonderful group of folks who have given me a new online home!

UPDATE: enhydra lutris has offered another monthly donation match for new monthly donations in multiple of $5, up to a total of $50 a month! We have strong contributions so far, let's meet those matches!

UPDATE 2:50 MDT: We have a $50 monthly match from enhydra lutris which has been matched! We have a $50 monthly match from shaharazade which has been matched! And we have $75 in monthly matches going toward my $100 match offer! That's $350 a month in new monthly contributions in an hour and a half! I know this community can do anything when we put our minds and hearts to it. My deepest thanks to all who have donated so far, and let's keep it going! Anybody else want to offer a monthly donation match challenge?

UPDATE 4:00 MDT: davidincleveland, enhydra lutris, and shaharazade have all put in monthly donation matches of $90, $50 and $50 respectively. At this time we have $285 in other monthly donation pledges, meaning the next $5 pledge will completely match all our challenges. We have a total of $570 in monthly donation pledges as a result of this drive so far, which is UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE! You folks are the greatest! I'd also like to thank Mahakali Overdrive and the good folks at the K4S Reddit for their support and suggestions. We are part of a greater community, and that's a lesson we should never forget. All of you who have sent in one time donations, who are planning fundraising efforts in your social media circles, and who give generously of best wishes and comment contributions are the greatest! For those of you I haven't thanked personally, please know I'm filled with love and gratitude for you all!

There is some difficulty setting up monthly donations for those, like me, using iPads, but I hope to have some direction on this matter soon. Please pipe up if you can solve this one. In the meantime, let's keep the momentum going! We've made a great start in saving our online home and JtC's sanity.

UPDATE 7:45 MDT: Wow! As of this time, we have $720 in new monthly donation pledges! I couldn't be prouder of this community! I know JtC is very surprised and grateful at this show of support, and so am I. I want to thank everyone who has pledged, everyone who has expressed support, especially in our wider community at the Subreddits Kossacks4Sanders and Way of the Bern.

We have a problem in that those of us on iOS and Android devices don't have an easy option to create monthly donations through PayPal. Windows and Mac devices show this option clearly, so if you have access to a desktop or laptop computer it should be easy to fulfill a monthly donation pledge. We'll need to investigate how to create these options for those without access to a computer, however. Snail mail, repeated individual PayPal donations, and setting up monthly payments through a bank or credit union account are other options.

Please keep up the momentum, and if anyone sees this essay who hasn't yet had a chance to donate please consider doing so if you can afford it. I'll provide another update in the morning. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!

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riverlover's picture

this sure beats DirecTV! I would be devastated by its loss.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

studentofearth's picture

Thanks for getting the funding drive started DallasDoc.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

I just donated $20 and will "make it monthly" next month when I can get a slightly later date in the month (to be sure the funds will be there reliably).

I don't comment much but I love the writers here. Thank you all for your daily gifts to the universe.

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... $5.00 / mo ... & I'll wish you a happy birthday, too!

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Didn't do a monthly, but did another $50 one time donation. My unemployment benefits close to running out so better for me for a "one-time" contribution at this time. Good luck. This site is a critical outlet.

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enhydra lutris's picture

which makes it orange, right beside the amount box in the upper grey bar.

Screenshot from 2016-08-13 15:00:56.png

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

CS in AZ's picture

that interface is totally different. I just checked it again (back on tablet now) and there is still no way I can find to change to or add monthly from that page.

On my old desktop machine it worked fine and I made it monthly from there. Just wanted to share my experience in case others are on mobile devices and having the same issue.

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for 10 a month.


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Hawkfish's picture

I'm in for $100/ month. Sorry I missed being able to sponsor a match!

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

RDSVermont's picture

is in da house!

8 + 0 + 2 = $10.00 per month recurring

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Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.

MsGrin's picture

but I pledged $5/month this morning.

For a couple years, I helped with rescuing at TOP, and if there's a need here to spread around community moderation, I can offer to do a couple shifts per week.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

long live the king! This is my new go-to site. I donated when I joined. And this morn. And will set up a recurring payment shortly. Thank you Dallasdoc. You rock!

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yellopig's picture

my monthly to $10, plus I just threw in $25 for fun.

My thanks to Joe & GG & all the mods, and the ever-awesome JtC!

I also recommend we all make an extra pledge to be just a little less quick to take offense, and give Johnny's referee whistle a break too.

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“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett

QMS's picture

count me in for ten monthly. thx

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

karl pearson's picture

Just set up a monthly donation through PayPal for $20/mo. Caucus99percent is one of the 2 sites I regularly read and comment. Hope this helps.

