if Scotland exited, they were doomed.
Now they have something in common with all of Europe if they chose to leave.
Maybe, just maybe, some are sick of oligarchy.
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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I wouldn't say the EU represents oligarchy. If anything, it has long represented the highest aspirations, transcending the old tribalism and nationalism. I'd hate to think we're returning to that, but it is starting to look like that. This is a victory for xenophobic nationalism. I was hoping we were moving towards an era where we might transcned such narrow-mindedness. Guess not. Two steps backward.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
If the highest aspirations of mankind are a Parliament that makes no laws. If our aspirations are a constitution that outlaws debt, so austerity and privatization must be implemented in crisis, which is why they hosed Greece, Ireland, Spain & Portugal, belittling them as Pigs while they did it. FDR is not possible in the EU. Not to mention a constitution that makes no provisions for amendment, so it can't be reformed. It isn't xenophobia free either. It is the EU that is letting refugees drown in the Mediterranean. It is just xenophobic against non-Europeans, rather than east Europeans.
So you're happy to see all the seniors' savings crash?
Only some misanthrope would wish that.
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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
It's just what the dKosers do. If you point out that the superdelegates were sewn up for Hillary, thus making the primaries unfair (not to mention the shenanigans) then you're disenfranchising African-Americans.
I understand you'd like to phrase this to make your argument look morally superior but I'm afraid it would be better if you argue without the scare tactics.
and I'm not evil. I do not think seniors and those seniors lucky enough to be invested anywhere globally should be hooked to the casino global market and depend on this global screwing of people for preserving their 'savings' investments . I'm not a misanthrope but you might just be a right asshole for playing this cheesy card. The seniors savings already got looted in 2008 by this global Ponzi scheme. fuck you heh? Nice. Only a idiot would think that propping up this bankster global screw including the EU is in any ones interest. How many seniors lost heir pensions and savings because of these freaking crooks who could care less about any of us? Same to you asshole.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
I regularly am a hot head insulting flaming idiot. I still disagree with your position but hold no ill will about your opinion or your gratuitous insults. I too apologize for my obnoxious insults. I know you from dkos and have always respected your post's. Don't worry too much about the Brexit and the markets they will pull though as they are good disaster cappies and hedge their bets..
Like an idiot, I didn't follow this whole "thing". I don't know about pensions and old people (like myself) gambling on the stock market, or bonds etc. And I don't have a clue how this effects Bolivia or the Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies where I live.
Dominica (not the Dominican Republic) is a small island nation of 72,000 people which was a British colony until 1979. We use East Caribbean Commonwealth Dollar which is pegged to the US Dollar and still has Queen Elizabeth on the front. Right across the channel from my lighthouse is the French Island of Guadeloupe, which uses the EU as currency. To the south is the also French island of Martinique. We have quite a bit of trade with Guadeloupe... farmers sending their products to Guadeloupe and bringing back European or Guadeloupe goods (dairy products etc.) . This is all small skiffs, "hucksters".
So what does a currency "crash" (10% loss of value): of the EU mean to all of us? I suppose it means that Dominicans pay less for goods on the neighboring islands and that they raise their prices on farm goods exported.
I don't know at all but I am sure the local right wing papers will be telling us. My #1 suspicion is that the local credit union will be a winner... but, like I said, I don't know.
Bolivia? Ine of the last socialist countries still functioning in Latin America? I just don't know.
In Wales too, leave were dominant, where at least 18 of the 22 Welsh authorities had declared. Only three – the Vale of Glamorgan in the south, Monmouthshire in the south-east and Ceredigion in west Wales – had voted to remain.
As expected, remain won out in Scotland, although margins of victory and turnouts fell short of what was needed to stop the leave juggernaut in the south.
Cameron – whose premiership is now bound to be remembered for taking Britain out of the EU – will make a speech on Friday morning aiming to reach out to the millions of voters who spurned his efforts and instead opted for an out vote, which will begin the process of disentangling Britain from the European project after more than four decades.
Corbyn will admit that the result paints a picture of a “divided country” and say that his party needs to begin the uphill struggle of re-engaging with working-class voters whose fury about immigration, wages and public services have led them to vote out.
The brits have plenty of their own ruthless banksters. If they want their widows and orphans starved, their students banished, their infrastructure sold off, those jobs should go to British bankers not some foreigners.
People trumpeting this as some victory for the downtrodden are absolutely missing the reasons for this vote and romanticizing what is actually a very ugly development.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
Well yeah. At least they can pass laws to control their own bankers. They can't pass laws through the EU Parliament. The EU Parliament isn't allowed to make laws. That is a fact. It also has an unamendable constitution so this can never change without a WWIII
They have monetary independence; the Greeks don't have the same.
The real issue is that Cameron's government with the backing of Ed Miliband and Labour were convinced that the economy needed a dose of austerity and they inflicted pain on those who were the least able to bear it. Immigration wasn't the cause of the slow growth rate -- the slow growth rate was a consequence of the economic crisis and a lackluster fiscal response.
Unlike Greece, London is a major financial center -- it isn't foreign banks that are looting the country. It's own domestic financial institutions are doing a good enough job at that -- and have even taught their U.S. counter-parts some tricks. The biggest issue is inept fiscal management on the part of the UK's political leaders. Unlike Greece they had control of both their budget and their currency, yet they failed to do everything possible to support economic growth.
"Let's not all go sucking each other's d***s just yet."
Our Overlords are about to lose a lot of money on this vote, and that's one thing they really hate to do.
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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Whatever eventually happens, it's nice to know there are still a few democracies left in our New World Order where not every election is rigged in favor of the oligarchs.
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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
What we know so far.Live EU referendum results: Farage declares 'independence day' as UK votes to leave– live
Brexit or remain? Rolling coverage of the results of the UK’s EU referendum as they come in, with reaction and analysis
Britain has voted to leave the European Union.
329 authorities out of 382 have so far declared their results.
Leave currently has 14,353,533 votes.
Remain currently has 13,409,611 votes.
Leave is ahead by 943,922 votes.
That puts leave on 52%, remain on 48%.
ITV, the BBC and Sky News all forecast a victory for leave before 5am.
Oh my god Farage and UKIP has won. Wait a minute. How does this compute? It doesn't. Decentralization of the rulers of the world as we find it is never a loss for labour or labor or democracy.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
the way I read a German article, it says that there was a deep power struggle between Cameron and Boris Johnson (a rivalry between both since their time as students) Both entered the parliament in 2001 as conservatives. Johnson has grabbed the rhetorical demagoguery against the remain campaign against Cameron and made it his own vehicle to grab what he wants, becoming Premier Minister. He always was a rebel against Cameron, but is a conservative.
The opposition, the social democratic Labour Party with its "pale" Jeremy Corby didn't really play a role in the public debate.
Good Con artist over there with Boris Johnson, I guess. Read this for the first time. May be I misunderstood.
It was started by a nationalist right-wing party -- the UKIP. And, in the run-up, Boris Johnson seized the mantle of that ugliness and Trumped it up, to bolster his personal future in the Conservative Party. It was probably a mistake for Corbyn to sit out this debate, but a lot of his voters, especially outside of London, proved to be strongly pro-Brexit.
This is a very bad development for Britain, for Europe, and for the rest of the world.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
But, this would be the opposite result. Europe has been a great liberalizing force for the UK. The banks there didn't want Brexit, because it will make it harder for them around the world. But, their primacy in Britain won't be lessened by this. Probably hte contrary. The EU had its own bureaucracy, sure -- but it wasn't an anti-democratic force. To the contrary, they forced member governments to follow environmental rules and labor standards that raised conditions there. Instead of a race to the bottom, the EU forced respect for labor rights and the free movement of labor as well as capital. It demanded respect for the rights of minorites and new immigrants.
The upset aboutt the EU wasn't about politicians -- it was the opposite. It was right-wing crap about faceless, un-elected technocrats -- bureaucrats. Basically, the pro-Brexit campaign was Tea Party-lite.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
It will divide theTories, between Cameron & that Johnson, so they'll have to call an election soon. Dissatisfaction with the Tories is so high, Corbyn will clinch it, and the Eu won't be able to stop him from ending austerity because they're gone. They won't be able to make Corbyn their enforcer like they did with Syriza in Greece. I've payed close attention to this issue, and most of the pro-Corbyn Unions were telling their supporters to vote out. That is why Brexit won so many working class areas. He was only dumb to tacitly support remain, but he had to hold on to what remained of the blairist. The blairists are now hosed too, so they will be gone. It will be a non-neoliberal, antiausterity, antibank Labour win. The Scots may call a referendum but it won't happen before the election. If an antiausterity Labour government took over the Scots would probably turn against independence. So Corbyn played this right. He was always a Eurosceptic in real life and wrote papers supporting leave in the past.
Consider if we had a national plebiscite on, say, single payer and single payer won, and then Obama (or Hillary or anybody) said "it was just advisory and we won't do it", how would be feel? We'd be protesting, rallying, getting ready for the first opportunity to vote them out. It would crash whichever party was in power, just as it will crash the Tories if they say the vote is meaningless.
With regards to Medical Marijuana and states that approve it.
US would just do what they do best, ensure that it was passed, but with enough sabotage to make sure it didn't work and to make us regret ever voting for it.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
We already went through that hosing thanks to the Repukes and Blue Dog/DLCraporate Dems. The majority of Americans favored a Public Option/Medicare For All during the ACA negotiations. More Americans favor it now. The Sanders' campaign proved it. Regarding Brexit: I'm doing a wait-and-see.
in fact much of the Remain campaign was dKos style guilt tripping, invoking racism, as if most of the Leave people were either racists or good people who should be ashamed of acting like racists.
that Cameron as well as Johnson are not convinced of the positions they promoted full mouthed in the elections. Cameron is as little a enthusiastic EU supporter as his challenger Johnson is a passionate EU-hater.
Apparently people don't like con artists. But it's always one of the con artists who seems to win.
The kids, who are more European, and less nativist (if you don't like the word racist) voted to remain in YUUUGE numbers. Those older than 65, who are less comfortable with all that immigration and might be nostalgic for a Britain that no longer exists voted in big numbers to leave.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
poll. Yeah right the young un's who love the EU are against racism but for bankster global rule. Gimmie a break this poll from god knows where with god knows what demographics is proof that anyone who is against bankster global rule the EU is an old racist RW fuck. lol get a grip. Nobody but cowards or Tories likes the this global neoliberal fuck. You Trend a poll from from when and by who? Looks like they were wrong old RW folks alone did not take remain down.
That's not at all the point. They have different views...and they won't have to live long with the consequences. That might influence their views, but no one's suggesting that the don't care, except you.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
which is the mark of a bad pollster. Ask the questions, run the numbers, analyze why and how but don't go acting like you're some kind of moral arbiter.
And I think, actually, that the pollster is making the point that older people must not care because they'll be dead and that younger people are smarter because they realize how badly it will affect them for so long! Which, of course, I disagree with. It's a lazy explanation couched in know-it-all phrasing.
If you've heard Boris Johnson talk too he's not exactly a great champion of racial unity either.
There were also euro-skeptics on the left who voted against the EU -- and Cameron -- for other reasons. There were disillusioned and disengaged older Labour voters too who probably voted based on a combination of factors. Racism, however, was one component of the "Leave" vote.
The youngest voters overwhelmingly favored remain. The splits broke down along age and income; also regional differences.
When we changed from German Mark to Euro, we lost half of the German Mark's buying power within one or two years, if I remember it correctly. The Euro currency and financial integration of EU members simply didn't work, right?
FULL HD VIDEO : ITV EU Referendum Debate 2016 - Boris Johnson - ITV Debate ... oh my, that's a long debate ... I think I will rather go to bed, but I guess this is something where one can understand who was for what and why.... days before the vote.
Young people, who are far more Euripean in mentality voted in huge numbers to remain -- whereas the the over 65 set who didn't like what the EU has brought to Britain voted to leave in similar percentages.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
it's like those bad pollsters (whether or not they exist) who ask "which candidate do you support? The young mother who has worked tirelessly for the benefit of others or the old crook?"
I don't buy that it was purely based on nativism at all. That radically oversimplifies things into identity politics, which is what we should be avoiding. Calling 52% of the population racist is no way to begin a serious conversation. There are many reasons why people voted for Brexit, the same way that many people support Trump for different reasons. Interestingly, most of the support for it came from the working class. It isn't all racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. There is a lot of anger and frustration out there, much of it caused by neoliberal policies, and until people start talking about the real problem, they are fundamentally misunderstanding the issue and victim blaming when they themselves refuse to listen.
