Occupied Milwaukee -- "War Zone"
Occupied Milwaukee is looking like a "war zone". People shooting people, cops shooting Black males running away from traffic stops.
All the marionettes of the corporate state can think of is "Less Guns." MSM ignoring protests unless cop cars and liquor stores are burned by Black or Brown folks. Its the same sort of dog-whistling bull shit that brought to us by those same Clinton manikans who invented "super-predators".
Background checks!!! Who does this effect? Guns are slated to be like good schools and bank accounts, no Blacks or Hispanics or Poor People allowed. Only cops, white collar crime lords and white militias allowed.
In this report from Fox Milwaukee we first see the government white wash, and scrolling down we see the response of the neighborhood. We get a bit of an idea of who the enemies of the area are by what the neighbors decided to set on fire: A cop car, a gas station and a liquor store, maybe a payday loan shop.
The solution here is social, economic, racial and environmental justice. The solution is to leave "Full Spectum Dominance" of the world behind and use the world's dwindling resources (in an environmentally appropriate manner) to end ghettos, all segregation, to have equal schools and colleges and jobs opportunities all over the world, an end to the carceral state... ok very general but whole books have been written and I guess we know what needs to be done.

Racist twitter storm
OK, I follw #BlackLivesMatter on twitter and this morning I am shocked and dismayed at the blatant racism being posted there:
And the bit of history of why the gas station was targeted:
And this is the closest to the truth:
‘Back in time 60 years’: America’s most segregated city -- Why Milwaukee, far from the Deep South, gets the unwelcome title as the most segregated place in America. Article
From the Light House.
shouldn't be
so shocked and dismayed. Just three days ago there was posted to this very site an essay in which the author was all scared and trembly about Black Lives Matter, offering such wisdoms as "black people, either part of BLM or simply inspired by the group, [are] calling for the executions and lynching of white people"; BLM "has deteriorated rapidly into a leaderless mass of angry people with no direction"; and "BLM has become a bigger problem than the one it's trying to solve. It's lead to dead people. It's lead to a rise in racism."
Some headless horseman then rode in with support, opining that "this is a so-called 'movement' that was founded, from the very start, on LIES, HYPOCRISY, RACISM, VIOLENCE, AND SELF-PROMOTION," "BLM and their ilk (much higher up the food chain than you might suspect) has destroyed ANY chance of starting a legitimate, honest debate about race problems," and "anyone who believes the worst of this is still white-against-black has been living under a rock."
Wow... what a piece of drivel
I just read that "essay" and decided to just give it a pass hoping the troll will die from malnutrition.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
My essay was no troll
Ignoring problems is part of why BLM came about, is it not? If you ignore the problems I've pointed out that are directly associated with the rise of BLM, how are you any different than those who sat by and ignored black americans as their unarmed kids were gunned down in the street?
There have been parades with who claim to be BLM activists chanting for the death of cops. BLM activists interrupting and attempting to hijack other social movements, like the gay pride parades, or the vigil for the Orlando shooting victims. There are BLM activists actually calling for "People of Color Safe Zones," where only black people are allowed. You know, SEGREGATION. Is that what you want BLM to be taken over by, or even associated with?
Yes... all except for...
You continue to make all these very strong claims that are strongly counter-intuitive and yet you do not cite sources. Perhaps you think this is GOS and such things work here? If so, good luck. Otherwise, try again... this time with solid sources which support your claims.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
To me, it's looking like GOS came here
because even when I post video evidence, it is rejected in the same way that the Hill-shill dittoheads at GOS reject evidence that Hillary doesn't represent them.
What is counter-intuitive about what I've posted? Is it counter-intuitive for me to decry calls for race based murders, no matter the race of the individuals doing so? Maybe it's counter-intuitive of me to point out the connection between crime rates among black americans and poverty in response to people quoting crime statistics as a pseudo justification for black death rates in police shootings. Please, be specific.
