Attacking A Fellow Dem's Religion--Or Lack Thereof--Is Not Okay. DNC CFO Marshall Should Resign.
This isn’t about Hillary or Bernie. This isn’t even about whether the DNC violated its own rules with regards to neutrality this primary season. This is about standing up for core Democratic, progressive and American values by saying it should never be acceptable for a Democratic party official to suggest attacking a fellow Democrat—or anyone else—for their religious beliefs or lack thereof.
I want to set aside the argument over just how much the DNC was tipping the scales in one candidate’s favor and what should be done about that because I believe there’s something even more troubling in one email in particular. In it, the Chief Financial Officer of the Democratic Party suggests trying to pin down a candidate (most likely Bernie) on the whether or not he believes in God because voters might get squeamish about voting for an atheist: To:,,
Date: 2016-05-05 03:31 Subject: No shitIt might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.
So far, the only defense Marshall has offered, via the same article is this:
“I do not recall this. I can say it would not have been Sanders. It would probably be about a surrogate.”
This is not a defense. This is like the cop in Florida trying to defend his shooting of an unarmed black man by noting he was really trying to shoot an unarmed patient with autism. Either way, what he did was wrong, though I guess it would be nice if it weren’t just another blatant case of racism.
Marshall is basically saying, “Sure, I was suggesting we attack someone’s religious beliefs or lack thereof, but it was someone that was definitely not Bernie Sanders though I don’t remember who it was.”
I don’t care whose religious beliefs or possible atheism you were out to attack. Such an attack is reprehensible and should not be condoned in the Democratic Party or the progressive movement, especially when it comes from one of our top officials.
The Democratic Party consists of people of many different religious faiths. It also consists of millions of agnostics, atheists, and people who would claim to be “spiritual but not religious.” We were the first party to both nominate and elect a non-Protestant to the presidency (Al Smith and JFK). We were the first party to nominate a Jewish Vice-Presidential candidate (Joe Liebermann). This year millions of us voted for a self-proclaimed democratic socialist Jew who may or may not believe in the kind of God that is traditionally imagined by lots of other believers. And many of us saw our own thoughts and feelings about religion reflected in the thoughtful, nuanced and inclusive way Bernie talked about religion.
We should also keep in mind that “none” is the fastest growing “religious preference” in the United States. People with no religious preference now make up 23% of the American population, increasing from 36 million to 55 million people from 2007 to 2014. That number is even higher among millenial Americans with more than a third (35%) choosing that preference.
It cannot be acceptable to contemplate “smearing” someone by labeling them as part of any religious group, especially when you realize that group represents nearly a quarter of the population as a whole and more than a third of younger voters.
This is no more defensible than the Republican efforts for years now to “smear” President Obama as a Muslim as if it would be some terrible thing if he were.
From the founding of this nation, one of our most important freedoms is enshrined not only in the freedom of—and from—religion int he First Amendment but in Article VI of the Constitution where it clearly states that no religious test will be required of any seeker of public office. While the Republican Party seems ready to do away with both of these protections from time to time, we, as Democrats, must defend them now more than ever.
We, as Democrats and progressives can have really heated arguments and knock down, drag out fights. But we also believe those fights should be about issues and actions and not about identity. We cannot tear people down for belonging to any particular ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religious affiliation. That is not who we are. That is not what we do.
Brad Marshall should resign as CFO of the DNC because someone who contemplates tearing someone down just because they might not believe in God the same way you do or at all does not represent the values of the Democratic Party or the progressive movement.
I hope this is one thing we can all agree on.

I agree!
Just cant wait to see how all these leaks are addressed at the convention, if at all.
They probably won't be addressed at all. Clinton was already out there today in Florida saying how glad she was to have DWS's help.
Not at all is my guess
Not at all is my guess
Holy moly
Hit edit and reduce the width of that graphic to 500. That's max not to blow the formatting and run over into the right-hand column. Thanks. Now I'll go back and read it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
No clue how to do that
But it doesn't wrap around anything when I'm viewing it on my end. It stays nearly within the middle column.