Yes -- upset by people who feel they've been left behind in hte new economy is a real thing -- but, it shouldn't be used to define everything. The EU had next to nothing to do with that. people blamed immigrants for taking their jobs, or going on hte dole? This, despite every study showing that immigrations in a boon ot any country. And, some right-wing babble about regulation by unelected bureacrats.
As Chris Hayes tweeted:
I don't want a future in which politics is primarily a battle between cosmopolitan finance capitalism and ethno-nationalist backlash.
There is nothing right wing about being concerned about unelected beaurocrats governing you. The EU Parliament can not make laws! Didn't anyone here pay attention to what has happened in Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal?
Indeed, the great failing of the EU is that the European Parliament is a pointless debating society while the European Commission is utterly undemocratic and very powerful. And the ECB is too beholden to the investor class. But, this was hardly a referendum on the austerity imposed by the Tories who were re-elected not long ago. The leave vote was strongest in hardest hit areas, but they hit the wrong target because they were getting more financial help directed by the EC rather than from London. It's a reflection of what happened to Greece and Spain, etc., but it was aimed at the wrong enemy. I think it was a vote on nationalism -- by those who are nostalgic for an Empire over those who think more internationally.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
The Leave voters were not exclusively motivated by racism, and they were not based entirely on irrationality or purely crazy reasons. Many Remain voters didn't vote to remain because they loved the EU. When it comes to UKIP, it does stand that a Labour leader was murdered in the days before the vote. This doesn't happen in a political climate where the debate is entirely rational either.
Not even the Germans. But, the European project and ideal was brilliant. We need more of that, not less. It's not racism, but it is a nationalism that may be even more pernicious.
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Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
meaning sovereignty and self determination and then there's the other infamous brand we all fear and rightly so. The TPP and other global behemoth free traders along with the centralized too big financial entities use fear of nationalism and extremist fascists to scare the pants off people. Global disaster capitalism or else fascist jack boots running the world isn't the only choice people have. It's extortion using the same scare tactics that the Third Way Democrat's use here. At least they counted the votes in this referendum. I'm really tired of politics that brands anyone who doesn't want to vote for punishing austerity or endless bloody war for profit of these too big's, a bigoted, racist, rotten Dr.Commie Rat. Enough is Enough and sometimes fear is not enough to carry the day. Withdrawing consent is about the only choice people are given.
From what I am hearing is Denmark and Italy might be the next two. Italy needs a currency devaluation badly for its economy (and there is no way Germany will allow a Euro Devaluation), and Denmark is a lot like the UK with its Euro-skepticism. Do not be surprised if the Czech Republic and Hungary go for a referendum also.
The UK was the economic counterweight to Germany in the EU. Agree or disagree, a number of countries think that with the UK gone, Germany might try flexing the economic muscle it now has in the EU even more than before (see Greece). If Germany does this, I see Spain and Portugal trying to leave also.
regardless of the bogus convoluted political lines drawn in this heated vote. I'm glad to see ordinary people vote against the anti-democratic bankster oligarchical collectivists anywhere they practice their nasty ass inevitable neoliberal world power. The defeat of the neoliberal bankster's with their wet dreams of world power is a good thing .
Global austerity for the ordinary people all for the obscene profit of banksters is nothing anyone should vote for, regardless of the hype emanating from the various political factions. These pols who spew fear and loathing to keep assholes like the IMF and the Davos free market crowd in power are not worth voting for or supporting.
Voting against the override of democratic rule and the peoples common good is not racist, nativistic or RW. Enough is enough regardless of where you live in this global screw. i hope the Us keeps this in mind when we let fear of our own RW lead to acceptance and give our consent this kind of global tyranny by the antidemocratic global oligarchical collectivists who want to rule the world with this shit.
So ow that the brevet has happened, is this a good thing? Does someone have a link to an article that gives a clear description minus all the hyperbole. My get tells me with all the traditional institutional forces at plat==y wanting the UK to stay in the EU I suspect that leavings the right thing for the people but not sure
remember, the Financial Powers are running the show now. They may take a haircut today (unless they were prepared to short, and I'll bet many were) but the intent is to rattle the populace. Somehow the Banksters will come out fine, they have cushions most of us don't. More pitchforks. And cowbells.
Interesting timing of Brexit [US bank stress tests were yesterday], conventions in the US, NATO mutterings, Spain vote & other stuff, all within one month. We are running on fast-forward now. Brexit will rattle the Dem convention for sure, especially if the US economy begins to quake. I have now idea how this could fall out. Trump flies to Scotland to take profit on the falling Pound.
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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
accurate voting results ever. I read that CA is flipping for Bernie. Why is that no surprise. Right now it is 50/50 and Bernie has a small lead. The more they count the greater the victory for Bernie. Is it any wonder that the corruption oozing out of every body politick has people everywhere revoliting at the polls. Bernie would be our nominee if this election hadn't of been stolen.
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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
that Labor and Social Democracy lost. With Cameron resigning and a referendum to have another vote, demanding that there has to be a 60 percent vote between the supporters of a Brexit and the opponents of the Brexit with already a lot of signatures pointing towards such a vote might happen soon, who can say anything right now that would mean something definite?
What so far counts for me is that both the left and the -nationalist, nativist, Trumpist, racist voted for the Brexit for very different reasons.
But the left lost. It's not Labor that will lead Britain, so far it looks as ifit will be a conservative con artist. The right wingers all over Europe celebrate right now. How come?
May it's not about if the Brexit is economically bad or good for the Brits and Europe, may be it's just about what it seems always be about. Sovereign desires mixed up with conservative nationalist populism that end up supporting elitist global corporations and banks that have everything under control via their monetary powers, the working worldwide population being dependent on them for their livelihood.
I am totally confused. I am a left-leaning social democrat. The powers to be in Britian don't seem to be lead by Corbyn or other social democrats. To me that's a loss. I don't understand this situation from the economic/financial/ povs, and therefore have no opinion about Brexit or not Brexit, but I have an opinion that I DO want the social democrats, labor and left-leaning social movements to win and lead whatever country they are in.
seem to be using this to try and get Corbyn to step down. I hope the left, Labour will step up and counteract the Ukip RW factions. It looks like both sides of the political spectrum the right and left are split over Brexit.
