
Tuesday Open Thread ~ When the Levee Breaks


"…much of the conversation about Hurricane Dorian—including most media coverage—ignores climate change. That's a mistake. It's akin to talking about lung cancer and being afraid to mention smoking, or talking about traffic deaths and being afraid to talk about drunken driving." ~ David Leonhardt


Welcome to Tuesday’s Open Thread. A few days ago there was a news article in Joe’s EB about the media's coverage of Hurricane Dorian. The concern voiced in the article was that the kind of storm-porn the media loves to feed us, negates any real discussion over how to prepare our cities in the face of these extreme storms. This type of reporting isn't new. I watched the same coverage when I was living in New York after Superstorm Sandy. What is new are the storms themselves. So why aren't we talking about them in a more relevant way?

Donald Trump is rallying a lynch mob. He's done it before, with the Central Park Five.

From Politico: “Trump's long dalliance with violent rhetoric — Beyond his own incendiary comments, he's done little to mute loose talk of killing Clinton and Obama”

And refrains of “hang the bitch” and “kill the bitch” have grown increasingly common at Trump rallies. [...]