Message from Bernie
I am writing you today to express my deep pride in the movement – the political revolution – you and I have created together over the last 15 months. When we began this historic campaign, we were considered fringe players by the political, economic and media establishment. Well, we proved them wrong.
We showed that the American people support a bold, progressive agenda that takes on the billionaire class, that fights for racial, social, economic and environmental justice and that seeks to create a government that works for all of us and not just the big campaign donors.
We mobilized over 13 million voters across the country. We won 23 Democratic primary and caucus contests. We had literally hundreds of thousands of volunteers across the country. And we showed – in a way that can change politics in America forever – that you can run a competitive national grassroots campaign without begging millionaires and billionaires for campaign contributions.
Most importantly, we elevated the critical issues facing our country – issues the establishment has pushed under the rug for too long. We focused attention on the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality in this country and the importance of breaking up the large banks who brought our economy to the brink of collapse. We exposed our horrendous trade policies, our broken criminal justice system, and our people's lack of access to affordable health care and higher education. We fought aggressively to address the crisis of climate change, the need for real comprehensive immigration reform, the importance of developing a foreign policy that values diplomacy over war, and so much more.
We have shown throughout this election that these are issues that are important to voters and that progressive solutions energize people in the fight for real change. What we have accomplished so far is historic – but our work is far from over.
This movement of ours – this political revolution – must continue. We cannot let all of the momentum we have achieved in the fight to transform America be lost. We will never stop fighting for what is right.
It is true that in terms of winning the Democratic nomination, we did come up short. But this election was never about me or any candidate. It was about the powerful coming together of millions of people to take their country back from the billionaire class. That was the strength of our campaign and it will be the strength of our movement going forward in the months and years ahead.
In the coming weeks, I will be announcing the creation of successor organizations to carry on the struggle that we have been a part of these past 15 months. I hope you will continue to be involved in fighting to transform America. Our goal will be to advance the progressive agenda that we believe in and to elect like-minded candidates at the federal, state and local levels who are committed to accomplishing our goals.
In terms of the presidential election this November, there is no doubt that the election of Donald Trump as president would be a devastating blow to all that we are fighting for. His openly bigoted and pro-billionaire campaign could precipitate the same decades-long rightward shift in American politics that happened after the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. That rightward shift after Reagan’s election infected not just politics as a whole but led to the ascendancy of the corporatist wing of the Democratic Party – an era from which we are still recovering.
I cannot in good conscience let that happen.
To have all of the work we have done in elevating our progressive ideals be dashed away by a complete Republican takeover of Washington – a takeover headed by a candidate that demonizes Latinos, Muslims, women, African Americans, veterans, and others – would be unthinkable.
Today, I endorsed Hillary Clinton to be our next president. I know that some of you will be disappointed with that decision. But I believe that, at this moment, our country, our values, and our common vision for a transformed America, are best served by the defeat of Donald Trump and the election of Hillary Clinton.
You should know that in the weeks since the last primary, both campaigns have worked together in good faith to bridge some of the policy issues that divided us during the election. Did we come to agreement on everything? Of course not. But we made important steps forward.
Hillary Clinton released a debt free college plan that we developed together which now includes free tuition at public colleges and universities for working families. This was a major part of our campaign’s agenda and a proposal that, if enacted into law, would revolutionize higher education in this country.
Secretary Clinton has also publicly committed to massive investments in health care for communities across this country that will increase primary care, including mental health care, dental care, and low-cost prescription drug access for an additional 25 million people. Importantly, she has also endorsed the enactment of a so-called public option to allow everyone in this country to participate in a public insurance program. This idea was killed by the insurance industry during consideration of President Obama’s health care program.
During the Democratic platform proceedings in St. Louis and Orlando, we were victorious in including amendments to make it a clear priority of the Democratic Party to fight for a $15 an hour federal minimum wage, expand Social Security, abolish the death penalty, put a price on carbon, establish a path toward the legalization of marijuana, enact major criminal justice reforms, pass comprehensive immigration reform, end for-profit prisons and detention facilities, break up too-big-to-fail banks and create a 21st century Glass-Steagall Act, close loopholes that allow big companies to avoid taxes by stashing their cash in offshore tax havens and use that revenue to rebuild America, approve the most expansive agenda ever for protecting Native American rights and so much more.
All of these progressive policies were at the heart of our campaign. The truth is our movement is responsible for the most progressive Democratic platform in the history of our country. All of that is the direct result of the work that our members of the platform committee did in the meetings and that you have been doing over the last 15 months.
But none of these initiatives will happen if we do not elect a Democratic president in November. None! In fact, we will go backward. We must elect the Democratic nominee in November and progressive Democrats up and down the ballot so that we ensure that these policy commitments can advance.
It is extremely important that we keep our movement together, that we hold public officials accountable and that we elect progressive candidates to office at the federal, state, and local level who will stand with us.
As part of that effort, we still have a tremendous amount of work left to do in the Democratic Rules Committee that will be meeting in the coming weeks. We have to enact the kinds of reforms to the Democratic Party and to the electoral process that will provide us the tools to elect progressive candidates, to allow new voices and new energy into the Party, and to break up the excessive power that the economic and political elites in the Party currently have. As with our fights on the platform committee, that will only be possible if we stand together.
You should know that I intend to be actively campaigning throughout this election season to elect candidates who will stand by our agenda. I hope to see many of you at events from coast to coast.
In conclusion, I again want to express my pride in what we have accomplished together over the last year. But so much more must be done to make our vision a reality. Now more than ever our country needs our movement – our political revolution. As you have throughout this historic campaign, I ask for your ongoing support as we continue through the fall and beyond.
On a personal note, I cannot say with words how appreciative Jane and I are of the kindness, dedication and love we experienced from so many people across the country. We are deeply touched by it and will never, ever forget it.
Please let me know that you will stand with me to defeat Donald Trump, and to elect candidates who will stand by our agenda as part of the future of our political revolution. Add your name now.
Forever committed, forever fighting, forever forward,
Bernie Sanders

I also received this message directly
This is the part which makes me saddest:
This doesn't mean that I disrespect Bernie for doing so. He clearly has his reasons for endorsing Clinton. Maintaining his power in the Senate is but one thing which he must have on his mind, and he needs that power to do anything for us.
I do not, however, believe for one minute that anything Bernie got into the Platform will in any way ever be enacted. I now consider this election a lost cause for this reason, and will vote for Stein now.
Bernie is not out of my life, however. I want to see this goal realized:
I will continue to support such efforts any way I can.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
which successor organization is he thinking about?
Why only in a couple of weeks? Before the convention or after? I hope he announces it asap.
Another veal pen, I suspect. /nt
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Read that Jane says they're considering something like DFA. EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
What they should consider is founding a new American
Democratic Socialist Party for the next and all future elections.
Any attempt to work within the framework of the Democratic Party is simply not going to cut it this time around, specifically because we have already experienced the OFA morph into DFA - a Bernie morph into something similar has no appeal to anyone. We've already been had in that particular monte.
He could announce it as "I tried it their way and it didn't work. Now we're going down an entirely new path. Blaze that trail with me." And then maybe he and we could unite and buy into the existing Green framework and foundation if they'll have us. They have really been able to build any momentum so I think a re-branding could work in their favor as well.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Ummmm ... not to go Godwin here, but
the National Socialist Democratic [Workers'] Party may not be such a bright idea ...
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
I thought of that, too.
I think that if we could leave "National" out of the name, it would improve it.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I am profoundly embarrassed
and changed National to American although I don't know if that helps. I don't care what he or we call a new party, but I was happy he had reclaimed the term "socialism" from the ash heap of . . . . oh screw it, never mind.
I consider myself well-read but I have to admit that I did not equate that name with Nazis.
Do we have a blushing emoji? These are the things that keep one humble. I've made an ass of myself before and I'm sure I'll do it again.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Phoebe, here's
the blushing emoji,
but don't be embarrassed.
Agree--don't care what a new party is named, just so there is one.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you, Mollie
I'll have to bookmark it, I'm afraid.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I had to actually work to understand your remark.
the veal pen is an individual’s cube in the feed lot that is corporate america. the unsuspecting worker occupying the cube is kept in the dark and restrained to keep him or her tender until he or she is butchered
“jonesy is stuck in the veal pen until he closes the krupke deal. after that, he’s headed to the slaughterhouse”
I see what you mean.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I got this one too, and replied to it
although I know it will not be seen. Asked him how we're supposed to un see the corruption he's opened so many eyes too, and that perhaps we would all have been better off had he never begun this campaign. I'm sorry, but I simply can't get over the fact that we're supposed to just vote for HER now after all we've seen, I just can't do that. Using the Rump hysteria makes me just sick to my stomach, especially with that idea in the back of my mind how Shillary herself ensured he'd be her opponent. How on earth can he expect us to vote FOR that?
Worthless effort, I know. Pissed and demoralized today, but it will pass I suppose. I mean really, what could we really expect out of this country anymore except for a TV show of an election. I suppose I am pissed at being tricked once again, pissed at even starting to have a sliver of hope we'd change things, how damned willfully dumb that is. And yes, I'm well aware that I have not fought as long as many out here have, and am naïve for thinking this time would be different. Doesn't mean I can't be pissed at myself about it though. And I am more pissed at ME than I am at Bernie for ever buying into it.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Lizzy, my friend, I understand the pissed off part
and there is a part of me that's pissed at myself. Thanks for expressing yourself as you did in your email! My reply to Bernie was not as nice as yours!
MsGrin nice of you to share this, but
I ain't buying the bullshit. It really makes me sick to my stomach. I also received this email and I replied in not so nice words, basically said fuck no way in hell am I supporting Hillery or Bernie.
I'm done taking this shit from the powers that be. I'm so angry right now!
Bernie's words mean nothing to me now! Nothing!
You'll note it's just text and no comment
I am in no way suggesting I find it satisfying. I'm hurt and furious more than I can put into words.
But we have to keep starting from where we are, and this is the new place for the moment. None of us expected what is so broken to be fixed in 14 months. This has been one stage of the awakening. It is valuable, even if it not all we want. and need.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
None of us expected Bernie to break it worse either
But he just did exactly that. I've been "NPP" long enough, pretending there was some vanishing hope of salvaging what the DemonRat Party once pretended to be. Not now. Not any more.
BOTH Parties are pure evil and I am done with both of them. First chance I get, I'm registering Green. (Maybe that will terminate the pestering robocalls from Shillary Central - at least I hope so.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
dies miseriae
And, of course, that goes triple for those of us who live in Vermont.
Agreed. Should $hillary get elected President, the whole platform will vanish without a trace, like smoke. We will have governance by the Evangelical Protestant Church and Goldman Sachs.
Myself as well. It's now "Jill Stein because fuck this shit!".
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Tee Shirt
You should put out a tee shirt. I've had many positive responses while wearing the Bernie version.
tee shirt
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Yep, Its Green Party
for me although I'm sure the next POTUS will be hrc or t rump and imo it will be t rump. I still cant believe Bernie couldn't wait until the convention, Nauseating but it looks like we will have 4yrs. to regroup.
Bernie had to do what he had to do to...
and I'm going to do what I have to.
#NeverHillary and #NeverTrump.
Despair is NOT an option!
This is circulating on Twitter from a Bernie delegate.
I'm even more disgusted at HRC now.
It's all bullshit to me now! Blah, blah, blah, blah.......
Continue spreading that on twitter
facebook etc.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
No signature?
and we're expected to believe this today of all days !
I sent my Letter of Resignation to the College Democrats of America (CDA) ... and will re-register as an Independent.
And he should have said,
do that, and I run third party..... She stole the fucking election, and he let her threaten him. WTF!
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
even more disgusted at HRC now
This "delegate" obviously beLIEves that the Platform has some sort of value. We know it doesn't, of course.
Bernie has now been reduced to preserving what little power he has left, to use it as he has in the past behind the scenes. He owes that to the people of Vermont, and that bill must be paid, in full and on time.
The blame here is entirely due to HRC and her operatives. Never forget that.
Jill Stein 2016 -- because fuck this shit!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
To those with integrity
a platform is a statement of intention and does have intrinsic value.
Not all candidates have integrity.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
The Dem platform under HRC
In the hands of $Hillary Rodham Clinton, the platform is nothing more than the paving materials metalling the Road to Goldman Sachs' circle of Hell.
Jill Stein 2016 -- because fuck this shit!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Yes, that's all it is to her and her minions and henchmen n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
He sold us down the river for
He sold us down the river for the pittance he got in the nonbinding platform? Didn't take much.
Got the letter, read it,
unsubscribed from the mailing list (although he was probably forced to hand it over prior to the speech,) and immediately did the #DemExit thing by changing my voter registration to Green (which in Colorado can be done online at the Secretary of State web site- you don't have to do it in person or waste a stamp).
He did what he had to do, all right, and now I'll do what I have to do. Given that we are screwed regardless of which major party turnip gets the nod, the only positive outcome for this election would be to try to get the Greens on the ballot in every state, and get their total above 15% so that they might become a viable opposition party in future elections. Time to play a longer game, although I won't live long enough to see it come to fruition.
40 years a democrat. Won't make that mistake again.
I unsubscribed as well!
MUCHAS gracias, amigo!
Jill Stein 2016 -- because fuck this shit!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I feel sorry ...
... that I won't sign Bernie's petition to support the Dems/Hillary and fight Trump. I don't mean apologetically sorry, but just a kind of sadness.
I have somewhat muffled the pain of what's going on by simply not watching any of Hillary's speeches, nor did I watch the joint Bernie/Hillary appearance today. I know my triggers and I see no benefit to having them set off in the name of "news."
So I don't feel much of anything - neither anger nor tears (my tears were always for Bernie's speeches and the insights that came to me from them).
There's a lot going to happen between now and the convention and between the convention and November. All I know at this point is I'm not planning on voting for either Trump or Hillary, so I guess that leaves either Jill or a Bernie write-in.
I don't feel an ounce of regret that I contributed money to Bernie's campaign (came very close to the maximum, something I've never done before). I got my money's worth and more.
Of course this is just my individual take. I accept that feelings about this will run the gamut from rage to betrayal to loyal resistance and everything in between, including some folks deciding to vote for Hillary.
I feel pretty comfortable at this time leaving the Democratic Party.
Beat in the USA.
Kitty, thanks for sharing so beautifully!
I unsubscribed from Bernie's campaign website! Bye bye Bernie! I'm also fucking sad as hell!
Uncomfortably numb here
with a huge lump in my throat.
The platform is meaningless. If Bernie really means he wants a revolution, he needs to continue to shine the light on the corruption and vote rigging in this country. Our democracy was stolen from us. Our votes mean nothing. I really mourn for this country that we have a choice between a narcissistic clown and a narcissistic corrupt warmonger. No thank you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
GG, that's my problem with him
Sure, he shined SOME light on SOME corruption, but he did NOT, to my knowledge, ever forcefully call out the blatant election fraud that occurred in almost every state that $hillary won. He did NOT shine any light on the corruption that stole the nomination right out from under him. That's what I'M pissed about.
I've heard all of the arguments about him being labelled a sore loser if he did say anything about the fraud. Blah, blah. If he was REALLY the champion of truth and justice that some of us thought he was, he would have found a way to point it out TACTFULLY, FACTUALLY, and IRREFUTABLY, and it would have brought the whole facade of elections, (not to mention $hillary, Bill, and DWS) crumbling down. IMHO
But, what do I know...
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
That bothers me too.
Especially with the NY and California primaries. The fraud was so blatant and the evidence was there; why didn't anyone do or say anything about it? I guess we have our answer.
This shit is bananas.
Great slogan... n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
That provides a wAy
To judge support for Hillary.
700,000 signatures on the anti-TPP petition, how many less on the anti-trump petition?
It doesnt matter
what she says she will or wont do, she is a pathological liar. The damage she will do to this country will be untold. Even if she wanted to pass anything progressive the Repugs will never give in to her and with her as the nominee there is no way in hell the democrats will win a senate majority. As far as the supreme court is concerned all you have to do is look at BHO's nominee in waiting not what I would call a progressive.
at least he didn't tell me explicitly to support and vote for the liar. He did say we must elect a democrat. He never really said we must elect the liar by name....
So, I wonder if he gave the criminal his donor/email list. I'd better not start getting emails/mail from the psychopath begging for money...
I unsubscribed
from Bernies site, so lets see if I get anything else from Bernie or hrc.
People have been getting emails from Hillary
And they believe that he did turn over his donor and email lists. And people are very pissed that he did that.
I think I read it on LD's site, the guy who used to write the BNR
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The data-sharing contract
The data-sharing contract Sander's campaign signed with the DNC states that Sanders can use the DNC data and add to it, but the data remains the property of the DNC. From the contract (my bold):
That's notable. He still hasn't suspended his campaign from what I've read.
If you contributed to Bernie through 'Act Blue'--they own their
So, he may not have to turn over, or sell his lists, to any organization.
We only used snail mail, since we no longer give out our emails to any organizations.
Hopefully, you can 'unsubscribe.'
Good luck!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
House Majority Pac wrote me about now that we're united and all
I unsubscribed.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I replied to the email.
Here's what I wrote:
Nice reply! You were much, much nicer than me!
No one believes that Killary
No one believes that Killary will abide the progressive points of the platform, she will make it go away. Sad day, Bernie has made himself a patsy for the establishment he fought against.
and the e-mails from the pro-dem groups touting this turn of events? I have unsubscribed and told them when they asked why I unsubscribed, basically it amounts to their criminal behavior to anoint her majesty has lead to my disillusionment in the party and that I will be voting for Stein.
The Donkeys can kiss my ass!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
That would make a really good bumper sticker
Sounds like a slogan for DemExit
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
well, for what he had to say,
he said it nicely. It's a very well put together letter. Oh well.
Note how he mentions Trump and how bad he is for the country, and his bigotry, before he even mentions Hillary. He doesn't say Hillary is good, just that we are best served by the "defeat of Donald Trump" [which obviously has to mean] "and the election of Hillary Clinton."
Oh well, again. I've not got much good to say.
Sorry everybody that this has happened. Although I expected it, it is a sad, sad day.
Thank you! Yes, yes it's a fucking sad day!
I unsubscribed and put this song on LOUD
Rage Against The Machine - Killing In the Name
Not in my name people, not in my name. I am not under control. Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Raise clenched fist in solidarity sisters and brothers! Do not empower the 1% war machine keep going! No Clintons! No Trumps!
Whew I needed to vent. Thanks.
some of us are more "old school" rock-and-rollers
To any Berniac (and especially any Berniac Dead head), the reason this Grateful Dead tune has been today's earworm in my head should be obvious:
[video: width:480 height:360]
Lost my boots in transit, babe
Pile of smokin' leather
Nailed a retread to my feet
And prayed for better weather!
Jill Stein 2016 -- because fuck this shit!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Spent the better part of six months
volunteering for Bernie; days, nights, and weekends running up to the NH primary. Contributed every spare penny I had. And he can't wait until the convention to help anoint her heinous?
Well now I need to do the same for the Greens. Jill not Bernie because fuck this shit.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Dear Senator Sanders...
Ironically enough, it was foretold over a year ago, by more than one cynical leftist commentator, that what transpired today is what ultimately would come to pass. For instance, from 5/6/15:
Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016
Or this, from 10/20/15:
The Sheepdog and the She-Wolf in Vegas
Senator, I don't profess to know what motivated you to behave as you did, not only in endorsing Hillary Clinton, but by making it abundantly clear from the outset that in your mind the Democratic Party was the only acceptable vehicle for pursuing change in the political arena. Given that, under even the most optimistic scenario, your actual chances of capturing the party's presidential nomination were always perilously hovering between slim and none (with the latter the prohibitive odds-on favorite), as a practical matter this meant that the actors who had played such a huge role in creating the corrupt and corrosive system that you so often railed against must ultimately be depended on to lead the effort to clean up their own mess. With of course lots of outside pressure exerted by an aroused and inspired citizenry.
Senator, I hope you will not be unduly offended when I tell you I find this hope of some kind of grand neoliberal reformation laughably naive. It is akin to the frog's forlorn hope that the scorpion will somehow recognize an overriding self-interest in resisting his natural impulses, or Charlie Brown's unshakeable belief that "this time" duplicitous Lucy will finally be true to her word. If only! To paraphrase Machiavelli, revolutions are not made by cutting a deal with the King, but rather by striking the King, and killing him. Had you chosen to be true to the spirit of your professed hero, Eugene Debs, you would have followed the path you set yourself and so many of us on to its logical conclusion, and broke once and for all with the corrupt duopoly. Sadly, you did not do so, choosing instead to veer off into a policy of accommodation and appeasement.
I commend you and salute you for what you have accomplished - inspiring millions of Americans to believe that by virtue of dedication, commitment, unity of purpose and concerted action, it is possible to change our society in fundamental ways, changes that are urgently needed to set America on the path of a more equitable, secure and sustainable future. But just the same, your way forward is not my way. I will not attempt to make common cause with people I believe not only do not have my best interests at heart, but whose entire careers have been dedicated to undermining, compromising and subverting my interests in the service of those able to pay for the privilege of always being in the front of the line. This does not strike me as a way forward to a future that I personally can believe in.
Mr. Debs once famously said: While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. You ask me now to throw in my lot with a political figure who bears just about as much responsibility as any single individual in swelling the ranks of the lower classes, branding millions more with the label of criminal, and consigning an untold number of additional wretched souls to rot in [for profit] prisons. I don't think Mr. Debs would have made the choice that you did, Senator. Nor can I.
Sorry, but no. Just no.
Yours For Justice - First, Foremost, and Always,
inactive account
Wow, Mouselander, just wow
That's a great letter to Bernie! Referencing Bernie's hero, Debs. I wish I could write half that well, BRAVO!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
great letter
Thanks for posting it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mouselander, fucking awesome letter buddy!
Preach on!
I wonder if he's breaking the news two weeks ahead of the
convention hoping to get people used to the 'endorsement' and cut down on demonstrations. I can almost guarantee he's cut down on attendence.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
cutting down
The term is riots, and I daresay you're certainly spot-on the money.
I wouldn't be surprised to see riots anyway. Between Bernie's commission of the biggest sell-out since the Last Supper and the current bloody warfare between the police and the entire African American community, I would very much NOT want to be a Philadelphia cop (or a Black resident of Philly!) in two weeks.
Not what I want in any way. But if you don't fear just that happening, you aren't paying attention.
This may well get really, seriously ugly before it's all over, people.
Jill Stein 2016 -- because fuck this shit!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That's one, Amanda. I'm 'guessing' that there are several
After this Friday (July 15th), Congress is on vacation until after Labor Day.
And, I just heard on MSNBC that he will be campaigning for FSC--"from one end of the country to another," per Bernie's campaign manager, Jeff Weaver. (He was on with Rachel.)
Anyhoo, it would probably be kinda awkward (maybe impossible) for Bernie to hit the trail on her behalf unless he told his supporters something.
Also, the WH and Dem Leadership have been wanting to end his Secret Service protection/entourage which costs $40,000 per day. (Since Bernie had already told the Dem Leadership, according to Biden, that he would endorse her.)
And, NBC is reporting that,
My takeaway is that 'it's over,' as far as 'his campaign' is concerned.
It would seem logical that this is one reason that they're calling off the 'Minority Report' challenge to the Dem Party Platform, etc.
What I'm going to concentrate on from now on, is trying to make certain that FSC's campaign and surrogates don't 'pull the wool over folks eyes' regarding the Platform that they have adopted--especially, regarding their Social Security and health care planks.
Already, I'm seeing signs/reporting that that's exactly what they will try to pull off.
IOW, muddy the waters--implying that FSC's planks, or policies, are 'identical' to what Bernie's been campaigning on.
Have a good one.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
What I'm waiting to see what Sanders does, if anything, if they
try to distort his policies or even change them altogether. Certainly he didn't swear undying fealty to Her Highness I hope, Certainly he won't allow himself to be used,
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Yep if nothing else
the movement is now in disarray, no leader, to many splinter groups, etc. Its the old Devide and conquer, not much time to regroup the Green Party is about all that is left.
Which is why I've been pushing everyone to stop talking about forming a new party and start joining the Green Party. Goodbye Dems, vote Jill Stein.
Are people still going to go to Philadelphia?
What would be the point if he's already conceded?
I have heard of the sheep dogging and at first thought that's what he was doing, but the way he attacked the Democratic Party and said how corrupt they are gave me hope that he was serious.
As I stated last night, he's had a good career and if he was serious about changing the direction of this country, he could join the Green Party and try to win that way.
Unless he still thinks he can accomplish more good in staying in congress.
I have never been fond of his foreign policy views. He's not as much a warmonger as Hillary, but he did vote to send Israel more bombs because they weren't done killing Palestinians.
And he's voted to continue to fund the wars and agrees with Obama's drone program.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I replied that I am now Green Party
and will be voting for Jill Stein. I asked for his support in defeating Hillary AND Trump.
I haven't been getting emails from Bernie for a while now.
That's just as well, I suppose. (I wonder though, if other people who donated to him over a certain number of times suddenly stopped getting the emails? HMMM...)
I am 100000% done with the democrats. I don't even care if HRC (say it out loud: "HURK!" lol) picks Elizabeth Warren as a running mate, I still won't vote for her. They've betrayed me for the last time. Hillary stole the primary and no one could convince me otherwise.
I'm going to unsubscribe from all the email lists, and block them too for good measure. Green party, here I come!
This shit is bananas.
sorry about the giant signature image. I'm going to see about fixing it now.
This shit is bananas.
Well. So much for Bernie.
Well. So much for Bernie.
What's really deeply disappointing about all this is that I thought he was one of the only honest men in DC. After spending thirty years as an independent, always pointing out the same problems that never get fixed and daring to call out the real culprits, I thought he had integrity. And so did a lot of other people, including many independents and even on the right who did not agree with his policies but at least trusted him.
By endorsing Hillary Clinton instead of calling her out, he has finally sold his integrity. And if the claim going around that he did it because Hillary's people threatened to nix all his additions to his platform is true, then he sold his integrity for an empty, meaningless prize.
He had the greatest grassroots movement that any presidential primary candidate has ever had, and all he had to do to keep it after California was flip the table. Instead, he's decided to lay down beside it and beg for scraps in service to a narrative that Trump is so awful it's worth electing Hillary to block him. He has joined Warren, Merkley, and so many others on a growing list of progressive traitors and phonies, and become every bit the sheepdog his critics predicted he would be.
I'm not sure what I will do this November. You see, I don't actually like Jill Stein anymore; sure, many of her policy positions sound good, but her "patriarchy in a dress" feminism post-2012 and the weird way she berated Bernie as a sellout while simultaneously begging him to join her party came off as self-serving and desperate and leaves me a bit cold, and the Green Party itself is hopelessly amateurish and a bit weird. But of course writing in Bernie Sanders is no longer an option; why would I want to elect that quisling? Trump is a necessary (and therefore easy) choice if the polls are close, because Hillary CAN NOT be allowed to win, but if not...