BREAKING: Bernie Delegates Staging Sit-In at DNC Media Tent
This is going to be a short essay; really a call to attention to something I don't think I'm seeing here. There's coverage on Twitter and live coverage by TYT (tons more video coverage by TYT here). Everything seems fluid with respect to the delegate protests, the way the DNC is stifling it and a litany of other stories and examples of how this is being done.
The Neoliberal authoritarian streak dominates the proceedings. There's all sorts of obfuscation going on, false unity being propped up, taking away of signs, etc. They want Stepford Wives Unity, like their cheesy marketing slogan being propped up, as fake and phony as their whole platform and their ultimate jobs as running cover for their 1% donors.
If you haven't seen Kshama Sawant's open letter to the DNC delegates "A Call to Action: Walk Out from the Democratic National Convention!" it really says it all.
Backing corrupt establishment politicians is no way to defeat the right-wing – it will only embolden them and allow the political agenda to continue to be pushed further rightward. This failed strategy of lesser evilism is what has brought the 99% to this point. And now genuine outrage at the corporate politics of the establishment has allowed a right-wing populist within striking distance of the presidency.
We cannot continue down this dead end....
With the attention of the country and world focused on Philadelphia we now have some serious choices to make, as well as some powerful opportunities. The actions of Bernie delegates and activists both inside and outside the convention have the potential to make history this week.
Thousands are joining protests and rallies on the streets of Philadelphia. There are also many protest actions taking place inside the convention such as the tremendous anti-TPP action that took place yesterday, which temporarily halted the proceedings.
But the most powerful protest of all will be for delegates and activists to reject the neoliberal Democratic establishment altogether, and walk out of the convention in the largest possible numbers later this week.
Delegates have been organizing for just such a walkout action, and there is the potential for several hundred delegates to collectively walk out. This will take real courage. The convention is a huge, scripted spectacle with a carefully chosen procession of Democratic nobility, including people like Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren. But this year, perhaps in recognition of the political uprising that has taken place, the Democratic leadership has gone so far as to give the event a populist veneer, with some workers and activists also speaking. The scale and intimidating character of the 50,000 person event will no doubt have a psychological impact.
But for those who do take the bold step of walking out on the DNC and its neoliberal politics, there will be a rally with media, livestreamers, and fellow activists ready to greet them on the other side of the walls of the so-called “free speech zone.” Mass media have already been contacting Movement4Bernie in anticipation of the event. I hope I will see you there.
Too much to write that I can't possibly get together now.
I'm aghast at hearing in the past 24 hours and fairly recently from so many of my seemingly progressive friends that it's "suicide" to voter 3rd party and not for Hillary To Defeat Trump.
I'll finish by saying that the amount of Bernie support I saw in Philly over the weekend was simply amazing, and it blanketed the city. It seemed we were everywhere; shirts, cars, posters, banners, floats, marches - all standing with Bernie and for a real progressive agenda. There was great energy, reminiscent of the campaign. There are massive protests going on all over the city. I haven't watched a second of the staged spectacle; every time TYT goes to it I turn down the volume. The powerful coordinated show inside the Corporate Enormodome is designed like the Super Bowl to entertain and deliver subtle and overt propaganda. I'm not interested. At all.
There seems to be a moment happening, and not being covered much, in which the true progressive liberal faction inside a dying party is attempting to alter this continued corporate hijacking of our lives. And it's happening all over the streets of Philadelphia. Man I wish I was back there...

Here's another report
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
No Twitter hashtag? #DNCWalkOut now starting to trend.
In how many instances have Farcebook, Google and Twitter all conspired to bury any evidence of uprising and inversely prop up Hillary hits and negative Bernie results?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Time to act up!
So proud of all the Bernie people. Let's keep the movement going!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Just had a discussion with a coworker
She asked me if I were watching the conventions, and I told her I wasn't wasting my time.
"But you're going to vote for Hillary, right?"
"Honestly, absolutely not. I'll probably vote for Jill Stein."
There followed lots of But Trump Is Hitler and You'll Be Responsible If He Wins and You Don't Understand.
I told her I understand perfectly. She called me naive at one point, and I turned that around real fast and asked her who was being naive? But the Republicans have gotten so bad, she said. Who allows them to get so bad, I responded. A Democratic party that marches rightward right behind them, normalizing their bullshit and occupying the billionaire-serving, corporatist and warmongering space the Republicans have just vacated on their march into the rubber room. We can't fix the Republican party, and as Bernie's campaign has shown, we can't fix the Democratic party either.
