Why I Cannot Support Hillary Clinton [updated]

Cross-posted from my blog: Natural-Writes

Below is a transcript from Democracy Now where Dr. Cornel West explains in much clearer terms than I could as to why Hillary is not an ethical choice:

Cornel West: Why I Endorse Green Party’s Jill Stein Over “Neoliberal Disaster” Hillary Clinton

“Hillary Clinton is a neoliberal disaster… one who generates a mass incarceration regime, who deregulates banks and markets, who promotes chaos of regime change in Libya, supports military coups in Honduras, undermines some of the magnificent efforts in Haiti of working people, and so forth. That’s the record of Hillary Clinton…”

Basically Hillary is a war hawk, who colludes with big business against the interest of the “people”. When questioned, she’ll spin it, to make herself look good, but at every turn she was on the wrong side of history (fracking, gay marriage, Iraq invasion, etc.). In a Rolling Stone article Matt Taibbi wrote:

My worry is that Democrats like Hillary have been saying, “The Republicans are worse!” for so long that they’ve begun to believe it excuses everything…”

Of course I agree that Trump / the Republicans are worse; however, as pointed out here:

"Trump says very scary things — deporting immigrants, massive militarism and ignoring the climate. Hillary, unfortunately, has a track record for doing all of those things."

“All the reasons you were told you had to vote for the lesser evil — because you didn’t want the massive Wall Street bailouts, the offshoring of our jobs, the meltdown of the climate, the endless expanding wars, the attack on immigrants — all that, we’ve gotten by the droves, because we allowed ourselves to be silenced,” she explained. The present electoral system “tells you to vote against what you’re afraid of and not for what you believe,” Stein said. “This politics of fear has actually delivered everything we were afraid of.”

Consequently we need a better option:

Presenting Dr. Jill Stein. Here is a short piece detailing why

“Dr. Jill Stein Would Make A Better Commander-In-Chief Than Hillary Clinton.”

Do check out the links and let me know what you think.

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"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money." --Nineteenth century Nēhilawē (Cree) proverb

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Would be my title choice...

Because Phuck this $hit...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Alphalop's picture

candidate that endorsed her.

I have been busy unsubscribing to all the begging emails from the DNC/Candidates and leaving them the following reply.

I will not be supporting any candidate that endorsed Clinton. The DNC has lost me as a voter and I will be leaving the party.

The outright rejection of progressives by the DNC and the 3rd way/DLC types that are leading it have made it readily apparent that we are not needed or welcome.

If you want progressive support I would suggest you embrace progressive ideals and until then you can find me amongst the Independents fighting to establish a new progressive party that places the needs of the average citizen above those of the Corporate donor class that has so completely co-opted the Democratic Party.


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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Lenzabi's picture

May I borrow that? I can copy paste it to all the begger e-mails from the standard dems who also promoted Her

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Alphalop's picture

Maybe if they get enough of these before the convention they will wake up. (Yeah, right, lol!)

All we can do at this point is put them on notice and make them aware that THEY, not us, are going to be responsible for President Trump.

Sorry, but if I own a restaurant that only serves turd sandwiches it's my fault, not the customers, when I go out of business.

You don't get to blame the consumer for your shitty product not flying off the shelves DNC...

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Lenzabi's picture

And correct, poor quality product sinks businesses, so the DNC has decided to go with the crap sandwich as opposed to the Roast Beef one.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Think this is SO important, to let ALL our Democratic politicians know we will not support THEM if they support the Clintons.
Think if all of us do this before the convention, maybe some of the super delegates may wake up. Especially if we make the calls NOW, right before the convention.

As I live in MA, I called Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey Washington DC office to say,because they supported Clintons, I would NOT support them in their own re-elections. Think it's best to call the DC office, rather than local office. Know, from my 20 years living & working around the Hill, the DC office keeps track of all these calls. Local offices don't.

Made a BIGGER FUSS when Warren came out gung ho for Clinton.

In my case, also said I'd never voted for a Republican before, but definitely would vote AGAINST Warren and Markey when they both ran again. And I will.
Because, damn, I've had enough of these DINO's.

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Well, some of the non-lobbyists SD's might really rather not have to support Hillary, but they may be more afraid of pissing off big donors/lucrative-reward-job creators and triggering the Clinton's notoriously vindictive retribution than of their voters - yet another reason for keeping them from renting out White House bedrooms and selling spots for coffee with the President. (Why do I keep getting ancient Married With Children flashbacks?)

But yeah, brilliant! Please, say it loud and say it proud: anyone who supports corruption does not belong in public office and I cannot in good conscience support them either!