How about
You include the part where I posted video evidence of exactly that? What do you call a group of people marching down the street calling for the death of another group of people? What do you call a religious congregation cheering a speech calling for skin color based mass murders?
Acting like I'm just "scared and trembely" about BLM so you can dismiss problems I've pointed out... isn't that a part of the reason BLM exists? Because people were being dismissive about problems pointed out by black americans? How are you acting any better than those who stood by as unarmed black kids were being gunned down in the streets?
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Evil is evil, whether it's your own group doing it, or another group.
When this is happening
Can you really expect a more civil response?
why don't
you go ahead and post more of that wonderman's videos? Like: "Racist Black Supremacist Is Retarded," "Why I Left Islam," and "Male Feminist Cucks Try and FAIL."
Why are you so dismissive
when people are pointing out legitimate problems and criticisms? You are acting no better than the people who stood by as the KKK formed lynch mobs.
i'm dismissive
of your source because a review of his oeuvre indicates he's a winger nutsac.
As for "people pointing out legitimate problems and criticism," you're not doing that. You're simply offering up outrageous and demonstrably untrue howlers like "BLM has become a bigger problem than the one it's trying to solve."
You also manifest some serious debating sickness when you assert that since I will not join in on your latter-day ride of Paul Revere—"The black people are coming! The black people are coming!"—I am "no better than the people who stood by as the KKK formed lynch mobs." Right. Exactly the same.
so dismiss the evidence
because you decided that the source is someone you don't like. Too bad. That's the exact same bullshit that the hillbots over at GOS did.
And you really are no better. What are you doing in response to people claiming to be BLM activists/members, or to be inspired by BLM, preaching hate speech and/or going around assaulting people, rioting, or in some cases actually killing people? You're sitting here bitching about how I'm bringing it up. Yes, not my original words, but "exactly the same." It sickened me when white people did it when white people killed blacks for racial reason. It sickened me cops and their supporters did it. And it still sickens me when black people do it too.
White guy spouting off KKK memes...
I am not sure what Thaumlord is trying to say. What I saw in the video is some white guy spouting off virulent racist phraseology that I have seen since the day I was born. Somewhat the same as, "I used to be a Bernie supporter but....." I also see a complete lack of understanding of Black and Hispanic culture, or the economics and social injustice perpetuated by the corporate state.
The white supremacists are crawling out of their holes... All the goose-stepping corporate marionettes are making sure we know that Blacks and Latinos and their social justice allies are violent thugs and should protest by staying home except on election days when they should go vote for the Clinton Crime Family... if they aren't in prison or parole, if they haven't been shot at for having a broken tail light, if they have an ID and haven't been disappeared off the voter rolls, if they don't have to wait in line at the food bank to get something to eat for their kids...
My reaction to the video is that in the face of such utter ignorance perpetuated by the video, the only reasonable response is protest in its myriads of forms. revolution is messy...
You have a militarized police force against mostly unarmed people, you have a main stream media that paints all protest as violent or disruptive to white people at best. You have the blame game... Blacks are to blame for hundreds of years of racism, social and economic injustice and for living in ghettos sucking lead with their water and paying off slum lords.
According to main stream media, the problem is lack of family values:
the Milwaukee protests are spontaneous. #BLM had nothing much to do with the riot in Milwaukee, and is being scapegoated.
From the Light House.
Guy in the video
isn't white. This is part of the problem. It is assumed that anybody who isn't goosestepping in line with BLM is a privileged white person. It's unthinkable that anybody who is impoverished or a minority could ever be against the BLM movement. And that was actually pointed out in the video.
And how is it a "KKK meme" to point out the reality that there are black people calling for white genocide, or the abolishing of the entire country's police force, or for "People of Color Safe Zones," that is just segregation under a different name, and that those same black people proudly proclaim to be BLM activists?
The BLM movement has given rise to the exact opposite kind of movement MLK led, and has people fighting for things that the civil rights movement fought against. Instead of spending time throwing out red herrings and straw manning, maybe you should be paying attention to what is actually being said, both by the opposition to the movement and by the people claiming to be part of the movement.
I think you need some remedial history
The civil rights movement was not a neat and tidy process, and not all of it was under the leadership of MLK - oh no. He could, and did, point to the militant radicals and say, in effect, "If you don't listen to me, they'll burn it all down!"
They very nearly did, in 1968, after MLK had been assassinated because the white extremists refused to listen to him and wanted him permanently shut up.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
So what you're saying
is that a man who espoused peace secretly favored violence? Are you suggesting he'd be thrilled that there are black americans calling for white genocide and reinstating segregation? Because if that's not what you're suggesting, then you haven't really addressed what I said.
I don't think you know what you're talking about,
and you certainly missed - or even inverted - the point of what I said.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
So what was your point?
Was it that we have to sit by and do nothing as crimes are committed, because the people committing them are a persecuted minority? Is it that we should join the people cheering on hate speech calling for racial genocide, because the people calling for it have had it happen to them in the past? Is your point that we shouldn't ever bother with peace, because the threat of violence is so much more effective at accomplishing goals?
My point is that if we support things like diplomacy with Iran or BDS against Israel, it is hypocritical to support a movement that allows for race based violence. If people would rather ignore the problem of racism growing within BLM's "members," I find those people no different than the cops who ignore the racial bias among the police departments.
The point is...
You should probably just crawl back under your rock or bridge...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
There's the troll calling again
Easier to do that than address the things I point out, right? Why are you so tolerant of calls for genocide when black americans are the ones doing it? Why do I hear about how awful it is when Israel is saying the same shit about Palestinians, but not a peep when it's a black american talking about all white americans? Why is it that we're supposed to rally around people calling out german nationalists as white supremacists when they reject refugees coming into their country, but when someone brings up black supremacists calling for white genocide, that person is attacked for bringing it up at all?
The blatant hypocrisy on this issue is astounding.
You were asked a question numerous times in the BLM discussion and ignored it...
You employed the Gish Gallop in your responses rather than answer...
You seem to be a tad bit racist in your statements...
But would you rather I just said Phuckoff Azzole?
I'm okay with either way...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Oh really.
Mind telling me what my race is, and who exactly I'm being racist too? Is it racist for me to point at black people being racists themselves and call them out for being racists?
By the way, if you're going to claim I'm avoiding a question, it'd be nice if you point at the question I'm apparently avoiding, and it'd be less hypocritical of you to address questions I asked myself when doing so. Gish gallop my ass. Do you even know what gish gallop means? "The fallacious debating tactic of drowning an opponent in such a torrent of small arguments that the opponent cannot possibly rebut each one in real time." Guess what? There's nothing "real time" about responding to a comment on a blog.
Have a nice day eom
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
So, there isn't a question
that I've been avoiding? Why wouldn't you cite it after claiming I was avoiding it?
The guy in the video
I was wrong about the guy being a white guy from Ohio suburbs... According to commentary this guy is a 17 year old ex-Muslim Canadian of Pakistani origin... and is presently in Pakistan.
From the Light House.
So what does it say about you
that you decided he was a white republican from ohio?
Black with a white suburban accent, right.
The guy says he is "brown"... his accent says he is a white suburban Republican from Ohio.
Then comes the insult, as if I am some ignorant greaser with no education and ear plugs on. What we say is "no respect"... and is clearly ad hominem ... as you said,
You obviously don't know a red herring from a Yellow Fin Tuna...
As for the rest of your arguement:
Selected clips from selected videos posted and reposted by a crowd of white supremacists. Starts with a Black Lady telling the press to go fuck themselves, "The press is just as bad as the police." I happen to agree with her.
Then your appeal to authority, as usual MLK. Forgot Malcolm X and Black Panthers and any number of revolutionary theorists who know that the only way to create change is to threaten the property and profit of the rich and powerful.
Followed by "People of Color Safe Zones," Straw man! So somebody came up with an idea and all of a sudden all #BlackLivesMatter people and Hispanics are looting liquor stores to create apartheid. Some asshole records another asshole advocating murder of all white people and all of a sudden #BlackLivesMatter is a group advocating genocide.
Two logical fallacies here:
From the Light House.
In a way
That's a fairly racist statement. So if someone doesn't have the right accent, they don't qualify as a member of a certain race? Because every British person sounds like Nigel Thornberry, right?
Why is it so hard for you to drop the straw manning bullshit? Where did I say that everyone in BLM holds all the same beliefs as the radicals? And why is it so hard for you to even acknowledge that there are problems that are having a negative impact on the BLM movement as a whole? You know, let's look at what I actually said:
Gee, that's a far cry from me associating the entire BLM movement with pro-segregation black americans. In fact, to anybody who wasn't purposely looking for any reason at all to dismiss what I pointed out so they don't have to deal with it, it would probably appear that I'm not actually associating those people with BLM at all. Why else would I say that they call themselves BLM activists, rather than calling them BLM activists myself?
About you agreeing with that lady that the press is as bad as the police: name for me any member of the press who has murdered an unarmed black kid, got a paid vacation, then went back to their job. Any at all? No? Then it's a lie to say they're "just as bad." Or, if you'd like a fallacy, "false equivalency."
Oh, and this right here?
The rioting isn't threatening the property and profit of the rich and powerful. It's damaging the weak and powerless, and further driving in the divisive wedge of racism that the rich and powerful use to manipulate us. By refusing to address any of the problems that has arisen in the BLM movement, the BLM movement is just a tool that the rich and powerful can use to keep us distracted from what they are doing to all of us. And saying that the racists and rioters aren't representative of the BLM movement isn't doing anything to help. All that is being done is that the "black people are violent thugs" stereotype is being proven true to people who may have never believed that stereotype before.
Whizz - multiple points over head. n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
interesting words
from Alderman Khalif Rainey:
This isn't just a "few bad apples"
This was inevitable when those cop shootings were framed as a race problem (when 55% of cop shooting victims are white).
"those cop shootings were framed as a race problem," because they absolutely are a race problem.
As the seer a2nite has correctly observed:
It's not as though what in
It's not as though what in some areas of the US appears to be a policy to protect police abusing/killing anyone not of blotchy skin, resulting in the identifiable target population pretty much living in a war zone day in and day out, could possibly result in any of that identifiable target population going pretty much crazy with the stress, fear, anger and frustration of living with the continual possibility of themselves/their family/friends being taken out by the very police they pay to protect them without anything ever being done to prevent this by the political representatives they pay - and who may tacitly or directly support the murder by police of citizens of Colour by going so far as to conceal evidence of such murders.
But this is not just in their heads.
The Cranberries - Zombie
Edited for typo.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Please Explain
Please explain why you characterized the officer-involved shooting that kicked off the rioting as a cop shooting a black male running from a traffic stop? Seems like your intentionally obfuscating some pretty relevant details about the incident, namely that the black man was a robbery suspect who brandished a stolen gun. It almost seems like your spinning this event, purposely white-washing a tragedy, to support the white-cop-as-racist narrative that BLM popularized.
Keep in mind this is a city where, in 2011 at least, 93% of murder suspects were black.
We can talk about why urban black communities in this country are in crisis, the root causes of that and what's to be done about it, but scapegoating the one group of people who are actually putting skin in the game isn't productive. Oh, and the idea that the young black men who are contributing to the aforementioned murder rate should be treated with kid gloves seems like a more pernicious form of racism, this paternal racism, than any you imagine is endemic to our communities police forces.
The straw that broke the camel's back need not be clean
It just needs to be one straw too many. IMHO the situation was so tense that anything would have triggered it.
