Open Tummler 06/28/16
So the people marketing the movie Independence Day: Resurgence, they decided to create a tube, Independence Day: My Street, "where one could enter their physical address and see their block pulverized by the U.S. Air Force and UFOs."
I am wondering just what sort of sad and serious self-loathing would possess a person, to want to watch their home be destroyed by terrestrial serial killers and alien marauders, when I encounter the next line: "The clever idea backfired when the media noticed that users would enter in the addresses where tragedies took place, i.e. Brussels Airport, Café Bonne Biere in Paris and 1 World Trade Center, the latter generating eerie images reminiscent of 9/11."
Something is wrong with the humans.
Like, there is this Sarah Shapiro person. For three years she worked for a thing called The Bachelor, which has apparently bestained the television for two decades now. In this show, "twenty-five women competed for one eligible man, and though the goal was a wedding, the approach was tawdry—an open bar insured that contestants were rarely sober, and the bachelor and his chosen mate spent the night in a suite outfitted with night-vision cameras."
Shapiro says her Bachelor producer duties involved coercing the contestants to "open up, and to give them terrible advice, and to deprive them of sleep."
To insure that intense emotions were captured on camera, she sometimes misled contestants who were about to be rejected. "The night they were going to get dumped, I would go to the hotel room where they were staying and say, 'I'm going to lose my job for telling you this, but he's going to pick you—he's going to propose,'" Shapiro said.
After the contestant left the set, disconsolate, Shapiro joined her in a limousine while the stereo played a song that the contestant had been primed to see as "'their song' for their love story with the Bachelor." Shapiro kept jalapenos or lemons hidden in her jacket pocket—dabbing something acidic in her eye allowed her to cry on cue, which helped elicit tears from the contestant. "I'd have arranged with the driver to have the song play just until I got a shot of her crying—then cut the music so I could start the interview," Shapiro explained.
In a recent profile, Shapiro is described, aptly, as "a feminist sadist, punishing her unenlightened sisters."
She was especially haunted by the memory of a lawyer who was rejected by Jesse Palmer, the Bachelor of Season 5. Shapiro was told to extract tears in an interview. "She wouldn't give me anything," Shapiro remembers. Her bosses were irritated, and the crew was going into overtime, but Shapiro says she "just couldn’t get her to crack." At 4 a.m., Shapiro got nasty: "I asked her, 'Do you think he dumped you because you are fat?' I knew she had food issues." The woman began crying and hyperventilating. "I made the cameras follow her to a minivan that was waiting to take her to the airport." The next day, the contestant called Shapiro and accused her of ruining her life.
Shapiro says, "I realized what I had just done, and looked at myself—I was wearing stretched-out size-16 Gap jeans, a puffy down jacket with streaks of nacho cheese and marshmallow goo, my hair was greasy, my skin was broken out, my walkie was hanging off my belt—and I just thought, Oh, my God, I'm a monster."
Today, the monster is making the big money. Shapiro sold to Lifetime a fictional knockoff of The Bachelor, called Unreal, in which she revisits the lives of the women she ruined. Season one; season two—now, a third season.
Then, of course, there is The Apprentice. This is the show billed as the "ultimate job interview" in the "ultimate jungle," where 15 to 18 people would each season compete for a job in one of The Hairball's companies. The "losers," they would be picked off, one by one—or, sometimes, if The Hairball was in a mood, in batches—all dispatched with The Hairball's signature "you're fired."
Anyone empathizing with the people fired, they would not watch the show more than once. Return viewers, then, they would be those that identified with The Hairball. That is, sadists.
Many sadists, they watch the television. Hunter S. Thompson, he identified this phenomena many years ago, in explaining the appeal of the televised Watergate hearings.
The tip of the iceberg began emerging about six months after Nixon took his second oath of office, when Senator Sam Ervin took his initially harmless-looking "Watergate Committee" act on national TV. It didn't catch on, at first; the networks were deluged with letters from angry housewives, cursing Ervin for depriving them of their daily soap operas—but after two or three weeks the Senate Watergate hearings were the hottest thing on television.
