OT: 6-30-16: The Disappearance of Culture
So here we go 1956 to 1966 featuring a small slice of whatever I think falls under the nebulous ever shifting still alive visual art forms that artists via music and painting still keep putting out there one way or another. Some of it's big time some local and some considered subversive, decadent, graffiti or vandalism. Art has throughout history managed to work around the rich fuckers who want to use it to control thought and glorify their sick visions of power. From Fra Angelico who dared to use perspective to Picasso and beyond visual artists have managed to tell thier tale in images.
Many visual artists are not overtly street or political but the good ones manage to convey the basic truth of where humanity stands and is headed in a world filled with slick diversions from reality and overt propaganda. Many artists embrace this as it's lucrative for reasons the have to do with fame and hanging on to the coattails of their latest greatest patrons. Still goes on which helps explain why a lot of fine art and commercial is nothing but theoretical who gives a shit fine art and non offensive bs or materialistic visuals about the travails of greedy hipsters who seem to love dogs. Adobe cloud types.
1956- 1960
My picks ( let's face it art is subjective) and in the famous eye of the beholder. Okay McCarthyism is starting to die like the dog it is by 1956. Rock and Roll is now going full tilt and no art worth mentioning, music or visual is singing songs of fear. Freedom is in the air. So what do we have as far as underground graphics and visual populist art goes in 1956? The beats. Oh yeah baby I dug them I thought these people make sense. I was a kid right but still they moved me to where i stand today.
The word "beatnik" was coined by Herb Caen in an article in the San Francisco Chronicle on April 2, 1958. Caen coined the term by adding the Russian suffix -nik to the Beat Generation. Caen's column with the word came six months after the launch of Sputnik I. Objecting to the term, Allen Ginsberg wrote to the New York Times to deplore "the foul word beatnik", commenting, "If beatniks and not illuminated Beat poets overrun this country, they will have been created not by Kerouac but by industries of mass communication which continue to brainwash man.
So there you go people the beats have been wiped from history. They are gone daddy gone into the Google void that eats and buries all movements the powers that be discount and render footnotes or threats to the god awful powers that be. So here is some random peoples art from the late 50's thru tne mid 60's.
[editor's note: none to be found because google sucks]
So i'm done with this as Pinterest a subsidiary of Google and EBay seem to be the only way to access all the images artists have ever created and offer not who a clue as to what the artists name was when they were created. So much for automated intelligence and so much for art history or any history. Sorry I tried. who really gives a shit anyway.So chat your chat and keep on spinning cause I got nothing . Have a good day all you beautiful 99%'ers.

Good Morning, Shah, I am so, so happy that your intelligence
is not automated and that you have plentiful to say. You have all that there is to have and that's the opposite from nothing.
Have a wonderful, happy day. I should work now on stripping off wall paper. Oh, well why did I put wall paper on my walls 12 years ago? Now I have to deal with that mess and I use anything to procrastinate the work.
Wallpaper - ugh!
When we bought this old house, it was covered in wall paper. I was determined to get it all off and redo everything. In the past, the only wallpaper I ever had to remove was fabric backed vinyl which is a piece of cake and comes off in long strips. The paper in this house was paper that had been painted over multiple times. It was miserable to remove, even using a steamer, which I highly recommend. What was worse was the walls underneath were badly damaged, including one place where they stuffed newspaper into a big gaping hole and then papered over it. And we even found live wires in one place that had been papered over. It was amazing that the house had not burned down as a result of that one.
That was not even the worst of it. Some of the rooms had been sized first before they hung the wallpaper and it is impossible to remove wall sizing. We have stripped all the wallpaper except the master bedroom which was papered in the same wallpaper as the master bath. When I removed the paper in the master bath, I found that the walls underneath had been sized. So for years, I have put off removing the paper in the bedroom. I may be stuck for the rest of my life with pink flowers and hummingbirds on the bedroom walls!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
oh lord, brave woman, I started and it's a mess ... :-) /nt
Good morning mimi
My intelligence cannot deal with automation. I resent it. I had the so called Adobe Creative Suite which killed off any creativity in the cloud unless you think turning everybody into a dog face is art. I was glad when my old computer died and I lost that software. I'm really sorry for this OT as I like the idea of tracing back street political pop visual hand done art. I'm tenacious if nothing else so I will try again and use another method, find another road.
Wallpaper is a bitch to remove. It took us about 3 years to peel it off the rooms in our old house. Shah did the huge bedroom with a spray bottle of water and a scraper a square foot at a time. Underneath all the layers of wallpaper there was the original lath and plaster walls. I love the texture. I'm glad Shah had the patience to keep peeling.
We had the downstairs painted when we moved in and the dinning room was wallpapered. I was upstairs and heard a big crash. The wallpaper was holding on the old ceiling and when the painter peeled it off the whole ceiling fell down. The lath was still okay. I found an school plasterer through the union and he and his son's re plastered the ceiling in about 4 hours. Maybe just do a little at a time. It does make a sticky mess.
see, it's good to have a Shah-man in the house !
all I know is that the only thing I would use again is some kind of fiberglass wallpaper which you are supposed to paint over and can do so often. It's really strong (probably much stronger than those drywalls, which I really can't stand). I haven't seen those fiberglass wall papers here though.
Well, I have no patience for messy things... so, I will do it with a huge messy effort or get myself that kind handyman who makes me an offer I can't resist.

What is so annoying, I only have to do it because my agent says it would help to sell this place. So, you spend money to make everything nice and easy to sell the place, then don't make enough money with the sale, and after that buy some fixer upper , because you can't afford something better, and pay a lot of money to fix it up. Something wrong with that, right?
I think I should go into real estate. Those people talk nice, put something into the MLS system and just sit there and wait for something miraculous happen...
It am happy to see that you love what you are doing and I wish you luck tracking down the political pop visual art done by hand. I refuse to use anything in the clouds. When my dreams come through, they never do, but ... if they should come through, I will have a standalone machine just for video and photo editing. No internet snooper is ever going inside that machine. Guaranteed.
I like old political posters, like this one:.
I am such a sucker ...
Dog, you are right. It's all in books!
I did find pix here, I may remember some of those signs (was there post-'59) and some of the buildings still exist and don't look so dreary. Other than older architecture, it's ads, ads, ads.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Speaking of Beats: Observations & precogs from Gregory Corso
From the poem Elegiac Feeling American (for the dear memory of John Kerouac) - written circa 1970
"...the big lie of that classroom...all we got was Washington, Henry, Hamilton, Revere, Jefferson and Franklin...never Nat Bacon, Sam Adams, Paine..."
"be there liberty today? Not to hear the red man, the black man, the young man tell -"
"The justice of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
"The second greatest cause of human death...is the acquiring of property"
"A man can have everything he desires in his home yet have nothing outside the door - for a feeling man, a poet man, such an outside serves only to make home a place in which to hang oneself"
Ginsberg said in interviews that it was Kerouac, not Whitman, that gave him the idea of his long poetic lines and encouraged him to use them. Jack is known mainly for his novels but Michael McClure calls Mexico City Blues the greatest religious poem of the 20th century.
The Beats had the shot down right and deserve a larger readership today. Because they were anti-academic and anti-establishment, that's not going to happen. The New York Times took the extraordinary step of publishing a second review of On The Road after the first one was a rave. The "Prole Art Threat" had to be suppressed.
Thanks very much for your early morning diary - it's a good one
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I loved the beat's poetry
Ferlinghetti was my fave. I still have my dog eared copy of Coney Island of the Mind from when I was twelve. I bought it at City Lights on a family vacation to SF. On the moody serious end I loved Robinson Jeffers. Guess as a Californian I went for the west coast beat poets. Ginsburg is another beat who's books I bought years ago and have treasured. Camus's book are there too but he wasn't really a beat but an existentialist, still they seem to run together as all movements do. I should have done writers, poets and musicians for the beat generation but visual art is my big love. Ah well I was tired from gardening and started too late to have much patience with the damn automated intelligence's algorithms with no sense or soul.
So, what's that all about now? Boris Johnson does not apply
to become Cameron's successor. He will not stand up. It's on dw.com/news and on several English outlets. Just google it on news. google.com. Another loose cannon deflates his overheated gas and farts on the people.
Here the video where he announces it:
Boris Johnson reveals he will NOT stand for Tory leadership leaving party stunned - live updates
The German weekly print newspaper "Die Zeit" explains
the little nicety of Johnson's closest colleague.
Erledigt vom höflichen Radikalen -
Es galt als ausgemacht, dass Boris Johnson nach dem Brexit als Premierminister kandidieren würde. Doch dann fiel ihm sein engster Mitstreiter Michael Gove in den Rücken. (Finished up by a polite radical - It was assumed that Boris Johnson would throw in his candidacy for Prime Minister after the Brexit. But then his closest combatant stabbed him in the back.)
Michael Gove was Johnson's closest "comrade-in-arms" so to speak, as long as he was, then he just decided the opposite and "finished him up", that Johnson man. Michael Gove is characterized as a "polite" radical right-wing/conservative ideologue". Probably more dangerous than clownish Johnson.
Sorry for pesting you with this stuff. Johnson's performance in this speech was worth an Oscar for the perfect punchline in the last minute of a natural-born con-artist.
Wow, the world is dirty.
Is it possible
that Johnson never wanted the party leadership and persuaded Grove to run thereby giving him an out?
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
well there was a story that the wife of Gove, who is a
a journalist, has done accidentically something stupid that would make your assumption doubtful. But you know it's not worth it digging in behind the scenes dirt, at least not for me.
Have you seen the series "House of Cards"? Unfortunately I haven't. But people say that Gove and his wife are portrayed similarly to the leading roles in that series. Whatever that is supposed to mean.
and that does not bode well. The main character was a murdering psychopath and his wife was a Lady Macbeth type character.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I liked the Brit series
Ian Richardson was a great psychopathic pol. He was Shakespearean in his beautiful Thatcherite evilness. Kevin Spacey was just your garden variety weasel American pol. Still both versions were juicy and raised the political potboiler curtain flamboyantly.
House of Cards
House of Cards is a documentary, not fiction. IMO
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Personally, I think there's some Anglo-American competition
to prove which country's "leadership" class is the biggest bunch of completely unworthy fuck-ups, and right now the Brits are winning. But - the Bill & Hillary (and Trump!) Show is just hotting up!
Truly, it is as though these ... expletives fail me ... ur-human ruler wannabes are just daring their peoples to roll out the guillotines.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Wow thanks mimi
both Labour and the Tories seem to becoming unglued and are just openly losing it. I have been following both UK politics and the EU issues since Syriza and Corbyn's election. Interesting times we live in. Here in the US the politics are just as crazy right now. Looks like the 1% neoliberal's austerity loving endless warriors are having a hard time dealing with democratic insurrections breaking out all over. Loved the link it was hilareous. At least the Brit pols let it rip. Here they all seem complicit and keep all there internecine back stabbing squabbling under wraps using 'unity' and try to make it appear like a legitimate process. Things fall apart despite the owners of the place declaring their world order as 'inevitable.
Good morning Shah
Beautiful sunny day, high of 82. As soon as I finish my morning coffee, we're leaving to go back up north. Just wanted to let you know your ot isn't pinned. Did you forget?
Have a great day everyone.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I don't even know what pinned means.
The OT seems viable and posted okay, so maybe someone pinned it. Have a good time up north and enjoy the reasonable weather. Today here in OR it's going to be a mild 77 degrees. I'm finishing up my vegetable garden while it's still cool enough to work outside.
Hey Shaz!
There's the museum of Beat Art out there on the left coast. http://beatmuseum.org/
Let's hope...

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks Lookout
I bookmarked it and will use it. I'm stubborn so I will find a way to finish my series. It just got so late and I was exhausted as I had been gardening in the early evening.
So I went over to TPW....
Some there are still fighting the fight at dkos. Their choice. I should have known better than to follow the link. Another edict from the top.
Bernie has made himself irrelevant - who needs him. Warren has replaced him. She drawing his supporters in quicker than you can count. Everything and everyone is irrelevant except that which supports Hillary and her PR campaign.
Sorry for doing this to you. I promise. Next time there's a link, I'm not going.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You missed the good parts! Don't go back to look, though.
This is also from your link, regarding Hillbots' response to Bernie:
At the end, he links to the "Bernie is delusional" diary from the day before as a "train wreck". Go get him, Kos.
Typo, of course - should be Faux.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Dag dkmich
It's a madhouse full of brain washed anti-democratic sheeple. Move On forward and identify with your next pre-ordandained leader. Forget about democracy, ignore the Clinton crime family and slay the scary Republicans who are worse then ISIS because they are literally hiding under your bed. fucking delusional and a lot of Bernie supporters are saying uncle I'll support the disgusting Democratic farce of a political party.
Yeah the Mad Bomber she's not a racist, she's a bad ass woman. She will protect us from ISIS, the Republicans and the leftist's who want to subvert the inevitable free market 1% duopoly. Forget about the millions of Bernie supporters they will all come home to her majesty wagging their tales behind them. Kos created a monster and now he wants the besotted partisan, identity fanatics to cease their insanity and get behind the winner. How dare these dead end Berner's try to disrobe our new empress.
last one, I promise. ;)
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I read that comment
and was one of the 12 people to rec it. The comment thread was terrifying a lot of people I respected all kissing the kos ring. Oh yes master we lost fair and square so we will embrace the queen and refrain from caring about any issues lest we be racists knuckle draggers like those Brexit voters. Can't have an insurrection or else 'the terrist's are gonna to kill yer family' both ISIS and the Republican terrorists are the enemy we must defeat. glad all the people here escaped before they got a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome and started thinking double. Quaking in their boots at every boogeyman that the mind bending propagandist's throw out to instill loyalty and blindness to the reality we all face. Look at Bernie's supporters they are like him racist SOB's.
I've noticed when speaking
to people in their twenties, that they seem to consider not talking about anything of importance in any of the art they create as some sort of badge of honor. They are literally proud of it, and look down on anyone who has the poor taste to bring up reality.
I've heard it happen so often that its hard for me to consider it an isolated thing. I think it's one of the signs of what I have called the culture of the apocalypse. Once even the artists distance themselves from reality, people seem to lose all connection between cause and effect.
It doesn't just result in a lack of knowledge of dangerous problems. It seems to lead to people who simply have no common sense. They take whatever simple generalization they are given, and never pursue the matter any further.
The real world today is like a minefield. All the problems that we have are piling up. The easiest way to get by is never look too long at anything.
The death of cuture
and the arts as a form of resistance is quite scary these days and not confined to just young'uns. I got freaked out at how much this time resembles the dead zone of the post war highly self censored music, painting/visual art and even movies. the internet does not fair much better then the conventional establishment media like radio TV or books. Fear, greed and the love of celebrity and fame seem to be what motivates the 'successful' or wannabe a star, artists, musicians performers and writers. i figure their is a lot of art out there that young'uns know how to find as it's not on the corporate media. So maybe I just don't know where to look. I'm lucky my millennial granddaughter sends me gems past and present. She too bemoans the drivel that's pumped out via the media.
I'm in the biz
The art biz. And I can tell you from my experience that kids in their 20s are no more or less engaged with the real world than previous generations. Honestly, I find that artists born 1940-60 are more likely to "do their own thing" as if they work in a vacuum defined by Clement Greenberg or some other prophet of high modernism. There is power in work lije this, done for deeply personal reasons. And yet, it can be so detached from things outside of the art world that it feels too precious. Young folks, as we are witnessing right this very minute, are more in touch with the horrors of the status quo and are engaged in challenging intellectually, philosophically, and creatively, whether the corrupt political system or the useless system of galleries, festivals, and high brow collectors. It can be sloppy sometimes, but it can feel more engaged and more powerful.
At least that's my penny's worth. But generalizations at a time of unprecedented artistic output across the globe is a really dumb thing for me to attempt.
I love what you have to say, Shaz!
IMHO, art is and should be subjective. My favorite gallery here in town is the folk art gallery where there are paintings and sculptures by self taught folk artists who created for themselves. There is so much life and vibrancy in folk art. It was something I never really understood until this gallery opened and every time I walk in, I fall in love again.
Thank you for this wonderful OT and for being you!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The continual corporatization of culture and society is one of
the things that concerns me most.
First of all, the Arts in school (i.e. music, painting, etc.) have been slowly replaced by more "practical" classes in business. Few things concern me more than this, especially when extrapolated out in a larger sense to how we've become desensitized to seeing a nonstop barrage of commercial advertising in our everyday lives, to a point where we've accepted that ads will appear next to wherever you are online corresponding to a private email or something, all the way to every bit of public space, including inside cabs and elevators to stadiums and schools.
Which is why I'm grateful to folks like Banksy and all those similarly inspired to take back public space with graffiti and large social and political art pieces. Political and socially-aware graffiti fascinates and nourishes me. We need more of it. Reclaim public spaces. In that regard it's been good to see more and more wall space in NYC dedicated to local and even international artists. After all where do all these really good budding artists go to display their work, end up in a corporate firm using their talents to produce dazzling art to sell some shitty product, prey on the vulnerabilities of the masses or convince you you're not trying hard enough for the purposely elusive "American Dream."
To that end, though I'm not a painter in any remote way (but do play music), I always carry a Magnum Sharpie to scrawl at least something almost every night I go out for a walk late night after dinner and then wherever I may be in and around the city in a place that could use a little challenging (especially the suburbs).
On a related note, wish there was an easier way to attach photos (maybe there is, just can't quite figure how to when there doesn't seem to be a confirmation they've been received/added to your comment). I'm starting to collect graffiti photos.
Thanks for the provocative essay and history shaz.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
...if there is money to be made ...
all is forgiven. Ok not really, but
European Purgatory: Migrant Smugglers Helping Refugees Return to Turkey
My mother would have said that this is like "Rein in die Pantoffeln, raus aus den Pantoffeln". Of course that's a meany belittling thing to say, but what else can you do other than belittling it sarcastically, when real yuge, big, evil things stink to heaven.
Thanks, shaz. IT looks like gathering art pics and links would
be horribly grueling, tendious and long running from a little poking around I just did. So very sad, yet I have seen it on the streets or Prague, Rome, Florence, Paris ...
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks EL
The art you found is exactly what inspired me to do this series.. I'm working towards the modern era of graffiti, wall art, posters etc. I know about this art from the 60's on but was interested in the history of underground visual hand made art. I'm also interested in the crossover of many of the street artist's into 'fine' artists and visa versa. I will persevere even if I do the research analog and only use the Google for specific narrow searches. The most amazing thing to me was that the google images completely ignored the dates the chronological order in which the art was done. Shah looked up Pinterest and found that an ex google guy owns it. museum websites are good but they do not have much street/populist low brow art old or new. It is tedious but i'll find a runaround. Hope you have a good day.
I found some poster printing company archives, but
none from the fifties.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Cool Bernie meets Bowie graffiti montage on Lower East Side,
around the corner from where I work. Ludlow St.
Aladin Sane collides with the Socialist from Brooklyn:
With a quote from "Starman":
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks Mark
That's some good graffiti. I lived in SF for years and when I would take the train back anf forth to Oregon I was always blown away by the graffitti art along the tracks coming into Oakland. Miles of really good art. Maybe when I hit the 2010 era I'll take my camera out and see what Portland has to offer. I think Portland has gotten so gentrified that a lot of the murals graffiti and wall art has been demolished along with everything else that's funky and not corporate. Were all hipster yuppies here these days, no people's neighborhoods allowed.
... so, if I were to catalogue some of the visual artists
of the 1950s and '60s who REALLY made an impression on me, they would have to include --
Alexander Calder (mobiles, at scales from tiny to massive)
Christo (landscape "architect")
Jasper Johns
Georgia O-Keefe & Alfred Stieglitz (not strictly '50s & 60s, but oh, well)
Ansel Adams (see above)
Jackson Pollock (dribbles & drabbles)
Willem de Kooning
Clyfford Still
Andy Warhol (thoughtful commentator on modern life)
Andrew Wyeth (Jamie came along later)
Maybe a few pointers on '50s & 60s music, later --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Here's some art from 1958
The years 1958-1960 are holy grail years for the electric guitar. These are the years of the sunburst or "burst" Les Paul guitars from Gibson. At the time, the series didn't do so well, and was discontinued in 1960; as a result, only about 1700 were made. A 1959 Les Paul in good condition today will fetch well into six figures, partly because of that unplanned scarcity, partly because the guitars are awesome, and partly (perhaps mostly) because of art-market-style fetishistic price inflation.
But as objets d'art those burst guitars are something gorgeous. I play a little guitar, so I suppose I'm biased, but those things do have a strange visual power quite aside from their unique tone. Gibson returned to making them in the late 1960s and still makes them to this day, and loads of other manufacturers copy them. In the blues/rock guitar world, many people seem to think perfection was achieved in 1959.
Recently, an original 1958 Les Paul surfaced in Nashville. It had the lowest serial number ever recorded for a guitar with the now-iconic "burst" finish. They are calling it the "first burst" and it can be yours for the low low price of $625,000. Here is the incomparable J.D. Simo giving the First Burst a test drive. It's a very direct link to May, 1958, when the instrument rolled off the line at the Gibson factory.
Love all your suggestions
but my intention was a historical series to focus on visual art, people's art, street art, political or underground visual art. Both 'fine' and not so fine I covered the Ab Ex'ers like Jackson Pollock and De Kooning in the last essay. I started with the Russian Constructionist's in pre Stalin days and went from there. Andy Warhol will be included in the 56-66 episode which I intend to post by hook or by crook. Thanks for the input. I may need to broaden my focus.