Wikileaks New Hillary Leak: DNC manipulated news coverage on Nevada caucus
RELEASE: 19,252 emails from the US Democratic National Committee #Hillary2016 #FeelTheBern
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 22, 2016
The WikiLeaks drip is starting.
Of course, we intuitively knew that the NV caucus and uproar about throwing chairs etc, was rigged. But we didn't have proof of the extent of the DNC manipulation until now.
From RT News:
One email indicates that the DNC was in close contact with news websites on articles related to the Democratic Party.
A Real Clear Politics article said that Bernie Sanders supporters causing a lack of unity at the Nevada Democratic Convention.
“This headline needs to be changed,” said Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who serves as Chairperson, or top official, of the DNC.
“We need to push back... Patrice, what happened, DNC had nothing to do with this, right?” Luis Miranda wrote, referring to DNC Director of Party Affairs Patrice Taylor.
Taylor responded saying that the article should be changed the event was run by the state party and the disorder “sounds like internal issues amount Sanders supporters.”
“Walter, please connect with Stewart and get him to push back,” Miranda wrote. The last email on the thread says: “Done. Article has been updated.”
my bold
This is brazen, stunning, direct manipulation of the Fourth Estate.
Updated: Here is link to e-mail message from DWS stating that Mika Brzezinski, from MSNBC should apologize to her for saying that she is unfair and 'should step down'
Update II: Email showing how DNC worked to manipulate vote in RI primary to benefit Hillary by suppressing vote.

Well, it WASN'T
So noting it repeatedly now seems kind of beside the point. Give it time, that will feed the enemy narrative--the DNC's, and yes, they ARE our ENEMY--that "Wiki don't give a damn about anything but picking on poor widdle put-upon Hillary. And for all we know, they made up the text of 20,000 emails. "
Jeeesuz, let's try not to help them with that. Is that an out-of-line request?
It also--as others have noted already--shows their obnoxious tunnel vision and blind incompetence. They didn't give a damn enough to keep Mr. and Mrs. Doe's name out of an email because They are Special and only They matter. Not some rube who coughed up 20 bucks to their slimy machine. It would never occur to them that their emails might get hacked because of their bosses' BFF's stupidity and criminality.
I hope Kos got his cut.
I hope Kos got screwed like the Haitians! n/t
I'll bet they cut off his salary
when he bungled the Formal Edict back on March 15th. You know, cuz he didn't keep the site together.
LOLOLOL! I hope he's shitting little Napoleon-sized shitpiles.
Someone not banned from DKOS needs to take one for the team
And post a big diary about this on there. Calling out the Hillary supporters for what we've always said they are: paid shills. Make sure people there know there's a place here where we won't put up with that shit. Free of corporate ass kissers.
I would but I am already banned.
If you would like to pen the diary
I'd gladly take one for the team and post it over at TOP. I'll PM you my email address.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Just create a throw away account and make it part of your
You can even elucidate on WHY you are using a throw away account.
If you do let me know. That would be one I would go back for long enough to upvote at least.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
In that same email -
* HRC will go into gen election has vulnerable candidate
Jesus, I can't take this shit anymore.
Has anyone searched for correspondence between DNC
and some of the big blogs out there? Wonder if there was any message coordinating with them.
A lot of good....
It's done them. The deepest stacked-deck in the history of US politics, world-wide name recognition, the tentacles of their insidious foundation in every media/corporate/MIC pie, the DNC with them, almost every federal rep/senator with them-- vote tampering and suppression, superpac collusion, running for 30 years-- and even with all that, now she's starting to sink in the polls, with swing states going red. Well, we told them this would happen-- just got a panicked note from the DNC (I want the money back you got for selling my email, Kos!). Bernie would have wiped the streets with Trump. I don't want Trump to win, but I do want HRC to lose, so we can kill this neoliberalism shit once and for all. That's the curse of this election for progressives, damn them....
Semper ubi sub ubi
She's one of ours
Bernie leads Hillary by 4 in the latest poll:
If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They'll probably complain regardless, actually. We might want to get out in front of this one with an inquiry to the RI Gov, even though she's one of ours.
Eric Walker
Sounds like Walker knows it's misconduct. He also probably knows about election fraud. He knows damn good and well who's on the take and who isn't and that the Gov of RI is on the take.
Obama needs to have a press conference
And explain what is being done to investigate this. This is a crisis and Obama is the President.
Beware the bullshit factories.
he's the head of the DNC
think he doesn't know? think he hasn't benefitted?
That doesn't mean he can abrogate his responsibilities
as President. He needs to do his job.
Beware the bullshit factories.
President Obama's job would
President Obama's job would also involve NOT pulling election observers - giving us all fair warning that the General will be just as blatantly rigged as the Dem nomination. I'd say possibly even more so, only I can't see how, not having that hot-line to the source of all evil myself, thank goodness.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Nothing sinister...
But this is pretty funny nonetheless:
From:Pablo Manriquez
To: Miranda, Luis
Date: 2016-04-25 17:49
Subject: Re: NYC on Weds
Here are my meetings (all in Rockefeller Center):
* Lunch with Reuters at noon
* at CNBC from 1:30 until 2:50pm
* at Fox News from 3pm until 5pm
* at MSNBC from 5 until 8PM
In theater district:
* Dinner with CNN from 8PM until whenever
In Soho:
* Breakfast with Huffington Post
I’m not taking a smelly bus in a nice suit at my expense for this and shouldn’t have to stay on a friend’s smelly couch in far Brooklyn. This 3rd world treatment is juvenile and unbecoming a serious political operation.They watch TV. We make TV. TV matters more than a myriad of travel requests they approve across departments every day. I know it’s not entirely on you but please don’t let them be petty. If operations seriously care about winning elections up and down the ticket for Democrats while making the DNC look good, operations should cover this with hotel.
On Apr 25, 2016, at 11:27 AM, Miranda, Luis wrote:
Unfortunately not approved. If you go on your own and take the bus at your own expense, I’m fine to consider it a telecommute day.
Democratic National Committee
Poor Pablo,
Should have followed his own advice.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Nice catch NHK. More to it than just funny...
Revealed in this coddled prick's indignant correspondence is what I refer to as Pretending To Be Rich, which is a disease that effect so many Americans in varying degrees.
It's a symptom of the American Exceptionalism, hammered into us in throughout our school days beginning with the loyalty oath of the Pledge of Allegiance being one of the first things required to be memorized by you, and the incessant marketing of the American Dream, a propagandists wet dream marketing campaign which keeps all the minions in thrall to the idea that individualism and a little elbow grease (Get Rich Quick schemes and Ponzi scams are acceptable too) will get you into the Big Club, wherein you'll continue to adopt anti-social stances against stuff like healthcare for all, welfare, unemployment insurance, taxing the wealthy, because you are filled to the brim with Resentment Politics, in which your curse those elusive others who you believe to your core want you to work so they can get free gov't handouts while you continue working your shit job as a malcontent.
This little douche is the type that thrives on his perceived status. He's with the Big Boys now, and can't stand to be seen as a notch lower, at any point. Slumming it like a prole? Ha, no fucking way, man. I'm on my way onto the Big Club. I've drank their wine, passed by their velvet rope lines, got the requisite passes dangling around my neck, and live to be the envy of peons everywhere, whose vote I'll always grovel for until the day after the elections, when the dirty unwashed will be dismissed with a flick of my fingers.
I'm so sick of these bastards, and this culture that permeates life here. It's one of the aspects of this Drumpf v $hillary fraudulent farce that makes me most sick.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
It captures the essence of The Privileged Wannabe
Around here, we call them "The Temporarily-Embarrassed Millionaires". And yeah, most of them support Trump in this cycle, but you can bet more than a few champion that woman....
The Intercept
has another good DNC leak article with a lot of emails pertaining to how to deal with Sander's and mocking him.
DNC Staffers Mocked the Bernie Sanders Campaign, Leaked Emails Show
I have spent the afternoon looking through the new DNC leaks but it's hard work to sort through them and the search function seems to be beyond my pay grade. One trick is to put whatever names or phrase your searching for in quotation marks and that helped.
Another leak from the trove at the Intercept is the DNC's fundraising memo to keep it legal while hustling donations from PAC's. The first link is to the article which is kinda of humorous and the second is the actual memo.
Leaked Guide Shows Clinton Staffers How to Solicit for Super PAC Without Breaking Pesky Rules
Oh I did figure out DWS's email address and name is and that helped with the search....
"" that did the trick and I could find her responses and emails.
Nicely done, shaharazade. Good technique
…descriptions. Also, the links are very illuminating. Thanks.
I went over to that hill-bot echo chamber
Orange State:
here is the PERFECT response by one of them (to a member/help desk moderator (i.e. troll) there I have ZERO respect for)
Let me paraphrase the above
I don't like the stuff, please ban it under it wasn't gotten fairly ..WHAAAA
I am so glad I am banned. I just had to see how they would take the information. Pravda had NOTHING on the Orange State crowd in terms of sheer party loyalty insanity.
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
It's instructive to see who is, and isn't covering this.
I remember a decade ago when Talking Points Memo used to engage in journalism. I thought their original reporting on the U.S. Attorney's scandal was very good. And even with respect to Democrats they would publish critical stories.
In recent years though, they've just become an extension of the Democratic Party's PR machine. Still crickets about this story hours after it broke.
Yep! I heard it here. My 17 yr old asked if I had heard too.
We really shouldn't underestimate our youth. They often rock, at least now (not so much back in the 80s when I was a member)!
I wonder how long it will take, if ever, for any MSM to cover it - as in on the idiot box. Maybe if Trump tweets it? Anyone know if he has?
I sure am glad I joined the class action lawsuit against the DNC
Hopefully, the DNC will end up paying me back for every penny I donated to Bernie Sanders.
Anyone who donated to Bernie, or the DNC, should join that lawsuit. The DNC needs to pay for this. One way or another!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I joined it, too.
Never did anything like that before, but this is such a blatant case and it should be heard in a court of law.
The corporate media is complicit, so we sure won't hear anything useful about this mess from them.
Because of that, the DNC will be fine in the court of public opinion because there won't be coverage of the reality of what happened and few other than political junkies will take the time to follow it.
So a court action is a good idea, given all other avenues seem to be closed.
Beat in the USA.
Class Action link for those interested
I hadn't heard about it, but an internet search led to our very own Thumb.
Even if you contributed to Bernie directly (was that even possible, because I tried) or via Act Blue, or via the nasty DNC, you can join.
And there's no minimum donation, so I'm joining too!
More 'let's change the language' poop
No, we can't have it appear that the prez is for sale, says the FOR SALE $Hill of $hillary. Nope!
Barf bag time!
More, TPP guy contacting Kaplan on 5/19/16 redactions mine
Omfg I just accidentally closed the page. grrrrr!
I will attempt to find page & affix link to this post. Grrrr!
that's a great find. The way I read it, it's an invite to DNC folk or anyone else who received it, right?
Just their business. Not everybody else's businesses. Just theirs.
How stinking privileged can you get?