Here, by god, was a real soap opera: tragedy, treachery, weird humor and the constant suspense of never knowing who was lying and who was telling the truth . . . . Which hardly mattered to the vast audience of political innocents who soon found themselves as hooked on the all-day hearings as they'd previously been on the soaps and the quiz shows. Even Hollywood scriptwriters and apolitical actors were fascinated by the dramatic pace and structure of the hearings.
The massive complexities of the evidence, the raw drama of the daily confrontations and the deceptively elfin humor of "Senator Sam" came together in a multileveled plot that offered something to almost everybody—from bleeding hearts and Perry Mason fans to S&M freaks and the millions of closet Hell's Angels whose sole interest in watching the hearings was the spectacle of seeing once-powerful men brought weeping to their knees.
Around the time of those hearings, Samuel Alito, he joined a group of wealthy Princeton graduates known as the Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP), which worked to prevent women and un-white people from attending the university.
"People nowadays just don't seem to know their place," read one article wept by these worthies. "Everywhere one turns, blacks and Hispanics are demanding jobs simply because they're black and Hispanic. The physically handicapped are trying to gain equal representation in professional sports. And homosexuals are demanding the government vouchsafe them the right to bear children."
Yesterday Alito read from the Supreme Court bench his 50-page dissent in Fisher v. University of Texas, wherein the majority, on very narrow grounds, concluded that, sometimes, and pursuant to the Equal Protection Clause, "affirmative action" programs are permissible. Alito, he thundered that the majority had engaged in "affirmative action gone wild."
Alito was a racist back in 1972, when he joined CAP, and he's a racist now; everyone knows this; and this dissent proves it. Because what's interesting about the Fisher case—filed on behalf of a butt-hurt white girl, Abigail Fisher—is that some 47 students were admitted to the university with lower test scores or grades than she. But her lawyer, Edward Blum, whose career is devoted to pursuing cases that would prevent un-white people from getting jobs, going to school, or securing political representation, he did not challenge the admission of the 42 white students admitted ahead of Fisher. Only the admission of the five un-white people.
Fisher's argument was narrowly that she should have been admitted instead of one of those students of color. It was the case that collapsed any distinction between opposing affirmative action and demanding that white people be given preference.
But, even though this ruling is really narrow and does little to truly increase diversity at universities, Justice Samuel Alito issued a lengthy, blistering dissent that accused the school of paying "little attention to anything other than the number of minority students on its campus and in its classrooms."
It's an argument that depends on wholly ignoring the 42 out of 47 students that are white that got in despite having lower grades than Fisher's. Like Fisher and Blum, Alito simply assumes that the white students have merit and the students of color do not.
Alito also dissented in the other case to yesterday come out of the hideous lone-star sand wallow, Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt. Because women have no right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. That is a decision to be made by men. Like him.
Alito, he is hardly the only y-chrome bedeviled by the uppityness of the wimmins. For, as there float wisps of the idea that the Democrats may not only run for the president The Mad Bomber, but also for the vice-president Elizabeth "Republicans Are Good For The Markets" Warren, some of the men, they are getting the panty-twist, about how "the country isn't ready," for "two women."
First there was Democratic Senator Jon Tester. "I don't know. Is the country ready for two women? I don't know," fretted he. Next up: Democratic Congressmember John Lewis. "I'm not sure the country can take two women," he glummed. "I'm just not sure."
Tester, I'm not sure what his problem is. Except he is out in Montana. And I'm not certain women have arrived there yet.
As for Lewis, well, he may be past his sell-by date. People, like the food in the supermarkets, they have sell-by dates. And, once past them, they can get kind of gamey. The foods in the supermarkets, they don't really notice it, that they are starting to get soft and mushy, gray, a little rank. And neither do the humans. Notice it. Which can be kind of sad. When you're a human. Oozing past the sell-by date. And you're out in the public.