And, pausing for a brief prayer: dear FSM, please stretch out your noodley appendage to stop this nightmare and bring on The Bern?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

on that. No hillbillary and no down ballot votes for her supporters!

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CaptainPoptart's picture

It's not enough just to #Demexit and support Jill, although both are important. The party as a whole must feel the pain, and these down ballot candidates have all been contacted ad nauseum in their roles as SDs. They have been warned and now is the time their feet must be held to the fire. I am telling this to all my friends and while some are afraid of the Rethugs, many are susceptible to the argument. They have to understand that the Dems just can't expect support from progressives when they act like right wingers. Enough is enough.

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I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings

Thanks for the links just starting out

Having witnessed the power of lobbyists and campaign contributions to block health, environmental and worker protections, Jill became an advocate for campaign finance reform, and worked to help pass the Clean Election Law by voter referendum. This law was passed by a 2-1 margin, but was later repealed by the overwhelmingly Democratic Massachusetts Legislature on an unrecorded voice vote. This sabotage of campaign finance reform by the Democratic Party was a pivotal event in Jill's political development, confirming her growing allegiance to the Green Party.

Corrupt! Nods head in agreement. Then the Platform page starts out:

Our Power to the People Plan

Climate Action: Protecting Mother Earth and Humanity

Enact an emergency Green New Deal to turn the tide on climate change, revive the economy and make wars for oil obsolete. Initiate a WWII-scale national mobilization to halt climate change, the greatest threat to humanity in our history. Create 20 million jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, conservation and restoration of critical infrastructure, including ecosystems.
Implement a Just Transition that empowers those communities and workers most impacted by climate change and the transition to a green economy. Ensure that any worker displaced by the shift away from fossil fuels will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative work.
Enact energy democracy based on public, community and worker ownership of our energy system. Treat energy as a human right. [...]

Woo! Now those are positions to start from. Go Greens

I did immediately search on her spouse's name Richard Rohrer I'm not a P.I., there's this:

Freethinker of the Year Award

Presented annually by the Freedom From Religion Foundation to recognize defenders of the constitutional principle of separation of church and state
Richard Rohrer – 1990

If that's him well good! There's plenty more commenting to come around here I hope others will share. Thanks.

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Trade Agreement
The most important issue of all. Trade agreements have shuttered 60,000 US factories and cost Americans FIVE MILLION jobs.

And that is why the establishment is rallying behind Hillary Clinton. She supports trade agreements, and is expected to embrace the Trans Pacific Partnership (which she has "temporarily" criticized due to Sanders’ challenging her in the Democratic primaries).


Military interventionism and foreign policy!
She has threatened to bomb Iran. She supports more military aid to Israel and increased arms sales to Saudi Arabia. She supported the military coup in Honduras and CIA drone strikes against civilians in the Middle East.


Universal Healthcare
Back in the day, Hillary was a staunch supporter of universal healthcare and fought for a single-payer healthcare system while she was First Lady.

But now opposes it. Why? Could it have anything to do with the millions of dollars she has received from Big Pharmaceutical and the insurance lobby?



Legalization of Marijuana
Clinton has been bought and paid for by the private prison industry and prison guard unions who do not want to see a reduction ion the prison population. They make money as long as people are incarcerated. And more money with more prisoners. The War on Drugs has been a boon for them.

It has also cost our African American brothers and sisters an entire generation of young black men in prison.

No country on Earth imprisons more of its people than does the US. Not China. Not Russia. Not Iran. Not North Korea.




Auditing the Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve System is one of the world’s great scams. It is a private banking system beyond the control of the US government, but it sets monetary policy for the country. It has never been audited. It has never been investigated. No one knows how much money it makes from control of the US money supply. One thing is certain: Wall Street does not want the Fed to be audited. Curiously, neither does Hillary. Could that have something to do with her receiving millions from Wall Street and the big banks? Citigroup? Goldman Sachs? Bank of America?


Hillary is opposed to Truth in Labeling legislation to require the disclosure of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in our food.


Fracturing is a major business for Big Oil. While Secretary of State, Hillary’s State Department sold fracking to the world and made billions for her owners in the petroleum industry. The hypocrisy of promoting and supporting fracking while claiming to be an environmentalist is laughable. Fracking causes a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions in its extraction and use.


Wall Street Reform
Her legendary $225,000 twenty minute speeches are a mere drop in the bucket. She is owned by Wall Street. And we can expect that the revolving door between industry and government will keep on revolving if she is elected.


The People Revolution Continues - Jill NOT Hill!


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I've also read she's considering Fluornoy for SoD and Nuland for SoS. That would pretty much be the three Furies running foreign policy.

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