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Steven D's picture

Put me down for $10 per mo.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Zenza's picture

I'd love to set up a recurring donation via my online banking. No sure how to do that, or rather where to send the payment. I rarely comment since I'm not online by choice much, but when I am I always come here first. It's truly the best for information and discussion.

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JMarks's picture

I pledged $20.00 per month in the other diary. Thanks for doing this. J.

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...is what I can do right now. I hope it will help.

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Although I lurk 98%of the time, this site is important to me also. I can send in $10. monthly.

Thank you JtC, Joe and the moderators for all that you do.

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MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Centaurea's picture

I've been donating "whenever", but I'll set this up tonight as a monthly recurring in PayPal. Most of you don't know me, since I just became active here a couple of months ago. However, I've been reading comments and essays written by many of you for years, as a lurker at other sites. Very grateful for everything I've learned from your posts here and elsewhere, and for the gathering of civility with "like minds".

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

For the commitment to the community, and for adding your voice. I hope we hear a lot more from you!

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Please help support caucus99percent!

Zinman's picture

I can do this now.

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Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.

stevej's picture

will double this as soon as my current financial crunch is over (hopefully by next month)

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

Zenza's picture

Is anyone doing this? If not I will have to put a monthly reminder on my calendar since there is no recurring option on my device.

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You'll see a "Contact Us" link. Try sending a message to the admins and I hope they can give you the information you need.

Thank you!

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Please help support caucus99percent!

mimi's picture

and list as payment method your own bank account, paypal will withdraw automatically from your bank account, if you set up the payment as a monthly recurring one. I think that all the money is then going to C99p.
At least that's the way I understood it when I set mine up.

I would also like to be able to pay driectly from bank account to bank account, because it would be easier to stop payments, if you need to, just dealing with your own bank.

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CS in AZ's picture

but encountered two roadblocks. You can open the regular PayPal site instead of the mobile site in your browser, so far so good.

But then, to actually send funds that way, you have to enter either an email address or mobile phone number that is associated with the PayPal account you want to transfer money to. We don't have that info for c99p. (That I know of)

And then, even if I enter a real email address, it's still not giving me the recurring payment option, just a one-time payment.

I'm still working on finding a solution, but I think we will need an email address if it's going through PayPal. And honestly since PayPal takes a cut anyway, I'd rather see a direct subscription option here at the site. Of course that would take implementation work ... but seems like it would help and ultimately generate more funds. Still researching...

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mimi's picture

or anything else than making phone call and text messages. So I am at a loss to help out.

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send me a private message by typing my username in the "To" field and I'll give you the email addy.

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CS in AZ's picture

I already set up my recurring monthly donation earlier today, which I was able to accomplish by using my desktop computer instead of my iPad to access PayPal with your donation link.

What I'm working now on is trying to figure out how people who only have a phone or tablet can set up recurring donations. The donation link, when using a tablet or phone, opens mobile.paypal.com and that interface does not have the "make it monthly" option. So unless someone has access to a desktop or laptop, they can't do automatic monthly donations. I'm using my iPad to see if there's a way around that problem. So far no luck.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I am going to set up a recurring payment to that PO Box from my credit union. If your bank has a "bill payer" feature, you can probably do likewise.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

send me a private message by typing my username, JtC, in the "To" field and I'll give you the mailing address.

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Shahryar's picture

the idea of a continuous flow of moola might be just a concept but let's see what happens. I think it's great that we all are brainstorming, trying to work this out to keep our lifeboat open.

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Zenza's picture

Thanks also to others who replied.

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This fogie is a luddite & I do not send money over the net. Bernie's the first I ever sent contributions to, am on little income, but can send periodically. Sorry if it's a problem; Brand New Congress hasn't come up with an address for me yet.

Sarah Fern

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send me a private message by typing my username, JtC, in the "To" field and I'll give you the mailing address.

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mimi's picture

I just wanted to say that I feel I shouldn't have posted my diary at around the time your fundraiser was taking off. It may have distracted some people a little bit. While I typed my diary I didn't realize yours was up. I couldn't do what you did and found out in the few fundraisers I attempted at dailykos or here, that it's hard to keep up the accounting on a fundraiser. So, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

As of September I am in as said somewhere with $20.00 a month. I hope to find some little job to make extra money and will then be able to make a higher monthly payment. Hopefully there will be a mechanism to do so without going through a public statement in threads but somehow differently.

To come up with $4000.00 a month is a real yuuuge task. I hope we will find enough people to pledge.

Thank you for your great help and your many comments I really value a lot..

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I'm very glad you wrote your thoughts, even though I expressed some disagreement with you. The reason we value this site is precisely because we can put out our thoughts, discuss them freely and challenge each other. Please don't ever stop. You're an integral part of this community.

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Please help support caucus99percent!

pswaterspirit's picture

We will keep it simple and use bill pay. Let me check on what I can manage but guessing 15 or 20.

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Demonhype's picture

that donations will still be possible on Tuesday or Wednesday,because I can donate but not before then. (Got my paycheck three days late,and it takes a few business days to process my credit payments). Paycheck after nexpnexpt, I'll be able to do more. Don't want to lose this place!

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Sima's picture

I donated 20$ last night, as soon as I read JtC's post. This site is SO important to me, to be able to read articles and opinion pieces where I'm not hassled, don't feel like the odd one out, am supported. I'm a lurker from about February, from right before they kicked off Kos Bernie Supporters. So if anyone wants to match my 20$, please do. I will donate again in another month!

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

OK, my ignorance on computing systems is near absolute, and because of that my attempts to make donations to C99 have failed. First problem was that I had a PayPal account but then could not donate through PayPal because of account problems there. Next step, I closed my PayPal account and then tried to donate directly without it. In the end, I was asked to create PayPal password which I declined because I really don't want a PayPal account. Review of my credit card account suggests that the donation I recorded through the 'not-PayPal' option was never recognized or processed. Any good tips on 'not-PayPal' option or do I really have to register with PayPal before moving forward?

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Avid Agnostic

please check your private messages.

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riverlover's picture

More hopeful than last night? We are trying to adjust here...

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

LeChienHarry's picture

I will email JtC for the PO box then we will send it via our US account. If there is a possibility to send bank to bank in the works, I would wait. Otherwise, this is better as you will get it all.

More when can afford it. Thanks everyone. Posted several links at K4S/AmericanSpring thanks to MO.

Thanks to DallasDoc and DaveinCleveland and everyone who is donating.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

monthly donation made. my first regular donation anywhere, this site is so worthwhile.

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Alex Budarin's picture

don't know if it worked. It might have been just a one-time donation which will not be automatically charged next month. Can the donation administrator advise me? I'd appreciate that.

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"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper

check your private messages.

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orlbucfan's picture

What's the skinny on donating this way? Thanks guys!! REC'D!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

send me a private message by typing my username, JtC, into the "To" field, or, send me an email using the "Contact Us" link and then I'll give you the mailing info.

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orlbucfan's picture

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

SnappleBC's picture

Yup, I hate recurring payments but I've decided this one is worthwhile.

I had to think why I hate them so much and the answer is that I don't do my books on a regular basis and I just worry that money spent sight unseen can be so easily forgotten. So I setup quarterly calendar reminders to review the expenditure. Problem solved.

If I can manage to get a job, I'll be increasing that amount.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

mimi's picture

recurring donations and it's not easy to remember them and "account" for, if they are unseen. And then I forget always when I donated the last time a little extra. I will try to find a little job too, since I had lost over 75 % of my income due to retirement and deaths.

I declare you hero of the day, if you don't mind. And if things go worse for you, remember there are people who are willing to cover for you.:-)

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SnappleBC's picture

Let's be clear. I have about 300k net worth. That places me in a very comfortable position relative to an awful lot of Americans. Sure, I am currently living on what was supposed to be retirement assets so we are scrutinizing every single penny, but I can hardly make any sort of claim of poverty or hardship. My problem is not today or tomorrow but happens in 10 years or so if I can't change the picture. It's ridiculous that that statement makes me "fortunate".

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

mimi's picture

that was not supposed to happen. So, I hear you. I am as fortunate as you to have some assets of that kind, but also scratch for the dollars each months right now to touch as little as possible of it. So, you still are my "hero" to make the pledge. I tend to be stubborn, you know ... heh, I am trying to joke. Wink

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Late Again's picture

but I've eliminated a few monthly recurring bills, so I'm pretty sure I can commit to $25 a month. I will have to wait till September 3rd to make my first donation but then I can set it up to automatically deduct on the 3rd of every month.

It's not much, not nearly what I'd like to give and not anywhere near a reflection of what C99 means to me, but I'll do whatever I can to help. We can't become more splintered than we already are.

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"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain

Zenza's picture

via my online banking. Hope we can increase the total. Every contribution no matter the size helps!

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