Just What I Expected
A foreign government has hacked a political party’s computers—and possibly an election. It has stolen documents and timed their release to explode with maximum damage. It is a strike against our civic infrastructure. And though nobody died—and there was no economic toll exacted—the Russians were aiming for a tender spot, a central node of our democracy.
It doesn't matter that our own democracy is being attacked much more effectively by internal corruption. Not at all.
The important thing to note is that we are being attacked by the people exposing this corruption.
What? Seriously?
Foreign power exposes corruption of our democracy, they are to blame for this?
Our government, all three branches by the way, have allowed for decades the unlimited flood of money into the democratic process. They have also allowed the creation of secretive organisations with hidden donors to participate legally in this corruption. They have continually pretended to care about this and then in turn done nothing to stem the tide. Their only real worry is that the other side will get more money than them.
We are assured time after time that this fiscal deluge has no influence on them at all. Bullshit 101. Talk of campaign finance reform is basically smirked at.
Just suppose that if our corruption could be exposed by our enemies would it then not be better to get rid of our own corruption in the first place?
When an organisation that pretends to be even handed is blatantly not, whose fault is that? You would not have this problem if you had not initiated the pretence at upholding democracy.
Please carry, on keep digging, it's just too sickeningly funny.
It's all Putin's fault!
Look Russians!
There is one way to stop this you know. Stop doing it.
However, as we all know, you have no intention of stopping, instead you will be even more secretive in your machinations and distortions within our supposed democracy.
Campaign reform now and criminalize organisations that take dark money. Jam the revolving door between politics and lobbying. You don't want anyone else messing with our country? Try transparency and honesty for a change.
End of story

It was the Masons!! It was the Unions!!!
I am charging up the Kindle and taking me and dog to bed after I lock the door.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Illuminati the Bilderbergers!
Little green men!
The Greys!
Everybody knows the really dangerous ones are the Greys...
grey suits
The Grey Gentlemen
I have the comfort of a purr
I have the comfort of a purr-ball - I hope your dog and Kindle work for you, because even the purring doesn't seem to be dropping the Clinton/lunacy stress level...
Thanks for the sense, LaFeminista - I needed to see some after just now shutting off in sickened disgust a video including Clinton supporter-regurgitated senseless and ethic-void propaganda. But can I add a thought to one of your excellent points?
They could also stop draining the American taxpayers in order to stop messing with other people's countries for 'American business interests'...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I can't say it enough
nobody is buying this shit. #yourebeingridiculous on Twitter had some real gems, and quite a few were about this very Bullshit 101, last I looked
I missed the reply button
see this one sums it up, below
What if we had nothing whatsoever
corrupt and criminal in our elections, what then?
Russian hackers would not only be bored, but they just MIGHT take it back to Russia to show democracy works.
Pshaw, silly me...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If only it was the RNC then "liberals" could get all
What a great suggestion for national security
Don't do anything wrong and bore the spies so much that they stop caring.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I seem to have heard this before...
Aren't the ones crying foul now the same ones who told us about the Patriot Act that we shouldn't worry if we had nothing to hide?
Guess they shoulda taken their own advice and kept their noses clean. Ha who am I kidding there was nothing but rot left in them by that point.
It's funny how many kossacks
follow along, so eager to shoot the messenger.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
If it was the GOP they would be outraged!!!!!
Partisan blinkers applied
This is what I used to say to Hillary's and Obama's supporters when I was commenting on LOF. And of course no one would answer the questions.
What if it had been Romney that was pushing the TPP, destroying Libya and Syria, overthrowing the elected governments in Honduras and Ukraine.
And all the other policies Obama has done which he has basically just followed what Bush did.
Gawd, it's so maddening to see people turn 180 in their though processes!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
This one sums it up
Mikaela Seales @RobotInteriors 6h6 hours ago
Mikaela Seales Retweeted Norris Agnew
When you blame everyone for your problems, when no one holds you accountable to laws #YoureBeingRidiculous
Mikaela Seales added,
Norris Agnew @Norris_Agnew
When you can't manage emails, your Party Chair, or foreign affairs, but want to be POTUS, #YoureBeingRidiculous
15 retweets 21 likes
Have you seen this Feminista?
It's a report on election fraud put out by Election Justice USA? It's worth a read.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Quick Ignore IT!!
Can the messenger be blamed?
Nah!, it was Romanian royalists
hoping to reprise the poor show that was Carol II. They're behind this hack, and we all know it.
The DNC and Hillary are sweet, personable people.
from a reasonably stable genius.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I knew Putin had joined the 99
Could you pointout Trump for me?
I think
I saw Trump looking for a suitable bathroom. He appeared confused.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hackers from Russia!!! Ha Ha
Foreign intervention in elections?? Hey Russia that's our f*ckin' job! Like we, operating right out of the good ol' US of A never, never get involved in other countries' elections?... This is so hilariously two faced and hypocritical as to be both funny ha ha and obscene at the same time. At least there will be an election here and not a military coup. One only has to look at Ukraine and U.S. trouble maker Victoria Nuland to see some real political skulduggery - we cause death in all parts of the world when we choose to dabble in "elections". The Russians, ha ha ha ha. You go Hill Dog you go...
"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN
But, but we are exceptional
Our skulduggery is acceptable, no matter how many countries we invade, democracies we overthrow, or even how many we kill, maim and torture.
I'm makin' a killing.
Cashed my stocks in Microsoft, Apple, and Lockheed Martin and sank it all in Johnson&Johnson neckbraces. Whiplash market is taking off with all the spinning going on.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Cute lol
From counterpunch's Walkout on the DNC and corrupt politics
The author is wondering if people should follow Bernie's lead or continuing the political revolution without the DNC. I have no idea why she wrote the DNC instead of Bernie since she has previously been following Bernie's revolution strategy.
And this
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Why write to the DNC, I agree
The have spent as much time stomping on the left of the party as they have trying to cuddle with the GOP in a bipartisan shit-fest. Actually challenging the GOP has occupied them not at all.
my other half is buying it
it's going to be testy in our household for the next few months, as i calmly place the blame on the Democrats for giving rise to Trump. if they hadn't dropped their New Deal principles for corporate deals over the last few decades then maybe they would still have the working class voting for them.
Marie- Louise suggests we should invest in tin-foil
in between laughing at the absurdity of "Russians to blame for our own corruption".
My household, too
Mine seems to have bought it hook, line, and sinker. When I told him I may not vote at all this time (first time, EVER), he told me to expect a nuclear war. When I told him he could expect that no matter which of these two get into office, he pooh-poohed me. Finally backed off when I reminded him how much Hill buys Bush's belief there can be a "limited nuclear" war.
I'm heartsick. But I can NOT vote for Hill and look at myself in the mirror... not even doing the "lesser of two evils"... because they're BOTH so evil in their own separate, as well as shared ways. Oh, how I dread what will become of our nation after this election. How I fear for people at my income level and below.
If TPP is voted in and the last of the important Global Companies rule all, everywhere, approved, then I think there should be a major move break out for dissolution of "country" boundaries - for there will no longer be any boundaries for corporations and their lawyers. Let the people go where they will, as they will, with no need for passports or papers. If it's good enough for Jamie Diamond, it ought to be good enough for the rest of us, too.
This is just the prelude to the big event!
If you think all this Russia talk is bad now, just wait! This is just building the narrative for when Wikileaks start posting the stuff from Hillary's server. Now, I know that you've probably read over at TOP that there is no evidence whatsoever that anyone was able to break into the maximum security, fortified server that housed all of Hillary's State Department work and Clinton Foundation pay-to-play emails! Nope, no way was that device ever hacked. Even NASA computers are not as well protected as that server-in-the-basement.
Yep, it will be much easier to ignore the contents of the criminal behavior that will undoubtedly be shown once "Russia" releases those emails. And it is all being done so Putin can invade and take over the Baltic States using the map provided by Trump. But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself!
The most disgusting part of all of this? They really, truly think we're stupid enough to believe it!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Looks like counter now is that some emails are phony
Dems are now trying to imply that the worst emails are fakes. I think they know what might be coming in terms of more leaks.
No question there is more to come and probably even worse
This is just the beginning. Claiming that these emails are faxed is just ridiculous. So all those apologies from the DNC people were fake too? They just apologized for something they never did? All of this is about throwing up a smoke screen as a preemptive attack on those soon to be released emails. Like you say, they know what's coming. No one knows better than them and they desperately need a way to push back. They'll need all the luck they can get.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I don't know they'll need any "luck" at all...
It seems to me that Hill can get away with anything at this point. She should have paid a price prior to this, and Comey just let her slide. Why would they do anything to her now, especially since she's been crowned as as next president? They wouldn't -dare- do that.
There should have been a time-out and courts involved once it was proven that the DLC was heavy-handing the primary elections. In my mind, all election results at that point should have been thrown out, and allowance made for people to vote again - this time with non-partial, non-Democratic overseers.
I've read the comments by the "true believers"
over at TOP claiming there is nothing in these emails that would have affected the outcome of the primary. They completely ignore the fact that the "fix" was in and had been since day one. They seem to have conveniently forgotten all the outrage of the non-scheduling of debates to keep Bernie and O'Malley from getting any exposure.
When you consider that while the republicans were already having debates, DWS was handing out "Republican Debate Bingo Cards" and laughing about their debates. At the same time she didn't have a single debate even scheduled!! And once she did schedule them, they were scheduled for times when no one would watch them. The thumb was already on the scales from before most of the candidates even stated they were running and continued all the way to the convention.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
"The Russians are coming" --- "The Russians are coming"
"They're coming to take us away" --- "They're coming to take us away" --- lol I don't know where I'm going with this
--- I'm just being silly and having some fun lol
"They're coming to take us away ha ha ho ho
To the funny farm, Where life is beautiful all the time
and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
and they're coming to take me away ha ha"
-- "Napoleon XIV"
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
More than anything else, this incident and its subsequent
spin perfectly illustrate what I've been ranting about for years: That "national" secrets are not kept in order to defend the interests and prerogatives of the citizenry against nefarious foreign operations, but in order to defend the interests and prerogatives of the rulers against their own citizens.
Amazingly, in their attempt to dodge the consequences of their corruption, the rulers are inadvertently revealing the truth.
What's hilarious, of course, is the notion that it would take some sort of uber-hackers to crack the DNC's security. Fucking please. I probably could have hired a hooker to get access to somebody's laptop with all of their passwords lying around in plaintext somewhere.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Yousef Munayyer tweeted this:
"DNC probably should have had more secure server passwords than Hillary4Eva & BernieSucks27"
To which wiki leaks replied:
"@YousefMunayyer Actually their passwords were just like this, only less secure."
Hmmmm....and lol!
Exposed Corruption
Hmm, exposing election fraud in other countries. Isn't that what Jimmy Carter does? We should beg him to keep an eye on Democratic primaries in 2020. The 2016 primaries are "old stuff."
A central node of our democracy?
Really? I thought. We were talking about the DNC...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
“tristero” at Digby is promoting “it’s the Russians“ framing
Cleverly compares it to Nixon contacting the South Vietnamese and promising them a better deal if they would sabotage peace talks until he was elected. Proof? He don’t need no stinkin’ proof. You know it must be true because that’s what Republicans do: make treasonous deals with foreign powers before a U.S. election.
Sad. So many writers and blogs whose integrity I thought for years I could at least halfway rely on.
(No subject)
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Look, LaFem, if you
are not yet sufficiently frightened then you obviously aren't paying close enough attention. Unplug the kool aid channel and set your tv to Fox News. And, remember patriot, be very afraid.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Typical Dem behavior whenever they get caught with their
pants down - "Republicans!" "Supreme court", "Putin!".....
If media have done their job and investigated this, this hack will be a YUGE YAWNNN....
The US Empire is responsible for the rise of Putin - by propping up a sock puppet in Yeltsin. So STFU USA!
Even if it is true that Russia is interfering in our elections,
I say we are getting hoisted on our own "democracy promotion" petard. Let's count the number of times our Empire has interfered in other nations' affairs......
And that's not the whole list.
They won't ever stop lying.
They won't ever stop lying.
No matter how much truth you uncover, no matter how many times you catch them at it, they will never stop lying. There will never come a point where they admit that you're right and they're wrong and promise to sin no more and mean it. You will have to convict them on the evidence, without a confession, and as you drag them away for the good of the nation, they will call you tyrants and traitors and blame you for everything.