Covers to right edge of my cell screen. /nt
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
It takes over the page on my laptop, too. You should see an
edit choice at the top of your diary/article/post. After you click that, you'll see the diary again in the not-WYSIWYG box. Look in the box for width and height parameters where it says "img src" between the carets. Take out the height and change width to "500". Voila!
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This should be in the site meta pages:
For pictures, set width = "100%", and ignore height. This causes the software to automagically resize images to the output device, whatever that may be.
Might be handy if that were the default settings (hint, hint!)
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
I'm pretty sure that
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, James Madison and a whole bunch of the "Founding Father's" of this country would have a hard time running for any political seat nowadays. Imagine what this country would have been like if a deist was chosen as the first President... oh, wait... nevermind...
Are there really more ignorant assholes out running around (and trying to run this country) or is that just my imagination?
Think off-center.
George Carlin
We're headed straight for their worst nightmare
Bloody civil war over which religion shall be established as the Official State Religion. They feared that SO much, they wrote that bit about "no religious test" into the Constitution AND included the "freedom of/from religion" clause in the First Amendment. It had not been so long ago, in their time, that Massachusetts flogged Quakers out of the Commonwealth and hanged them if they dared come back; that Virginia hounded Quakers, Puritans, Catholics and other dissidents north to Maryland; that having a different religion from your neighbors made it open season on you everywhere except Maryland, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania (and then only when the state government was minded to protect you, which wasn't always).
Do those Idiocrats really want to go there?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Just as Surely in our National DNA
Just as Surely in our National DNA as George Washington's edict that Americans don't torture is the tragedy of the Witch trials of the late 1600's.
I just finished reading "The Witches", a fascinating true accounting of the Salem witch trials. THIS is the sort of thing in the minds of the revolutionaries when formulating their ideas on church and state. I am reminded of the "Sparrows" of Game of Thrones. Seems like its a lesson we need to be reminded of constantly
Bernie is a win-win.
They've always been assholes, but they're been increasingly
ignorant, or at least that is how it seems to me.
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I agree!
And this guy is also listed as the treasurer of the Bernie Victory Fund... Yet ANOTHER reason Bernie would not use that vehicle.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
no shit? that's splendid. hahahah...
i've got a feeling
we're going to be reading a whole lot of "garsh, i sure don't remember that, but i can state unequivocally that it's not about bernie sanders. that's for sure!"
god it's funny over on ToP
Extreme pretzel logic on show
The folks who say "I don't care."
Pardon my old lady memory, but was not questioning someone's religion a big effing deal when it was the GOP calling Obama a Muslim? So it was racist THEN, but just standard politics to work a whisper campaign against an older Jewish public servant? Okay. We will certainly remember that. Kind of like how Michelle never, ever invited the Clintons to dinner at the White House. So glad our votes are unimportant.
The definitive sign that these people are not better than Republican partisans. In fact, they're exactly the same.
Please help support caucus99percent!
hey now,
i believe that's called "kumbaya yoga"
some people are pretzels by nature. namaste.
I been incommunicado.
Read this here earlier. Just now noticed it at TOP. You gave 'em hell, LA Fem, well done! I've been relegated to kindle when my computer fried a few months back, so I couldn't even comment. Could barely rate comments. Graywolf really raised a shitstorm over there.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
The Democratic party has values?
Who'd a thunk. It certainly doesn't show up in Obama and his bombing of seven Arab countries. It doesn't show up in Clinton who has a Wall St ring in her nose.
Just a reminder that this isn't a Democratic party blog, so some of us don't necessarily give a shit what someone in the Democratic party said.
Lots of Democrats still have values
Though by the info revealed in these emails (among other thing) the party leadership, not so much.
I basically agree
with the thrust of the article, but I think there really is a more basic issue here even that that.
The DNC, because of what it is supposed to be accomplishing, should generally try to function as a referee in matters of which Democrats they support. It isn't really about religion versus atheism, it's about a very fundamental conflict of interest that is occurring.
I saw this over at TOP. Good for you, grey wolf!
As expected, the comments here are appropriately horrified, and the comments over there twist their excuses every which way to forgive all.
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