12 unions leaders tell Labour MPs not to try to depose Corbyn
The main trade unions affiliated to Labour have put out a joint statement saying MPs should not try to depose Jeremy Corbyn. The statement does not actually mention Corbyn by name, but it says a “manufactured leadership row” would be an indulgence the party cannot afford.
It says:
The prime minister’s resignation has triggered a Tory leadership crisis. At the very time we need politicians to come together for the common good, the Tory party is plunging into a period of argument and infighting.
In the absence of a government that puts the people first Labour must unite as a source of national stability and unity. It should focus on speaking up for jobs and workers’ rights under threat, and on challenging any attempt to use the referendum result to introduce a more right-wing Tory government by the back door.
The last thing Labour needs is a manufactured leadership row of its own in the midst of this crisis and we call upon all Labour MPs not to engage in any such indulgence.
The statement is signed by the general secretaries of 12 unions: Len McCluskey, Unite, Dave Prentis, Unison, Tim Roache, GMB, Dave Ward, Communication Workers Union, Brian Rye, Ucatt, Manuel Cortes, Transport Salaried Staffs Association, Mick Whelan, Aslef, Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union, John Smith, Musicians’ Union, Gerry Morrissey, Bectu, Ronnie Draper, BFAWU, Chris Kitchen, National Union of Mineworkers.
...who can say anything right now that would mean something definite?
I consider this my "field" but I can only flit around the edges.
I think it's important to keep in mind that the UK (and Norway which is often referenced) are NOT part of the EU monetary system. A Greek exit would have more direct impact on the ECB and member banks than the UK leaving. Ar least, initially.
What we're looking at here (and what we are always looking at when powerful people "take action" like invading other nations or when they push violent intervention aka Hillary and Libya) are unintended consequences. As a result of unintended consequences, the US has been jumping from landmine to landmine for the past 50 years. That's why the world calls us "the bringer of chaos."
The only way to stop the chain reaction is to whack off the legs of the war profiteers at the knees. The war profiteers and their global drug running, is the money pump of the world. The profits that come from the workers sweat and toil are pumped to the top. In the US, only the drugs and handguns trickle down, and the lifespan shortens year over year.
Back to your point, the people might just get the job done, but their actions will look illogical. That's because they are damaged and handicapped by a lifetime of fear propaganda. Nevertheless, they will act from their core, where the priority is survival, and somehow manage to bring the MIC down. But, from the outside, it's going to look damned illogical; more like an unintended consequence than a strategy.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
But to us non-Europeans, it would appear that the campaigners’ real complaint is that social democratic compact between the rich and the poor countries and economic social classes that was ruptured with the onset of austerity measures across Europe following the Western 2008 banking collapse, is not being respected.
Dr Varoufakis accuses the wealthy European economic classes of in fact using the economic crisis as an opportunity to abandon the decades-old social democratic obligations under the cover of a fictitious “need” for austerity programmes.
As an African living within an EPA (Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), I believe that no European discussion on how best to recover their economic prosperity, and what then to do with it, will be legitimate and ultimately productive, unless Europeans (and in particular, the former colonial powers in western Europe) also address the basis upon which they acquired and maintain that prosperity in the first place.
Trade indeed is still war, and a direct continuation of the “first real First World War” (1520-1550) when the then European powers fought each other to grab the Americas and first real “Second World War”, when even more European powers scrambled against each other and Asians and Africans for more real estate. We saw it again during the 1947-1990 “Cold War”, which, apart from serving as an excuse to impede the many struggles for progress and emancipation, was anything but “Cold” in the African and Asian theatre.
For the ACP (Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) region, with ongoing conflicts over arable land and “blood minerals” being fueled by Western demand and implemented by western-friendly warlords (sometimes masquerading as heads of state), “there is no past, everything is still happening” to quote native Australian Elder Banjo Clarke.
Darn thing the past is always haunting everyone into the present. No escape. In the end all words are meaningless to those who "suffer under the hot fires of bombs and wars and chaos" and the consequential catastrophic starvations, diseases, and people leaving everything behind they loved on dangerous horrible migration trecks.
It's not the Europeans or Americans, who flee their countries or get their neighborhoods bombed, right? Rattle yourselves that one.
Western economic policy has never just been a matter of skill. It has always been a matter of power. The current global world order was created out of a half-millennial process of the powerful imposing their vision of how things should be, on the weak.
In their case, they sell their intelligence. Their customers are corporations, lobbyists, think tanks, and NGOs. (And people like me, for awhile.)
On the Internet, Open Source Intelligence is a subset of geopolitical analysis. It can also be classified as a predictive technology. Stratfor sells a glimpse of the political future of countries and regions where corporations might want to expand, or where they already have operations. They have a strategic rolodex of contacts in world governments and throughout the corporate world.
The Stratfor view is rooted in clear points of current reality. However, they push the narrative (of the past and future) toward their ideology, which is tinged with Eau du Neocon.
For contrast, here is link to an Open Source Intelligence site that leans to the Left: SOUTHFRONT.
Don't know that I'd go so far as to call them a "CIA/NSA open source tool," but they are staffed by a number of former US special forces (Navy SEALS) types, etc.
Let's say that they, like everyone else, have an agenda. I personally would not waste my time worrying with whatever they are publishing for public consumption. ymmv.
Holy chit, Brexit WON?
According to ITV, whoever they are
We live in interesting times
Orwell was an optimist
BBC Calls It
Brexit Wins. The UK is leaving the EU. Now, all districts in Scotland voted Remain. I think another Scottish Independence vote will be occurring.
War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series
They said
if Scotland exited, they were doomed.
Now they have something in common with all of Europe if they chose to leave.
Maybe, just maybe, some are sick of oligarchy.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
People are angry.
I wouldn't say the EU represents oligarchy. If anything, it has long represented the highest aspirations, transcending the old tribalism and nationalism. I'd hate to think we're returning to that, but it is starting to look like that. This is a victory for xenophobic nationalism. I was hoping we were moving towards an era where we might transcned such narrow-mindedness. Guess not. Two steps backward.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
When it comes to Britain
how can you say its not an oligarchy?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Are you referring to the royals and other nobles?
This gets us closer to the days when they had more sway there.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
If the highest aspirations of
If the highest aspirations of mankind are a Parliament that makes no laws. If our aspirations are a constitution that outlaws debt, so austerity and privatization must be implemented in crisis, which is why they hosed Greece, Ireland, Spain & Portugal, belittling them as Pigs while they did it. FDR is not possible in the EU. Not to mention a constitution that makes no provisions for amendment, so it can't be reformed. It isn't xenophobia free either. It is the EU that is letting refugees drown in the Mediterranean. It is just xenophobic against non-Europeans, rather than east Europeans.
BBC has called it for Brexit
EU referendum results: Nigel Farage declares 'independence day' – live
ok, and now what?
CNN has DOW Futures down 645.
Remember what Bette Davis said:
"Hang on, this is gonna be a bumpy ride"
It's worse than that
The DOW is only down 3.54%
S&P is down 4.58%
FTSE is down 7.50%
Nikkie is down 8.34%
We are going to hit circuit breakers tomorrow/tonight.
good let them crash
Oh my god were going to go over the cliffs of mass fiscal destruction. The world as we know it is cracking at the seams and I feel great.
"Good let them crash"?
So you're happy to see all the seniors' savings crash?
Only some misanthrope would wish that.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
this is a tactic, to guilt trip us. Oh, the poor kids, seniors!
It's just what the dKosers do. If you point out that the superdelegates were sewn up for Hillary, thus making the primaries unfair (not to mention the shenanigans) then you're disenfranchising African-Americans.
I understand you'd like to phrase this to make your argument look morally superior but I'm afraid it would be better if you argue without the scare tactics.
I don't cackle
and I'm not evil. I do not think seniors and those seniors lucky enough to be invested anywhere globally should be hooked to the casino global market and depend on this global screwing of people for preserving their 'savings' investments . I'm not a misanthrope but you might just be a right asshole for playing this cheesy card. The seniors savings already got looted in 2008 by this global Ponzi scheme. fuck you heh? Nice. Only a idiot would think that propping up this bankster global screw including the EU is in any ones interest. How many seniors lost heir pensions and savings because of these freaking crooks who could care less about any of us? Same to you asshole.
right on!
nothing to add to your on point comment
Comment has been edited
and gratuitous insults have been deleted.
Apologies for having been an idiot.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Hey tapu dali
I regularly am a hot head insulting flaming idiot. I still disagree with your position but hold no ill will about your opinion or your gratuitous insults. I too apologize for my obnoxious insults. I know you from dkos and have always respected your post's. Don't worry too much about the Brexit and the markets they will pull though as they are good disaster cappies and hedge their bets..
Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies
Like an idiot, I didn't follow this whole "thing". I don't know about pensions and old people (like myself) gambling on the stock market, or bonds etc. And I don't have a clue how this effects Bolivia or the Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies where I live.
Dominica (not the Dominican Republic) is a small island nation of 72,000 people which was a British colony until 1979. We use East Caribbean Commonwealth Dollar which is pegged to the US Dollar and still has Queen Elizabeth on the front. Right across the channel from my lighthouse is the French Island of Guadeloupe, which uses the EU as currency. To the south is the also French island of Martinique. We have quite a bit of trade with Guadeloupe... farmers sending their products to Guadeloupe and bringing back European or Guadeloupe goods (dairy products etc.) . This is all small skiffs, "hucksters".
So what does a currency "crash" (10% loss of value): of the EU mean to all of us? I suppose it means that Dominicans pay less for goods on the neighboring islands and that they raise their prices on farm goods exported.
I don't know at all but I am sure the local right wing papers will be telling us. My #1 suspicion is that the local credit union will be a winner... but, like I said, I don't know.
Bolivia? Ine of the last socialist countries still functioning in Latin America? I just don't know.
After Brexit: What happens next for the Caribbean?... http://www.antillean.org/brexit-impacts-caribbean-044/
Brexit will see renewed focus on overseas territories, says UK minister... http://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/headline-Brexit-will-see-renewed-focus-o...
A bit mind numbing but:
Brexit, the EU and the Caribbean... http://www.caribbeanintelligence.com/content/brexit-eu-and-caribbean
The Two Jamaican Points of View:
David Jessop | A Messy Divorce - Brexit, EU And The Caribbean
Brexit and its Implications for Investors http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/business/Brexit-and-its-Implications-for-...
From the Light House.
Someone is happy ... Cameron? Not so much I guess ...
Britain votes for Brexit after dramatic night leaves nation divided

Historic referendum vote in favour of leaving EU raises questions over futures of David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn
(Nigel Farage celebrates an expected leave victory in the EU referendum. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA)
Anyone watching the current looting of Greece should not
have been surprised at this.
The Brits decided they did not want to have their gonads in firm and icey grip of foreign bankers. Good for them.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
The brits have plenty of their own ruthless banksters. If they want their widows and orphans starved, their students banished, their infrastructure sold off, those jobs should go to British bankers not some foreigners.
Spot on...
People trumpeting this as some victory for the downtrodden are absolutely missing the reasons for this vote and romanticizing what is actually a very ugly development.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
There comes a time when Doomsday Votes
…are the only weapon that the people have to block their oppressors.
Well yeah. At least they can
Well yeah. At least they can pass laws to control their own bankers. They can't pass laws through the EU Parliament. The EU Parliament isn't allowed to make laws. That is a fact. It also has an unamendable constitution so this can never change without a WWIII
The Brits were in a different position.
They have monetary independence; the Greeks don't have the same.
The real issue is that Cameron's government with the backing of Ed Miliband and Labour were convinced that the economy needed a dose of austerity and they inflicted pain on those who were the least able to bear it. Immigration wasn't the cause of the slow growth rate -- the slow growth rate was a consequence of the economic crisis and a lackluster fiscal response.
Unlike Greece, London is a major financial center -- it isn't foreign banks that are looting the country. It's own domestic financial institutions are doing a good enough job at that -- and have even taught their U.S. counter-parts some tricks. The biggest issue is inept fiscal management on the part of the UK's political leaders. Unlike Greece they had control of both their budget and their currency, yet they failed to do everything possible to support economic growth.
In the immortal words of Harvey Keitel...
Our Overlords are about to lose a lot of money on this vote, and that's one thing they really hate to do.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Whatever eventually happens, it's nice to know there are still a few democracies left in our New World Order where not every election is rigged in favor of the oligarchs.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Holy shit I do believe Brixit won
Here's the latest results as of 9:00 pacific time.
Oh my god Farage and UKIP has won. Wait a minute. How does this compute? It doesn't. Decentralization of the rulers of the world as we find it is never a loss for labour or labor or democracy.
Here's the race to the finish line:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
well, may be this time it is a loss ...
the way I read a German article, it says that there was a deep power struggle between Cameron and Boris Johnson (a rivalry between both since their time as students) Both entered the parliament in 2001 as conservatives. Johnson has grabbed the rhetorical demagoguery against the remain campaign against Cameron and made it his own vehicle to grab what he wants, becoming Premier Minister. He always was a rebel against Cameron, but is a conservative.
The opposition, the social democratic Labour Party with its "pale" Jeremy Corby didn't really play a role in the public debate.
Good Con artist over there with Boris Johnson, I guess. Read this for the first time. May be I misunderstood.
I don't know about your German....But that is how it went down
It was started by a nationalist right-wing party -- the UKIP. And, in the run-up, Boris Johnson seized the mantle of that ugliness and Trumped it up, to bolster his personal future in the Conservative Party. It was probably a mistake for Corbyn to sit out this debate, but a lot of his voters, especially outside of London, proved to be strongly pro-Brexit.
This is a very bad development for Britain, for Europe, and for the rest of the world.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
thanks, I haven't followed it before and just start out
to figure out what's going on.
It started with the politicians,big banks and big corporations fucking the people!
That's great revolutionary sloganeering....
But, this would be the opposite result. Europe has been a great liberalizing force for the UK. The banks there didn't want Brexit, because it will make it harder for them around the world. But, their primacy in Britain won't be lessened by this. Probably hte contrary. The EU had its own bureaucracy, sure -- but it wasn't an anti-democratic force. To the contrary, they forced member governments to follow environmental rules and labor standards that raised conditions there. Instead of a race to the bottom, the EU forced respect for labor rights and the free movement of labor as well as capital. It demanded respect for the rights of minorites and new immigrants.
The upset aboutt the EU wasn't about politicians -- it was the opposite. It was right-wing crap about faceless, un-elected technocrats -- bureaucrats. Basically, the pro-Brexit campaign was Tea Party-lite.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
It will divide theTories,
It will divide theTories, between Cameron & that Johnson, so they'll have to call an election soon. Dissatisfaction with the Tories is so high, Corbyn will clinch it, and the Eu won't be able to stop him from ending austerity because they're gone. They won't be able to make Corbyn their enforcer like they did with Syriza in Greece. I've payed close attention to this issue, and most of the pro-Corbyn Unions were telling their supporters to vote out. That is why Brexit won so many working class areas. He was only dumb to tacitly support remain, but he had to hold on to what remained of the blairist. The blairists are now hosed too, so they will be gone. It will be a non-neoliberal, antiausterity, antibank Labour win. The Scots may call a referendum but it won't happen before the election. If an antiausterity Labour government took over the Scots would probably turn against independence. So Corbyn played this right. He was always a Eurosceptic in real life and wrote papers supporting leave in the past.
If I was Cameron I would go for a vote in Parliament
The referendum is non binding based on what I just heard on CNN.
This guy that leads the brexit movement sounds like a smart Trump;
The political revolution continues
yes, see my comment above /nt
If I were a Brit and Cameron/Parliament overrode this...
I'll burn down Parliament.
Consider if we had a national plebiscite on, say, single payer and single payer won, and then Obama (or Hillary or anybody) said "it was just advisory and we won't do it", how would be feel? We'd be protesting, rallying, getting ready for the first opportunity to vote them out. It would crash whichever party was in power, just as it will crash the Tories if they say the vote is meaningless.
For all practical purposes they already do that.
With regards to Medical Marijuana and states that approve it.
US would just do what they do best, ensure that it was passed, but with enough sabotage to make sure it didn't work and to make us regret ever voting for it.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
November 5.....
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Single Payer.
We already went through that hosing thanks to the Repukes and Blue Dog/DLCraporate Dems. The majority of Americans favored a Public Option/Medicare For All during the ACA negotiations. More Americans favor it now. The Sanders' campaign proved it. Regarding Brexit: I'm doing a wait-and-see.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
The comparisons to Trump are fear mongering
in fact much of the Remain campaign was dKos style guilt tripping, invoking racism, as if most of the Leave people were either racists or good people who should be ashamed of acting like racists.
funny thing is (according to what I read in German)
that Cameron as well as Johnson are not convinced of the positions they promoted full mouthed in the elections. Cameron is as little a enthusiastic EU supporter as his challenger Johnson is a passionate EU-hater.
Apparently people don't like con artists. But it's always one of the con artists who seems to win.
It was a racist/nativist/nationalist vote
The kids, who are more European, and less nativist (if you don't like the word racist) voted to remain in YUUUGE numbers. Those older than 65, who are less comfortable with all that immigration and might be nostalgic for a Britain that no longer exists voted in big numbers to leave.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
That's a bs.
poll. Yeah right the young un's who love the EU are against racism but for bankster global rule. Gimmie a break this poll from god knows where with god knows what demographics is proof that anyone who is against bankster global rule the EU is an old racist RW fuck. lol get a grip. Nobody but cowards or Tories likes the this global neoliberal fuck. You Trend a poll from from when and by who? Looks like they were wrong old RW folks alone did not take remain down.
whether or not this poll is accurate, the explanation is biased
It's really weird, suggesting that older people don't care....because they'll die soon! what the heck?
Who suggested they "don't care?"
That's not at all the point. They have different views...and they won't have to live long with the consequences. That might influence their views, but no one's suggesting that the don't care, except you.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
the only other explanation is that the pollster is moralizing
which is the mark of a bad pollster. Ask the questions, run the numbers, analyze why and how but don't go acting like you're some kind of moral arbiter.
And I think, actually, that the pollster is making the point that older people must not care because they'll be dead and that younger people are smarter because they realize how badly it will affect them for so long! Which, of course, I disagree with. It's a lazy explanation couched in know-it-all phrasing.
UKIP is racist.
If you've heard Boris Johnson talk too he's not exactly a great champion of racial unity either.
There were also euro-skeptics on the left who voted against the EU -- and Cameron -- for other reasons. There were disillusioned and disengaged older Labour voters too who probably voted based on a combination of factors. Racism, however, was one component of the "Leave" vote.
The youngest voters overwhelmingly favored remain. The splits broke down along age and income; also regional differences.
They were not voting for UKIP
that's absurd.
I have every reason to believe that...
there will be much maneuvering to render this impotent.
When Corporations and Democracy collide, the Corporations and Banks SUE.
And I'm willing to bet there's enough here to make several lifetimes worth of money on legal fees.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
may be this is helpful?
Brexit: the 7 most important arguments for Britain to leave the EU
When we changed from German Mark to Euro, we lost half of the German Mark's buying power within one or two years, if I remember it correctly. The Euro currency and financial integration of EU members simply didn't work, right?
or this ...
FULL HD VIDEO : ITV EU Referendum Debate 2016 - Boris Johnson - ITV Debate ... oh my, that's a long debate ... I think I will rather go to bed, but I guess this is something where one can understand who was for what and why.... days before the vote.
This vote was surly old Brits vs. more worldly young people
This vote in one chart:
Young people, who are far more Euripean in mentality voted in huge numbers to remain -- whereas the the over 65 set who didn't like what the EU has brought to Britain voted to leave in similar percentages.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
not that you'd editorialize in your comment title
it's like those bad pollsters (whether or not they exist) who ask "which candidate do you support? The young mother who has worked tirelessly for the benefit of others or the old crook?"
The poll isn't weird
but your spin on it is.
Whatever happened to the idea that older people might still have some sense? And might be doing what they think is right?
Considering how much the MSM is trying to blame...
this on Racism, and out of touch people...
And then I remember that I'm a "BernieBro"...
I am skeptical of the narrative.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I don't buy that it was purely based on nativism at all. That radically oversimplifies things into identity politics, which is what we should be avoiding. Calling 52% of the population racist is no way to begin a serious conversation. There are many reasons why people voted for Brexit, the same way that many people support Trump for different reasons. Interestingly, most of the support for it came from the working class. It isn't all racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. There is a lot of anger and frustration out there, much of it caused by neoliberal policies, and until people start talking about the real problem, they are fundamentally misunderstanding the issue and victim blaming when they themselves refuse to listen.
blaming "racism" is a cheap, shoddy, simpleton argument
it's designed to shame people. It's elitist. It's saying "you're not smart enough or nice enough to vote properly. You better listen to me"
Blaming racism
in this context is not different from saying "people who disagree with me are irrational".
They're both simplistic politicking.
Yes -- upset by people who feel they've been left behind in hte new economy is a real thing -- but, it shouldn't be used to define everything. The EU had next to nothing to do with that. people blamed immigrants for taking their jobs, or going on hte dole? This, despite every study showing that immigrations in a boon ot any country. And, some right-wing babble about regulation by unelected bureacrats.
As Chris Hayes tweeted:
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
There is nothing right wing
There is nothing right wing about being concerned about unelected beaurocrats governing you. The EU Parliament can not make laws! Didn't anyone here pay attention to what has happened in Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal?
That's a very smart cogent response
Indeed, the great failing of the EU is that the European Parliament is a pointless debating society while the European Commission is utterly undemocratic and very powerful. And the ECB is too beholden to the investor class. But, this was hardly a referendum on the austerity imposed by the Tories who were re-elected not long ago. The leave vote was strongest in hardest hit areas, but they hit the wrong target because they were getting more financial help directed by the EC rather than from London. It's a reflection of what happened to Greece and Spain, etc., but it was aimed at the wrong enemy. I think it was a vote on nationalism -- by those who are nostalgic for an Empire over those who think more internationally.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
Along similar lines . . .
The Leave voters were not exclusively motivated by racism, and they were not based entirely on irrationality or purely crazy reasons. Many Remain voters didn't vote to remain because they loved the EU. When it comes to UKIP, it does stand that a Labour leader was murdered in the days before the vote. This doesn't happen in a political climate where the debate is entirely rational either.
No one loves the EU
Not even the Germans. But, the European project and ideal was brilliant. We need more of that, not less. It's not racism, but it is a nationalism that may be even more pernicious.
Representing the 99% at the Dem Nat'l Convention in Philly.
I'm not usually a fan of nationalism
but if it leads to more democracy, then I'll endorse it for now.
There's nationism
meaning sovereignty and self determination and then there's the other infamous brand we all fear and rightly so. The TPP and other global behemoth free traders along with the centralized too big financial entities use fear of nationalism and extremist fascists to scare the pants off people. Global disaster capitalism or else fascist jack boots running the world isn't the only choice people have. It's extortion using the same scare tactics that the Third Way Democrat's use here. At least they counted the votes in this referendum. I'm really tired of politics that brands anyone who doesn't want to vote for punishing austerity or endless bloody war for profit of these too big's, a bigoted, racist, rotten Dr.Commie Rat. Enough is Enough and sometimes fear is not enough to carry the day. Withdrawing consent is about the only choice people are given.
BBC Radio reporting calls for exit referenda in
France, Austria, the Netherlands, even Italy.
Interesting times.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
The next ones up
From what I am hearing is Denmark and Italy might be the next two. Italy needs a currency devaluation badly for its economy (and there is no way Germany will allow a Euro Devaluation), and Denmark is a lot like the UK with its Euro-skepticism. Do not be surprised if the Czech Republic and Hungary go for a referendum also.
The UK was the economic counterweight to Germany in the EU. Agree or disagree, a number of countries think that with the UK gone, Germany might try flexing the economic muscle it now has in the EU even more than before (see Greece). If Germany does this, I see Spain and Portugal trying to leave also.
War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series
I hope so
regardless of the bogus convoluted political lines drawn in this heated vote. I'm glad to see ordinary people vote against the anti-democratic bankster oligarchical collectivists anywhere they practice their nasty ass inevitable neoliberal world power. The defeat of the neoliberal bankster's with their wet dreams of world power is a good thing .
Global austerity for the ordinary people all for the obscene profit of banksters is nothing anyone should vote for, regardless of the hype emanating from the various political factions. These pols who spew fear and loathing to keep assholes like the IMF and the Davos free market crowd in power are not worth voting for or supporting.
Voting against the override of democratic rule and the peoples common good is not racist, nativistic or RW. Enough is enough regardless of where you live in this global screw. i hope the Us keeps this in mind when we let fear of our own RW lead to acceptance and give our consent this kind of global tyranny by the antidemocratic global oligarchical collectivists who want to rule the world with this shit.
down goes Cameron!
one less pig $%%&er (says shaz...I agree!)
