Cornel West

America in decline: so now what?

So let's see, rents and real estate prices out of sight and going further ever upward. Eight percent inflation over a year's time and the wages barely go up if at all.

Don't forget education and health care -- already unaffordable for many.

AI will take your job.

People clearing out of California because they can't afford to live there. It's actually like that in major big cities across the country -- anywhere big capital has bought up the real estate.

Ground For A Peoples' Party? Speak Out

The reaction to the Trump inauguration and yesterday’s multiple protest rallies has been swift and plentiful. The most obvious conclusion for me was that the energy seen across this country can't be simply a "protest" against the POTUS. It obligates us to organize toward a Peoples' Party outside the two-party stranglehold.

A couple of comments on my experience of the weekend before part four of the discussion of the Trump Presidency.