I told her I was tired of being lied to by a woman I wouldn't believe if she told me the sun rose in the east. I wouldn't be a part of it anymore, and the perpetual fear-based manipulation of disgusted voters was losing its power. She pointed out that if I decided to vote for Stein, what if millions of others did too? Maybe she'd win, I said. Maybe the Democrats would finally realize that they have to earn votes, and not just demand them with fear and guilt trips. Maybe they'd finally become responsive to the people. Or maybe another party would rise up to represent average voters, and the Democrats would shuffle off to the party graveyard alongside the Republicans. Didn't matter to me anymore, I told her.
I didn't convince her, but I did give her a strong antidote to the corporatist propaganda she was being fed by Rachel Maddow and the like.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Dayum! I wish I could think that fast on my feet!
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
The big bad wolf theory
Their will always be a big bad wolf, this election its named Trump, last election it was named Romney, their will surely be another one next election.
My uncle gave me the same speech, he seemed to console himself by saying that they all lie, so its ok for Hillary to do it. Told me about all the crazy hyperbolic things Mr. President Trump could do, even given that almost all of the things he named would require congressional legislation to do. Then started telling me some nonsense about TPP being good for the agro industry(which he works in), pretty much all talking points from conservative think tanks, and or out right lies. And then he moved to saying I was falling for right wing talking points.
Damned madness this whole affair.
I think I will be dropping $25 onto Jill when I get paid Thursday, First political donation ever.
Just remind everyone Presidents enforce/neglect law they don't create it. A president is not so powerful a thing as people think it is, Its merely one gear among many, a larger one granted.
Oh yeah, there was plenty of that too
I told her that a party whose only argument was one of fear was a party without a reason for being. Reviewed the history of right-wing boogie men since Barry Goldwater we had both grown up with and seen. Pointed out that no matter who wins, things keep getting worse for average folks. "Save the Boogie Man scare tactics for someone who still buys them," I told her.
Please help support caucus99percent!
"they all lie, so it's ok for H. . ."
Thank you. I heard echos of my Catholic friends' arguments. While reading your argument, I thought of my own Catholic counter-argument. Besides sins of commission & omission, surely there are sins of collusion. So, isn't it a sin to vote for a known liar? But just as I believe Bernie doesn't lie, (there must be some English-major word for his speeches in which he ascribes to Hilary his policies which neither he nor his audiences believe are really what Hilary believes or will act upon) i believe Jill Stein doesn't lie. I wonder if I can secure the local Catholic vote for Jill with this argument. I'll try, anyway.
Maybe they can offer some more "Grand Slam packages,"
now that Sanders delegates have left. There will be more room for those "special" conventioneers who like a personal touch to their gluttony and status massaging.
"Wow A+ timing from Terry McAuliffe, who tells @anniekarni that Clinton will support a version of TPP as president."
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Remarkable! So Bernie's body isn't even cold yet and she's
already at it? Who on earth is going to vote for this lying, conniving cheat? Hope Donald Trump enjoys his stay in the White House.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
Man, the next few days are gonna be really interesting.
I want to know how many total delegates participated in the walk out. I saw protesters (Bernie supporters) staging a sit-in at the DNC tent, but what are the delegates up to now? Hopefully, for their sakes, I hope liquor is involved. Long day for them, I'm sure.
There are lots of videos of some of the walk outs in the US Uncut article linked by MsGrin, but I haven't watched them yet. I'm hopeful that the movement will continue without Bernie. That poor man literally did everything he could for us, and I don't blame him. And all because he registered as a goddamned Democrat.
Anyway, I have a good deal of sadness tonight. Bernie's campaign is officially over and he suspended the voting and nominated Hillary Clinton. What a motherfucking bummer. The bummerist bummer of all bummers.
Btw, don't watch Larry Sanders (Bernie's brother), a delegate from Democrats Abroad, speak about how proud their parents would have been of "Bernard" for everything he's done for the country unless you want to weep.
I miss Colorado.
coffee mugs
This is why one of my contributions to Bernie was buying two "Bernie For President" coffee mugs.
For much the same reasons as I would have bought a T-shirt at Woodstock, had I been there. (I realize that last line contained some anachronisms.)
Part of me saw this day coming, and I wanted a reminder that I was there during the best of the Bernie days.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Same reason I bought the Rolling Stone issue with Bernie on the cover last May? June? And the same reason that -- even though I abhor non-removable bumper stickers -- I proudly affixed my "Bernie Sanders Super Pack" sticker on my car, AFTER California. (I also have a Bernie for President magnet, which will stay as well).
I was watching Larry live.
Wanted to witness the roll call in its entirety.
And I wept.
Fuck you, DNC.
As did Jesus. (Christian Scriptures, John 11:35)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
One Weird Trick Tells You Whom a Candidate Will Represent
Just ask yourself, "To whom is she or he 'sucking up'?"
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Follow the money
Good as Goldman: Hillary and Wall Street
Bizarre world now: Not trending & coverage mostly by RW outlets,
such as the NY Post and Washington Times.
Looks like their coronation parade is being rained on.
And they don't want that news getting out too much.
And, looks like Twitter is at it again and have scrubbed #DNCWalkout, as they had #Which Hillary and so many others. Social media, including Farcebook (who took away Wikileaks DNC emails) and Google also, have conspired to tamp down evidence of an people's uprising and ramp up searches for the candidates they're supporting (such as Eric Schmidt's "Groundwork").
Like a really bad fart, Hillary's nomination cleared the room.
Delegates joined massive street protests, including Jill Stein. Flags being burned, another burned a voter information card. Seems police aren't letting convention goers out of the stadium.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
What kind of BS is this?
//Polls have shown that a vast majority of Sanders supporters already have lined up behind Mrs. Clinton//
Oh, REALLY? What number constitutes a "vast majority?"
90% are willing to vote for FSC--according to Senators Franken
and Merkley.
I believe they are basing this on a recent Pew poll that actually reported 88%.
And both of those 'liberal' Senators (gag!) are all over the cable news channels this week, telling everyone who will listen.
We have got to find a way to counter the corporatist media, and Dem Party Spin Machine. (IMO)
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Available For Sponsorship And/Or Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
They need to be able to fake
They need to be able to fake a close election, to shut out the rising non-corporate Green Party.
If everyone voted against both evils and, barring a Bernie mireacle, voted for Jill, guess who'd win a clean election?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I've noticed in the past few days a Pew poll being pushed,
saying 90% of Bernie supporters will vote for Hillary. What complete fucking propaganda rubbish. Just like Goebbels said and the RW media has mastered, repeat a lie large and long enough it will be adapted.
If anything, it would seem almost exactly the inverse, as evidenced all night by the #DNCWalkOut at the farcical DNC corporate commercial fuckfest, and the massive spontaneous marches coursing through Philly all night.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Someone who knows how to use Twitter better
than I, please check this out. I went to #DNCWalkOut and saw that same video where that young man is amazed by all the empty seats. Who is that guy? He looks so familiar. Anyway, then I clicked on another something that begins with @ and saw a photo posted by Kasie Hunt (I assume the one from MSNBC) that she says is her view of Bill Clinton speaking. Per the photo, she is way over to the side and a bit behind him. Which means that one can see the audience he is speaking to. And all those seats are full. It appears they are all the same seats that were shown as empty. Now, I don't doubt that lots of Bernie delegates walked out, because there was plenty of video showing that. However, what's the possibility the photos of the empty seats were taken during a break? Or Maybe the DNC found a bunch of people to fill the seats so Clinton wouldn't be talking to empty seats. No. I'm not crazy. Just a bit confused. It's been a long, difficult day that would end wonderfully if I was sure all those folks really gave the DNC the big fuck you. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
If it's from the video above, I think it may be Josh Fox, who
made the anti-fracking films including Gasland.
I'm wondering the same about the widely circulating photo meme showing "half the Democratic Party left." Needs verification.
See NightProwlKitty's entry "Hiding Reality" , which contains a plea to fill the CA delegate section after it had been abandoned.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
From what I gathered at the K4S subreddit
the DNC bused in people to fill the empty seats.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
I love when I ask questions and someone takes
the time to answer them. Thank you. I checked out NightProwlKitty's diary, got the info you sent me after, and LOL'd for the first time since I made the decision to stop posting at TOP. I think I can grow to enjoy my new home, and that would be a good thing.
Welcome home, enjoy the ride!
You of same birth date!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.