Gay Talese, he recently had a sell-by-date problem, out in the public. Asked at a Boston University appearance what women writers had inspired him, he said "none."
Now, this may be true. But if, at 84 years old, Talese had not passed his sell-by date, he certainly wouldn't have publicly said it.
Anyway. After the Tester emission, but before the Lewis one, Hadley Freeman, she wrote a fun little piece, about the Horror and Terror of two women running on the same ticket.
People-by-which-I-mean-men have been making rules about what ladies can't do since they realised women could literally create life while they were sitting in the corner of a cave scratching their balls. Even aside from little things like voting—women weren't given equal voting rights until 1928, presumably out of concern they would rub their boobs all over the ballots—women were banned from ski jumping in the Olympics until 2014. Yes, as in two years ago.
"Don't forget, it's like jumping down from, let's say, about two metres on the ground about a thousand times a year, which seems not to be appropriate for ladies from a medical point of view," Gian Franco Kasper, president of the International Ski Federation, explained in 2005, and you can't deny he had a point. We ladies know our uteruses get in a right sulk when we jump around and are only mollified if we watch Sex And The City and buy at least three pairs of shoes.
Concern about women's reproductive organs has long been the excuse for banning women from all manner of things, from marathons to pole vaulting, by men who apparently don't realise that they have internal organs, too. This kind of essentialist biological baloney is frowned upon today. But honestly, I might prefer it to what has taken its place.
Now, when people say, "But can a woman do x, y, z,", they don't mean, "Can a woman physically do this without stabbing herself in the ovaries?" They mean, "Can I bear to watch a woman do this without my testes crawling back up inside my body?" No longer do we have the polite pretence of concern for a woman's physical wellbeing; we just have straight-up, unapologetic misogyny. When anyone says, "Can we have a two-woman ticket for the US presidency?" they're saying, "We all know that the thought of two women in the highest office of power will cause a lot of people to throw up all over themselves. So let's not hurt their ickle feelings by suggesting it, 'kay?"
Some men in China, they have simply given up on the wimmins, and are instead having life-sized dolls.
An increasing number of singletons in China are choosing to opt for silicone over flesh as they enter into loving relationships with life-sized dolls.
With over 50 kinds of realistic dolls now on the market, the realistic toys differ depending on what the customer is looking for—different figures, eye and hair colours, and even different skin textures.
Buyers of the dolls are predominately male and some have even fallen in love with their dolls, giving them names, personalities and "souls" to match.
Zhang Fan, 36, who works as a stock broker in the Chinese capital, is another doll owner who claims his plastic friend is not just a toy or any random woman, but is in fact the female version of himself.
However, Zhang's parents are still urging him to marry a real person and they are only allowing him to play with it as much as he likes if he promises to find a nice girl and eventually settle down.
But he doesn't want the responsibilities that come with marriage—like buying a house or raising a child—and instead plans to spend his life with his doll.
Finally, if all this sort of thing compels you to reach for the Medicine, know that you are not alone. Some chimps, it seems, they are known to tosspot.
A drunken troop of booze-loving chimps has been discovered by scientists.
Researchers found a group in West Africa that spends their day drinking fermented sap from raffia palms.
And the primates are so keen on the alcohol—or ethanol—that they have developed "leaf sponge" tools to get it out.
The academics, from Oxford Brookes University, witnessed "all age and sex classes" downing the wine, with some consuming "significant quantities".
Another Great One, hecate!
You use your lawyer-mind to great effect. Hone it all down to its special goodness. What did that young whining woman get out of her dumb Affirmative Action case other than being famous for more than 15 seconds? And that only because it takes many 15 seconds to get to the Highest Powers, the Supreme Court. Thank dog for the three women on the Court. For the Texas case. I can just imagine their wrath. Laser eyes. Hold me back.
