I'm Keeping An Eye On This
" The list includes Republicans and Independents like former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Carla Hills, Senator Angus King (ME), Former Senators David Durenberger (MN) and Larry Pressler (SD), Congressman Richard Hanna (NY), Former Congresswoman Connie Morella (MD), Former Congressman Chris Shays (CT), Former Governor Arnie Carlson (MN), Former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, Former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft, and CEO Meg Whitman, among many others. Carlos Gutierrez, Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce (2005-2009) and Former Chairman and CEO of Kellogg Company
Ah, Brent Scowcroft long time buddy of Henry Kissinger and Chris "it's not torture" Shays . Nice little list. Negroponte, ha, another Honduras expert.
Just a little note to Democrats: this nice warm little site is being funded by your donations.
It will be interesting to watch this list of "Friends of Hillary" grow.
It will also be interesting who from the list [or their close associates] end up in Hillary's executive team next year. Yes, I am pretty sure she is going to win because the fall guy is fucking up nicely, but I think she will get quite a bit less than 50% of the popular vote [say 40% ish] Trump will be somewhere in the mid 20s.
I notice on the centrist sites that it's all about dissing "The Hair" and not actually promoting their Candidate, Oh look Trump...BAD!!! BAD!!! BAD!!!. I must admit its quite a lot of fun watching "normal" Republicans squirm with each piece of Trump hyperbole. Honestly Democrats, you seem to be trying awfully hard to attract the Republican elite even though the GOP's candidate appears to be desperately trying to throw the election.
The really annoying thing is that they have turned this hatred of Trump towards anyone who dares disagree, we are tarred with the same brush "if you aint a friend of Hills then yer the goddamn enemy! and hate Amerika USA USA USA!" You don't like war then have another "USA USA USA you haters!"
All I can say is: It's a good job that both Parties have such well loved and trusted candidates, heaven knows what it would be like if they didn't.

Sociopaths for Clinton.
Pretty much, excluding the Democrats own
More like mass murderers
for Hillary.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Inside view of Clinton's supporters...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
LOL- Bingo
You seem like a nice Russian n/t
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Здравствуйте comrade
Back at you
from underneath this here bed
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I made the mistake...
of going to Americablog recently...that is actually the response that the John Aravosis made to every single critic of Hillary, and to his awful blog post. It was pathetic to say the least.
Will say one thing
for Aravosis - he went over to the darkside long before it became fashionable for so called progressive bloggers to do so.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
he's looking for work
If you take a look at his background, he's the type of stooge that is just hoping to get a sweet gig working for the Clintons.
People mistake him for some kind of journalist, when in fact his training and experience is more akin to a propagandist.
He'll need a new source of income once $$Hillary becomes POTUS, and the reality of what a horrific person and politician she is sets in. She should break the record Obama set for 'shortest D.C. honeymoon' by about 6 months.
I've been
hearing a lot about the earth flipping on it's axis where North is South and vice-versa. Appears it's already started with the dem party...
The flip thing is for real.... Seems every so often the earths
Magnetic poles Flip... Happens every few hundred (thousand?) years... I think and scientists believe we are overdue for the next flip
Sounds wacky, I know BUT I learned about this on Nova.
as for political flipping. The center never flips... But it does lie
Orwell was an optimist
The center doesn't flip
It slips and slides.
Love is my religion.
LOVE your avatar,
LOVE your avatar, FunLovingProgressive!
But I wonder if one problem is that the Clinton's and their ilk have no centre at all, just a great empty gaping maw within, containing a black hole greed-driven to engulf, suck in and destroy all life and joy so that they may have taken away all of what anyone else might otherwise have or have had.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
They must have some dark twisted souls, if there is such a thing
Love is my religion.
And thanks.
Feel free to steal it. I sure did too, heh.
Love is my religion.
Hillary's message: Trump is very bad.
I get Hillary, I do. My problem is that you are very bad, too. So is your husband, who you tell us will play a large role in your administration. To that I say only, "Yikes!"
Saw a post from a friend on FB the other day referring to this
It was an article (didn't save the link) about an open letter, written by many Progressive groups URGING HRC to NOT fill her cabinet and admin with these right leaning military people and insider billionaires.
What was soooo interesting was the list of the groups that signed onto this letter ..which included the usual groups like DFA, CREDO and MOVEON... And... DAILYKOS (smile)
Sooooo it seems we can get banned at TOP if we even mention the same concern about HRC moving center right that they, themselves have.
If it wasn't so sad... It would be pathetic.
USA USA USA.... Amirite
Orwell was an optimist
Ok, went to find the link...
Other signatories to the letter include the Center for Popular Democracy Action, CREDO Action, Daily Kos, Democracy for America, New York Communities for Change, Other98, Presente.org, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, the Rootstrikers Project at Demand Progress, and the Strong Economy for All Coalition.
Orwell was an optimist