Donald Trump is rallying a lynch mob. He's done it before, with the Central Park Five.

From Politico: “Trump's long dalliance with violent rhetoric — Beyond his own incendiary comments, he's done little to mute loose talk of killing Clinton and Obama”

And refrains of “hang the bitch” and “kill the bitch” have grown increasingly common at Trump rallies. [...]

Calls for violence against Clinton are not hard to detect at Trump events. At an event in Ashburn, Virginia, last week, a pre-teen boy in the press area shouted “take the bitch down!” with his nearby mother’s approval. On Tuesday, a reporter at a Trump rally in North Carolina tweeted that someone had shouted, “Kill her! Kill her!” — a refrain that has been heard at more than one Trump campaign events in recent weeks, along with calls for Clinton’s hanging.

New Yorkers remember another time Donald Trump was mouthing off about “law and order”. In 1989 he advocated executing five black and brown boys (14-16 years old) who had been accused of a crime they didn't commit. Donald Trump has decades of experience stoking crowds till they are baying for blood.

Just two weeks after the Central Park attack, before any of the boys had faced trial and while Meili remained critically ill in a coma, Donald Trump, whose office on Fifth Avenue commanded an exquisite view of the park’s opulent southern frontier, intervened.

He paid a reported $85,000 to take out advertising space in four of the city’s newspapers, including the New York Times. Under the headline “Bring Back The Death Penalty. Bring Back The Police!” and above his signature, Trump wrote: “I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence.”

The Central Park Five, were innocent of course. NYPD officers had rounded them up and coerced confessions (in the absence of lawyers or family) in an effort to demonstrate swift resolution of the case. The five boys (they were 14 to 16 at the time) were convicted by a jury relying almost exclusively on the forced confessions. They all pled not-guilty at the trial and there was no physical evidence tying them to the crime. They each spent years in prison for a crime they didn't commit. They were exonerated in a 2002 investigation. The city eventually settled with them for tens of millions.

Yusuf Salaam, fifteen years old at the time, was one of the boys:

“He was the fire starter,” Salaam said of Trump, in his first extended interview since Trump announced his run for the White House. “Common citizens were being manipulated and swayed into believing that we were guilty.” [...]

All five minors had already been paraded in front of the cameras and had their names and addresses published, but Salaam said he and his family received more death threats after the papers ran Trump’s full-page screed. On a daytime TV show two days later, a female audience member called for the boys to be castrated and echoed the calls for the death penalty if Meili died. Pat Buchanan, the former Republican White House aide, called for the oldest of the group, Wise, to be “tried, convicted and hanged in Central Park by June 1”.

Trump isn't running to be president any more; he's running to be at the head of a lynch mob.

— Billmon (@billmon1) August 11, 2016

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Even though She wraps it in a lot of words to make you think she doesn't like it.

But her words about due process etc ring hollow when you know that death sentences are disproportionately handed out to the poor & minorities.

so when you set aside the language used, is there really a difference between the two candidates on this issue?

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kharma's picture

I read it as "Donald Trump is a fucking asshole".
Seems you read it as: "Donald Trump is a fucking asshole so vote Hillary."

There's a difference. We can hate gonorrhea without loving syphilis.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

lunachickie's picture

I read it as Donald Trump is a fucking asshole.

If I read a piece about Hillary Clinton that stated some of the things she's done, I'd read it as "Hillary Clinton is a fucking asshole".

I don't know about you, but I am not willingly voting for any fucking assholes Wink

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Love is my religion.

Anja Geitz's picture

Conclusion we are suppose to draw from pointing out Trump is an asshole. We've been banging on it for almost a year. To what purpose exactly does this serve? As a reminder, again, of the "options" that face us?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

martianexpatriate's picture

is state that you don't think we should argue about the quality of the candidates.

That's a ridiculous statement to me.

