Sunday Evening Bernie Open Thread
So, Symone Sanders quit today as press secretary:
Symone Sanders quits as national press secretary for Bernie Sanders
LOS ANGELES—Bernie Sanders’ national press secretary, one of the most prominent women of color and young people in presidential politics, said Sunday that she has left the campaign.Symone D. Sanders revealed the decision to Fusion before appearing on a panel of women in politics at Politicon, a convention in Los Angeles.
She said that she was not let go and that leaving the campaign was her decision. On the panel, she identified herself as the former press secretary “as of today.”
GOP doing something odd:
The RNC Plans To Turn Bernie Backers Against Hillary Clinton’s VP Pick
In a detailed memo outlining its strategy to combat Clinton’s VP choice, the committee says it will frame the selection as both a cynical play to certain constituencies and as an emotional letdown for voters who backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the Democratic primary.The goals, the memo says, are to “drive wedges between these top contenders and either Clinton and/or traditional Democrat constituencies, such as labor, environmentalists, and gun control advocates, and other traditional left-wing constituencies;” and “[w]here applicable, frame the choice as an insult to the large, deep base of Bernie Sanders supporters who are struggling with the notion of supporting Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.”
A comment on Thom Hartmann's page has a link to CA Secretary of State Alex Padilla's instructions for NPP voters:
Examples of Voter Fraud in the California Primary Election
For presidential elections: NPP voters, unless they choose otherwise (see below), will receive a “non-partisan” ballot that does not include presidential candidates. A nonpartisan ballot contains only the names of candidates for voter-nominated offices and local nonpartisan offices and measures.
THIS IS APPARENTLY HORSE PUCKY spread for who know what nefarious reason
(hat tip ElenaCarlena - see comments):
Jim McCall wrote-
Our petition drive for Bernie started in Feb 2015, as independents we knew the laws in many states prohibit write-ins or have paperwork that must be filed ahead of time. So we researched it and made sure we turned our petitions in directly to the state house, to the Attorney General for review of our signers. We got our last approval in Feb 2016, we're certified in all 50 states for Bernie in November.
Here's what's left of the webpage we used to centralize information during the process:…/ballot-access-petition-sign-…
Yes. In any state he's not actually on the ballot he's certified as a write in. In all 50 states.
We beat all the sore loser law deadlines, too, even though they rarely apply to presidential candidate we thought it better to be safe than sorry.
No link, but saw a post on Facebook saying Los Angeles and San Francisco are now in Bernie's column. Can't find any links...
And Public Citizen sent me this appeal:
We could find out THIS WEEK when we’ll have to go to court.
So please take just a moment to read this quick update.
It’s about the lawsuit we’re involved in against Crossroads GPS — Karl Rove’s secretive political operation — which has spent at least $142 million since 2010 distorting our elections without revealing the billionaires and corporations behind its efforts.
If we win, it will be a major blow to the notorious Koch Brothers, casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson and the “dark money” forces exploiting Citizens United to debase our democracy.
Back in 2010, we formally complained to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) about its utter failure to crack down on groups like Crossroads that masquerade as “social welfare” organizations while corrupting our elections from the shadows.
When partisan deadlock resulted in our complaint being dismissed — despite the agency’s own lawyers finding substantial evidence that Crossroads was flouting the rules — we sued the FEC.
And then Crossroads itself opposed us directly in the case.
This is a make-or-break moment.
We are taking on both the federal government and one of the all-time worst exploiters of Citizens United.
If you're so moved, you may donate here.

Ladies and Gentlemens, Mr. Harold Pinter:
they started qualifying Sanders for write-ins three months before he announced his candidacy?? Yeah, I would verify that one, especially as most states do not require petitions to allow write-ins, just a letter or form. If this is incorrect information and people buy it, the ball may get dropped in actually getting it done.
If true, Yay!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Good catch. It's a tactic by Hill trolls, per this Web site:
Check out the link above. They also say trying to get people to switch from Dem is a Hill troll tactic, as is the smearing of TYT.
Edit to add: I posted something factual (can't remember what now) at TOP in a comment, and was sneeringly told I was wrong, and "You need to stop watching TYT". I double fact checked, proved my point, and asked "What's wrong with TYT? They have a bias, but they are up front about it." That response was never answered. Apparently they were told to smear, but not exactly what to smear them with.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Well, aren't they precious...
I do believe that many dictatorships were started just that way. Thanks for the link and info.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Apparently San Francisco county is Hill's, LA county is still up
for grabs, but one district within LA flipped to Bernie.
There were new numbers last Monday, so presumably we'll hear something more later today.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I like this as an evening open thread, MsGrin
It is nice to have some additional news about the events of the election while we are waiting for the convention and/or indictments. All I know is I am so pissed off they stole this election, there is not way in hell I will ever be able to vote for a Dem at the federal level ever again. They stole this election, and they need to pay.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
My heart feels abjectly ripped this season...
I realize blue diaper babies isn't a thing in common parlance, but I was one. Sesame Street started the year I turned 3 (if the history in my head is correct), so I was literally in the very first generation to watch educational television. My daddy was teaching draft counseling in the NY schools. I was born a Dem. This year, I feel we've been eaten by a monster. D. Brock seems to personify all that's wrong with the party - it is the party of tyranny and oligarchy at this point - Thomas Frank actually has only brought us up to a proverbial yesterday with where the party has gone. Party of Stomping on the Little People is what it's become - so hard to even speak of the party as part of an 'us' or 'we'. It's been a real identity crisis for me, frankly. Who am I when I am not who I thought I was?
Thanks for the nod... Some days there are just tidbits which a momentarily interesting, but not worth a story on their own. FB was blowing up last night about whether Symone had jumped ship - I haven't caught wind that this is true, but after the Warren whatever, all of our hackles are up. I'd really like to know what math Warren used to climb on to Dr. Mrs. Stangelove.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member