Excercising Your Voting Rights: You can vote for who the hell you like.
Requirements for write-in candidates
Although a write-in candidate is not entitled to ballot placement, he or she may still be required to file paperwork in order to have his or her votes tallied (or to be eligible to serve should the candidate be elected). In 34 states, a write-in presidential candidate must file some paperwork in advance of an election. In nine states, write-in voting for presidential candidates is not permitted. The remaining states do not require presidential write-in candidates to file special paperwork before the election.
Some states have special provisions permitting parties to place presidential candidates on the ballot without attaining full ballot status. In 2016, the Democratic and Republican parties were fully ballot-qualified in all 50 states, granting them presidential ballot access by default. As of August 2016, the following large minor parties had achieved presidential ballot access as indicated:[14][15][16]
Libertarian Party: 39 states
Green Party: 27 states
Constitution Party: 19 statesThe maps below provide further details for each of these parties.
Those who tell you differently are interfering with our fundamental democracy.
We do not have to have a duopoly.
We don't have to vote the "not as bad as".
It is not our fault that the duopoly gives us two untrustworthy candidates, it is also not our fault if one of their candidates fails or succeeds.
That rhetoric is purely intended to maintain the duopoly.
The duopoly has been owned by the elite via their corporations and lobbyist for decades, hopes for campaign finance reform have been repeatedly dashed by the duopoly.
Screams when you mention a third party [or more] are just noise and help to maintain this partisan fakery. The big tents they pretend to cherish are merely dependant upon the number of elite pretending to care for either.
In fact the more they tell me my vote is for naught but to avoid one side of the duopoly or the other then the less likely I am to vote for any involved in this political circus.
My vote is my right.
To vote for anyone I so chose is another.
I intend to exercise my voting rights fully and I damn well expect it to be counted.
A rant.

the counting part is iffy
flipping machines, stripping voters, and gerrymandered districts all add up to a scam. Palast ( http://www.gregpalast.com/ ) claims there is a red state coalition removing duplicate names like Juan Rodrigo, etc even if they appear in states as far away as the Carolinas and Texas. I think there will be massive election fraud this Nov. Who will be the better cheaters? Now that's going to be close.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Follow the money.
My bet is on the one who is indebted to wall street, warmongers, and bushites.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
I don't count.
Life has taught me that my opinion, my vote, my actions do not count in this universe. I am not a defeatist, I am not whining, I am not a fatalist, I am a realist. I will continue as though my actions count, so functionally I agree with your comments, but understanding the reality of my existence keeps me from a psychotic break.
That's the liberating part
Any Democratic guilt-monger who wants to berate us for daring not to fall in line behind Clinton should automatically be challenged.
"My single vote won't decide the election."
"Yes it will! What if Hillary loses? Look at Nader!!!!"
"Give me one example of electors in a presidential election being flipped by a single vote. You can't."
"What if a lot of other people felt the way you did?"
"They do. Why do you think turnout sucks every damn year? People who can't be bothered to vote for either candidate always outnumber the ones who vote for the winner. Besides, if enough people felt the way I did we'd have a President Jill Stein next January."
"Have a nice day."
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What about the 200K+ registered Dems...
Who voted for G.W. Bush in Florida in 2000?
But butterfly ballot.
But old Jewish people who voted for Buchanan...
But Naaaaaaaderrrrrr....
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
I wont be responsible for the actions of the next Administration
Really, its the unstable billionaire or the oligarch's puppet now.
Your choice is now just how competently you are going to get screwed, not if.
vote how you want, quit strategizing the vote, just send whatever message you can with your token of democracy.
I won't be to blame for them, either.
And the first person who bitches to me after the election will be told, "Don't blame me, I voted for Bernie."
Loved Jill Stein's comment the other day
How can you say that what Donald Trump says is worse than what Hillary Clinton's done? (Referring to killing thousands in Libya and Syria.)
Please help support caucus99percent!
Also Iraq and probably other ME nations.
People like Colin Powell and Hillary helped sell the Iraq War to the American people, Powell because he polled as one of the most trusted people in the US and Hillary because, despite everything, Democrats still held the Clintons in high regard back then.
Don't think powell wanted to lie, he was forced
Hillary is a different story.
As for the difference between Herself and Trump: Trump might accidentally get us into WW3 while Hillary has been planning WW3 with all her foundation and wall street buddies. Only a major war will force the GOP to do her bidding.
How was Powell forced more than Hillary was?
Remember, Powell was also the one who said, "If you break Iraq, you own it." He was also a general who had seen combat, including in Vietnam. He knew exactly what he was doing even more than Hillary did and he did it anyway because he thought he was protecting himself by doing it, same as Hillary.
Besides, even if someone very literally has a gun to your head, you can choose whether to help lie America into another ghastly war or not. Powell and Hillary are both personally responsible for what they did; and what they did was heinous. Neither one of them deserves any honors or excuses. That is my opinion.
The way I see it,
it's the unstable billionaire vs. the unstable hundred millionaire vs. the candidates of newer parties, whom we at least still hope are sane and not overly bloodthirsty.
I would rather people voted for Stein, to signal unmistakeably that they want someone to the left of the Democratic candidate. #NeverHillaryOrDonald
Vote for whoever you like. If voting your conscience it. Old not be for the duopoly.
OMG, this is getting to be funny
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Snopes says hoax.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I didn't believe it. Thought it was funny....
Glad you posted a link. lol, Hillary's dropping bodies everywhere.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
wrong essay?
There are several Hillary health threads that are generating HUGE responses...you could post it over there...see what people think or find out if anyone else knows more...
Snopes claims "Sorcha Faal" is responsible for the hoaxing
Who dat? The person who runs a Hoaxer Central known as "Whatdoesitmean.com".
http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Sorcha_Faal (the most, well, rational explanation I could find)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Hokay (hoax-cay), let's get back to discussing voting
The distraction was mildly amusing, but it is a distraction.
Still waiting on word as to whether the Greens get on the ballot in Virginia - the rules here are tricky.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
People fall for this kind of crap
far too easily. In today's media landscape it is imperative to check the sources of "reports" and the backgrounds of "experts" before repeating their claims unreservedly. With Google at one's fingertips, this should not be too hard to do.
Oregon write-ins
According to the Oregon voters bill of rights(pdf)
"You have the right to vote for the person you want. You can write in someone else’s
name if you don’t like the choices on your ballot."
Same in Vermont
No Voters Bill of Rights in Virginia
and they're farting around with the Virginia Constitution again.
This time they want to add:
1) A provision to lock in Virginia's "right to work" (for less or nothing) laws in perpetuity by adding them to the state Constitution.
"While Virginia law may be amended by any future General Assembly, a constitutional prohibition can only be changed by a future constitutional amendment approved by the voters." Note: Virginia still has not so much as proposed an amendment to repeal their odious "marriage is only between a man and a woman, and there shall be no substitutes" amendment, even though per the US Supreme Court it is null and void.
2) A proposal to allow exemption from property taxes for the surviving spouse [see definition of "spouse" in I, 15-A, MUST be opposite sex and legally married ONLY] "of any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel who was killed in the line of duty, who occupies the real property as his or her principal place of residence".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
But then again, Vice President-elect Tim Kaine is pro right to work, isn't he?
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
You mean anti-union, don't mince words.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
That ain't mincin' words,
you don't get any more anti-union than right to work.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Meant it friendly
I see it reads differently.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
No sweat!
We of the 99% are in this thing together.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Oregon Registration Fraud
at least 50K voters were denied their right to vote in the primary for Presidential Candidate due to wide spread voter registration fraud.
I laugh when people think their vote actually counts or somehow their vote is more special than others.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
My vote isn't a special snowflake?
I'm shattered.
My mom has been lying to me all these years.
I'd like to form a political party
called the Write In Party: Russel Brand for President, Sarah Palin for VP, and Ed Snowden for SoS. No platform whatsoever.
Fortunately, I'm far too lazy to attempt any such thing.
"You can vote for who the hell you like."
Or not. I have read and heard over and over that a vote for anyone except Hillary is a vote for Trump. I will not vote for president this year. If someone wants a vote for Hillary, I suggest they go out and find someone who isn't planning on voting and convince them to vote for Hillary. It has nothing to do with me, and I feel no guilt. Why would I want to vote for someone who uses MY government as her personal property? That's my current reason, BTW. Oh, and I'll be voting for the rest of the ticket.
Why not vote for Stein, then?
The little I've seen of her hasn't impressed me.
She'll be on CNN for an hour on Wednesday night. I'll be watching. We'll see what comes out of that.
What about what you've seen....
....failed to impress you? Have you listened to any of her interviews and speeches, or are you simply influenced by that concerted smear campaign started by the DNC and carried out by the mainstream and alternate media a couple weeks back? What issues bother you?
Also, I hope you don't base your entire opinion of her on the upcoming CNN interview. They will do everything in their power to twist what she says, attack and belittle her. Just be alert to that.
It's about using your vote to say that
you want someone to the left of the two largest parties, which is about all we have time to do between now and November.
Duplicate deleted.
Stein is the sensible choice this election IMO
I have to thank Bernie for leading me to Jill.
She and her VP choice and human rights activist, Ajamu Baraka, are two fine candidates for consideration.
If you have time for just one video, have a dekko at this one
This site contains a whole bunch of videos 'Jill Stein for President Booster Club'
It is high time we started supporting a third party. The only choice and answer to the Democrats and neoliberalism in this election is the Green Party IMO.
Completely ass-backwards, A vote for anybody but Trump
is a vote for Hillary.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hate to tell you this
Voting isn't working. It's all rigged.
We little people don't have any fucking rights.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Writing in has disadvantages.
I would love for all of us to vote for Jill Stein, but I understand that every person's vote belongs to him or her. However, people contemplating a write in should be aware that write votes don't get reported, whereas a vote for Stein would be reported.
Also, check the law of your state before election day. In some states, writing in at the top of the ticket can invalidate your entire ballot. If you can't figure out state law by researching it online, call the office of the secretary of state of your state and ask about the impact of writing in.
California rules
A candidate must file the following with the California Secretary of State’s Office by October 21, 2008:
1) A “Statement of Write-In Candidacy For President Of The United States” form.
2) 55 “Declaration Of Write-In Candidacy Presidential Elector” forms, each of which must be notarized.
http://writein2008.blogspot.com/ has rules for all 50 sttes.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The ethical dilemma faced by voters.
Travis N. Rieder put together a thought provoking article. Bioethicist, philosopher, writer is his tagline.
I agree with this line of thinking:
and this line of thinking:
but not his final conclusion:
Here's the whole article, to get the well written ideas between the above quotes: