Police have never been safer. You and me? Not so much
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 01/10/2018 - 12:37pmThe chance of a cop being killed on the job last year, once you subtract traffic accidents, was roughly the same as working construction.
The chance of a cop being killed on the job last year, once you subtract traffic accidents, was roughly the same as working construction.
Occupied Milwaukee is looking like a "war zone". People shooting people, cops shooting Black males running away from traffic stops.
All the marionettes of the corporate state can think of is "Less Guns." MSM ignoring protests unless cop cars and liquor stores are burned by Black or Brown folks. Its the same sort of dog-whistling bull shit that brought to us by those same Clinton manikans who invented "super-predators".
This evening's music features Chicago blues guitarist J.B. Hutto. Enjoy!
J.B. Hutto - Got My Mojo Workin'