C99P Throws A Meetup - The Apres Party Recap
Hi Gang. Sorry to be so late thanking everyone but it's been Non-stop Frenzy Central here at the Chateau. Steven D and Rachel are staying next door at my friend's house, and today Dave Palmer, the WI-01 Alternate delegate, and his wife Lorenita, are staying here at Chateau Bidet. I cleaned as though a dreaded mother-in-law was coming to stay. Yesterday was a cookie-baking marathon, today I canned pickles.
The get-together was epic.
First, rain of Biblical proportions - Mark and family, Steve and Rachel were trapped underground in the subway station for half an hour. The deluge broke for just long enough for us to make our way to the designated after-convention party locale two blocks away.
We met up with Joe Shikspack&Josie and Greg(dance you monster).
Then, the goons wouldn't let us in for some reason. (Never figured that part out.) But it was a blessing in disguise because it was insanely loud, and infested with DNC types shouting "America First" slogans. (Ali snuck through the barricade and got lubricated in preparation for joining a verbal melee, which thankfully never developed.)
Deciding the venue was less than ideal, we resolved to try the alternate, The Kyber Pass, a few blocks away. No sooner than we got well away from any shelter, it started raining again. Before the rain got too serious, we managed to squeeze ourselves under a small tent the Park Service had near the Liberty Bell.
Then it started raining. First it rained cats and dogs. Then it rained pitchforks and plowhandles. Then it rained in buckets. As if this wasn't enough, the Atlantic Ocean fell out of the sky. We weren't alone. About fifteen people cuddled under the small tent wondering if it would ever stop. After fifteen minutes or so, a dull yellow ball appeared in the Western sky. Moments later, it stopped raining and we continued our trek.
The Kyber is a small, noisy bar/restaurant. Leading the way, I met with the hostess to get us seated... hopefully in a group.
"How many of you are there?"
[headcount] "No, eight. No, we're eight now, but we'll be nine."
"So, you're eight."
"No, we're nine, but she's not here yet."
"We can't seat you all together."
"What about those three tables there?"
"That won't be enough for all of you."
"We'll make it work."
The woman had the patience of a saint and treated your raconteur as though this was just another day at the beach. The rest of the gang were already deep in conversation, and so, never missing an opportunity to throw her weight around, Ali shooed the party to three tables and the fun continued. How anyone managed to hold conversations in that din is a testament to the power of bloggers meeting face-to-face for the first time. We all managed splendidly.
Then mimi arrived and we became nine. I'd been wanting to meet mimi for as long as I've been here. I corralled a loose chair and we fell into conversation as though already old friends. It was such a pleasure to finally meet.
Libations and sustenance were ordered, delivered, and consumed, at which point the cacophony overpowered the ambience. We repaired to the garden park of Old Christ Church a block away from the restaurant. This was more of an amble than a forced march since the conversations were paramount and the destination only a passing concern.
The park was an island of tranquility in a sea of raucous merriment (the heart of the restaurant district.) We found benches and talked until they closed the park for the night... whereupon we moved to benches just outside the park.
Conversations flowed like honey until our ages betrayed us and Winkin' and Blinkin' caught up to us.
Happily, we went our merry ways, joyous in the appreciation of having attended the
First East Coast Caucus99Percent Meetup.
I love you all, peeps.

Delightful account! Must have been a lovely occasion all round.
It was!
And Alison is right, without her we would have never been seated at Kyber Pass. She describes the meet up better than I could. Meeting everyone just topped off my day perfectly.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
You c99ers are great!
So glad you were all able to to get together in in Philly and meet one another face-to-face. This is how a movement is built.
Thank you, Ali, for your delightful report.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Your name is already morphing? Ali?
Way different pronunciation, actually a gender-neutral name. Sounds like fun, the rain was a bonding agent, sounds like.
mimi rounding up a work crew for scraping wallpaper?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
My cousin Allison is "Aly" to family and close friends,
so it's just a matter of how one chooses to spell it. (Ali, Aly, Allie, Ally, etc.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
LOL. "Ali" is less typing. n/t
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Sounds wonderful . . .
Thanks. Glad you guys got to enjoy each other face to face.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Let's not let another 4 yrs. go by before doing it again.
I'm still experiencing waves of "how much fun it was." Lovely, lovely people.
The SproutfromQueens was a bit shy in the conversational department, but given her excellent parentage, I'm sure she'll become a c99er in no time at all.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Ali, you are some great writer and as I learned the
politically correct word (thanks Joe), I call you a "character". I loved the conversation with you and when I drove back to DC at night, I had a hot sensation of shame and guilt, as I became aware that I didn't really had the quick intuition to ask you much more about your "health history". One day I hope we will make up for that.
We are both already a little "weak on hearing", I am weak on "understanding some English" and heh even weaker to "grasp" the Americans of the sixties culture and political Zeitgeist, but you did your best to get me "into it". Thank You.
I have enjoyed to be able to chat with everybody I got a chance to and am so glad to have meet real people in real space. This was a "reality-based meet-up" and it beats all other options.
I love your writing, Ali. Wonderful.
Thanks to all.
So wonderful you made it, and thank you for coming all that way. Loved talking to you and so grateful we had the chance to meet in three dimensional space and not just cyberspace. I look forward to seeing you again sometime if the stars align.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Delightful recounting of our wonderful day, Alison.
I laughed out loud a few times.
"Waves and waves" still washing over us too. So glad pretty much everyone on the thread was able to make it.
We're sitting at the Java Cafe (I think) off South St where for the first time I have Internet other than my phone (which isn't great for such purposes), on our way back to NYC because I've to play two shows tonight.
Packing the car up this morning one of the overwhelming amount of dedicated Bernie supporters asked to take a photo of the cardboard sign we had in the back of our car and we got into a wide-ranging conversation compressed into just a few minutes. It was like that everywhere here, so much to dwell on and relay, if I ever get the time.
Briefly I'd just like to mention the Bernie March was fantastic yesterday, though we almosted melted down a few times (the Baby was amazing the whole time). Loads of energy, colorful and committed folks with all sorts of shirts, banners, floats and all manner of Bernie-wear, basically saying "don't fuck with us; we're not going anywhere."
We loved meeting you Alison, and every single beautiful, magnanimous soul who showed up for the 1st C99 Meetup in Philly. Still awash in all the good vibes, stories and genuine camaraderie we immediately felt toward one another.
Started to write notes up yesterday, but then the march happened and so many little interactions, conversations and observations took place it'll be a some work putting it all together. Will have to jot more notes to cover the March also on the ride home, if possible. You really said it all here though. Again, wonderful piece.
And damn, if being away from online we didn't miss an incredible outpouring of great stuff here, I can hardly keep up with it all! Loved Lookout's piece on a proposed weekly roundup of news, and so many others.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I look forward to hearing about the march
Mark, and also the climate event you went to in the evening. Your baby boy is really a delight. Daughter and I will always treasure our memories with you guys. Safe travels
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott