Hasn't this gone far enough?
I just happened to catch this tweet before it vanished down the memory hole.
So who did we risk a shooting war with Russia for? Amnesty International released a report over the weekend.
Syrian rebel groups backed by the U.S. and its allies “have committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, including abductions, torture and summary killings,” according to Amnesty International.
A report by the leading human rights organization details how extremist rebel groups have taken over large parts of major Syrian cities, in which they have created repressive theocratic regimes where critics are violently silenced and where religious and ethnic minority groups fear for their lives.
In Idlib, it looked at the crimes of the rebel groups Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham, both of which are extremist Islamist militias that are party of the Army of Conquest coalition.
I want to call attention to Ahrar al-Sham on this list.
Late last year, American custom agents waved through Labib al Nahhas, foreign affairs director for the Islamist fighting group Ahrar al Sham. He also had a Muslim name, but he wasn't a humanitarian. He was a terrorist.
A senior figure from a Syrian rebel group with links to al Qaida was allowed into the United States for a brief visit, raising questions about how much the Obama administration will compromise in the search for partners in the conflict.
His previously undisclosed visit is a delicate matter for both sides – the conservative Salafist insurgents risk their credibility with even perceived ties to the United States, and the U.S. government risks looking soft on screenings by allowing entry to a member of an Islamist paramilitary force.
To be fair, Ahrar al Sham is not blacklisted as a terrorist group. That being said, the only reason that they aren't blacklisted is because the Obama Administration has deliberately blocked Russian attempts to do so.
Ahrar al-Sham is an ultra-orthodox Salafist group and has fought as part of a military alliance including the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, which was not part of a cessation of hostilities agreement brokered in February.
Ahrar al-Sham, whose late leader fought alongside Osama bin Laden, last year denied sharing al Qaeda's ideology or having organizational ties to the group.
Russia didn't give up. They urged us to join them in bombing al-Qaeda. We turned them down.
Now to be fair, Secretary Kerry has stepped back from defending Ahrar al Sham, but he may have been "off script" based on the blowback.
But then Kerry, perhaps accidentally, threw two other Syrian rebel groups under the bus by calling them “subgroups” of the terrorists.
“There are a couple of subgroups underneath the two designated — Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra — Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham particularly — who brush off and fight with that — alongside these other two sometimes to fight the Assad regime,” he said, referring to two rebel groups that the United States has not named as terrorist groups until now.
The remark, which went largely unnoticed by the media in Aspen, nonetheless set off alarm bells inside the Obama administration. Two administration officials who work on Syria told me that Kerry’s naming of the Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar al-Sham as “subgroups” of the terrorist organizations was not only inaccurate but potentially harmful to U.S. government efforts to convince the Russians and the Syrian government not to attack them.
I guess this was a Joe Bidenesque gaff (i.e. telling the truth in public).
“For months, we’ve been arguing to make sure the Russians and the Syrian regime don’t equate these groups with the terrorists,” one senior administration official told me. “Kerry’s line yields that point.”
Another U.S. official simply emailed, “Baffled. SMH[Shaking my head].”
How dare Secretary Kerry call a terrorist group a bunch of terrorists merely because they are committed to terrorism!
To be fair, it isn't about just stopping terrorism. It's also about stopping Russian aggression.
But there have been a few moments when the truth has surfaced. For instance, in the days leading up to the just-completed NATO summit in Warsaw, General Petr Pavel, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, divulged that the deployment of NATO military battalions in the Baltic states was a political, rather than military, act.
“It is not the aim of NATO to create a military barrier against broad-scale Russian aggression, because such aggression is not on the agenda and no intelligence assessment suggests such a thing,” Pavel told a news conference.
When it comes to Russia, there obviously two opposing camps in Washington. In one camp is Kerry and Pavel, and in the other there are people like Gen. Philip Breedlove.
Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, until recently the supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe, plotted in private to overcome President Barack Obama’s reluctance to escalate military tensions with Russia over the war in Ukraine in 2014, according to apparently hacked emails from Breedlove’s Gmail account that were posted on a new website called DC Leaks....
“I think POTUS sees us as a threat that must be minimized, … ie do not get me into a war????” Breedlove wrote in an email to Harlan Ullman, senior adviser to the Atlantic Council, describing his ongoing attempt to get Powell to help him influence Obama.
Just how close to treason is this?

Not to mention 30000+ USA led NATO troops with
Operation Anokonda sitting on Russia's front yard some serious shit could happen any day now.
Let's be pragmatic for a moment.
Never mind the moral issues.
Russia is a lot tougher than Iraq, Iran, ISIL, etc. In an all-out war with Russia, there would be no winners. Everyone would lose.
Why in the hell are we trying to piss Russia off? That's stupid.
Somebody said, "I'm not against all wars. I'm against stupid wars." Gee, who was that?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
We're doing more than just pissing Russia off
From a widely quoted article by John Pilger
Obama is spoiling for a fight these clowns think they can win. One false move and Putin is going to start lobbing strategic ballistic missiles at us, and we KNOW that they have enough to turn our major cities into ash heaps. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Not that I support Obama's 'modernization' of our nuclear arms
What is their modernization meant to accomplish?
Oh, I don't know...maybe deter the war hawks in NATO from continuing with their 'encirclement in strength' plans?
Show them that if they want to continue to threaten to use force within Russia's 'sphere of influence', it could end up costing them much more than they realize?
From the day when the Berlin Wall fell, and the communist leaders of the Soviet Union made it clear that they would not use their military strength to stop the independence movements within the Warsaw Pact, there has only ever been one rational way for The West to respond, and that was/is to dismantle NATO, or better yet, invite Russia to become a full member of the defense organization that succeeded NATO.
But no, the war hawks of the West persisted in their efforts to continue to isolate Russia as some kind of existential threat to 'Western Democracy', even after Russia proceeded with its own democratic reforms.
There was an historical opportunity to achieve a lasting peace between Russia and western Europe, but it was squandered by the idiots in charge (i.e., Bill Clinton, et al.). So sad for all of us...
There really is no way to justify their stupidity.
James Kroeger
The real reason
The military industrial congressional complex is deathly afraid of peace breaking out. If we achieved world peace their profits and their reasons for existing would be gone. In many cases, actions that are best for the US and for the world are not in the best interest of our oligarchic lords and masters. In those cases, the US government almost always accedes to the wishes of our oligarchic lords and masters. That is why much of our foreign policy appears stupid and counterproductive. It is stupid and counterproductive for the US and the world but it is profitable for the arms industry and it keeps funds flowing to the military. Military aggression and excessive military spending permeate the soul of HRC, of course so if she wins the Presidency, we will have more of this ahead of us.
a valid point
Although it is factually correct that Russia violated the agreement it made with Ukraine to respect its sovereignty in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear capability.
I realize that the 'ethnic Russians' excuse is enough for many, but for me it smacks of classic geopolitics of war. Most of the villainous scum of the last century used some variation of that excuse to invade their neighbors and grab territory.
I was much more willing to see Russia as a victim of European and American ambition before Putin decided to put his thumb in the eye of both at every opportunity.
I'm also noting the great success of Russia Times propaganda on those rightly skeptical of U.S. policy in the region. The enemy of my enemy is most certainly not my friend.
State Dept. "no comment" to arming terrorists
US policy is regime change in Syria
Since the US is not willing to put boots on the ground the tactic is to use surrogates. The US floods the area with weapons and they wind up in the hands of self-described terrorists. Even the "good" rebels were trained and armed by the US. We then claim that the carnage is unacceptable and therefore Assad must go.
A Russian helicopter was downed in the last few days by ISIS using a US made TOW missile, killing both pilots. It's hard to believe that this is not the US desired scenario. We would like to make the cost of fighting terrorism as high as possible for the Russians. Is there anything ethical about US actions in the ME? The Russians retaliated with massive bombing of ISIS from Tu-22M3 supersonic strategic bombers based in Russia. We had better hope that Russia doesn't decide to take action against US military targets in Syrian airspace, as they would be fully justified since the US has no legal bases to be in Syria.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Guess who else is probably on Breedlove's side?
God help us.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The MIC wants war
with Russia. The Middle East is getting old. They need a new boggie man to scare the $h!t out of 'mericans, and who better than Vlad?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Ukraine, Poland, or Baltics will drag us into war with Russia
Their hatred of the Russians has become unhinged. I can see them launching some missile attack on a major urban area like St. Petersburg. Georgia tried that when they instigated confrontation by shooting at Russian troops.
Never been a better time to take a break from the news.
Hang out with people you enjoy. Put up a Christmas tree. Fill the pantry and cook nice dishes. Throw a small afternoon party. Invite the neighbors you hardly know.
Things happen quickly, now. Not your problem.
I've been saying that to myself a lot lately.
Happy thoughts^^^^^^^
Hunker down in your local community. I met a neighbor of 10 years who I have met at least 5 times, she is face-blind, I think. Anyway, their cat of 20 years died last week, I could tell her I was sorry. No huggies, she is not the type. They have done a nice landscaping job. Told her so. And she met my pup (reason for invasion, pup escape). Did a seed exchange with another near-neighbor, more exchanges planned. Next-door neighbor retrieved an errant wheel (don't ask). Kitty-sit with another one, a chance for mild snooping.
If you ever reach a human on customer service calls, be polite , even friendly, depending on circumstance. We are in this together, even if others don't see a sinking ship is what we occupy.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Your words mean a lot
…to me, riverlover. That's just what I had in mind. Thanks so much for responding with that sweet story.
Same here
We had a great Fourth of July party, and I think I'll plan another cookout for next week. I've also been reading a book called "150 Strong" by Dan O'Grady. He's got some good points , especially about reconnecting to our local communities.