Cameron the Infamous
He got into the Club by fucking a pig and was shown the door for screwing the pooch.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I Just read that Cameron resigned
Good riddance! one less sicko pig fucker in power.
Well, looks like its going to get
Even leaner here at home on the range.
Hubbie has a pension from the UK and since the pound is going to plumet, we will see less dollars after it is converted.
I'm still working, and it looks like i won't be able to quit prior to 66. Four more years.
Thats just duckie.
I sooo want to swear right now.
I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16
Please Explain
So ow that the brevet has happened, is this a good thing? Does someone have a link to an article that gives a clear description minus all the hyperbole. My get tells me with all the traditional institutional forces at plat==y wanting the UK to stay in the EU I suspect that leavings the right thing for the people but not sure
Can a poll be conducted to see where users stand?
So there will be a world economic ripple today.
remember, the Financial Powers are running the show now. They may take a haircut today (unless they were prepared to short, and I'll bet many were) but the intent is to rattle the populace. Somehow the Banksters will come out fine, they have cushions most of us don't. More pitchforks. And cowbells.
Interesting timing of Brexit [US bank stress tests were yesterday], conventions in the US, NATO mutterings, Spain vote & other stuff, all within one month. We are running on fast-forward now. Brexit will rattle the Dem convention for sure, especially if the US economy begins to quake. I have now idea how this could fall out. Trump flies to Scotland to take profit on the falling Pound.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Britain still counts votes?
How 18th-century of them.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
may be they count slowly to count correctly? /nt
If that was the case, California would have the most
accurate voting results ever. I read that CA is flipping for Bernie. Why is that no surprise. Right now it is 50/50 and Bernie has a small lead. The more they count the greater the victory for Bernie. Is it any wonder that the corruption oozing out of every body politick has people everywhere revoliting at the polls. Bernie would be our nominee if this election hadn't of been stolen.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
So, correct me if I am wrong, all I understand is
that Labor and Social Democracy lost. With Cameron resigning and a referendum to have another vote, demanding that there has to be a 60 percent vote between the supporters of a Brexit and the opponents of the Brexit with already a lot of signatures pointing towards such a vote might happen soon, who can say anything right now that would mean something definite?
What so far counts for me is that both the left and the -nationalist, nativist, Trumpist, racist voted for the Brexit for very different reasons.
But the left lost. It's not Labor that will lead Britain, so far it looks as ifit will be a conservative con artist. The right wingers all over Europe celebrate right now. How come?
May it's not about if the Brexit is economically bad or good for the Brits and Europe, may be it's just about what it seems always be about. Sovereign desires mixed up with conservative nationalist populism that end up supporting elitist global corporations and banks that have everything under control via their monetary powers, the working worldwide population being dependent on them for their livelihood.
I am totally confused. I am a left-leaning social democrat. The powers to be in Britian don't seem to be lead by Corbyn or other social democrats. To me that's a loss. I don't understand this situation from the economic/financial/ povs, and therefore have no opinion about Brexit or not Brexit, but I have an opinion that I DO want the social democrats, labor and left-leaning social movements to win and lead whatever country they are in.
The New Labour Blairites
seem to be using this to try and get Corbyn to step down. I hope the left, Labour will step up and counteract the Ukip RW factions. It looks like both sides of the political spectrum the right and left are split over Brexit.
There are a lot of wise guesses in your speculations, mimi.
I consider this my "field" but I can only flit around the edges.
I think it's important to keep in mind that the UK (and Norway which is often referenced) are NOT part of the EU monetary system. A Greek exit would have more direct impact on the ECB and member banks than the UK leaving. Ar least, initially.
What we're looking at here (and what we are always looking at when powerful people "take action" like invading other nations or when they push violent intervention aka Hillary and Libya) are unintended consequences. As a result of unintended consequences, the US has been jumping from landmine to landmine for the past 50 years. That's why the world calls us "the bringer of chaos."
The only way to stop the chain reaction is to whack off the legs of the war profiteers at the knees. The war profiteers and their global drug running, is the money pump of the world. The profits that come from the workers sweat and toil are pumped to the top. In the US, only the drugs and handguns trickle down, and the lifespan shortens year over year.
Back to your point, the people might just get the job done, but their actions will look illogical. That's because they are damaged and handicapped by a lifetime of fear propaganda. Nevertheless, they will act from their core, where the priority is survival, and somehow manage to bring the MIC down. But, from the outside, it's going to look damned illogical; more like an unintended consequence than a strategy.
At least, that's my analysis.
Thanks Pluto that's an excellent analysis.
Here's an opinion on the EU
which might rattle the nice liberals a bit:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
rattles some lonesome courageous Africans since a long time ...
from the article:
Darn thing the past is always haunting everyone into the present. No escape. In the end all words are meaningless to those who "suffer under the hot fires of bombs and wars and chaos" and the consequential catastrophic starvations, diseases, and people leaving everything behind they loved on dangerous horrible migration trecks.
It's not the Europeans or Americans, who flee their countries or get their neighborhoods bombed, right? Rattle yourselves that one.
Great link thanks Cass
Help me. What's Stratfor? Why are they trustworthy or why not?
Are they a CIA/NSA manipulation open source tool?
The European Crisis Timeline
Many articles in there. Would you read them?
Stratfor is what I call an "Open Source Intelligence" site.
In their case, they sell their intelligence. Their customers are corporations, lobbyists, think tanks, and NGOs. (And people like me, for awhile.)
On the Internet, Open Source Intelligence is a subset of geopolitical analysis. It can also be classified as a predictive technology. Stratfor sells a glimpse of the political future of countries and regions where corporations might want to expand, or where they already have operations. They have a strategic rolodex of contacts in world governments and throughout the corporate world.
The Stratfor view is rooted in clear points of current reality. However, they push the narrative (of the past and future) toward their ideology, which is tinged with Eau du Neocon.
For contrast, here is link to an Open Source Intelligence site that leans to the Left: SOUTHFRONT.
Stratfor is part of the US intelligence industrial complex.
Don't know that I'd go so far as to call them a "CIA/NSA open source tool," but they are staffed by a number of former US special forces (Navy SEALS) types, etc.
Let's say that they, like everyone else, have an agenda. I personally would not waste my time worrying with whatever they are publishing for public consumption. ymmv.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster