Bernie’s 5 Steps to an Ultimate Progressive Victory
Like many of us here at Caucus99percent I am tired of being trampled on, scorned, belittled, and ultimately ignored by the so-called financial and political elites. The doom and gloom on the site is palpable. The negativity has now seemed to reach it’s peak with the big middle finger Hillary has given the progressive wing of the party in her atrocious VP pick, and we have only begun to see the results of the DNC boondoggle.
A direct attack on the inequities and injustices of the neoliberal capitalist system is imperative, but all the avenues appear to be blocked. The corrupt electoral system is firmly in the hands of the Clinton cabal, if not in those of the right wing rethugs. The deep state has been monitoring our emails and phones while our civil liberties have been trampled. The police have been militarized and are killing us in the streets. Yet our action to counteract these evils is crucial.
But first we should examine the success factors that allowed an unknown Bernie Sanders to surge from total obscurity to winning the Democratic primary, even if it was ultimately stollen from him. It is the victory and what it means to the potential for future accomplishments that counts. Was this revolution a one of a kind phenomenon, or can we replicate it and advance to an ultimate victory?
These I believe are five factors that explain Bernie’s success during his campaign:
1) built a massive following on the web
2) attracted and entertained large crowds
3) an establishment outsider, virulently attacked the political class as corrupt and incompetent
4) demonstrated personalized fame not as important as the movement
5) owed rhetorical style to the populist right, his political solutions from the Left
Could we replicate this performance under current circumstances? IMHO the answer is a resounding yes.
First, our ability to organize on the web is a no brainer. Even an unorganized campaign like Jill 2016 is starting to show signs of life, using the web for fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and virtual phone banks for ballot access. The technology is out there and as her volunteer base grows, organization for ballot initiatives, GOTV, and the spread of pertinent news campaigns through social media, are within easy reach. Jill Stein is the example because she is the only progressive candidate for President, but it would work equally well for others, even Bernie if by some miracle he were to decide on a third party run. It is the base for our organizing.
Second, Bernie was adept at attracting yuuge crowds, and could continue to do so in the Senate, or through the Sanders Institute. But this role could be filled by others such as Nina Turner, Tulsi Gabbard, Zephyr Teachout, or in fact any strong progressive that emerges from the movement. The important point and one widely missed during the campaign, is that participating in large events creates a bond between people in a movement. This has been understood since the days of the Roman circuses, and is especially important in today’s world, where individuals are isolated and lacking in direct human contact because of the web, TV, smartphones, etc.. These are just tools and we are a people needing others of our kind.
Third, while not strictly an outsider, Sanders Independent credentials are pertinent here. If he spoke to us about a rigged economy once, he did it a thousand times; three speeches a day for over a year. We too are all outsiders and have a voice to call bullshit on the political class that has failed us. We can continue the fight against the corruption that rules our daily lives. The dishonorable, unprincipled DNC working hand in hand with her campaign, are incompetent tools of a rigged political system. His words are engraved upon our consciousness.
Fourth, the cult of his personality is not the key in his teachings. Not me, but us he told us. We made him an icon but he was only a guide. He gave us the tools and showed us the way to tear away the veil that hid the corruption we faced. He could not carry us the whole distance but he showed us the path. It is now up to us to step up and put forth our own leaders. Who knows where the next Bernie will come from, but come he/she will for we are a movement, strong and vital.
Fifth, he has taught us language and how to use it to shape events. Bernie speaks as a populist and this is often a tool of what we would call the right wing, yet his ideas are those of the left wing progressive. But that is to focus too narrowly on a false dichotomy. For these are the ideas that touch upon the needs of all of us, undivided by right and left, and human at their core. Our country is rejecting this duality, choosing neither Democrat nor Republican, but rather Independent from where he drew his strength. He rejected racism, sexism, and homophobia, and all that divides us in order to unite us to work towards common goals.
And now I have a disclaimer to make, for these five characteristics are actually a paraphrase of the qualities that defined the Italian 5 Star Movement according to a 2013 Counterpunch article by Tom Gill. For more info see Wikipedia.
But for those unfamiliar with Beppe Grillo and his movement, they have become the second most popular party in Italy in a matter of just a few years. They started running their first electoral lists in 2010 and by the 2013 general elections gained the second highest vote totals and are poised to take power the next time Italians go to the polls. While not strictly a leftist party, the 5 Star Movement has fought political corruption and neoliberalism with populist positions and a complete prohibition of professional politicians, barring anyone from serving more than two terms at any level of government. It is a true peoples movement arising from meet ups similar to those of the Dean campaign, and they pose a real threat to TPTB. Many say the next Brexit will occur if 5 Star is brought to power, which would effectively end the neoliberal EU with it’s undemocratic institutions.
However Italy is not the only leftist movement that is surging in Europe. The Spanish party Podemos has become the second most important group in parliament and captured municipalities in Madrid and elsewhere in just a couple years. They have threatened the traditional socialist left, who sold out to the neoliberals during the debt crisis and they also are poised to take a commanding position in Spanish politics. Add to this the rise of Jeremy Corbyn and his revitalization of the British Labor Party, and it is clear that the left is fighting back and gaining ground against the elites everywhere they have taken them on.
So the point of this essay is to counter the frustration and discouragement that many are feeling, and demonstrate that there is hope and that we are not alone. Bernie has given us the tools to fight the revolution, now it is up to us to carry it forward. Finally, as Stan Rodgers sang in the Mary Ellen Carter:
And you, to whom adversity has dealt the final blow
With smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go
Turn to, and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain
And like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again

Michael Moore: 5 reasons Trump will win
juxtepose comment
This place does need a bit of optimism. It has been a bit dark in here lately and though understandable, sometimes I need to go out and stare at the sun for a few minutes.
It'll get better. It may get worse, but it will get better. Socialism under true democratic rule is inevitable.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
My pleasure, sojourns
Agree that Socialism is inevitable if we are to save the human race.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Thanks for the inspirational
Thanks for the inspirational post!
Would like to add something I may have missed seeing mentioned in your post, which I'd like to specify in great part because of some perhaps understandably bitter posts from discouraged others I've seen here: Bernie is the politician who goes to bed at night working out how to help more seniors have heat in winter and more war vets have the health-care they were promised, the one who genuinely cares about justice, the people and democracy, who means what he says and has the record to prove both that and that he is superb at what he does in what seemed/seems an impossible situation.
Agree that 'yes, we can!' but Bernie is one in a billion and I doubt that anyone else would have been so perfectly placed as to achieve quite the amount he has, because we know that he can be trusted, despite those posting about bus-marks on our backs. How many politicians have proven themselves to be so utterly consistent and honourable, even if we might not always like the ways in which this consistency manifests?
Indeed, progs are not forming a personality cult around Bernie, but one of the major differences between many DKos Clinton supporters and Bernie supporters involved the often contemptuous dismissal of the importance of qualities such as integrity by the former and the importance placed on them by the latter. Such proven qualities, capacities and experience are rarely combined in any person placed as Bernie was for this run. In fact, I have yet to hear of any (edit: others).
But this last minute uprising toward democracy is spreading across the globe as it becomes obvious to the better-informed that it's now or never.
The self-appointed 'elites' have been accustomed to attacking poor countries and people with a vast and well-equipped military paid for by The People in both taxes and blood; how often did these theoretically 'easy victories' turn out be so easy, despite all of the technology brought out to bear, where the population refused to be subjugated by force?
Resistance is fertile.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The difference between Clinton and Sanders supporters
Is the difference between "I'm With Her" and "Not Me, Us." Bernie is that rarest of creatures, an honest politician in Washington who works for the people. With that pedigree he was the perfect person to get the movement started, despite his knowingly stepping into the trap of running in the corrupt Democratic party. He jumped into the mire to give us all a view and a shove forward.
Now many understandably disappointed people are feeling sold out and jilted, and we see no small number of them here. I understand their disappointment, but I don't share it because I never thought Bernie would win the Democratic nomination. I see his campaign as a strong step forward for a political movement that started with Occupy. Bernie may be covered in the mire now, but he did this willingly while telling all of us that we have to carry the movement forward. He's still talking about this campaign being about the people: that's the furthest thing from an endorsement of Clinton or Clintonism. "Lots better than Trump" seems to be the most he can say about Hillary, and there's an argument for that even if a lot of people don't share the view.
Bernie has run his race. It's time for the political movement to take the baton from him and move it forward in a different way. I love this diary for the way it points to examples of how this can be done. I've been thinking for some time that a Podemos model would be promising for this country. Do we have enough class consciousness and enough awareness of the corruption of our media and politics to make it happen? I don't know. But thanks to Bernie, we have a hell of a lot more than we did 16 months ago.
Please help support caucus99percent!
You're welcome, Ellen
While Bernie is a unique individual, there are and will be others to take up the baton. Those I mentioned in the essay, Nina and Tulsi, are both examples of who our future leaders can be. We could certainly do worse.
I understand people's frustration with Bernie's position now, but they need to get over it. The elites are our enemies and it is them we need to focus our anger on, not the one who brought us to this point.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Thanks to Bernie's campaign,
the scales have dropped from many eyes. No more illusions about the Dem party on my part, for sure. This is definitely a dark time. Thanks for offering a bit of positivity about the way forward. I needed that.
"As long as there is a lower class, I am in it.
"As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it.
"As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." Eugene V. Debs
Antelope Canyon? Nevertheless: The ability to build a
massive following on the social media and draw large crowds are, in my view, reflective of the mood of the majority of people in this country: wage earners, and those who want to be wage earners, and the fact that our class has been robbed of the fruits of our labor as our added value is all going to the parasite class, the 1%, instead of being shared with the working class.
Productivity has slowed with deindustrialization but is still positive; and, the productivity gains are being grabbed by the economic elite while the workers' compensation stagnates. Senator Sanders, alone, was brave enough to launch a campaign based on this simple observable fact of USA life. This means, to me, that when different leadership emerges, the majority will be re-energized. I think it's important to note that the under 35 cohort most strongly supports socialism because they have the energy and the most to gain (and to lose).
