The Cyberwar with Russia has begun
So, this happened.
U.S. government hackers at the National Security Agency are likely targeting Russian government-linked hacking teams to see once and for all if they're responsible for the massive breach at the Democratic National Committee, according to three former senior intelligence officials. It's a job that the current head of the NSA's elite hacking unit said they've been called on to do many times before.
Robert Joyce, chief of the NSA's shadowy Tailored Access Operations, declined to comment on the DNC hack specifically, but said in general that the NSA has technical capabilities and legal authorities that allow the agency to "hack back" suspected hacking groups, infiltrating their systems to gather intelligence about their operations in the wake of a cyber attack.
Hillary says we "know" Russia hacked the DNC, and that's all you need to know.
She hasn't shared this proof with intelligence agencies yet.
This isn't the first nation we've launched a cyberwar against.
The Obama administration has determined that it must retaliate against China for the theft of the personal information of more than 20 million Americans from the databases of the Office of Personnel Management, but it is still struggling to decide what it can do without prompting an escalating cyberconflict.
The decision came after the administration concluded that the hacking attack was so vast in scope and ambition that the usual practices for dealing with traditional espionage cases did not apply.
China Daily writes that the United States risks setting a “dangerous precedent”.
Xinhua reports that the United States is “building momentum for a cyberwar.”
The Obama Administration hasn't bothered to offer proof that the Chinese government was behind the hacking.
Nor has the Obama Administration offered proof that the Russian government was behind the recent hack of the Pentagon’s unclassified email system, but that hasn't stopped them from suggesting it.
The email system was compromised late last month and brought down, in what officials say was a spear-phishing attack, getting email users on the system to click on harmful links. One US official, speaking anonymously, said it seemed “fairly sophisticated,” concluding it may well have “come from a state actor such as Russia.”
The Russian government may have been behind the hack. China's government too.
Or not.
But if you are going to declare any sort of war against a foreign government, even a cyberwar, then you need to justify it. You can't just do it. There needs to be some sort of public debate.
Let's not forget innocent civilian casualties, which happens in all wars, whether it is wars on terror or drugs or other things.
What's more, the laws being passed to legalize this war are very authoritarian and a danger to civil rights.
Back in April, the DHS said that 2% of hacks rise to the level of "prompting a national response". Considering that there are hundreds, if not thousands of attempted hacks every day, that number is alarming.
Pre-emptive cyberattacks is a dangerous rabbit hole to go down. There is no telling where it might stop.
While a cyberwar would most likely be nothing more than an inconvenience for the average American (no one has ever been hurt in a cyberwar, while cows killed 22 people last year), it could have devastating economic effects.
We've already "weaponized finance" in this war.
The legality of a cyberwar could be nightmarish. The lack of transparency remains the same.
Back in early 2013, the Obama Administration declared that the president had the power “to order a preemptive strike if the United States detects (allegedly) credible evidence of a major digital attack looming from abroad.”
The US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), based at Fort Meade, is our cyber hit squad. China has their own cyber army.

Our media's reporting of it has begun....
Virtual sabre-rattling. Many innocents will be harmed,
anyone with an ISP is going to be suspect. I am happy to see my computer asleep without the modem flashing lights. Yes, I am that sophisticated.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Snowden says the NSA already knows
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
From link...
That's in direct conflict with the information that I have. My source (And I assure you that my source is as reliable as Clinton's) tells me that the Russian government has mostly been playing Minecraft on a local co-op (LAN).
Although, I certainly agree that a good way to help Donald Trump would be to wait until all states have voted in the Democratic Primary before releasing information damaging to Clinton. That does, in fact, help Donald Trump since it protects him from having to face a strong opponent like Bernie. It's just weird to me that Team Clinton wants people to make that connection.
So, Clinton "knows"
and she's more worried about the DNC being hacked, than she was about her private server in the basement of her mansion in Chappaqua being hacked, when she was SOS. Of course, we know, and it must be true cuz she said it was true "she never sent or received any material marked classified" which means in her 4 years as Secretary of State, she never sent or received any classified email.
So, what the fuck was she doing in her 4 years as Secretary of State?
In her lawyerly subterfuge, no classified email sent or received, she did send & receive TOP SECRET government material. Material so important, it could not be released without harming USA national security.
Scummiest interspersed in the lies, blaming the "300" professionals at State - who HAD to use her private email server to contact her. Anybody else hear any echo, "Have you no decency?"
The more the Clinton campaign talks about Russian hacking
The more they open themselves to these kinds of questions about her homebrew email server. Does her One Guy have better security arrangements than the companies the DNC chose to hire? What about the DCCC, for that matter?
If the DNC can be hacked, why not Clinton's basement server? She wants to claim Donald Trump is a danger to national security? That could prove to be a shit-stained boomerang coming right back at her.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Ah yes, she "knows" they did it
Kinda like how Bush and Co. "knew" Iraq had WMDs?
I await the discovery of more 'known-unknowns' with bated breath.
"The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history." ~ Czesław Miłosz
Well, she did trust Bush & Co., didn't she?
Where's the incongruity?
Please help support caucus99percent!
So ridiculous! The whole thing is nonsense!
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Cyberwar has been going on for quite a while
And we started it.
Zero Days: Why the disturbing Stuxnet documentary is a must-see
The political revolution continues
And keep an eye on Marcy Wheeler
I just gave her a scoop.
The political revolution continues
How about putting Marcy Wheeler’s site on our blog roll? n/t
rAmen to that!
Her reporting of the Scooter Libby trial was first-rate.
I'm sad to say I haven't visited her site much since then.
You keep using that word...
Remember the int main() !!
♪ ♫ Oh, say can you C++
Seriously, though, do they really think it’ll make Hillary’s pre-ordained win in the general look more plausible if they turn the war fever up to 11?
Yes. Yes they do
That's not a Victory.
That's yet another pointless battle, in a pointless war, that will give the pointless politicians another pointless casualty to cry pointless crocodile tears over.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Doncha know it's different this time?
This time we will finally Defeat Evil.
And do you know why? Because we are the right political party.
Dems have certainly become the New Right
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Move along
Nothing to see here.
Was just discussing with my kids...
about how "Black Box" technology is dangerous if the means to maintain it ever goes down. Essentially, when you use something without fully understanding the principles behind it, you run the risk of depending on something you cannot replace.
If we lose the internet, it's going to affect EVERYTHING, since we've essentially cobbled all of our services and communications through it. This is like playing with nuclear weapons that only affect infrastructure.
Still going to kill a lot of people if it goes awry.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I saw a documentary about it when i was a kid
or perhaps just a cautionary tale.
You keep using that word...
Not revealing...
how they know things is the MO of this administration. It is always "trust us."
Did you ever see any real *proof* of Osama bin Laden’s killing?
Me neither.
The story was that Special
The story was that Special Forces (or whatever the term is) burst in during the middle of the night and - in front of his wife - murdered a sick old man on dialysis (who reportedly had died years earlier) and dumped his body into the ocean so that no evidence would remain, whether or not the entire thing's fiction - or whether someone else was murdered to play pretend-kill a sick old man on dialysis in front of his wife in the middle of the night, right out of some lawless revenge movie script.
What kind of thugs do this sort of thing? Psychopathic ones.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
HRC and Trump are both Luddites and troglodytes
And the media isn't far ahead of them.
Cyberwarfare is continuously going on, on some levels, not that different than the old cold war "close encounters" between fighter pilots, bombers and other aircraft, submarines and naval vessels.
Because of the ability to locate hackers anywhere in the world, and have complete plausible deniability this stuff at both government (all tech govs) and corporations has been going on since at least the 90's, if not on a lesser level since the 80's.
Today it's a very complicated multipronged front. The crap that politicians screech about is nothing.
You want to get nervous, try reading this blog article that I've been posting on:
All your computers are belong to us: the dystopian future of security is now
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Twenty Two people killed by Cows Last Year!
Oh no! How could that be?
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Snowden Said
If the Russians were behind the hacking of the DNC emails, the NSA would know all about it. I'm more inclined to believe him than I am Obama or Hillary.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Contact Bryan Pagliano
Maybe he can offer some first hand knowledge of what it's like when the Russians hack your server.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
leave Bryan alone
he was just an IT guy who thought his ship had come in. I doubt he had any idea the shitstorm he was walking into.
You keep using that word...
Interesting thought
If Russia wanted to influence our elections at all, and they didn't have any groups behind the DNC hack, wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity for them to mess with Hillary's "inevitability?" I wonder how bad the backlash would be, if any, for the Democrats irresponsibly blaming a country for something they didn't do? Kinda like when the Bush administration blamed a certain country for a certain event they had no involvement in, that led to us being at war with that country.
Of course, if they did actually have something to do with that hack, I suppose that'd just reinforce the paranoid saber rattling towards Russia among loyal Dems.