BULLETIN: Bernie Implicitly Endorses Jill Stein!
In the beginning, this is what would happen. You would have the Democratic candidate running for something, and the Republican candidate, and historically Vermont has been a Republican state - moderately Republican, not right-wing - and the Democrats, and then we had a third party.
And what would happen is, debate after debate, television program after television program, the progressive, third party people, would in fact get the best response from the audience. And people would say, "Yeah, you guys make a lot of sense." And then you go up to them and say, "Are you going to vote for us?" And then they say, "Oh, of course we're not going to vote for you. You can't win! We're going to vote for the Democrat. You're a much better candidate - everything you're saying is true. But we can't waste our vote." "Waste our vote" was the expression. So if there's any term that drives me crazy, it's this quote unquote waste our vote.
Now my own view - and it has been my view for many, many years - is that what we need in this country is what Jackson calls a Rainbow Coalition. But it has to be done outside of the Democratic Party.
Of course, these remarks were made 25 years ago. Perhaps if there had been a Republican presidential candidate at that time as toxic as Donald Trump, Sanders would have disavowed his call to abandon the Democratic Party. Then again, perhaps he would have pointed out that it was the putative left's unconditional support of the corrupt, pro-corporate, anti-working class Democratic Party that gave rise to right-wing demagogues like Trump. One thing is for sure, it would be fascinating to witness a debate between the present day, 74 year-old Bernie Sanders and his 49 year-old counterpart. Personally, I think I like the earlier version better. The arguments he made in this video seem, if anything, even more compelling in 2016 than they were in 1991.

"As a practical politician, which is what I am."
Telling quote.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Nice click bait
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Nice clip
Bernie still knows the deal. It will be interesting to hear him speak tomorrow.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I like this
And I can't help thinking that Bernie, circa 1991, would have agreed.
inactive account
The reality is exactly the opposite
Voting for either of the main parties is throwing your vote away. When you vote for Clinton or any est Dem after what they pulled, ypou tell them "this is okay, we will vote for you no matter what, even if you promise to eat an impoverished infant every day for breakfast you can still count on our votes because the republican will ask for seconds, so as long as you are at least an iota less evil than the Repub you can do anything you want without loising our support". That's how our votes became meaningless amnamnd our voices unheard. Why should the DNC bother to earn votes that are already theirs no matter what?
We won't get what we want no matter which est candidate wins, it will be hell in a hand basket either way. So why shouldn't I vote for the person I want who, if by some miracles actually wins, will actually listen to me and improve the coutry? She won't win? Well, I lose even if Clinton wins, so " backing a winner" is no victory for me. And I win even if Jill loses, because my money and support will increase the viability of her party and make a real win more possible everyday.
I think that is where the hysterical anti-third party shrieking is really coming from. If we give up on meaningless victories that are actually losses and focus on making a good party viable, they know they wont be able to compete. They've gotten attached to that cushy practice of only having to be a hair left of wherever the Repubs choose to stand, and an actual progressive party would shatter their redefinition of the word.