There was a time in this country that we actually believed in critical reasoning. Now we've all gone tribal to the point that if I say something negative about a candidate, we have to have a discussion about whether we should talk about it.

You always have the discussion.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Is pairing the word "quality" and this years "candidates" in one sentence and having a discussion about why we'd vote for either of them.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

I wrote the post because I was thinking about his actions when the CP-5 were arrested, and I see numerous similarities to the way he's egging on crowds now. I think this guy is comfortable in front of a lynch mob, he enjoys it.

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I can read that all day long at top. It is all I hear from the media. I know it, and quite frankly, I don't give a flying f@ck about Trump. I refuse to listen or add to the Trump is the more evil bleating coming from the lesser of evil camps. Hillary and the media don't need the left adding to the drum beat.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

edg's picture

The "Trump is worse than Hitler" crap is growing really old. I hate that I have to go to Fox or other rightwing sites to get any real news nowadays. The liberal media outlets have gone full-on "Must. Attack. Trump." 24x7.

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The most negative election in history, whereas if Bernie was the nominee. the conversation would be on how much a part of the .01% is Donald Trump and how Bernie's policies are superior and spirit lifting. I hope Jill's positive message starts piercing through soon.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

martianexpatriate's picture

One person advocates the death penalty in vague terms because she doesn't want to be quoted. I definitely wouldn't vote for that person.

Another person pays money and rallies up a lynch mob to help actually get people killed.

You think there's no difference?

Listen, if you really dislike Clinton you'll get no argument from me. But don't sit there and tell me its the same thing. And please don't be so caught up in the emotional tenor of the times that you lose your ability to reason critically.

Being on the wrong side of the law is not the same as inciting a lynch mob. It isn't even close.

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lotlizard's picture

Then claps her hands and laughs on live TV when the actual final lynching is shown.

The idea that Hillary's character is somehow better than Trump's is ridiculous.

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martianexpatriate's picture

Hillary Clinton has done horrible things, and is a warmonger. She is also cold, calculating, and arrives at her decisions carefully. It's that last part you should listen to.

She has betrayed progressive on many occasions, but she is a canny politician who knows that at least part of the US must benefit from her decisions, or she gets thrown out.

Donald Trump is exactly the kind of guy who would be willing to drop nuclear weapons to prove how big of a man he is. He is exactly that guy. I don't care whether my saying that offends you or not.

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stevej's picture

more likely to drop a nuke than Clinton? Think about her history.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

martianexpatriate's picture

deal of self-control to not be sarcastic now. Have you watched this guy? Seriously, are you familiar with him at all?

He has meltdowns all the time. He loses his temper virtually constantly, and he does it while on stage talking to people. He does it doing interviews. She isn't like that.

If you guys are such awful judges of character that you can't see it, or if you are so trapped in your narrative, then I guess there's no point in talking about this anymore.

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It has to stop or we'll keep losing no matter who wins and the planet will run out of time. Trump supporters need to see that there is a reason why Hillary, with all her faults, is ahead of Trump. It is because Trump scares the crap out of a lot people and he should scare Trump supporters too. Trump supporters need to see how they're being used in Hillary's extortion of us.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

detroitmechworks's picture

to continue their war on the poor and those who consider Big Pharma to be full of shit.

So, once again, what Trump Says is just as bad as what Hillary and her ilk DO.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

hecate's picture

I had no idea Hillary was running the DEA.

And it is about what The Hairball does. What he did, as this piece points out, was call down a lynch mob on black children. Because that's what he does. Because he's a disgusting racist, a disgusting human being.

In the 1970s, the Justice Department sued him, and his father, the Klansman, for racially discriminating against black tenants. That's what he did.

In the 1980s, he chased the icky black people off the floor of his casinos. "When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor. They put us all in the back." That's what he did.

In the 1990s, he went off on his black accountant: "Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control." He hounded the man until he resigned. That's what he did.

More recently, from the very bowels of his racism, he led the "birther" jihad, going at it until The Kenyan called a press conference, to display his birth certificate. That's what he did.

He retwits lies from white supremacists; that's what he does. He encourages people at his rallies to beat the shit out of people; that's what he does. He gets his people all excited about deporting brown people, and subjecting brown people to "waterboarding, and worse." That's what he does.

Shouting "look, there's a Hillary squirrel!", whenever anyone points out that The Hairball is filth, is as tiresome as shouting "look, there's a Trump squirrel!", whenever anyone points out that The Mad Bomber is filth.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Breaking News! Breaking News! Breaking News!

Trump! Trump! Trump!

Dangerous! Dangerous! Dangerous!

All men on deck! All men on deck! All men on deck!

This is your brain on Trumpism....


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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

is take their lives away. I watched some documentary I think it was about what happened to them, disgusting waste of young lives. No matter how much I hate Shillary, and I really am beginning to actually emotionally hate her for what she's done, that Rump is never the answer. He's unleashed something that was only barely held at bay for many decades now, and with a TV spectacle addled audience, he and his are damned scary. And I don't think it's hyperbole to say that either. He's a rich, arrogant, entitled asshole and always has been and always will be. How anyone could be married to that I will never understand - there's simply not enough money in the world. But I suppose they mostly marry into their own kind anyway.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Cachola's picture

Just like Shillary is not in charge of the DEA (as someone rightfully pointed out, not that I think H would do anything differently), Trump was not in charge of the investigation, prosecution or sentencing.

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Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.

I walk past the entrance to the park that they used every day. I want to make sure people remember what Trump was doing back then.

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We get that he is bad now, then, and forevermore.
However, when a writer points it out for the kazillionth time, to a site that doesn't support Trump (or anybody else), all it does is cause the readers to look at the alternatives running for president.
Instead of pondering what we already know, we turn our sights on Johnson, Clinton, and Stein. If not Trump, because we all agree he is awful, then...who?
What do we do? We vote. We consider the merits and demerits of the alternatives.
I hadn't thought about WWIII or Hillary until I read this absolutely truthful essay about Trump.
Go, Stein!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

elenacarlena's picture

Shouting "look, there's a Hillary squirrel!", whenever anyone points out that The Hairball is filth, is as tiresome as shouting "look, there's a Trump squirrel!", whenever anyone points out that The Mad Bomber is filth.

I want to know the facts about both of them. They reveal themselves more and more over time.

If Trump really thinks Hillary doesn't belong in the White House, maybe he should start actually filing legal motions to ensure that the voting isn't rigged. That would be both potentially effective for all of us and nonviolent.

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CS in AZ's picture

I think that's already been very well established. Trump is horrible, the Clintons are horrible. Which is more horrible doesn't even matter to me, both are utterly unacceptable and I will never vote for either. It's very likely the Clintons will be elected, and it will suck. If somehow trump wins instead, it will suck. Dwelling on it won't change a thing. For me it's down to survival mode, and help each other as best we can. Politics isn't going to save us.

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Big Al's picture

Logging in to give that a thumbs up. It is why both should be criticized heavily and often. This is no choice and we should make that clear. Those not liking the criticism of Trump because they think it helps Clinton are playing the lesser evil game.
Wrote this for my blog.

Former Sanders Supporters Cry Foul over Criticism of Trump because it Helps Clinton

Some people on the left, primarily former Sanders supporters, are complaining about others on the left who are criticizing Trump. The primary reason appears to be they feel that is helping Clinton, and they don't want Clinton to win.

Do not help Clinton by criticizing Trump!

Most of these same people may actually vote for Trump, in a stunning display of lesser evilism, because they so want to keep Clinton from becoming President.

It appears true that the corporate media is upping its criticism of Trump and favoring Clinton. That's what the corporate media does, it's all in on the "game". The Zionists controlling the corporate media do so to manipulate and control the narratives the sheeple will focus on.

This comes after many complained that Trump was getting "free advertising" from the corporate media during the primary session. Now its changed.

This is just another facet of lesser evilism. Those complaining believe Clinton is more evil than Trump.

What a wasted and naive stupid game they're playing. In my view, both candidates should be criticized up, down and sideways, and deemed unacceptable to become President of this sad country. So it should not matter whether Trump is criticized or Clinton is criticized as long as the most important point, they both suck, remains the primary focus.

That's not what they're doing. By complaining about criticism of Trump helping Clinton, even if they don't vote for the scumbag Trump, they are in effect siding with Trump as the lesser evil and not ascribing to the fact that both candidates are unacceptable. They might feel that way but their words don't back it up. That would be called cognitive dissonance. Caught up in this political process because that's the way it is without thinking that it doesn't have to be this way.

I don't care when I criticize Trump that I'm helping Clinton because I don't care about either of them. I don't want either of them to be president. So it doesn't matter if I inadvertantly help Clinton with my criticism of Trump or help Trump with my criticism of Clinton. That's on the sheeple who can't see what the fuck is going on.

Those playing this lesser evil game are still going to get evil. That doesn't seem to sink in.

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elenacarlena's picture

I still want to know what they're up to lately.

I hadn't heard previously about the Trump supporters chanting about death, for example. I hope the Secret Service pays Trump another visit.

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They're acting against everybody's interests, particularly their own. Damn I wish they could see that Jill Stein would be most in their interest, or at least Gary Johnson. Same goes to Hillary supporters, but that's a different kettle of fish.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Anja Geitz's picture

A Trump is despicable/ridiculous/dangerous threat we must vote for Hillary diary.

Anyone know where I can access a cross and some garlic?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

martianexpatriate's picture

The fact that Trump has already tried to incite lynch mobs is totally irrelevant to the election. We must all stop saying these things.

Or maybe you should just stop reading them.

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are? I think people are saying that both of them are awful and they've made of up their minds. They don't want to hear any more from the media or Hillary camps about how bad Trump is. For every bad he is, Hillary will see him and raise him 250K. It isn't our job to help defeat Trump. Why the hell would we help her by adding to her cacophony of noise about bad Trump?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

hecate's picture

foams at the mouth and rolls on the floor in agony at the cacophony of noise about bad Hillary that daily swells this site like a great ballooning tick.

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joe shikspack's picture

drink too much "great tasting" or too much "less filling" and you puke.

for those of you who missed the 80's, here's what the slogan refers to.

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Anja Geitz's picture

That's the reason I'm here. To be able to foam at the mouth over Hillary's corruption and neo liberal policies that don't represent what I'm looking for in a President. But I hear they REALLY like her at TOP.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

hecate's picture

it takes all kinds, I guess. I find her unrelievedly, unbelievably boring. I was finished with her in 1992, and since then she's been like a really bad television show, that won't go off the air, and that people won't stop talking about. The Hairball is at least something different: there has been nothing like him in the politics since 1968, or maybe '48, and never at the head of one of the major parties.

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Anja Geitz's picture

During this election when I've questioned the authenticity of Trumps campaign. Aside from needling Hillary and calling her school yard names, I've yet to see Trump really hit her hard on her most vulnerable points. Her credibility. Hell, he could just go through WikiLeaks greatest hits, one by one, and tank her numbers. FFS, I could do a better job at tanking her numbers. The media is certainly not talking about it, and as far as I can tell, he's been given the biggest microphone of this entire campaign.

Never seen anything like it.

Our planet burns.
Our water and food is being compromised
Our electoral process is being compromised.
Our very democracy is being suborned.

But we keep banging away at the most disgusting thing that Trump utters today.

Yeah, my tolerance level for this shit hit GO a long time ago.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Vote for Stein!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

lotlizard's picture

"Must lynch Qaddafi, must lynch Assad, must lynch Shi'ites to punish Iran" — Hillary's brand of incitement gets millions killed and puts millions to flight, but Hairball Haters don't care about any of that. #IraqLivesMattered

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elenacarlena's picture

Subir has been a consistent anti-Hilliary voice on the Site That Loves Hillary and has taken a lot of grief for it. I'd wager he'll either vote for Stein, write in Bernie, or not vote for Pres.

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lunachickie's picture

unless it starts looking.....well, contradictory...

Subir has been a consistent anti-Hilliary voice on the Site That Loves Hillary

It appears--at least to me--that Subir has been a consistent anti-Trump voice, here on The Site That Doesn't Love Hillary.

Do we need to conclude that he/she is attracted, more than anything else, to the idea of "contrarianism in blog writing"?

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hecate's picture

that people here hew exclusively to such three-fisted whizbangs as the hourly anal probes of the emails and the daily Fristian craniotomies. That this site is but "The Site That Doesn't Love Hillary" is simply the site as it appears to you. Which is through a very narrow straw. People on this site were laying into Trump long before you ever got here.

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I just look all over the net, hoping to find something...ANYTHING...about how awful Trump is, so thanks so much for this.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

You mean the same smear factory exposed by the DNC emails as coordinating with the Hillary campaign to sabotage Bernie?

Why should I even remotely consider this source credible?

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Amanda Matthews's picture

spokesperson. Well, her and Bill sure didn't do much for justice and fairness in our criminal system. How many people received harsh and unwarranted sentences thanks to those two?


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Alex Ocana's picture

The super-predator quote by Clinton in early 1996 has a much deeper and UGLIER history than most people know.

DiIulio, an extreme right wing ideologue who originated the term, was invited to the White House at the height of his fame, so to speak, in late 1995. Bill and Hillary had a three and a half hour meeting with him and others about youth crime. His theory was that a large chunk of "inner city" youth were basically becoming "monsters". Particularly the black youth.

"They (black youth AKA super-predators) are the bitter fruit of loveless, abusive unions of unsocialized people. Having received nothing, they are without human compassion. They kill and rape without mercy or remorse. They can only be incapacitated by prison."

The original article which H. Clinton is paraphrasing, here:

black crime cover 3.jpg

Shortly after this White House meeting the Clinton's went on thir rampage against "super-predators". One accomplishment was to try juveniles age 13-18 (now as young as ten) as adults and lock them up in adult prisons.


I remember during a trip to the USA in the 90's that local news was non-stop violent African-American violent criminals, carefully selected to appear terrifying to white suburbanites, and consistently being slammed against cars, or the pavement and stomped on. I was enraged at this shit and discussed it with my daughter.

black crime cover.jpg
black crime cover 2.jpg

This sort of Clinton led fear-mongering and niggah-bashing was stoked by an endless stream of cases like this one below, and mentioned in addresses from the Oval Office by Bill Clinton.

Chicago Boys, 7 and 8, Charged In the Brutal Killing of a Girl, 11
By PAM BELLUCK Published: August 11, 1998

CHICAGO, Aug. 10— In a case that has sent chills across this city, two boys, ages 7 and 8, have been charged with murdering an 11-year-old girl -- striking her with a rock, sexually molesting her and suffocating her with her own underwear -- apparently to take the bright blue bicycle she had been riding, the police said today.

Of course these kids were ultimately found innocent and victims of coerced "confessions", after being smeared for weeks on mainstream media.

And of course, the whole statistical analysis was found to be a fantasy. Crime rates had been plummeting from 1993 long before the draconian racist crime laws. The most recent research suggests that infantile lead poisoning in inner cities (from paint)was the causation of the spike of crime in inner cities. And that incarcerating black youth had no effect whatsoever on the violent crime rate.

black crime cover 4.jpg

The point of this is that both Clintons invited a right-wing extremist with a blatantly racist agenda to the White House and used the office of the White House to promote his mythical ideology and legalize state sponsered lynching of teenage black males

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From the Light House.

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