The rioters whom the British fired at in 1770 were not innocent bystanders - they were throwing snowballs, rocks, snowballs with rocks in them, and clamshells. (A big enough clamshell in the right/wrong place can do some real damage. So can a rock, if thrown hard enough.) But the Brits were still in the wrong to have opened fire, and not even John Adams could honestly argue with that. (The incident also led to the troops being withdrawn from Boston proper to Castle Island.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I'm sorry but these people aren't freedom fighters, they're criminals. They aren't advancing human rights, democracy, or freedom. They're pulling guns on shop clerks, robbing home owners, and shooting their neighbors in shocking numbers. Look at the crime stats in these cities and then try out some real empathy; if I was a hard-working, law-abiding black person in a poor neighborhood in Baltimore, or Chicago, or Milwaukee I wouldn't be pissing myself over racist cops. I'd be terrified of that group of young, unemployed, uneducated thugs on the corner whose only male role model is a rapper talking about gettin' dough (sp?) and smacking hoes. Tell me I'm making that up. Please, show me the empirical evidence that proves this stereotype of urban culture wrong.
I respect your attempt to empathize with members of poor, minority communities, I do. But, damn, it's misplaced. We should be empathizing with victims of absurd unemployment rates, broken families, and a culture that celebrates violence, not the guy who breaks into a home and steals a gun along with hundreds of rounds of ammo and then points that gun at an over-worked cop.
Black lives matter? Well then let's deal with the root of the problem. Let's get down with some hard data and start speaking honestly about the problems suffered by a not-insignificant group of our fellow Americans.
The 1770 mob weren't "freedom fighters" either
That term did not exist, and all they were doing was baiting the hated Redcoats. Things got out of hand - they could have gotten out of hand at any time, in a number of different ways. (Boston had a tradition of rowdiness among the working classes, which showed up in a number of ways, such as the annual Guy Fawkes Day celebrations - generally an excuse for drunkenness, street fights, etc. They were rude enough to call it "Pope's Day" and include a number of anti-Catholic elements, such as an effigy of a "Pope" on a float to be burned at the end of a parade - North End and South End each had one, and when they met there was usually a street fight.)
When a situation is that explosive, ANY spark will set it off. This goes for Milwaukee also.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"one group of people who are actually putting skin in the game," in Milwaukee, as elsewhere, are black people. Not cops. Who are occupiers, liars, brutes, killers.
Do me a favor
Look up the crime stats for Milwaukee and tell me who is doing the dirt, and who is getting the dirt done to them.
Why do you suppose the north side is so troubled? Because white cops hate blacks, or because of high crime rates (black on black crime)? Look at the numbers. Then ask yourself: where would I want to open a business? Or, where would I want to teach school? Put money into small business development and education in low-income communities, step up law enforcement to help shop keepers and teachers feel safe and adequately rewarded, and kids who would otherwise be messing with drugs and guns might have a chance. Keep mourning gang-bangers who catch a bullet and you only legitimize the cycle of violence.
Say what you will, but capitalism is cold, uncaring and completely objective.
Empower black communities. Don't make martyrs of criminals just to feel better about your privilege, or whatever the fuck we're calling self-flagellation nowadays.
i'm not interested
in "crime stats." They are owned and controlled by white people. Generated, in the first instance, by cops. Who are occupiers, liars, brutes, killers.
Here, for instance, is a Milwaukee crime. That is reflected in no "crime stats." And we're all just supposed to cry. And feel sorry. For the killer.
You precious little snowflake...
You're just adorable. I'm guessing you typed that last response on your way to your gender studies class.
While you're defending criminals don't forget to give some love to the dark lord from Harry Potter. That dude is completely misunderstood. And I'm with you; fuck stats. Empiricism, rational argument, facts--tools of the devil they are.
Hugs and kisses my special, little, androgynous, pc teddy bear! Mwah!