The truth is what we have...and I will not let that go anytime soon.
Thank you Bernie Sanders, for all you have taught us, and continue to teach us. To never take our focus off the issues that matter, or buy into an ounce of the hype, hysteria and dirty tricks that swirl around us all as we watch the oligarchy's death scramble to hold onto power that was never theirs.
Thank you teaching us that we are the revolution and we will never let go of the truth, our first and last strength. As so many of those I once respected and looked up to, one after another, fold and sell out, and tell us we must all hold our noses and vote against what is fearful, even at the price of supporting what we know is false.
Thank you for opening the nation's eyes to what a farce the caucus system, super delegate system, voting system is, and how completely bought and paid for the MSM is. All taught to us by the worst treatment you went through, day after day, month after month, year after year.
Never did I realize cruelly rigged the system is as I have this year. Bernie taught me, and all of us. It seems the only thing we have left is this lonely, lonely truth that we hold onto, outside the circle of what is broadcast as real. We gather here to reassure each other that all we have thus far seen is really happening, and we have not lost our minds. What we are losing is our country.
Well hold onto the Goddamn truth people! It is all we have. Bernie knows that, and he knows how badly we will need that truth, to build what is true, and good and of the people. We will need it soon, when this unspeakable House of Cards comes crashing down. It will, because one honest man showed us how, and we learned. Never despair. The truth is strong. Gandhi knew that when he marched to the sea, to take salt from the ocean itself, instead of bowing to the British salt monopoly; one man showing others the way, or when the people of India spun their own cotton rather than buying it from England.
Our movement, inspired by Bernie is young, but we will find our action and way to break the hold of the oligarchy. Maybe Bernie will launch a medicine or insurance program of the people, that will be millions strong and open a third way to the purchase power of the millions of us that worked this campaign miracle. A way to break the back of the pharmaceutical industry, or companies like Monsanto.
We have the strength, we have the number and the willingness to give our funds. Forget the presidency
we've go the revolution...and super delegates? We don't need no stink in' delegates...not for our revolution. In the end, truth wins...never let it go. - Nemoshell
Thank you, Bernie
And thank you, Bernie Sanders, because now I know that I'm not alone.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Bernie opened my eyes--widely and wildly
Beautiful essay. Perfect encapsulation of what I am certain is not just my own personal understanding of the corrupt system ruling us, but the understanding of millions. Thank you for this fine "thank you" message to Bernie--and the world.