Trump, with his pro Social Security & Medicare and anti NAFTA and TPP stances, is drawing his support in large part from those left behind. Of course he has no intention of following through on his verbiage and most of his supporters will desert him for the real thing, I think.
When a potential movement exists, it will produce a leadership as history shows.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Yes Antelope Canyon
One of my favorite places in the world. Certainly in my new home state of AZ. It's truly magical.
To your point. ^^THIS^^
Socialism's time has come and as you point out the young will lead us.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Very well stated.
And I agree that some people on this site need to get over it and stop bashing Bernie. It's a bit over the top. They ABSOLUTELY need to put their energies into the elitist enemies as you put so very well.
I want to be very clear here:
When someone tells me I need to "get over it," many responses go through my mind, none of them are kind responses, so I won't say them here.
You nor anyone else are the arbiter of how people should feel.
I'm kind of "meh" on that part of it, myself. I'm all for open
debate pro and con.
I feel more positive about things after reading this post, because I didn't realize how well progressive movements were doing in Europe and I find those hopeful.
If I'm in a mood where I don't want to read anything more negative, all I have to do is skip those posts. Which I mostly do now, because I have decided I'm not going to second-guess Bernie. But to each their own.
The minute someone says, "You should," I say, "Pay me". I'm not here to do what someone else wants otherwise, I'm here to do what I enjoy. If someone wants particular types of articles and doesn't want to pay someone else to write them, then s/he can write such themselves.
Others wanting us to fall in line and write what we "should" is why most of us left TOP.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks for stopping by, elenacarlena
I'm glad you got positive vibes about our European friends as that was my intention, i.e. to demonstrate that all is not negative across the pond despite articles talking about the rise of fascism and racist right wingers. The point of my essay was that there is a worldwide movement against neoliberalism and Bernie is part of it.
Not quite sure I get the rest of your comment, but my intent in my comment above was not to say anybody "should" do anything. It's a figure of speech saying to "get over it", and perhaps a poor choice of words. But what I meant was to encourage people to look forward and not dwell on Bernie's "betrayal" as seems to be the fashion around here. He's done more to pull away the veil of corruption on the Dem party than anyone, and while I disagree that there is anything to save there, he seems to think it's possible to take the party over by working from within. From his delegates reaction today it seems he's in the minority.
I think we need to blow it up and start anew. So for this election cycle I have applied for a volunteer coordinator position with Jill 2016. I intend to work just as hard for Jill as I did for Bernie in NH last July thru February, and I'll contribute financially as I'm able. If things don't work with the Greens, there will be time to pick a new horse in November. I just know I have to be out there doing something positive cause blogging is fun but it won't change anything in the long run.
Not looking for anyone to fall in line and after more than ten years there, I won't set foot on TOP.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Hey there, CaptainPoptart!
I think some of the commenters were more of the "Stop writing negatively about Bernie!" mode than you were. Encouragement to get over it is different from a command to get over it, IMO, so I think we're on the same page. I think part of the value of any site is the opportunity for people to rant. If others don't want to read rants, they can move on.
I've been collecting petitions to get Jill on the ballot here in KY for a while. Apparently that's the first thing that needs to be done, make sure she's viable. For the rest, I'll wait until I see what happens this week in Philly and what Bern decides to do then.
It is a shame how our former home went downhill. But it's nice over here.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Rise Again
Loved the diary, seldom comment, often lurk, but i could not let the Stan Rogers verse slide by without comment. Great musician who died tragically. Had the very good fortune of seeing him live in Halifax several times. I may be biased, but if ever there was a place to see Stan Rogers live, a bar in Halifax was that place. That said, anywhere in Cape Breton would be as good, if not better.
Thanks Again
Cape Breton is very nice but if I had my way I would be
living in Newfoundland. It's all great out there.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I envy you
Have been a huge fan for years, but never had a chance to see him play. The Mary Ellen Carter is the most inspirational song I've ever heard. What a song of hope.
[video: width:560 height:315]
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
I appreciate this essay and also the great comments . . .
All good thoughts and very encouraging.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Damn I needed this essay at the end of a long day
fighting a rear guard action with the "Bernie is a sellout to corruption" gang. Maybe I can't buy what they're selling because I'm an old fart who has seen the dregs of humanity elected to office in our country for so long. I don't think so. I've followed Bernie for many years and never fail to be awed at the things he manages to get done against long odds and consistent resistance. His achievements the past fifteen months are unprecedented. I won't allow my fear of a miscalculation with the endorsement of HRC turn me from a commitment to continuing the struggle with Bernie. I sure as hell won't let the naysayers and chicken littlesget me down nor will I cease to push back at them when they post endless bullshit. This guy is the only viable progressive way forward and the only one I've seen in my life worthy of following without reservation. I reserve the right to reconsider if he gives Hillary's Goldman Sachs speech tomorrow wearing a W codpiece over a suit decked out with Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobile, Walmart, and Lockheed Martin logos and with Jamie Dimon on one arm, Dick Cheney on the other. A fella has to have limits after all.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."