I may take that as my sigline, with proper reference. It is going to be another weird day. I get to drive to Home Despot to pick up four special-ordered garbage can lids. Not possible to walk in and buy extra lids without the bottoms. But the lids wear out first! Great flat sympathy at Lowes when I tried to buy one brand-new garbage can (for compost, not garbage) and three lids. Across the checkout line some vest yells "NO!!!!". It upset the vest at the machine that reads barcodes and takes cash or card. At least they now do chip reading. What, 15 years after that was standard every place but the exceptional USA?
Yes, lids go first. Car drive-overs, raccoons, it's a tough life out there. I had one in a deep ditch at the end of my driveway which spent the entire spring flood season partially blocking the uphill side of my culvert. It was not going anywhere. I eventually climbed down to rescue it: cracked. Wind or lazy garbage collector got it there, or the entire assembly was hit by the snowplow. I can't remember, I was not there. On my fifth mailbox, third post. Snowplow or vandals (yes, in Upstate NY we have vandals called teenagers) who suspected that the high school principal lived around there. He lives across the street, retired, now working to stop gas lines. Not in the phone book, under his wife's name. Mine is still under my late husband's-with-different-last-name. Still, I can be found by any sleuth, and have.
My sister and I carry our birth surname. It was trendy in the late 70's-early 80's to retain one's Maiden Name. Neither of us are still married, different reasons. No males to keep the surname alive, it will die with us, the last two. My two offspring have that as their middle name, my husband's surname goes on. One generation, then maybe gone. Most died in Europe for being Jewish.
Drought conditions here. It rained yesterday, a wetting. Nothing in my rain gauges. I am using an old plastic water carrier to fill radiators as my watering can. I inherited it, might as well put it to use. Mice or raccoons ate the water sprinkler head on my watering can so that got recycled. Birds have been calling since 4AM.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
most of
the women I've been connected with changed the whole of their names.
But the birth-name, it becomes important, when madmen, they have worked, to erase it from the earth.
My last name, it would have disappeared in the 1840s, except that a prematurely enlightened fellow, he took his wife's last name, so that her last name, could continue on.
So, everybody, with that name, on the planet, I am intimately, genetically, connected with.
An odd little karass.
I belatedly realize I forgot to put into the Tummler the music.
So, first, and continuing on from Joe's EB of last night, Dr. John:
Next, John Mayall:
Finally, John Lennon:
This week a Dakota concierge on duty the night Lennon was killed sold at auction the shirt he was then wearing that is stained with Lennon's blood.
Who would save such a thing?
Who would sell it?
Who would buy it?
Something, it is wrong, with the humans.
That is defintely sign of sickness,
to keep a blood-stained shirt this long to sell it? I would as a scientist test that the blood was actually JL's, no doubt there is blood evidence there, back then. People are strange, and do strange things, at least in the minds of other people.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I use laundry soap jugs.
The two gallon variety with the sideways push button spigot. I keep the antifreeze/water mix in it. Aim before you pour and you can rest the jug in a convenient part of the car giving your arm a rest. When full you don't spritz AF all over the engine and air cleaner.
I use another one for lawn mower gas, too. I can see the gasoline deteriorating the stop on the spigot, but it hasn't happened yet, and I've used it for a few years already.
Only problem is gas stations frown upon putting gas into a laundry soap jug so I have a five gallon jug I transfer from.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Something IS wrong with the humans.
Brilliant collection of laugh out loud vignettes of our pathetically misguided co occupants of our fragile planet. Sometimes I think the global climate purge can not come fast enough.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Eh, I'll drop this here. Check out this movie trailer
Video not supported here. Check out the movie Poverty, Inc on Amazon, Netflix and other providers. I am not sure I can watch it all, but that denotes me scared to see some views of their reality. It also smells familiar to me. An old boyfriend (I saw his yesterday photo from his workplace) went through parochial schools. They assembled boxes each year to send to Pagan Babies, mostly in Africa.
edited to add comment.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
and what trailer
would that be?
Maybe this one.
When I saw they were doing
an Independence Day sequel, I thought it was really sad. It's one of the endless stream of movies that creates fictional disasters to distract us from the real ones that are going on right now, which we don't pay attention to because they don't have pretty explosions or celebrities attached to them.
Some young people are completely unaware of the just how much media has changed. It used to be that you would actually see people at big Hollywood movies talk about poverty, or things going on in the world. Today, the only people you see in these movies are very upper class. You could literally see one movie after another, and be aware that life in America is getting worse. You could be totally unaware of the economic downturn. You could totally miss Black Lives Matter or why it exists. There is at this point no longer any connection between our reality and what we see on television.
Television is in fact much worse. Twenty years ago, I wouldn't have called it pure propaganda because there were a lot of shows that helped people connect with reality and understand the world around them. It isn't like that any more.
Its a big part of why so many people don't vote and don't do anything. Far more people are simply unaware of their world. They turn up stuff like Independence Day and have no idea what's going on with their neighbors. Its a sad thing.
In total agreement, mxp
So how are the new digs now? Unionizing the residents? Do you have internet access there yet?
You should really show some of the cogitation/machinations about the projects that you envision. As you see, we are a friendly and receptive lot.
Hey to you, an old internet friend in internet years
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm planning on doing that
actually. I'm just tremendously busy right now. I'm getting a domain ready and putting together a lot of objects. I also am getting a new microphone, and I'm going to use it to put together a video. I'm going to try to show some things a little after the beginning of next month, but we'll see how much time it takes me.
I'm getting better. I'm still kind of shocked at just how bad the conditions are around me. The irony I have come to realize is that by living in the places I have for the last few years, I can apparently get better in living conditions that are sucking the life out of everyone around me.
We supposedly have an activity for birthdays. In theory that means you'll sing happy birthday for someone who had a birthday sometime that month and serve cake.
The last time we did that, a staff member served cake as people filed into the dining room. I tried to ask them whose birthday it was but they went to the kitchen to clean up, and never came back out. They went out a back way to finish their work. I asked the other people there whose birthday it was.
Eventually I figured out it had been the birthday of an elderly woman, 68 years old, two weeks ago. I try to talk to her when I can, but she isn't in great shape. I guess it was too much too demand that in addition to serving cake, they sing a song, or even mention her name.
Its so pathetic here. It really is.
OMG, I will not go to emoticons
How awful to be in a somewhat decent place and discover that it's not. And find that you must be the rabble-rowser. Or not. I decided early that I could not be an MD because I felt (correctly) that I had low empathy levels with sick people. Better for them, but those people are everywhere now and I have been one!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A great thread, and yes what will we do if there are more women
in politics?
Edit: I was in business just after the first wave of women made it into management. I also saw some of the first women MDs. What I saw where people who seemed to prove they could out man the men. Meaner, nastier, more political and not happy to see a younger thinking person, female in their ranks or practices. I think Hillary may be in that crowd. It does not bode well...war mongering and all.
OT: Off Topic/Open Thread...
Where does Bernie really stand today? Lots say it's over, he's done? Any consensus here or at the k4s sub reddit?
How about the GE? Are we breath holding until the convention?
How many states have the Greens gotten on the ballot?
How many states will count write-ins?
I just can't get a fix for where things are.
Thanks Hecate.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
I'll take a stab at your question.
No consensus on Bernie. I suspect he's awaiting the FBI, email leaks, DNC suit, election fraud suit,..... He has not conceded nor endorsed the $hill.
I'm not holding my breath but I do think waiting till the convention is necessary and will take patience. I hope Bernie will come out strong on election fraud at the convention.
It looks like the green party is on 22 state ballots and working on others
Here's what I found on write-ins:
From my view, no one knows what will happen in this crazy cycle.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Greens have made some progress since the map was made.
They lost Arizona because some dummy neglected to get the papers to the official place on time, but they are petitioning a court to allow them ballot accesss.
They now have all three states on the West Coast.
They also have Nevada.
This last week, they qualified for Illinois and Delaware.
On the Green website, Jill wrote that they are on the ballot in Massachussetts.
I think they now have access on 27 states. And working on the rest.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Thank you!
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Very curious that you wrote this.
I guess that is your take, but my take five days ago was not as valid. Hmmm... to each his own.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
yes, well, gg,
if you review that exchange, nowhere did I argue that Mr. Lewis was godly, or even past his sell-by date.
I instead asserted, that the Dems who sat down, against the guns, on the House floor, they could, rather than be diversionary, be sincere, and with Mr. Lewis, despite his sell-by date, deliberately chosen, as their El Cid.
Also, and maybe I should, like, have this as a sig: every opinion I assert, it is just an opinion, and not meant, as, like, biblical.
Except, for the opinion of this: every little thing: gonna be all right.
Yes, and as I also stated
That what I wrote was my opinion also. FWIW, apparently my opinion held no water in that exchange. It seems that I am also past my sell date too. This is the last I will say on the matter.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Big Daddy would say: "Bull. Bull, that you are past your sell-by date."
here's a technique for when you've been shown to be wrong
or not necessarily wrong but perhaps contradictory and you're hopelessly snarled. Ahem, it is as follows (take notes!)
"That's an interesting point. I'd love to discuss it further but I have to dash."
Governments use it all the time, as in "It's important that we have this national dialogue and I have started the work on appointing a committee to look into this issue". Then they duck out the back door and never mention it again.
And those Dems sincerely supported a measure
which abrogates due process rights.
That is sincerely sad and disgusting, and a prime example of why their 'sincere sit in' can and should be dismissed for the farce that it was.
If it was not a farce in that they just did it for publicity, then it was a farce in that they sincerely approve of further damaging the rights of the people of this country.
[video: width:500 height:400]
I don't care how nice, or sincere those Dems were with their cute little sincere sit in.
is Shit Howdy, the pinhead, who you've brazenly, blattingly, shat into my piece.
Shit Howdy, he don't know due process, from a dirty diaper.
Too, the sitters, they also sat for background checks.
no fly no buy circumvents due process - Deny what you will
Just because you deny it and spout a bunch of BS complaining.
You've done that yourself. Congrats.
Also - meaning they also sat for no fly no buy…
Which IS a due process infringement whether you want to acknowledge it as one or not.
as i set forth
here, no laws will rid the nation of the knuckledragging of guns. That will happen only when the American humans come to understand, in their minds, that possessing firearms, that is akin to coprophilia: fucking, eating, shit.
Above, I merely observed that you spewed across this piece a video of the brain-dead pinhead, Shit Howdy, and meanwhile neglected to mention that the sit-in Dems, they also sought background checks.
Your opinion, nor mine, of the man in the video
does not remove the fact that he is right.
The man in the video was discussing a specific topic and a specific question. It's not the full clip. Just because that clip doesn't encompass what you think it should, doesn't mean he is wrong.
It doesn't matter what they also sought. They had been and were seeking votes in support of a measure that lacks due process.
That's wrong, no matter who supports it.
Trail off about your opinion of guns and gun owners all you want, Due process rights and laws are important and not to be ignored, trivialized, or damaged just because some politicians decide 'something' or 'anything' must be done.
If that's the kind of 'control' our legislators want to pass, then they'll push people farther into the camp of 'no, do absolutely nothing'.
Another Dem and Government fail. Unsurprising given the last 7 years.
deal with due process every day. You have yet to demonstrate you even know what it is.
As you used to recurrently say, before JtC straightened you up: "yawn."
And please get my point. I don't care about these laws. Laws, as I have forever said, will change nothing.
Only when the Americans understand, in their minds, that fondlers of firearms, they are as loathsome as shit-eaters, only then, will they put down, the guns.
That day, it has already happened. I have seen it.
I remember El Cid
He was that mercenary who'd switch sides at the drop of a peso, and had a great public relations department.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
really off topic: hey ghotiphaze!
is your user name pronounced fishphaze?
But when I see it shortened 'ghoti', in my head I pronounce it 'goatee'. Go figure...
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
I had gotten as far as fish, and also went with faze.
Nice to know your good intentions, I think goatee as well.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
On another subject, this is a good read
It is a very long article on Edward Snowden, but well worth the time to read. I, Snowbot.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I can't see that without thinking of Sheldon Cooper, gg
It makes me laugh...
Thanks for sharing the article. Love Snowden and look forward to reading it when I have the time.
i saw that,
and was going to write about it today, here, except that I am old, and frail, and so, before i got there, I ran out of gas.
I also saw this. Which, if Snowden had posted it here, would have meant he would have been attacked like an animal.
This probably wouldn't go over too well here, either.
He's a free human being, alive on this earth. Best he stay away, from the constricted cabins of blogs. ; )
On Brexit, there are probably many of us, like myself, who still am not sure how it will end up working for the people of Britain. Leaving the EU has a different effect for GB which has its own sovereign currency than for a country that switched to the euro. As for the second tweet, I am confused as to why that would be controversial one way or another at this site. Maybe I have not been reading enough lately to understand why.
As with any other free thinking human being, there is always a good chance that I or anyone else here will never agree with them 100%. At least I hope so.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
on this site,
all the best Sneetches, with stars upon thar, have decreed, contra Snowden, that the British exit from the EU, it is good and godly.
As, on this site, all the best Sneetches, with stars upon thar, have decreeed, contra Snowden, that Russia, it is good and godly.
Good. Godly. Exit. Russia.
Chelsea Manning had a small post on Medium
grieving the Orlando killings, pensive about Pride festivals (pic of SF Pride enclosed). I hearted that one, that woman, that person, is wrongly jailed for this amount of time.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
What is your point with this, please?
Is it an attempt at humor, or is it aspiring to lofty arrogance or a veiled put-down? Because this is the second time you've made this "sneetches" reference and the first wasn't terribly flattering.
For those who have actually read the Seuss story, it can in fact be read as a put-down.
this is a
herd site. All sites on the tubes are herd sites. Even cooking and gardening sites. Humans have a propensity to run in herds. In life, and, therefore, also on tubes. On this site, at present, the herd is, for example, running amok about the British withdrawal from the EU as being Good and Godly. There is also, here, a recurrent theme of genuflecting before Russia, because it is perceived as anti-US, with the US, here, in this herd, perceived as the fount of all Evil.
I, personally, don't do herds.
In the Dr. Seuss Sneetch story, you have the Sneetches who have stars upon thar, upon their bellies, who think that makes them the most smug, in that they are the bestest, the rightest. Because those who don't have the stars upon thar, they are the Negroes—the wrong'uns.
That is this site. As it is every site. "The great cow of the majority," as Eisenhower termed it, they, here, as everywhere, have stars upon thar. And those, that don't, they are perceived, by the great cow, with the stars upon thar, as Wrong. Who need to either Convert. Or Get Out.
Dealing with what wrong with humans
...or at least a try at addressing endless war.
World Beyond War is planning a big event in Washington, D.C., in September 2016, just after the International Day of Peace, including a conference running from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on Friday September 23, 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday September 24, and with speakers and activist workshops from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Sunday the 25th. We’re also working with the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) which is planning a nonviolent activism training and planning session on the 25th and a nonviolent action in D.C. on Monday morning September 26th, with support from Campaign Nonviolence.
“What matters most is not who is sitting in the White House, but who is sitting in -- and who is marching outside the White House, pushing for change.” ― Howard Zinn
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I am feeling beaten down, as are many here.
We do conferences, They do Committees. And nothing happens. A group gets together and they might as well burn rubber off tires.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The time for conference-seminaring
is long over. That's part of the dilution motif, and we no longer have time for that.
At least you and I agree there
and I think we do mostly (is that a real word?).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
we do. And yes, it is
My plan is to support Bernie
wherever he is and whatever he's doing.
But I am actively supporting the Green Party. Unless Bernie is on the presidential ticket somewhere, I will vote Green.
The Dems don't want me or my kind. Since I'm also past my sell-by date, I will not longer wrangle with them. I want to use my remaining time working on something constructive.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
It's a circus
and most of the people who run this country are way past sell date. In fact I'd say most were rotten to the core and should not have been allowed on the shelf to begin with. Neither side is to blame according to Obomber it's politics baby. How do these 'supreme' monsters get appointed? It takes two to tango. Watching the DC show I have seen nothing but 'symbolic' votes and kabuki theater. Bork was the only unfit judge that wasn't approved in my short sweet life of political awareness.
This morning I was thinking and wondering why ordinary people believe that the political kabuki show is for real? It might as well be reality TV. Two symbolic women to identify with? I don't care both of these women are the monkeys paw. Something is wrong all these power loving, greedy humans Democratic and Republicans, including John Lewis. They are all players in a sadistic deadly real life game show. None of them know or care what any of this is worth.
Blaming the consuming masses of TV watching humans for the fear and loathing in this violent world is not helpful as the bots of all stripes say to me often. They are the powerful ruling class and it matters not how they managed to get power. If they went to Harvard, Princeton or Yale or were once freedom fighters, leaders from the streets they all managed to break the glass ceiling of power.
Identity politics where we the people take to hating and eating each other while the psycho's who rule the world stir the pot for all it's worth is nothing I can identify with. Human life, all life, is nothing to them. It's worth it when children starve, people are caged and villages are bombed and then when humans flee the carnage they impose austerity and send them back to teach their parents a lesson. Something is wrong with the humans alright but the powers the be and our 'leaders' feed and nurture the dark side we all have. They play on the worst of the human psyche. The ordinary people's sadism globally pales when you look at what these global psycho's use their power for.
blew it because he was honest. Since then, they've all lied.
"Identity politics," they matter, when knuckledraggers, they make it all about, your identity.
My nephew's wife, living now in the house I grew up in, the people of The Hairball, they shout at her now, as she walks along the street, "go back to Mexico!"
Though her people, they have lived in this country, longer than has the Hairball, and his forebears.
I hurt so hard. When I hear this. But, I also know, that all that, is already over. That, they: my nephew, and his wife, they are the future. when all the colors/bleed into one. They are the present, bleeding into the future.
It is just that The Hairball, and his people, they are the past, bleeding into the present. And I want that. Now. To be. Over.
Because it makes people I know. People of my blood. Hurt.
I might like using that app for my neighbor's house.
But for places already struck? Nasty.
I think the two-women vapors is not about women at all, but is mainly based on the perception that Warren isn't corporatist enough. Not that there's not a good dose of sexist idiocy in the mix.
Not enough women in China? What goes around comes around. Stop aborting children just because they're girls, and the problem goes away. But, no problem. They'll just import women from every other country in the world. Or, when the next shooting war starts, they'll have a ready-made source of easily deluded guys who'll jump at the chance to go to some other country to kill the men and rape the women.
Hola, hecate. Thanks for another great tummler and
also for minding my June 20 panhandling post.
Coming soon, heels/kicks/stillettos/frigging shoes for damn near a grand, designed, in part, by a bona fide rocket scientist. We really need that, I guess, since it is unthinkable to do away with the culture that mandates such footwear.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
What are the Greens up to?
Jill Stein is asking for money, but I can't tell if this goes in the FEC's Primary bucket or General bucket. Does anyone know? I already blew my Primary budget on Bernie, but damn I want her on the debate stage...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg