Obama Pushing Russians to the Brink of War
The Obama administration has decided to double down on its aggressive posturing towards Russia, as the world creeps closer and closer to the unthinkable; a nuclear holocaust. If one can imagine how unacceptable the equivalent of a Russian missile system in Venezuela, with naval bases in the Caribbean, and ground forces in Mexico would be to the US, so too is the NATO military build-up on his borders unthinkable to Vladimir Putin. Unless checked, this dynamic will surely push us to a full blown strategic conflict, that could turn the planet to ashes.
In May US officials announced the launch of a new ground-based missile defense system in Romania as reported by CNN. According to US and NATO sources the system is designed to protect Europe against attacks by Iran, a claim the Russians soundly reject, since the Iranians possess no such missile capability. Russia has long seen the expansion of NATO into eastern Europe as a threat to the Motherland, and June’s operation Anakonda 2016, involving 30,000 airborne and ground troops in maneuvers in Poland, only serves to increase the level of tension in the region. It is the largest such military exercise since the Cold War.
Now, in the Friday afternoon news dump, several new measures were disclosed: NATO has announced that its missile defense system has now gone live across Europe.
Today we have decided to declare initial operational capability of the NATO ballistic missile defense system. This means that the US ships based in Spain, the radar in Turkey and the interceptor site in Romania are now able to work together under NATO command and NATO control," he [NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg] explained.
At the same time Obama is sending 4000 US troops to bolster NATO forces against Russian ‘Aggression'.
Polish President Andrzej Duda welcomed on Friday the decision of NATO to station a U.S. battalion in Poland to bolster the eastern flank of the military alliance, increasing troop numbers by up to 4,000.
The 28-member NATO alliance will formally agree to deploy four battalions totaling 3,000 to 4,000 troops in the Baltic states and Poland on a rotating basis to reassure eastern members. According to NATO, the troop increase is to defend them against any "Russian aggression.”
Russia has said NATO is an aggressor given recent movement of troops and military hardware further into Eastern and Central Europe, as well as continued recruitment of these states into NATO's sphere of influence.
As the number of flash points has increased, such as the Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria among others, the danger of open conflict has multiplied exponentially. An event such as the recent shooting down of a Russian fighter by Turkish aircraft could quickly spiral out of control, escalating into a doomsday scenario, aided and abetted by the ever-increasing number of military assets deliberately placed in Russia’s sphere of influence.
Long gone is the peace candidate Obama of 2008, replaced by the first two-term US President ever to have led the country at war for his entire tenure. If we are lucky we may survive what is left of his administration. But the situation is entirely too grave to ever permit a neocon hawk like Hillary Rodham Clinton to have her hands on the levers of power. She must be defeated for many reasons, and the survival of the human race is first among them.

I just visited Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
and Poland. Tensions are palpable. I did notice lots of US guys who, although not in uniform, were easy to peg as soldiers, by overhearing their conversations.
War is coming. Will we drop nukes? Will Putin?
Don't double dog dare Putin or Hillary to drop one first.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I don't like what you are saying - scares me to death - and
I don't want to be manipulated by fear. If it's true, I just am going nuts. I will never, ever forgive that to either the US or NATO or the powers in Poland and the three Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania countries.
We had the cold war and survived it. We had Perestroika and Glasnost and it was good. And now for what the fuck do we go back to cold war and fear of hot wars.
OMG. God help us, because too many people don't know what they are doing.
My intent was not to manipulate people by fear
But the behavior of the US and NATO in Eastern Europe is too much for the Russians to accept. Perestroika and Glasnost are ancient history now and the MIC is firmly in control. There is too much talk out there about the acceptability of using "smaller or limited" nukes in a war we can "win". And the US continues to upgrade it's arsenal in violation of all the arms control treaties of the last century.
We are in a new world where the US believes its empire should rule the earth, but we are fast reaching a point of no return with this unacceptable brinksmanship. The doomsday clock is closer to midnight than it has been in fifty years. So yes it is scary and an HRC presidency is the scariest of all.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Didn't a US President promise Russia that NATO would not
expand to Russia's borders? I have that in the back of my mind but can't say for sure if i remember correctly.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
You are correct
Bush I and James Baker promised there would be no expansion of NATO to Russian borders. That promise was broken by none other than William Jefferson Clinton.
Those who don't learn from history are forced to repeat it. Except that another Clinton administration could mean the end of history.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Thank you very much for telling me who it was.
I think Bush/Baker made the correct decision. No wonder no country in the world trusts the US government.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Oh, I remember I was asked by my boss
to find video footage about exactly that, who had promised when and where about respecting the NATO borders and when and who broke that promise.
That was really hard for me to find. My boss was impatient... I had already forgotten what it was. Sigh. My memory is not working anymore.
And btw I didn't feel manipulated by your essay, but by the justifications for the policies by politicians. Sorry for my wording in above comment, it was not correct and fair towards you.
Your comment prompted me to take another look
The short answer I gave is perhaps not as nuanced as it should have been. Depending on the source, some (ex Der Spiegel and David Stockman) say yes there was a promise not to expand NATO beyond Germany, while others (Brookings Institution and NATO) say no there was no formal promise made. Gorbachev seems to have come down on both sides of the issue depending on when he was asked. Baker as GHW Bush's SOS certainly had a finger in the pie, but now denies the promise.
This all occurred circa 1990 when the Soviet Union was coming unglued, and it seems certain that assurances were given to appease the Soviets, without there being a formal agreement. What also appears certain is that Clinton was largely responsible for the push to expand into Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc.. My own personal opinion is that there must have been assurances because the Soviets were still a power to be reckoned with, and would not have approved foreign troops on their doorstep any more than we would on ours. In any event Putin believes it, and his is the opinion that counts right now to the Russians.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
thx, I will also try to find out again,
I just remember it so well, because in TV news, you not only want the correct facts but visual footage to support it and that was not easy to find in old pool feeds or our own video footage in the archives.
This is, I believe, not so
This is, I believe, not so much the US as literally insane-with-greed 'business interests' controlling literally insane-with-greed politicians and policies toward a corporate empire across the planet they're rapidly destroying - leaving still-free-ish countries (as regards corporate control) no option but to consider 1st strikes against such aggressors, in sheer self-defence, before being picked off one by one, in order to, at the least, not go down alone but to take their attackers with them.
One definite definition of insanity would be people like those in the Bush Admin who actually believed that they could create their own reality and somehow make it real and the lunatic others like them running government - go Green, for all of our sakes. Do not vote for but against this madhouse horror.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It's Really Very Simple
"...for what the fuck do we go back to cold war and fear of hot wars..."
Global Economic Dominance.
As the Cold War ended, both Russia and China were economic basket cases. Both were seen as easily colonized by Western economic interests. Remember how the Chicago Boys were initially trusted advisors to the Russian economy?
It was a bit different in China, as the Party has such tight control over the economics of their nation (remember, they execute billionaires for crime! See here and also here) Only what Western economic policies deemed suitable and controllable by the Party were allowed. It did mean that they were able to hold off economic collapse until very recently.
But the drums of war beat loudly as other options for Western corporate profiteering become mired in local and regional wars. The greedy will risk destroying us all for the chance to make one more dollar.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
This is in preparation for
This is in preparation for Hillary/Repubs, for Bush's global corporate coup she promoted and supports, and the greedy donors who would willingly destroy the world in taking it through the hostile billionaire/corporate takeover now in process, or thereafter, in 'cost-saving' profitable pollution, rapine and pillage.
If everyone votes against the corporate candidates in both the Dem and Repub Parties and votes Green, and ensures that watchful eyes, keyboards, cameras and lawsuits are everywhere to record, publicize and protest the massive electoral cheating to be expected, while continuing protest and lawsuits over the Dem Primary cheating,and refuses to accept electoral cheating as a 'done deal', this can be avoided.
Think outside the box they think they have you trapped in - vote against their candidates and vote Green! Pass it on! Last chance, as far as I can see...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
One big reason Trump is less dangerous than Hillary....
She is a money grubbing war monger that has no regard for rules and thinks she is above the law. How anyone can put this psychopath in charge of the red button is beyond me. Trump is a buffoon and entertainer. He has no ambition to dominate the globe.
Obama is almost as bad as she is. He just has more charm.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
There is no longer any regard for the rules
As the article you linked to demonstrates, this is where a machine that is meant to save lives is used to take them. Obama's using conventional forces to push the Russians into a corner they can only get out of by using strategic weapons. The neocon backed $hill who wants to "obliterate" and entire people with nukes. The world has gone crazy and even Trump the buffoon begins to look like a valid choice to lead us.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Obama speaking from Poland now on NPR
Re: Dallas
But he's in Poland doing the NATO deed mentioned in this essay.
The Nobel Peace Prize Prez
Yep. Good thing we have such a level headed 11th Dimension clear thinker in The White House:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The money quote from your article
It is one of war
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
The rest of the world
when will they work together to get rid of the US?
We are the problem. We are everybody's problem.
We are the bad guys on so many levels and on so many issues.
The world would be better off without us.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Humanity is the Problem
And in all honesty, be it Nuclear War or climate collapse, the world will not end, just Humanity and other species, and the world will work all over again once it heals itself from our errant badness. Then, it is up to new species if there are any to try and not fuck everything up like Humanity has. I am not afraid of a war, neither am I afraid of the climate collapse, I am 52, am in terrible enough health that every day is a gift with a pain price tag added, and I have had a decent run.
I feel sad for the younger generations being born and growing up now who have to face the fallout (pun intended) of the older generations which make up our so called leader class who lived for themselves and fuck the rest of us attitude those psychos have.
Either way, once this shell my spirit/soul rides around in cuts out and stops, from any number of reasons, I will depart and hope to rebirth on a better world, in a more sophisticated and wiser society than the fool fest here.
I mean for feth's sake, we literally are electing the nutters to run this asylum!
and as a parting gift, I leave my signature. (I will still be lurking/commenting, just this comment felt it needed it).
So long, and thanks for all the fish
We have such a beautiful world now,
despite all the damage we've already done to it.
So sad to destroy it, and for such despicable reasons. Maybe the deep ocean bacteria can do better than we have, next time.
The two biggest and most famous anti-Russian aggressors
Napoleon and Hitler, did not come out of the encounter well.
Russians remember, and Russians understands what they face. Under no circumstances will I praise Vladimir Putin, but he is no worse than the diseases that infest the governments of the West, and we can be sure he remembers and understands.
Only a suicidal fool would get involved in a war with Russia, especially when its leader is strong and popular, and Russians are as tough as they ever were.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
I agree with your point wholeheartedly.
I do not think that the intention is war. I doubt a single person in the Pentagon or in the White House believes that even if the entire population of China crossed into Siberia at once (like the Moroccans did with Western Sahara), they would be able to "capture" a country that big. Even if NATO reached Moscow, the Russian government along with the urban population of cities in Western Russia would regroup in the East in an impenetrable wilderness. The Russians burned Moscow once, no qualms about doing it again. Nuclear explosions over all major cities would be a bummer, but would in no way destroy the country. If you want the water and the oil, throwing nukes won't get it. You have to go in and occupy it, and the resistance will be way more than Americans could handle.
No way that country can be taken. US Joint Chiefs knows this already, I am sure.
Besides, I have my doubts as to whether NATO's missile defense system is effective or even intended to be effective. I think this is more of a confidence measure/economic opportunity for European states. Recall that the very purpose of NATO was being called into question not long ago. Yet NATO does serve a purpose: it makes capitalists money, keeps communities employed, and keeps career military preoccupied. So with this, mission accomplished.
I think the intention is to create permanent tension. The reason for this is that it gives the United States greater say in Europe and it keeps the MIC, a major sector of the US, European, and Russian economies, up-and-running. This is good for Russia in that sense, too.
By the way, though the threat to Russia is real, all of this posturing does nothing but cement the status-quo in Russia itself and among its allies.
The big problem is that Russia, if it so decides, can make it impossible for Europe to purchase natural gas. The United States cannot fill the supply. What the US fails to understand is this: sanctions will tick off Russians, but they are not interested as much in playing the West's economic game. They really do think differently, in general. The West does not understand this, in part because on the surface, Russians like the same things you do: Starbucks, social media, cars, vacations abroad, etc. (I am not interested in those things personally). But beneath the surface is a totally different mentality, different priorities. Hard to explain, but I know it is the case from experience.
The other big dimension to all of this is China. Russia and China have convergent interests in Asia. I do not think that Russia wants to be shot entirely of Europe, but when it comes to the big land war in Asia, Russia and China have a lot to gain through cooperation.
Bottom line: MIC and big players in finance benefit from a simmering, low-level conflict. That is what is going on here. The rhetoric for the press is to win elections.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
This is what bothers me most
from the John Pilger article quoted widely on this site.
Once we start throwing nukes it becomes more than a low level conflict to win elections. The Russians may only have strategic nukes, but they have enough to do the job if pushed far enough. It's a lose/lose situation for us no matter how you look at it.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Russia won't be able to deny Europe gas
if our helping Saudi Arabia & Qatar to take out Assad gives them the route they want to send their gas to Europe. Isn't this the real reason we want to take out Assad, because of the $$ given by SA & Qatar to the Clinton "Foundation?"
Not sure about this point
From various Russian watchers including Stephen Cohen, Putin is under strong pressure to have a much tougher stance toward NATO. Many Moscow TV talk stations are asking if Putin is being too soft. As some have noted, if the aim of the neocons is "regime change" in Russia, that is to oust Putin, then the replacement is likely to be much more militant and aggressive to counter NATO's actions. (We are consumed with the idea that if we replace some bad-guy leader, then flowers bloom and children will sing.)
What I worry about is that over the last two years or so, there as been a hysterical and hyperbolic propaganda at demonizing Putin and the Russia people that parallels what the Bush administration did to lay the groundwork for the American people to accept war with Iraq. Only now it is a Democratic administration with its necons and a complaint media. Everyday the American people are being propagandized into accepting war with Russia. Given Hillary's lack of judgement, we can get there. Given that Poland and the Baltics are engaged in a frenzy of fantasies about Russian invasions, we are jumping into that paranoia with them. All it takes is some mistake or stupid act (such as the Georgians did in attacking Russian troops), and the shooting starts.
The PTB on both sides will
The PTB on both sides will not allow a nuke war to happen , That would destroy the Mic's that both sides have established to sell conventional weapons to both sides in these continuing brush wars between the major powers. The nuke rhetoric is to scare the masses. They wont risk their profits over the end game of a nuke war. Oh im sure some of the 1% will survive but they wont have as good as they do now.
I Agree, But . . .
Military men run by different standards. All they see is kill or be killed, be victors or be vanquished. Economic assets like those which motivate the greedy bastards who fund the military to perform acts of war to enhance private profit are only seen as assets (and maybe weapons) to use to crush the foe and demonstrate "valor" and "honor" in "victory".
Once the Dogs of War are unleashed, they make lackeys of the greedy bastards, taking away their power and control to totally serve the war machine and no other purpose. There is no going back once this is done.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
If Obama doesn't
it's pretty much a guarantee Warhawk Hillary will. President Hillary is the biggest threat to world peace.
The analogy doesn't hold as well in the western hemisphere.
Because U.S. "paramilitaries" haven't invaded and annexed parts of either Canada or Mexico recently. In the case of the Baltic states, and many former Soviet client states, the majority of people are not saying to the U.S. and NATO, "please don't come here!". The majority are saying the exact opposite. "Why aren't you doing more?" Most of the resistance is coming from countries that operated under the U.S. protective umbrella during the Cold War. e.g. France and Germany in particular.
The situation right now is a major concern. However, Putin and Russia have done a lot to provoke the situation over the past two years. The U.S. has significantly drawn down forces from Europe over the past 15 years. We had over 500,000 troops stationed in Europe less than 20 years ago. Right now the deployment is significantly less than 100,000. Just two years ago, you had Ukraine which had a majority of the population opposed to the idea of NATO membership, which was very much interested in maintaining a more neutral relation between Russia and the EU. The same is true with Finland. It was Putin's actions in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine that completely changed the calculation for those countries, as well as extremely aggressive action in the North Sea. Obviously the situation in Libya spooked Russia as has the deployment of a missile defense system. But many of Russia's problems right now stem from extreme dysfunction within their own political system.
I agree that a candidate like Clinton will probably antagonize the situation and may feed Russian paranoia in ways that could lead to a full blown conflict. I don't want to see her as president.
However, I think the idea of denying Putin's Russia any kind of agency in creating the current problems and putting the onus just on the Obama is way too one-sided. The talk about "Russia's sphere of influence" is part of the problem. if the "sphere of influence" has to be maintained through coercion and violence, because the overwhelming majority of people in that one-time "sphere of influence" have no desire to return to a status of client states of Russia, then the problem isn't NATO and the U.S. The fact that Russia feels entitled to dominate those countries, even when the populations in those countries are for the most part turning toward the EU, is the problem.
The neo-cons in DC fomented the violent overthrow of the Ukranian government and then cobbled together a new government composed of Galician oligarchs and assorted neo-Nazi groups who immediately began a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing and intimidation against Russian speakers throughout the country.
Look up the Odessa massacre if you want to see a truly horrific display of US inspired dirty deeds.
Shortly thereafter, the ethnic Russian enclaves on the Russian border, fearing the same treatment, voted for separation. In response, the coup government invaded the region, used heavy artillery on civilian areas, overran cities and town with tanks, indiscriminately slaughtered thousands of its own people, and created a severe refugee crisis in Russia proper.
Oh, and by the way, Joe Biden's son was picked for the board of the gas company that stood to gain the most once the ethnic Russians were removed.
Putin's calculations changed only because of our horrific actions in the Ukraine, which remain the overriding cause of the current tensions there. And even now, the Ukrainian army continues to indiscriminately bomb civilian areas with cluster munitions and there are rumors of yet another government assault perhaps even in the next few weeks.
And I'm not even going to get into the missile defense buildup in Poland and Romania, the troop buildups in the Baltics, or the wholly counterproductive economic sanctions driven by our insane desire to restart the Cold War.
The US government and its aggressive, provacative policies are overwhelmingly responsible for the recent tensions in eastern Europe. Not the Russians, not the Europeans, not Putin.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?